xt7qft8dk02z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qft8dk02z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Department of Housing Building Officials and Code Administrators International Kentucky Department of Housing Building Officials and Code Administrators International 1980 books English Frankfort, Ky.: Kentucky Dept. of Housing Portions of this publication reproduce text, tables and/or figures from the copyrighted material owned by the International Code Council, Inc., Washington, D.C. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. Kentucky Building Code Building laws -- Kentucky The Kentucky Building Code - First Edition, 1980 text "Substantial portion of this code has been copied from the BOCA basic building code, 1978, 7th ed., c1978. Building Officials and Code Administrators International." About the International Code Council: The International Code Council (ICC), a membership association dedicated to building safety,fire prevention and energy efficiency, develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. The mission of ICC is to provide the highest quality codes, standards, products and services for all concerned with the safety and performance of the built environment. Most United States cities, counties and states choose the International Codes, building safety codes developed by the International Code Council. The International Codes also serve as the basis for construction of federal properties around the world, and as a reference for many nations outside the United States. Headquarters: 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20001-2070. District Offices: Birmingham, AL, Los Angeles, CA. 1-888-422-7233. www.iccsafe.org The Kentucky Building Code - First Edition, 1980 1980 1980 2021 true xt7qft8dk02z section xt7qft8dk02z 6114“,":- The Kent/“ckv Building COdB First Edition 1980 James R. Smith Editor, Kentucky Edit/on Adopted and promulgated by the Kentucky Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING The 127 Building — U.S.127 South Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone (502) 564-8090 Copyright, 1978 Building ()liiriztls and (link Administrators. Inn-immortal. III(. A substantial portion oft/11's (ode has been ropir’d from [/H‘ BOO»! Basn Building Coda ‘ 1978,861'6’71ll1 Edition. Copyright ler‘JMi/(liitg()ffir‘ialxanil (i()(l(’x1(1))ll)l- istn‘ztors International, lm‘. All rights rawrzv’rl. Rafn‘inlml by parinimion of llIt’ owner. For further information. u'rilr BOO-l Intm‘natimial, Inn. 17926 Soul/i Halsted Street, Homewood, Illinois 6W 3(). Printed in the United States of America by the Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. Danviile, illinois First printing in modified Kentucky format; December, 1979 EFFECTIVE DATES ()n Febr nary 1:3. 1980 the Kentut‘ky Building Code beeornes mandatorily eliet the for all buildings in Kentueky in excess of three (3) stories: or in extess ol twenty thousand (20.000) square feet; or intended for assembly. edtrt ational. institutional. or high hazard oeeupant‘y: or business or indus- trial oteupaney irr exeess of 100 persons; or for ttse as a frozen food locker plant. 'l'he Kentttt ky Bttildirrg (lode beeonres mandatorily effettiye for other btttldtngs on a (minty-wide basis on the lollowirrg s(hedule: February 15.1980 Boyd. ( Ianrpbell. Dayiess. Fayette. Franklin. Jefferson. Kenton. MeCraeken and Warren. August]5.1981 .-\llen. Anderson. Barren. Bath, Bell. Boone. Bourbon. Boyle. Bracken. Breathitt. Bullitt. Caldwell. (lalloway. Carroll. Carter. Christian. Clark. (Ilay. (Irittenden. listill. Fleming. Floyd. Fttlton. Gallatin. Graves. Gray- son. ('yreenup. Hardin. Harlan. Harrison. Henderson. Henry. Hopkins. Jessamine, johnson. Knox. Lartre. Laurel. Lett'her. Lewis. Logan. Madi- son. Magollin. Marshall. Marion. Mason. Mercer. .\Iontgornery. Mtrhlen- berg. Nelson. Nieholas. ()ldharn. Pendleton. Perry. Pike. Powell. Pulaski. Robertson. Rowan. Scott. Shelby. Simpson. Taylor. Todd. Union. Washington. Wayne. Webster. Whitley. \\'oodford. August15.1982 Adair. Ballard. Breekinridge. Butler . (larlisle. (Iasey. (llinton.