xt7qft8djt13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8djt13/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1983 1983 1983-01-27 2020 true xt7qft8djt13 section xt7qft8djt13 , t
‘ >l / I.I.O.$peedi~a.en ’
Soft-spoken and articulate. Gary Rich- '
_’f rath. the lead guitarist for R.E.O. Speed-
: wagon. defies the common rock 'n' roll
IfOfootype of the loud, raucous hotel
.._._.,..._._ . ..N - destroyer. to see a whim different ‘——--———‘“—
aspect of this rock star turn to page 3
n - ‘
__________.____.____ l - .
Vol. LXXXV, No. 101 Thursday. January 27, 1983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky
‘ By STEVEN w.i.ow1'iii-:R with 8 1323-85-17 career record at Ali was. - . ,u ,- as: a ._ - ~._ .
‘ Sports Editor abama. Texas A&M. Kentucky and -. _. “ u». " . '_.,: . _5:" ' We: ,2 .. gar 1;
Maryiand. .:. a. . .7 -. ., " , . , ‘ a; 7 ” -:
Never has a more legendary hgtyat“ h.w°" . "10;? $7333 32*,” 2;: ”5;“ iv, ~ ‘g: r , . . it w '
coach lived — not in football. bas» c tmplttfigsnlp: ::ch in the histor CU» fl“ ' ' ' ‘ ' 2a,; 7,‘ g, Wig” -
“_ ketball or any sport, There were "231:." m: yHLls Alabama team: I; - “23.: 4 . ' . ‘ ..: ‘ . .;. g
many charactersbut none like him. 0 e ga ‘ WW»? . i ’ ‘
i~ ' .. .. went to 22 consecutive bowl games . . i . ‘
. He was The Bear. the 0an way . . , .. * , A . . I ‘
i' ' , in his 25 years as head coach He ‘~ , . M W.» . at: ‘ Q
, many people referred to Paul Wil- w ‘ named National Coach of the . , , .y.‘ » 1%,; i 2 fi- .7 g‘ ‘ y g
l‘ liam Bryant. His death yesterday at as . t " ’ t - sf" ‘ ‘. \ i y
. . , . . Year three times. SEC (each of the . , , . l I b ,
- ; the age of 69 in a hospital outSide Year eight times coached 12 SEC g, g I- a . , . L‘tt': , _, . . .
_'. Tuscaloosa. Ala. sent shock waves . , ‘ t s. .‘ 2&5. _ _, g. " . 3 ._. I ' 1“ “k . ht
champions. was named 5U (oach g . . - : , ~ ’3 ' ~ g” f a ‘ . .
throughout the country and the state , , y .. , .3... u ,g g . J, .; '
of the (.enturv and also NCAA (.oach _ .-. ., > , - > . ,gv .: J g . , ‘3 i ”
0f Kentucky. of the Decade as the only coach to -... a J fir I 5” "i " “ 7 $“ ‘L’ ‘7 “J t“
“it is a real loss to a lot of people w‘n 100 amesin the ‘70s ' .3 ~ *1 .‘ AW; 7’ 3“ "‘"’ " ‘ 3 ~. ‘P 4? J.
because he touched a lot of lives and l g ‘ a. ‘ ‘ I" ’ ; “ . it, ’2 . _ ‘ . ' ’ ’ z
a great number of individuals dur- ln Kentucky. Bryant is still re- $5 1. .1 - ~‘ ' , , .. ..~,.. - : ‘2.“
ing his lifetime." Kentucky football membered as a tough—as-nails. hard ’ '~"' -' M ‘ . ’ . a ‘ a Q , g
coach Jerry Claiborne. in Paducah driver who would not accept second " 3‘ W w . “7"" ' w . ~_ flsjyyfiz. ' v; I; ‘
on a recruiting trip. said. Claiborne best. leavmg for Texas A&M as the ' ', , f " ' ,3 cwggf ‘ . "C " _
is one of 45 men in college and pro- winnirigest coach in Kentucky foot» . w ,e' , ’ . w EA '. at” ,
facsional football who played and ball history with a 60—215 record He “ 4 I; it .t' . 3M ' t if.
coached under Bryant before mov- coached three consecutive bowl ._‘::v i '~ f I
ing to their own head coaching Jobs teams at Kentucky. including the y , .. s.» we g; t ‘.
