Frank Borries Civil War Cavalry Man typescript


Frank Borries Civil War Cavalry Man typescript, 1960 September 7 preliminary draft typescript consists of a typescript preliminary draft of Borries's Masters of Arts thesis in history.

Descriptive Summary

Frank Borries Civil War Cavalry Man typescript
1960 September 7
Borries, Frank B., 1914-
0.02 Cubic feet
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
General John Buford, Civil War cavalry man typescript is a single bound volume. Pages are numbered numerically.
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Alison Sperry
Preferred Citation
60m161 : [Identification of item], Frank Borries Civil War Cavalry Man typescript, 1960 September 7, University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Scope and Content
Frank Borries Civil War Cavalry Man typescript, 1960 September 7 consists of a typescript preliminary draft of Borries's Masters of Arts thesis in history. Borries was going to present this thesis to the University of Kentucky. The topic of the thesis was on major General John Buford, a Union Army cavalry officer in the Civil War and native of Woodford County, Kentucky.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
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Use Restrictions
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