(lunrberland. l‘ithnonson. lilliott. Garrard. (lrant, Green. Harrtoek. Hart. Hiekrnan. ‘laekson. Knott, Latt'renee. Lee. Leslie. LlIM'Olll. Liyingston. Lyon. .\lt(lreary. Mt Lean. Martin. Menilee. Meade. Metealle. Monroe. Morgan. ()hio. ()wett. ()Wsley. R()( ktastle. Russell. Sperteet. 'lirigg. 'I‘rintble and \Yolle. .\ny lot al goterrrnrent may make the Kentut ky Building (lode eflet tiye within its jttristlittiotr prior to these mandatory dates by passing art ordinanee. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Commonwealth of Kentucky gratefully tu‘knowletlges the (‘ontrihu— tion of time. expertise and diligent effort generously given by the members of the Kentuekv Board of Housing. Buildings and (Ionsuut'tron in the development of the Kentucky Building Code. The members (luring this period were: jarnes 5'. Bird Versailles, Kentucky Frank Hart; Sr. Owenslmro. Kentut‘ky F. Lynn Luallen Frankfort. Kentut‘ky Delbert]. Meleher Louisville. Kentut‘ki Charles Murphy Lexington. Kentttt ky Frank f. O Neil Louisville. Kentutky Robert 51(11an Frankfort, Kenturkr Robert Stephens Frankfort. Kentutkr [ilrnus ('sser)‘ Louisville. Kentut‘ky jumm sf. ])()('/)/\'I’I Ft. 'l‘lmtnas. Kentut k\ If. H. [In/(urn!) Lexington. Kentut k\ [.(‘U .llr’rllI/INI Fli/ttlx-llttmvn, Kentut kx Lexier Allirnnm liatliugton. K(‘lllll( k\ [idu'arrl Nairn l’resttntlnug, Kentut k3 _/(une.\1\’1t(/I (imington. Kentut k\ ()(tr/ 1’. Xrnouh Frankfort, KHlIllt kr Donna Terry I’rimeton. Kentut k3 Thomas H'. H'n/(lmn. ,Ir, Ilopkit/rsnlle, Kenturk) Donald Qt [Ht/[me Lexington, Kentut‘kt 815 FAR 7.012 Departmental Plan Review Fees HHLATES TD- KRS Chapter 1988 PIRSVANT T0: KRS 1988,050(5) and KRS 198B.060(10) NFC SITY AND FVNCTION- KRS 1988.0SO(5) authorizes the board nf Puusinfl, Buildings and Construction to issue regula- tions which are necessary to implement the Kentucky Building Cndv Jud HRS 1W%B_Ofifl(lo) authorizes the Department to create a schedule of fees to fullv cover the cost of the services nurturmud under the code. This regulation establishes the donartmcniwl fee for plan review under the Kentucky Building (ImlC. Vvv'inn 1, Submission of Plans and Fees. (1) All plans in} shwti(italinns required to be submitted to the department audit vhw Fruiuckv Building Code shall he accompanied by the Applicable fee as set forth in this regulation,rounded to the nearest dollar. ll rec" required herein shall be in check fort oayable 'v th i« i : S‘ntu Treasurer. (5) l approval For construction shall be issued by the drnnrtmenz until all required fees have been paid. fut The plan review fees required by this reyulation are ntundvd to cover the cast of corresponding inspections for rn“nli1nc0 wilt such Dlnns. fec inn 2. New (unstruction. (1) Departmental Dlan review vs mr new hulldings shall be calculated by multiplying .ODl 3hv construe ion cost of each Occupancy tvpe as listed in ' "iv "(i1 lm-xim' lahle l A« f HCCYVANCY TYPE COST PER SQUAPE ?OOT Pcsidentlnl (excluding single 30 family dwellings and duplexesl Asstwhlv flccupancies Nichlcluh/Restaurants All Other Assembly qucntionnl Dav Care Centers Business Vercnntilc lndustrial Factories Warehouses lnstirutional Frozen Food Plants Hiuh laxard All other non—residential QLJIrAOOO«33<3ln r; )‘h :JA ' ’30 (2) Plan review fees for additions to existing buildings, which do not require the entire building to conform to the Kentucky Building Code, shall be calculated in accordance with Subsection (1) by the measurement of the square footage of the addition, only. (3) Plan review fees for existing buildings in which the use group or occupancy type is changed shall be calculated in accordance with Subsection (1) by using the total square footage of the entire building or structure under the new occupancy type. (4) Plan review fees for alterations and repairs not other— wise covered by this section shall be calculated by multiplying the contractor's cost for the repairs by .001. Section 3. Specialized Fees. In addition to the fees required by Section 2, the following fees must be paid for the specialized plan reviews listed: (1) Sprinkler fees. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER RE\'1E\\' FFF TABLE Sprinkler Heads Plan Rmic“ Fee 4 - 200 $50.00 20| - 300 560,00 30| — 400 $30.00 40| - 750 $100 00 mcr 750 $100.00 plus l0: pcr sprinkler mur 750 (2) Fire Detection System Review Fee — $10.00 per 5,000 square feet up to 70,000 square feet; over 70,000 square feet - 9160.00 plus $15.00 per each additional 20,000 square foot. (3) Standpipe Plan Review Fee — 930.00 (Combination Standpipe and Risers plans will be reviewed under automatic sprinkler review fee schedule.) (A) Carbon Dioxide Suppression System Review Fee - l to 175 pounds of agent — $35 00; over 175 pounds of agent - S35 00 plus 20¢ per pound in excess of 175 pounds. (5) Halon 1301 Suppression System Review Fee — Up to 35 pounds of agent - $35.00; over 35 pounds - $35.00 plus 50¢ per pound in excess of 35 pounds. (6) Foam Suppression System Review Fee - $35.00 per 50 gallons of foam concentrate. (7) Range Hoods Review Fee — $20.00 per hood (8) Tanks Installation Plan Review Fee — $25.00 for the first tank and $5.00 for each additional tank. FOREWARD The Kentucky Building Code is essentially theBOCA Basic Building Code published by the Building Officials and Code Administrators. Interna- tional. luc.. with a new administrative section written to conform with Kentucky law and other selective additions. deletions or changes. The Kentucky Building Code includes the State Plumbing Code which is reprinted herein as Article 17. It includes the National Electrical Code. 19781‘1dition. NFiPA =70. published by the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation. 170 Atlantic Avenue. Boston. Massachusetts 02210. It also includes the BOCA Basic Energy Code 1978. These latter publications are not 111(1ll(1(‘(l herein because of their btrlk and specialized use. However. they are readily available from their publishers. The Kentucky Building Code states regulations in terms of measured performance rather than in rigid specification of materials and. in this way. makes possible the acceptance of new materials and methods of construction which can be evaluated by accepted standards. without the necessity of adopting cumbersome amendments for each variable condition. By presenting the purposes to be accomplished rather than the method to be followed. the code allows the designer the widest possible freedom and does not hamper development. It accepts nationally recognized stand- ards as the criteria for evaluation of minimum safe practice. or for deter- mining the performance of materials or systems of construction. The application of these standards is stated in the text of the code requirements. and the standards are listed and identified in the appendices of the code. making it practical and convenient to update any standard as it is revised or reissued by the sponsoring agency. This edition presents the code as originally promulgated on August 15. 1979. This code may be amended by proposals to the Kentucky Board of Housing. Buildings and Construction by code enforcement officials. industry and design professionals. and other interested persons and organ- izations. Changes are discussed in an open meeting of the Board. Changes approved are printed in the Kentucky Administrative Register and for- warded to the BOCA organization for inclusion in their mailings to BOCA's Kentucky rrrembers. Note to Kentucky Building Code Users Double vertical lines have been uddul in lllt‘ margins adjacent to all passages of [he (‘0le text whirl] un- changed from the original text of [he B()(I;\ Basir Building Code 1978. TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 1 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT (815 KAR 7:010) Section Definitions Scope Applicability Ordinary repairs Installation of service equipment Existing structures Departments of building inspection Duties and powers of the building official Duties and powers of the department New materials and modifications Inspections, Right of entry Application for