(‘laiborne served under Bryant at 1950 Sugar Team that defeated (lklar :- ,_ . ' " . 2' 1 w _ _ '
Kentuckyand Texas A&M. homa. which had already been ‘3" , $5M . i_ m "4"? ‘ I; ,- “rm,
"It came as quite a shock.“ (Tlar named National Champions for that f ’ it“; a A; V'il‘iij a ‘ \ 2W5,“ -:
borne said. "I was With him last year. i 7" C 33* ‘ “M 7 . a , . . if 5’ M ' ‘. .,.‘
week as 1 presented him with the Former Kentucky Gov Albert B ' 145,15 ‘1‘; “era ' .t 3’va
Amos Alonzo Stagg Award at the "Happy" (.‘handler remembered 3&5; :I" s . g a _ Z " ‘
American Football (‘oaches‘ Asso- Bryant as a Winner in the same ' ~ “ ‘ ' p " -
ciation luncheon in Los Angeles mold as former ['K basketball coach ' g _\ a
“He was happy and feeling good Adolph Rupp “I don't know whether ”L g. a ,_ 1 *1, -~ ” . , " .
at the time." (‘laiborne said. “in anybody could explain a winner or _ y " . it - ' . .. ’ ' , '
fact. he told me he was feeling ex» not.” Chandler said. ”When they ‘. § 3, m’ . ,
cellent l had asked him about would tell him winning wasn‘t too , a“ .. f .» : 1,“,
speaking at a Kentucky Diabetes As- important. he‘d say. ‘What do they ‘ if; at” a. t .. .
sociation meeting as a fund-raiser in keep score for‘." “ 5"" _ ‘
the spring and he said he would be [t was the conflict with Hupp and ' , . g
glad to do it because those were the the [7K basketball program that . ,
type of things he was going to try to eventually led to Bryant's departure y g; .1; . . .. W
do tokcephim busy." from [K after the 1953 season. In .. “a Sr ’
Bryant wanted to stay busy be» his 1975 autobiography. Bryant 3 .. '7" 2r .‘
cause he no longer had a football wrote: “it Rupp had retired as base . . §% tr ~
season for which to prepare "There ketball coach when they said he was ks 3f? "‘3’; , 'l . .. “ a i' .5 ‘
comes a time in every profession gomg to. l would probably still be at 1.0.VANM00u/Kemolsmft my on Sports lntormetion
wh n you need t) han it u and ' . ' trt b ., ». i ., ,, . . .
'9 ~ _ . ( g .. p q Kentucky The t” “tum“ M W" Legendary football coach Paul Bear Bryant died yesterday of Kentucky-Alabama game of Commonwealth Stadium in 1981
. that time has come for me. he said too much alike He wanted basket 0 heart attack at the a e f69 H . h b d . dd . l‘ h .
' as he announced his retirement at ball to be No 1 and I wanted foot» 9 ° ' e 's s own a ove uring the an uring ear '9' years as 9"" coach 0' Kentuckytinset).
theend of the 1982 footballseason. ball to be No. 1 in an environment
.V So Bryant left the coaching we like” that. one or the other has to here “I guess he was in his 30s or body was on top of everybody else. basketball team played here and the with them. ‘ Hagan said "If some»
. fesSIon Wit-h his Alabama (rimson go. so. extremely tough. extremely all crowded together. There were no football team was across the street body did something wrong. he would
Tides 21-13 Victory over lllinOis in “He was an eittremely handsome physicalkind of person private offices. like there are today at \‘toll Field‘ ll was one big gm right (1mm and throw a tackle on
the Liberty Bowl Dec 26 He left the man. recalled tliff Hagan. llx (ll' “l was here a semester early. And then they moved over here to happy family " them and straighten them out He
profession at the top. as the winning rector of athletics. who was a stu- when all the athletic offices were the (‘Oliseum and it was the same. "He would get out there on the
est coach in college football history dent at l'K when Bryant coached over there at Alumni Gym Every» All the teams were right here the “PM with the players and practice See IlYANT.pogeb
Unpopular conflict settled ten years ago [2 d t t k t
_ , _ _ Pep an o a eseas
' HIStOI’Ian says Americans tend to forget Vietnam "/1 Section 31 of R pp
lftt’l'ltT \.\l)lilt§0\ ltut. ”0”an Suldfihlost people the meiiioriai says more about the to Vietnam forced itself upon sonic Bl “H'KEVt’Vt‘TlittN“ “Wheat Palm. it-‘Sl-‘tant dean 0t
Senior Staff Writer who fought in the war had their out cost of Vietnam than anything else future l‘ S administration. ‘giien i'\‘»"'-‘ttmt 59W“ Edlttlt StUdt’ntN Nt‘d th" tlt'ket dlStt’lblt
f pouring 0t emotion w hen the memo could have "All those names bring the right circumstances. it is possi ttt‘” PrtWV-‘n‘ “‘m't change only the
.9 rial in Washington was dedicated .‘l \ery human element to what Was hie that "we might rpm-i towards seats aiailable will. as the seats iii
, 'l‘hitt “'85 stllllt’thllltl tht‘t' hull not a numberfl he said "Nobody the opposite extreme The first thing “mm 231"”“WWt"5tUd"m5
.« Ten “idrsagonxmvu a peace trea- wanted smcclwlorcthewarcnded . “h“ was in that war wanted an) I heard when the hostages “0”. Section it in ltupp \reiiii has l’alm said the band will take up
a t.\' “'85 ‘lfim‘tt that PUt 4*" end t” kind of ‘rally round thcllagl kind of taken in lran was ‘Nukc em til? long “9"” ttlf‘ ‘ttl't‘tlht‘l‘t “t m" " tt’ti‘l "t ”‘3 seats. ”’“~‘ A through
Anieric:.ii military involvement in ‘ Z:'-i thing they glow' That's {mi Kind of “a“. "hard core' l‘K basketball ftiiis ii
Vietnam and ('ambodia It would " Attitudes on my war. mirrmg tionlmean " But. llt‘glllnlllt}. with the Alabama \l'illiiiiii ' Lirk the band director.