permit required Permit required Conditions of permit Fees Certificate of use and occupancy Posting structures Violations and remedies Notice to owner Authority for existing buildings Local board of appeals Appeals procedures Action of the board Construction control and responsibilities Validity Effective dates for KBC application Alternative codes Day care centers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MM at.) MMMMM (OOJVCDUI Article 2 DEFINITIONS AND CLASSIFICATIONS 200.0 General 201.0 General definitions 202.0 Use group classification 203.0 Use group A, assembly buildings 2040 Use group B. business buildings 205.0 Use group F, factory and industrial buildings 206.0 Use group H, high hazard buildings 207.0 Use group I, institutional buildings 208.0 Use group M, mercantile buildings 2090 Use group R, residential buildings THE KENTUCKY BUILDING [300E Article 2—continued Section 210.0 211.0 212.0 213.0 214.0 215.0 216.0 217.0 218.0 Article 3 300.0 301.0 302.0 303.0 304.0 305.0 306.0 307.0 308.0 309.0 310.0 311.0 312.0 313.0 314.0 315.0 3160 Article 4 400.0 401.0 402.0 403.0 404.0 405.0 406.0 407.0 408.0 409.0 410.0 411.0 412.0 Use group 8. storage buildings Use group T, temporary and miscellaneous uses ' Doubtful use classification Mixed use and occupancy Construction classification Type 1. fireproof construction Type 2, noncombustible construction Type 3, exterior masonry wall construction Type 4. frame construction GENERAL BUILDING LIMITATIONS General Fire limits Restrictions within the fire limits Restrictions outside fire limits Existing buildings General area and height limitations Area exceptions Unlimited areas Height exceptions Street encroachments Permissible street projections Permissible yard and court encroachments Special and temporary projections Awnings and canopies Temporary structures Physically handicapped and aged Special historic buildings and districts SPECIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS General Explosion hazards Volatile flammables Fire prevention code Special permits and certificates of fitness Existing buildings Liquefied petroleum gases Pyroxylin plastics Use and storage of flammable film Use and storage of combustible fibers Combustible dusts, grain processing and storage Paint spraying and spray booths Dry cleaning establishments TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 4—continued Section 413.0 414.0 415.0 416.0 417.0 418.0 419.0 420.0 421.0 422.0 423.0 424.0 425.0 426.0 427.0 428.0 429.0 430.0 431.0 432.0 Article 5 500.0 501.0 502.0 503.0 504.0 505.0 506.0 507.0 508.0 509.0 510.0 511.0 512.0 513.0 514.0 515.0 516.0 517.0 518.0 519.0 520.0 521.0 522.0 Private garages Public garages Motor fuel service stations Motor vehicle repair shops Places of public assembly Public assembly other than theatres Amusement parks Stadiums and grandstands Drive~in motion picture theatres Tents, air-supported structures and other temporary structures Parking lots Mobile units Motels Radio and television towers Radio and television antennae Swimming pools Open parking structures Fallout shelters High rise buildings Covered malls LIGHT, VENTILATION AND SOUND TRANSMISSION CONTROL General Plans and specifications Standards of natural light Standards of natural ventilation Artificial light and ventilation Reserved Natural lighting and ventilation of rooms Lighting and venting of special spaces Basements and cellars Business and work rooms Assembly rooms Rooms of institutional buildings Bath and toilet rooms Stairways and exitways Required fresh air supply Ventilation of shafts other than elevator and dumbwaiter hoistways Courts Rear yards Obstruction of courts and yards Fire emergency ventilating system Fire ventilation of open wells Window cleaning safeguards Sound transmission control in residential buildings THE KENTUCKY BUILDING 000E Article 6 Section 600.0 601.0 602.0 603.0 604.0 605.0 606.0 607.0 608.0 609.0 610.0 611.0 612.0 613.0 614.0 615.0 616.0 617.0 618.0 619.0 620.0 621.0 622.0 623.0 624.0 625.0 Article 7 700.0 701.0 702.0 703.0 704.0 705.0 706.0 707.0 