titkt‘ “V” .Vf‘ittV‘ ttlr t. 5 diplomats " 1 said. are difficult to discern because Reasons for the l' .\' failure in game Ft‘h "~ ‘t't't'tm ‘1 “l” Wt it ‘itltt tht' band “1‘3 tiring the same
and t‘lt’llli'tlS t” tlt‘t “Ut of the coun- - of most Americans desire to forget Vietnam are \aried. Herring said ”t'“ M‘k "Utnt’t't' “1 ’"t‘tllt‘t‘V‘ that tht‘.‘ dtd
try ltl tl dramatic airlift. but the _ u But. in. added. memories ol the 1 think the seeds 01 l.llllll'(’ “on, The [K pep band. which bus when they were in \t‘t'lltlll :31. no
bloody and unpopular conflict was a ' war are "right beneath the surface sown back In my 194“}, when the been traditionally quartered in sec more note»
fmallvwver " N You could see that when the till Sale communist Ho t'hi .\linh i-callx lion 331 will be moved to section it we'll do .iiixthing to help the
After its termination. most Ameri a M” vadorcan situation came up and grabbed the flag of \'ietnemese nii ttlt that t-‘Jtmf‘ and tht‘ “HMS-"Pl" tf‘dm ll that H mining the band
cans have tended to forget that it ’ “ , i then» was a “0551mm“. (,1 military tionalism after driving out the Stategamel’eli I: help the team we ll be happy
even eXistt-(l l'K historian (ieorge ~ 2, M ..,,__ ”milwpmmn all those arguments French " The [V 5. m, said. ”M1 to "It’s not something new wcic .ilioui it (lurk \tltl We have no
(‘ Herring. author of an authorita ~ .‘ 7'. M “-0", the Vietnam a“, we”. dredged “my“; the same kind of um“ m done it on occasion. l'K \lhlctic \ll‘tlllL‘ feelings .iboui the move as
live book on \‘ietnani titled Anion "" , up again the south. where there “at ‘1 great llirector i'liff Hagan said lioing iongasithclpsthcteaiii
cits Longest War l95iil975. said. 5 ’ “‘ ~-pmpki :irc di\ided on mac”) (103] m ”mm-”i chaos \obody back inci‘ the past three or four Knowing how \.iiiiable the sec
"MO-‘t periple ”1 America ttt’ttt “'1th k w ‘ what the lessons of the war were knew what goals the)‘ wanted it led Hahn's Its been a dull titiiiosphcre tioii it stub are in the siudents.
to be reminded of the war They ve t3 ' ' - . (4 Some say we should never get iiito a lo ti great deal of frustration both ”l ttlt‘ t‘ltllttl'lll~ “t‘ tttll‘t‘ it “t” “4‘" Hagan Ntttt tlt' twp” tht‘ ~‘tUttt‘nt5
ShOVt‘dlt lllttltht'tlilt'kh‘l‘tllllld <\\., L of conflict iii ii Third World nation for the administration and the home t‘t‘ittt' it titttt' tltt ”W" “t it ““llt‘gt‘ “t“ ”W" 1” it ”Mm“ “it‘ t lt’t'k
He said he doubted it um. large ' again. ”may, sa) that the real “.5 front " atiiiosplici'c fit the band as ticing students and ~
obscrvances were planned to com- m“ 1,; Vietnam 13.- that n N. do get This irlb-mmfln. more than ”m Hiigiiii said the iiimc l\ on .i trial they iii-\er get .i chance to sit in
memorate th“ iltl'tltt‘t‘SttrN "Mt’t‘l‘ iiito ,iiiother situation like that, we thing else. led to the enormous iiii ““515 till‘ now .llllllllL‘. \\c re 1t Hagan \Hil 'l‘ht' \f’r.‘ ”Wt
9909‘“ Prtltlitht)‘ Ft‘mt‘mbt‘r I975. Herring. who has \‘isilcd the mt” oiighi to go all out You get it lot of popularity of the war Herring he going to “1' him lit't'l‘l“ "t‘i'tt H“ ‘t‘t'tlltn “it“ t" “I" il> t‘th‘t‘m’" 8-“
when the last Americans left. as the morial twice. said veterans with that from mu Reagan Wliitc llousc lieves then president l ”up,” also said he hoped thcrc would be .i if It s t loser to the opposing
“mt-7h" 51”“ “ht’m tlt’ hit‘ tiitkt‘tt hilltt ttlt'.‘ lH‘l Herring said if ii situation similar See VI!TNAM,pogeo favorable l‘l‘dt'lltlllliillit'swllt'li team stiench
Reagan made the surprise proposal during a meeting Shipyard officials told him that before he could return
THURSDAY with Massachusetts busmessmen at the end of a day-long he must obtain certification from the government that his
MAMMMM visit to Boston during which he told a block audience that busmess affairs With the banned union are in order and
Martin Luther King Jr. 5 birthday deserved notional recogni» that he has not been employed elsewhere
tion. After he was released from detention Nov 13 Walesa
. . . . After listening to corporate executives recall the eco- Oppl'ed for and was granted two months accumulated vaca-
R'Chmond water pOISOI‘Ilng bGIIOVCd hoax nomic progress that Massachusetts has made and respond- "0” “me J0” l7 W05 ""9 date the VOCOt'O" eiplted and he
ing from a prepared text Reagan said was put back on payroll
. RICHMOND. Ky. — Richmond officials said yesterday that "I realize that there Wlll be a great stirring and I‘ll probv W°t95° DFOtested what he called special tactics used
they believe a telephone call threatening contamination of ably kick myself for having said this but when are we all '0 keep him away from the shipyard long 0 hotbed of
the city's water supply was a hoax, similar to calls received going to have the courage to point out that in our tax struc WO'ket discontent
by officials in Louisiana and lndiana. ture the corporate tax is very hard to justify its eitistence" '
Gerald Ballenger. a spokesman for the city water. gas Reagan suggested that corporate prefits Simply be dis
and sewer department said results of laboratory tests tributed to stockholders in the form of dwidends and let
Tuesday night showed no contamination of the system with those stockholders pay individual income tax on the in,
cyanide. come, w
David Graham. superintendent of the city‘s water sys- BR
tem, said the call was received Tuesday. As a precaution
customers were advised not to drink or bathe with water web“ '8 bOCk on the payro"
from the system until an all-clear adwsory was given.
GOANSK, Poland — The Lenin Shipyard told Lech Walesa
R _ yesterday that he is back on the payroll but may not yet Today wlll be cloudy WI”! 9 30 percent chance at
0898" W80” “"90"!“ tax abOIIS'IOd return to his lob as an electrician a spokesman for Walesa llght snow endlng durlng the afternoon, with total ac-
said. cumulatlons of an inch or so possible. The Mob wlll be
IOSTON — President Reagan suggested yesterday that the Walesa, who had been under government detention far In the low to mld 30s. Slowly decreeslng claudlneu to-
corporate income tax be abolished on grounds that it IS un- nearly a year under martial law. tried to get his lOb back "'9’" ""5. low M ”‘0 '0‘" 20'-
fair to American business and “there isn‘t really a lustifica- Jan. H but was turned away at the gates of the shipyard Tomorrow will be partly sunny and warmer with a
tion for it. " where he founded Solidarity during August I980 strikes. high In the low 40..
Out * .
. . ' ‘ l
. 1 I ‘
_. _ .

 o . ‘ . . I”. ‘ .
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Keene" I '
Imhddon amt-0......" mm mum unis-u... “mm mamas
(dilorm Ch-ot News Editor Am Editor spans Editor Special Prolon- Edi'm‘ Photo (duo: Grophlu Edna!
. minimum ‘I'W-"k- who lull-Inducta- mun-7m uioostouuuon uav-iuua (MIIAsh
Monogmefduo. tdnonoltaiio: AnmomAn-Edltor AuunontSpousEdnov swiolhotoanu-num ChiolPhotogmphu Copy D'shc'he‘ I,
_________________—____—_______________________—______ i
_.—__.___—.- “ . '
I he Solomon Amendment ' "”5 ' ME' '1' “‘75 i
I Y I l
. , A LlKE A may". i
- ' - . / .