708.0 709.0 710.0 711.0 712.0 713.0 714.0 715.0 716.0 717.0 MEANS OF EGRESS General Plans and specifications Use and occupancy requirements Air-conditioned buildings Reserved Maintenance of exitways Occupancy load Types and location of exitways Capacity of exits Number of exitways Exitway access passageways and corridors Grade passageways and lobbies used as an exitway element Means of egress doorways Revolving doors Horizontal exits Egress ramps Interior exitway stairways Access to roof Smokeproof enclosures Exterior exitway stairways Moving exitway stairways Fire escapes Slidescapes Exit signs and lights Means of egress lighting Hazards to means of egress STRUCTURAL AND FOUNDATION LOADS AND STRESSES General Design safe load Test safe load Design live load Design dead load Existing buildings Uniformly distributed live loads Concentrated loads Impact loads Special loads Roof loads Snow load Wind load Wind on vertical surfaces Wind on inclined surfaces Wind loads on signs, tank and radio towers and chimneys Earthquake load Combination of loads TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 7—continued Section 718.0 719.0 720.0 721 0 722.0 723.0 724.0 725.0 726.0 727.0 728.0 729.0 730.0 731.0 732.0 733.0 734.0 735.0 736.0 737.0 738.0 739.0 740.0 741.0 7420 Article 8 800.0 801.0 802.0 803.0 804.0 805.0 806.0 807.0 808.0 809.0 810.0 811.0 812.0 813.0 814.0 815.0 816.0 817.0 818.0 819.0 Live load reduction Allowable working stresses Bearing value of soils Foundation investigations Soil test procedure Allowable foundation loads Depth of footings Footing design Timber footings, wood foundations Steel grillages Concrete footings Masonry unit footings Mat, raft and float foundations Pier foundations Pile foundations Corrosion protection Allowable pile loads Timber piles Precast concrete piles Cast~in-p|ace concrete piles Steel pipe and tapered tubular piles Caissons Structural steel piles Composite piles Special piles and caissons Part A MATERIALS AND TESTS General Basic classification of construction materials Tests Conditions of acceptance Approvals Masonry construction units Brick units Structural clay tile units Glazed masonry units Concrete units Gypsum units Structural glass block units Architectural terra cotta Natural stone Cast stone Mortar for masonry Concrete aggregates Ready-mix concrete Structural wood glues Interior Iathing and plastering THE KENTUCKY BUILDING 000E Article 8—continued Section 820.0 821.0 822.0 823.0 824.0 825.0 Article 8 826.0 827.0 828.0 829.0 830.0 831.0 832.0 833.0 834.0 835.0 836.0 837.0 838.0 839.0 840.0 841.0 842.0 843.0 844.0 845.0 846.0 847.0 848.0 849.0 850.0 851.0 852.0 853.0 854.0 855.0 856.0 Article 8 857.0 858.0 Exterior Iathing and stucco Plastering materials Plaster bases Fiber boards Plywood Wallboards and sheathing Part B STEEL, MASONRY, CONCRETE, GYPSUM AND LUMBER CONSTRUCTION 241 Structural steel construction Formed steel construction Steel joist construction Reinforcing steel Cast steel construction Cast iron construction Special steels Light weight metal alloys Masonry wall construction Bonding of walls Lateral bracing of walls Chases and recesses in bearing walls Corbeled and projected masonry Bearing on hollow unit walls Plain concrete Reinforced concrete Controlled concrete Ordinary concrete Structural cinder concrete Short span floor filling Concrete-filled pipe columns Pneumatic concrete Minimum concrete dimensions Reinforced gypsum concrete Reinforced brickwork Reinforced hollow block construction Lumber and timber construction Heavy timber type construction Wood frame construction Stress skin panels Structural glued laminated timber and built-up wood construction Part C BUlLDING ENCLOSURES, WALLS AND WALL THlCKNESS Enclosure walls Protection of wall openings TABLE OF CONTENTS Article B—continued Section 859.0 860.0 861.0 862.0 863.0 864.0 865.0 866.0 867.0 868.0 869.0 870.0 871.0 872.0 873.0 874.0 875.0 876.0 Article 9 900.0 901.0 902.0 903.0 904.0 905.0 906.0 907.0 908.0 909.0 910.0 911.0 912.0 913.0 914.0 915.0 916.0 917.0 918.0 919.0 920.0 921.0 922.0 