4/ v . i
It s time to protest coercion . ax
o ,
Our government. according to the Consti- nationwide shout, drowning out the screams % . i ;
tution. is “of the people. by the people. and of the war hawks. \ ’V \ I l
for the people" - a truly representative Congress, however. may have finally i . I. , '.\
body. handed us the necessary rallying point: the p ‘ \ L J
In reality. however. the interests of indi- Solomon Amendment. passed into law last DRAFT ,1 (
viduals are rarely represented in the cham- September and delineated Friday for en- T l‘ f' “UDEM’ \
bers of government Instead. legislators forcement this Fall. ENFORVEMENT / ' . '
work to balance the interests of groups and The amendment states, simply, that stu- ‘, . , Aio
coalitions against one another It is a matter dents who have not registered for the draft \ . (Iii ;
0f ongomg Compromise. , will be denied federal financial aid. \ _ \ —-— —m——j " Mar: :Ii/I 1
Bl" compromtise requlrhs elqual strength It is estimated that more than 600,000 col- _ .\,' ___ -- ', ‘* “-- -f‘
0" the part 0f ‘ e paht‘95l’h‘9 ‘ed- If one ‘5 lege-age males have failed to register. And , : . "‘ , ,I fix
weaker. the 0th.” ‘31:“ {"30?‘ always ”d9 the government, faced with mass civil dis- ,, .‘ l i. ‘
roughshod 0‘9; li- W fit '5 Jubt or right does obedience, has found it cannot deal with l , g / 1/].
"0t enter "3“” eques‘tion _ . . . each case on an individual basis —— a just i , "1 a, ‘ ' /. ‘ i
That :einguthe case It“? ”5} to 3mg; basis. So it is wielding its strength in an '- 1 ‘2 . v .
stand Y‘ 5 CO ege students are Cf" ere w.“ exercise of blatant selective coercion. . Z l; ,
hoof rints — the diverse under-2.) o ulation . . o, ,
p . ~ - To quote DaVid Stockham UK director of . ’7 . 2 , g
has never stood up well against the tight c1r- f' . l 'd “C t . 1 th '1 f th I d v_ ’7’, /,,’. 2/, ,1 \
cle of staid old men who run the Pentagon. K131333161. eld ag‘ty he lillws 0 e an 'I; ’0, .,, r. 2,4 ’07 W. 9
In the last few years. we have lost the uni- (Si 0”. . ft 3’“ t unfs 0“ thyoil usefatc: _ ' "’ . /’ ’t.../ ,I ’
versal availability of Guaranteed Student 19’3” ms 1 u ions to S] orce e awlo he ' i _'
Loan, endowments for every sort of educa- ha" ‘ yimbmaiydputs‘ e yourég peope w 0 j
tional program and numerous other items. appen 0 es u en inleopar y. . I x / l !
sacrificed on the altar of the Reagan Admin— Or. as the brutally eloquent Abby Hoffman ( f , i
istration‘s militaristic ambitions. put it. protesting an earlier example of the ‘2‘ ,1 t .
And yet. we haven‘t taken the logical step: government‘s disregard for its young citi~ { A l’ V n {c ' _‘
a unified coalition of students putting forth a zens. “Amerika eats its young." st _ ~ . .
T . EPA ff . "ff- . I I §
urnavers In sta creates Ins talent organization i
By now. everyone probably knows suddenly aware of the impartial na- In all. the EPA has allocated $2 sites Seyen—yearold warnings from referals to the Justice Department William Drayton. a former federal ;
that Times Beach “a, a disaster tureot‘toxicpollution. million of its two-yearold. $1.6 bil- CDC notwithstanding. EPA head» The implications of this negligence environmental official who heads ‘3
waiting to happen But the question lion Superfund to the Missouri disas- quarters postponed testing until No- alone should be apparent: If the $2- ”Save EPA" in Washington. ‘2
remains whether the tederal govern ter. with $1 million going to soil test- vember million experimitpre to; severatlI Mis- hITO do that. whatever remains of g
ment “1” be able to preienl the re- ing at Times Beach and Imperial. .. . . . . . souri Sitest us ar in cates t e po- 0t er priorities are stripped bare," -
currence ofsucha fiasco WE GLEN Missouri congressmen claim that tbt'w‘lfr'l)‘ {Taltt‘fsm lhffth‘Tgun tentially exorbitant cost of a clean- Drayton said. it
the agenc. has also been attentive a “0 mperia ‘5‘ eh m. d ‘ ‘ own]. up. the EPA mav be able to address For her 'rt (lorsuch has ma n- 3
Tmes Beach a oncerunremarkar 9? iii md - y her i but only after Michigan I)em- . ' . . . pa ' ‘ . ‘ " it
bl l .1 ( ' _ -l \ .. l i totheirrequests. ocrat John Din 9'“ House Subcom- even its 418 deSIgnated Sites, let tamed that a “streamlined“ EPA ‘3
Stilt?! 9F ParkR‘h“" :I‘mlir- 1'53)? n 3“ SHEARER Yet procrastination will probably mittee on g (lversight and alone thousands of others that need can meet (‘ongress‘ original 1970 l
3:”). 6:33;? “:2:er n‘b‘otiiihnttn 1:1 ‘ .. remain the chief theory of toxic dis- investigations chastised the FP A for attention. 3 _ mandate for the agency Flue could 1;
d1 . . f Ld 1k .U'. i '. posal enforcement for some time. inorin reliminarkv evidehce of But some Gorsuch critics worry as also say that the excessive staff 3
JUSF Whit??? ”1"?“ if“, “‘“j‘h With as many as 30,000 hazardom hgigh digoxiii contamination in so” well that highly political “top priori- turnover and reorganization of 1981
Laughton; sstyert iitxxhgiiprtdl liven ”at. congressmnal critics ac» waste sites festering throughout the sam les 1y" cases such as Missouri may has slowed during the last year If 2
dead v‘d hm?“ T123612 “‘ “”F knowledge that Anne Gorsuch‘s US, only those which are exacer— p " strap other important EPA divi- Congress would only lay off with the
Liana“ tin ki'mtd‘ ‘1‘“ “’ ”(.151 EPA has been reasonably respon- hated by crisis —likea flood — may Indeed. as Dingell‘s panel con- sions. State natural resources chief contempt citations. she might add.
d rts *th dc! "mist. ‘2??? ”“1 Sth’ to the needs of Missouri's VlC‘ recieve prompt and badly-needed at- cluded in a recent report. toxic Fred A Lafser told The New York perhaps her office would be more
bimb tml Nit-01nd “t“rt‘ N ‘ ”“N [ms The agency has set aside $500.- tention. Missouri‘s dioxin dilemma. waste law enforcement has fallen Times that the EPA has “practical- ableto meet legislative goals.
e u a 5°” ur ‘3‘“ U “r" ooo tor preliminary cleanup of the after all. has been a source of con far short of congressional intentions ly dismantled" its pesticide enforce- But it looks as if words alone will '
Discoveries ot dioxins in nearby Imperial site. and another half-mil~ troversy foralmostadecade. for the Superfund. which was to rely ment programs in some states to beinsufficienl
Imperial. _\1o_ and aifluent Home lion dollars for medical screenings Last September. for example. the in part by repeated Staff reorganiza- bolsterinvestigations in Missouri. ;
nac. as well as allegations oi i-on to be conducted by the Centers for L'.S. Public Health Service and EPA tions. Gorsuch's “voluntary compli- “Even if you have only one per Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer ’i _,
tamination at possibly too other Disease (’ontrol and the Missouri officials concurred on the need for ence" program has led to dlStuI‘r cent of your resources left. you'd are Pulitzer Pnzewinnmg national : ‘
sites. have made many .»\merican~ Sliiti’fltii‘emment immediate action at two Missouri bingly low number of prosecution probably try to deal with this." said columnists. 2
M -
WM _:
Sonh Africa "hthr‘d‘h‘hg and nonyudgemental continued burning or {055“ fUGIS fur- them. Here is the incredible thought pat- cellent Neonatal Intensive ('are [hit .