923.0 924.0 Fire access panels Structural glass block walls Wall facings and veneers Structural glass veneers Thin stone and tile veneers Metal veneers Plastic veneers Thickness of solid masonry walls Thickness of panel walls Parapet walls Foundation walls Retaining walls Isolated piers Waterproofing and floodproofing Ratproofing Protection against decay and termites Fire protection and firestopping Thermal insulating materials FIRERESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS General Plans and specifications Fire hazard classification Fireresistance tests Flameresistance tests Special fireresistive requirements Exterior walls Fire walls and party walls Fire wall openings Fire separation walls Vertical shafts Fireresistance of structural members Fireresistance rated floor/ roof-ceiling assemblies Roof construction Exterior opening protectives Fire doors Fire windows and shutters Wired glass Fireresistive requirements for plaster Firestopping Interior finish and trim Application of interior finish Combustible materials permitted in floor construction of Type 1 and Type 2 buildings Decorative material restrictions Exterior trim restrictions THE KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE Article 9—continued Section 925.0 Roof structures 926.0 Roof coverings Article 10 CHIMNEYS, FLUES AND VENT PIPES 1000.0 General 1001.0 Plans and specifications 1002.0 Performance test and acceptance criteria 1003.0 Chimneys 1004.0 Appliances requiring chimneys 1005.0 Existing buildings 1006.0 Vent systems 1007.0 Fireplaces 1008.0 lncinerators 1009.0 Construction of metal ducts and vents 1010.0 Spark arrestors Article 11 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS 323 1100.0 General 1101.0 Plans and specifications 1102.0 Inspections and tests 1103.0 Existing buildings 1104.0 Fees 1105.0 Boiler rooms 1106.0 Drying rooms 1107.0 Refuse chutes 1108.0 Refuse vaults 1109.0 Dust, stock and refuse conveyor systems Article 12 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 1200.0 General 1201.0 Plans and specifications 1202.0 Fire suppression systems 1203.0 Suppression system selection 1204.0 Water sprinkler systems 1205.0 Limited area sprinkler systems 1206.0 Water spray fixed systems 1207.0 Foam extinguishing systems 1208.0 Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems 1209.0 Halogenated fire extinguishing systems 1210.0 Dry chemical extinguishing systems 1211.0 Standpipe systems 1212.0 Standpipes for buildings under construction or demolition 1213.0 Fire department connections 1214.0 Water supply and other extinguishing supply media 1215.0 Yard hydrants 1216.0 Automatic fire alarm systems TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 12—continued Section 1217.0 Manual fire alarm systems (pull stations) 1218.0 Supervision Article 13 PRECAUTIONS DURING BUILDING OPERATIONS 1300.0 General 1301.0 Plans, specifications and special permits 1302.0 Tests 1303.0 Inspection 1304.0 Maintenance 1305.0 Existing buildings 1306.0 Protection of public and workmen 1307.0 Excavations 1308.0 Regulation of lots 1309.0 Retaining walls and partition fences 1310.0 Storage of materials 1311.0 Removal of waste material 1312.0 Protection of adjoining property 1313.0 Protection of floor and wall openings 1314.0 Scaffolds 1315.0 Hoists 1316.0 Stairways and ladders 1317.0 Lighting 1318.0 Fire hazards 1319.0 Health hazards 1320.0 Welding safety precautions 1321.0 Sanitation 1322.0 Disputes Article 14 RESERVED Article 15 ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EQUIPMENT 1500.0 General Article 16 ELEVATOR, DUMBWAITER AND CONVEYOR EQUIPMENT, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE 1600.0 General 1601.0 Plans, specifications and permits THE KENTUCKY BUILDING 000E Article 16 —— continued Secnon 1602.0 Tests and inspections 1603.0 Certificate of compliance 1604.0 Maintenance and accidents 1605.0 Existing installations 1606.0 Alterations 1607.0 Power elevator operation 1608.0 Elevator speed limits 1609.0 Hoistway enclosures and venting 1610.0 Elevator-exitway restrictions 1611.0 Elevator and