approach has attracted an estimated ther deteriorates our natural envt- It is logical to assume with this tern of most of the so-called fans at the Medical t'cntcr The eXistence
Few of LB really know what 1\ “Vt“"hlh‘m9WD]? ronment. more and more people will parity in mind that crowd reaction presently holding season tickets in of such units means that many very
0' on n South Africa With Hea- P35" experience and training 81“? turn toward renewable: FOI‘ this and influence will. more and more. the crucial lower arena: “If we sick babies. weighing considerably
gal-”h?“ office now ‘we hear of a “re— Josh extensive insight into the con reason. the group has concentrated bean essentialelemcnt for victory score 14 straight points. I‘ll cheer. if less than two pounds. are enabled to i
turn of friendlv relations" mm the [TOW’F‘W Issues "f today (0mmlt- its aCKIVllleS on educating people Now that the obligatory opening is the fight song is played 10 times. ['1] continue living What hypocrisy that 3
minority regime in South Africa ment to present multifaceted vtewS. about the benefits of safe. non-pol- out of the way. allow mc to proceed stand three times. If anyone near in hospitals across the nation some 3
The Reagan Administration is trying has led Josh to place himself in ex» luting energy sources and a healthy. my thesis: The pompous. reserved. - me gets too excited. I will glare at physicians are working feverishly to i
to COHVIHCG [E that the countnfi' lraordlnary DOSIIIOHS natural enVIronment: _ ._i_._.__.....__. Sliilng In the ‘0“1‘1‘ i(‘\'(’i them and request that they calm save the ln'ps ()f prenlaturp or other. .1 I
apartheid government is improving A” t’Ximth‘ 0' [his “'OUJd be one Some of the proyects which the of Rupp Arena at [K basketball down. I will complain about my wise needy newborns while other 3
as record on human righh tor the of Josh s popular talks in the late group has spomored have included. games need to be replaced ipre- team at all convenient opportunities. physicians are aborting unborn chil- g i
black m'i orm ’ We 1h“ WNW! 0f Marxism was The First Annual “Run for the Sun.‘ ferably wuh studcnlsi or injected l will recognize myself as being su~ dren .;
The Reagan rhomm‘ “mm! “ml twink: iiisi'ibsed To become more a 10.000 meter footrace‘; “Energy with massive doses of amphetar pcrior to upper-level fans. I will The cartoon accompanying the ed- =9:
us But why be m doubt d! all" You lwr“‘”dh.‘ intormed he lived Wilhln Fair." a water POllution forum mines. leave thegameearly." itorial depicted a distraught “repro- i
can ludge for vourselt ,H the p01.“ ”it" ”WW“ 0' a MarXISt camp in which focused on the trihalomethane l'm sure that through incessant And. hopefully. they will die very ductive freedom” fighting a ghoulish
cal ream!“ 0', m", *2th “my” “”hh “\mt‘m'i‘h This “33“”? 9X9“ content of bexmgton's water supply; struggle. or lucky circumstances. soon, "right wing " There are many ways .
government Today (“mm “Um \f l'h‘m'l' enables JOSh ‘0 deal With {09* an energy/environmental reference some students manage to acquire tn exerCisc reproductive freedom so -i ‘
ricans and American. human l‘lEi‘lK "3 m 1' kliegQable current “Va-V collection available ‘9 UK students prime 59818. But not many and not Gerry Hench that pregnancy is prevented; free- ';
activists “1'” be SpO’lklnL‘. hm“ ; “oh “'1“ "0! only present You “'1”! and staff and developing a network nearly enough When they do arrive Lexington resident dom and abortion are not synony-
town on the practices :n 'lpll‘lht‘lt‘ l‘ ilt‘rilnt‘nl information. but Wlii cause of commumcatwn with other en» at the game With [ht‘ll‘ pI‘th‘d COUI‘I- mous. In addition. there are many _
South Africa ‘ ‘ ‘ ' .WU l“ evaluate your OPINIONS and ergy/enVIronmental groups. level tickets. they liiid. much to Anti-aborfion people opposed to abortion who do r.-
They M“ be talking “mu. .m, ‘h‘h'rmmt‘ .WUF Milt-‘45 I want 1” (Toming up this Saturday January their legitimate dismay. that the ex— not conSidt-r themselves "right Q"!
government‘s ”mum, “at L hr"“‘h'h my ””‘I‘X’k 0“ “mm“ m" 29th. the Kentucky Solar Coalition cellent location is negated by the When the recent editorial titled wmg” or religious They do. howev- .
neighbors and the norm tint. (“In”) faced by “meg? students and SEEC “"11 co-sponsor the 4th dismalatmosphere “Anti-Abortion Forces Dying, But er. believe that the Constitution pro- .