dumbwaiter machinery and equipment 1612.0 Hoistways and related construction for passenger and freight elevators and dumbwaiters 1613.0 Elevator opening protectives 1614.0 Elevator car emergency signals 1615.0 Manlifts 1616.0 Industrial lifts and loading ramps 1617.0 Automotive lifts 1618.0 Conveyors 1619.0 Moving stairways Article 17 STATE PLUMBING CODE (815 KAR 20) 389 20:010 Definitions 20:020 Parts or materials list 20:040 Truck identification 20:050 installation permits 20:060 Quality and weight of materials 20:070 Plumbing fixtures 202080 Waste pipe size 20:090 Soil, waste and vent systems 20:100 Joints and connections 202110 Traps and cleanouts 201120 Water supply and distribution 20:130 House sewers and storm water piping; method of installation 20:150 Inspections and tests 20:160 Private and commercial septic systems 20:170 Mobile home park waste systems and connections 20:180 Special connections 20:190 Public buildings Article 18 PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION 1800.0 General 1801.0 Plans and specifications 1802.0 Tests of prefabricated assemblies 1803.0 Evaluation and follow-up inspection services TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 18—continued Section 1804.0 Prefabricated units 1805.0 Existing systems and approvals 1806.0 Approvals based on design 1807.0 Approvals based on tests 1808.0 Materials, dimensions and methods of fabrication 1809.0 Light gage steel frame construction 1810.0 Light wood frame construction 1811.0 Light reinforced concrete frame construction 1812.0 Light reinforced gypsum frame construction 1813.0 Fireresistance rating and firestopping 1814.0 Light and ventilation 1815.0 Egress facilities 1816.0 Plumbing, piping and sanitary equipment 1817.0 Heating and air—conditioning 1818.0 Electric wiring and equipment Article 19 LIGHT-TRANSMITTING PLASTIC CONSTRUCTION 1900.0 General 1901.0 Design and installation 1902.0 Glazing of unprotected openings 1903.0 Exterior wall panels 1904.0 Roof panels 1905.0 Skylight assemblies 1906.0 Light-diffusing systems 1907.0 Partitions 1908.0 Bathroom accessories 1909.0 Awnings and similar structures 1910.0 Greenhouses Article 20 ENERGY CONSERVATION 2000.0 General 2001.0 Plans and specifications 2002.0 Exterior envelope requirements 2003.0 Alternative systems LIST OF APPENDICES General notes concerning standards cited Appendix A Appendix 8 Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix 6 Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Appendix K Appendix L Appendix M Appendix N Appendix 0 Appendix P REFERENCE STANDARDS AGENCIES ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICE STANDARDS MATERIAL STANDARDS STRUCTURAL UNIT TEST STANDARDS STRUCTURAL ASSEMBLY TEST STANDARDS DURABILITY TEST STANDARDS FIRE TEST AND FLAME SPREAD TEST STANDARDS STANDARD TlME-TEMPERATURE FIRE TEST CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS UNIT DEAD LOADS FOR DESIGN PURPOSES UNIT WORKING STRESSES FOR ORDINARY MATERIALS LOAD DESIGN CRITERIA RECOMMENDED NAILING SCHEDULE METRIC EQUIVALENTS ABOUT THE BOCA ORGANIZATION UPDATE SERVICE BULLETINS 477 479 483 489 497 499 501 503 ARTICLE 1 (815 KAR 7:010) ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT . OF THE KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction Section 1. Definitions (llBoard of Housing or “Board" means the Kentucky Board of Housing. Buildings and Construction. (2) BOCA means Building Officials and Code Administrators International. Inc. (3) Building means any combination of materials. whether portable or fixed. which comprises a structure affording facilities or shelter for any human occupancy. whether infrequent or regular. The word “building" shall be construed \yhereyer used herein as if followed by the words “or part or parts thereof and all equipment therein" unless the context Clearly requires a different meaning. “Building"shall also mean swimming pools constructed below grade on site. but not swimming pools assembled abme grade on site. “Building“ shall not mean a mobile home. or a farm dwelling or other farm buildings and