workshop Wm “WM. 'hc ‘Wmiw vodaydo you Annual Kentucky Solar Conference. Sadly. they are lorced to yield to the Threat Still Remains" (Jan. 24) claims the right to life. liberty and '
military and “Comm“ “mwrmlun ' an allday conference on solar appli- the boobs and turtls that surround stated that the key issue in the abor— the pursuit of happiness it refers to 7
betweeh South M” (1 dm- {WM David Smith cationsinthe Commonwealth. them. All of this is. of course. detri» tion controversy is privacy. it failed BHPWSOHS. includingthe unborn i
()ne of the speakers ]\ l’aul ““me Biology Junior SEEC offers its members. whateV- mental to the task at hand to conSIder that two lives. not only Throughout lht‘ ages. 9909'8 have 3
Jr . the son tit ”ht. Ut “when - er the” mayors. much 1" the way 0f namely helping theteam. one. are involved, The writer wrong- understood the need to protect the i4
greatest “dummy“ and hum” Solar conference practical experience. Bi-weekly The enthuSiasm of the people in fully equated the decision to have an unborn. The Hippocratic ()ath pledg-
rights gums“ . ‘ ‘ meetings with various guest speak- this close-totheaction area is pre- abortion with those of which length es “not to give a deadly drug to any- I '
The teach in on South .\il‘itil will Th“ snide"! hnergy and thiron- ers. Shde shows and “'"FS prowde ctsely the 35990! "305! important ‘0 of hair to have or where to live. as if one If BSKPG for ll. nor ‘0 SUESGSt It-
be held this today ”I ”w \Nmun mental (linic. a student organiza- the knowledge and experience nec‘ the team. A standing. waving. yel— being regretfully pregnant were on Similarly. I will not give any woman a
Center from 1 pm m 4 to p m H. mm. marks its first year in eXis essary to inform others of the bene- ling, rowdy. halfdrunk mob of stu- lhesameorder of magnitude. an ahorttfaewnt pessary ln purity i
rooms 1 and : Flu-re MP tour tance at l K Slalat _ which is the fits of renewable energy sources and dents could erase a possible defeat. By what criteria does the writer and holiness I will guard my life and ;
workshops. all ”w ”n (hmwm h only organized group on campus enwronmentalprotection. They could humiliate a cocky oppo- refer to the issue as involving only my art " Was Hippocrates "right -1
sues You ('anatlendam 0‘ mm“ dealing specifically with energy ’en- The members of SEEC are work» nent.That is. if giventhe chance. “her body?" A developing child has wing?"
it is a great opportunity m imm \ironmental matters. seeks to pro- ing to build ideas for the future. En- Conversely. solemn rows of s0c1al« a seperate blood supply and a Any woman who is pregnant and 5
about South Mm“ mm} mm“ “ h“ mote the utili7ation of renewable or ergy and envtronmental matters af— oriented idiots. with bad attitudes unique genetic code. Surely she is wishw not to he needs compassion, ‘
lived there all their my and up?“ alternative energy sources «passwe fec‘t‘eac‘h and every oneofus . and tacky attire. are totally incapa» dependent upon the mother‘s body She need not be forced to raise an
enced the regimes fil\'(‘rimln('li0l" and active solar. wind power. geo SEEK Wlii hold-its first meeting of ble of inspiring team heroics. In- for nurturing. but in a very real way unwanted Child. Abortion. however. 1
and oppressive pom“ ' lt "MUM be thermal energy. bio-mass and con- the semester this Thursday. Jan— deed. the opponent is probably reaS» so is a three-yearold child depen- is not the alternative Adoption al-
avaluabie‘experience ' M'rValltlni and works to further the uary 27th in room 119 of the old SIU- sured as they glance up at these dent for her livelihood upon others. lows the mother her "freedom“ .
cause of em'ironmental protection dent Center at 7:30 pm. Get In dolts: At l'K. for some inane reason. Yet our Constitution protects the life while allowing her child herlife. ; ,
“an” ,ttmkhdtpr With a country 50 dependent ”PO" V0'V9d' 4 the “Ck” dispersal PTIOI‘HK‘S mm of a three-yearold just as it does the t
Communicationsgraduatestudent {”55" fuels Oils. coal and 285' the Giles Hertz mence at the worst and the 1935‘ lifeofher mother. JeannieM Daugherty 5
, . . I path to success. for groups like Political sciengsegeior productivesegmentofsupporters We are privileged to have an ex- llistorysenior
' ' ‘ SEER is one with many obstacles SEEC 61 nt ’
EXtens've ”fl‘s'gh‘t A country wide movement toward . Elm" COUNTY by Berke 3mm
Concerning Josh McDowell Jesh renewables. as alternative energy Fans tn the stand /
has the capability to challenge your sources will requtre overcoming mag/L5 No, “:55 N0 MAYIWSI mag
intellect became of his credentials many political. economic and who College basketball overall (and 5035M Fl (“I , tthle. M'WWW’ mg“
n: .. , . . s . momma , Bum atom
w ich are as follows A graduate of ral impediments ‘ the SEC in particular) has become \ \ WARP (ATE. mm, RWNINOW $66!
Kellogg College. cum laude. Whea For example. intense lobbying by balanced Routs and mismatches ‘ ‘ '. sml mm. mm ‘4‘ tDNGtZNOUGtFOR
ton College and Talbot Theological oil. coal and gas producers results in are. happily. an endangered species ' \ W] [A] “map . ‘
Seminary. magna cum laude. he legislation that does little to foster The traditon-filled powerhouses h g «I i \ / ‘y o {/1
" holds degrees in economic theory. the growth