structures incident to the operation and maintenance of the farm if such farm structures are located outside the boundary of a municipality and are not used in the business of retail trade or used as a place of regular employment for ten ( 10) or more people or structures used in the storage or processing of timber products. (.1) Commissioner means the Commissioner of the Department of Housing. Buildings and Construction. (5) Department means the Department of Housing. Buildings and Construction (mlfire official means the Chief of the Fire Department or of the Fire I’reyention Bureau. or if there is not a jurisdictional fire department or fire preyention bureau. such officer as shall be designated by the appoint- ing authority of the jurisdiction or his duly appointed representative. to enforce the proyisions of KRS 227.300 and 8I5 KAR 10:020. (7) Industrialized building system or “building system" means a structure or component thereof which is wholly or in substantial part fabricated in an ofllsilc manufacturing facility for installation or assembly on a perman— cnt foundation at a building site in Kentucky. “lndustriali7ed building 5) 3m R‘l THE KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE system“ includes a building ofany size or for any use all or any compo- nent part of which is ofclosed construction made from precast concrete panels. or precut wood sections fabricated to individual specifications in an off-site manufacturing facility. and assembled in accordance with the manufacturer‘s instruction. (8)KAR means Kentucky Administrative Regulations. (9)KBC means Kentucky Building Code. (IO)KRS means Kentucky Revised Statutes. (I l)Major structural change means alterations or repairs made within any period oftwelve( l2) months. costing in excess of fifty (50) per cent of the physical value of the structure. as determined by a comparison of the BOCA Chart of construction costs and the value of the structure as established by the tax records of the county in which the property is located. (12) Person means a person. partnership. corporation or other legal entity. (I3)Single family dwelling means one ( I) unit providing complete independ- ent living facilities for one or more persons including permanent provi— sions for living. sleeping. eating. cooking and sanitation. and which is not connected to any other unit or building. (l4)Trade or brand name house means any single structure made of precut or prefabricated panels. sections or individual pieces that are sold or prefab— ricated under a name that identifies both the manufacturer and a particu- lar type of structure he makes. and that are assembled on a permanent foundation by conventional homebuilding and electrical and plumbing installation techniques. Section 2 Scope: This regulation shall supersede any and all other conflicting administration and enforcement provisions which may be incorporated by reference within the KBC. (l) The KBC shall control all matters concerning the construction. altera- tion. addition. remodeling. use and occupancy classifications ofall buildings in the state. (2) Trade or brand name houses shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the KBC. (3) The provisions ofthe KBC relating to single family dwellings. that are not trade or brand name houses or industrialized building systems. shall be mandatory only after a local government. by ordinancy. extends the applica- tion ofthe KBC to those units. However. the State Plumbing Code and the National Electrical Code shall be applicable to these units. whether or not the local government passes an ordinance. A local government may not enforce any building code other than the KBC on such units. (4) Unless otherwise specifically provided within the K BC. all references to article or section numbers. or to provisions not specifically identified by number. shall be construed to refer to such article. section or provision ofthe KBC. (5) Nothing in the KBC shall require historic buildings listed on the state or federal register to conform to new building requirements bec