xt7qjq0stw34_2147 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Charles Lamb text [for exhibition labels?] text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Charles Lamb text [for exhibition labels?] 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_20/Folder_95/Multipage7259.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_2147 xt7qjq0stw34  





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”311W“ cantainn “1““ :5s ><.. L Avintrm ' Fmfifl the
“ €31,1533031 ‘ _ 131313;? .’ :5 ,- '3 entail" ilmat £1 Tflfls’rfiié $51-$68
‘13:; mm; '- ‘ 1;,» Lac, fit, between?
. pnfi :Lave JHEP, 18 i
h .chr’a }Wn;lsint 5W " “Gf WarriWa cc ng”
"“if 5113 ngfiii: ' 7 $3?" life. 4) ifi 23.11.
' W“ ; ~ 7"1 ‘ at, qflfi efiiuwd
1 > 4 . . 1 ,. , g =' *nfi flfilfifidfie
Wad been, L u‘l W a '3 ’: aszfif‘W. -“ AWLing 3f lumfien
anfl ”? lWWLiWe‘W .,r' .} *FWi ' 2 r rjj in “TL, Ex miner“
in 1519; tma latfit1 JLA' ea? « FL v,:‘ .in ’Qx; 1nfiica~
tar” for ’7
{fine if 1V} 7“:; E» W mhown:
" WdiLiDfi.
can“; {3:3

”WW Eark, lEfifi.

W0fi&.5 1536.

Mama”, 1868. fld. “irrell.

Emdfl., 1§”” illufi. wrook. (“31W editian 9f “Elia,“
nuLliuan by: ant in 1* ' h;.W .:n intrndquiun by .u Wtine Birvall.
The @911 LNLt’ul 13¢ anrx. firL L6 1L JR L? bilfi are by Lufers H.
Brzmk. }

1W1TWL6 6 is an amusing pictu‘e 0f a chimney—awaayer by
Tfifirga flvuikgficnk (fram n13 “Luméan thrmcterW“)

‘fif .’?W Whown Jiliiam Wrdswvrhh'a GWWiWW a? the firWt
afiitiuns Lhe WW Wya. 51W camment on "Grace befWrW heaL“ rW~
Vfimwfi WW 4: WWW u? humsu;, fir undWyW angind 9f 3 mu'L thou LL, L
chk p WW uh.” 611113tic 3f the ~ for 3W”.:' r3“ r W Rafi
thia WW “3 in miné Wflefl he criticiz 9L ;.'~ L h “Saunder
Paligiwus feeliuw .

fit-v-lf 7L3. LIE: 0f u f‘flé 1:52.131: 033’ 31 W“ {a the:
IS ~wrfisWWthfw W ’ *

‘1:- 11:6 fl
right) bes‘

333 Q? filifi”

“31:14:. diifii H.131“; P13213021 W: aecom‘i Edition in 4.6"»;317352 but
LWW ycara Hf'Wr LEW publicatisn 0f the f'rWL flfirififi 9W1: m We up
‘" calfawLiWn a? fig: L wriob.a1 durig in'lly ;' “zed if.
WWris in la « mWaL of LHW' in Law “Aznu)n
LWLW-'1 1W3? and 1835. T33 Waquel to H 11 Was .1
Zdwsmé‘; 13-:3Xwn Kin-fie? the title “Tan t. :im- 1,23%; ~ 3513.23,"
TWW fgliowing Wflitiana WWPW Whawn:
aamd., 1&35. Rivet edition. 8 QJWWWW ahown s“ which
bwlgnged ta Tilliam “ “duuorLA.
Tail“ , 1826. (Three W1 wze LWWWLyvf ive WW ya in this
Wiffltéfl ”secund aeriWW" ware awt Ly Lam Q. TJW oo‘ntiow W We the


 “2‘31 {iio'mnzssall :nc’i CHEW my lml: an

‘ nf the $5 ;:~ were 12 icluéeé ky Lamb in the "Lrat
‘fihyfifi Di 18u3, flea? in the W )3?“ " 1818, ané g1 were “WVHW

rearithfi b9 mLa.)
{ki‘ll‘ . ’

msgvu éwuLmfl

gumbar 4 (153$ i;uu91,
Enter re rintaé in fine “:
L"n* “Pit; '
Alt“ on ~15)". £1155



 2:: 3333?th '33: 2313

3}iJ @ditifing é” '*,a =~°H3“

N" é‘jkfl-J’ui' .

glLuatrated by
2:125:01; , 33:3 est-">2“

t 1; 1;...

.1.§.i‘./' .1‘

Ya)?!" 1.1.1 E}

~ ‘ ’ 3|)“
. .1136.

'1":- "..
. 33.3.1,

X‘LV til};

.11.:- J; ”1T1. ' 131K333 _ 1. T312314»): 195:3»-

(J ‘3: o

ambliautifin Sf tfiifi V::.L me... n
3f ‘ Pvt . Jaw1W9 t3 owe
:21‘6‘8 22111 -.f. 13-31311, ,’1.:':1‘r :
estraz‘tiixg, 111$ publlshlng Danni’s: wi
£103.11 1:: tram; 3:16. I_.:;.:11‘i:, who 13:61 1.013511%

’1. he

mint-es”: by 27"}.111‘

‘rffib‘ 33

beQPE the warlfi




 the v :31

" 3;:3313'113357

311 .2

w n- x
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with b new
.33 m.» “333 $33
the y

Lflfi PLC 6

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3303312. 3.1me
:3 Of 33.33t1‘y
33'1“ 01’ his



 ,=?§EJ ijfilififf 34115225


»8ventura8 8f uly8~88"

2818 Sirat e8itian 888 8rint88 in 1888 b, 8. QfiViBOH far
388. yfiwin‘a JUVEHilQ Lib? ry. 8 880888 edit‘m 888 fiublifihfid
in 181..

” “‘8 third publiwmtimn throug: 888 8888188; 8rob5~
81y he ”Wt“‘ the 01i18r88‘8 83:: £88 Qflly Tedufifi?mbiVfl literrry
8>r8 he 8;: 8388 88 f'?. 88 $8818 T5 Tn, 18‘8, in a 188t8r £0
““88 8 “- . ' .88 ?“ur1bb ”a -V8888281 ;f F1y88r8 88
"luLwdQFd t8 b8 :8 introduw 71, ,181ng of‘ £8113: mu it
18 8088 gut of 888 Tflyfififiu, nét ‘ the 88868. 1 83818 888
flifilfihfi you: nur yet firjg prfi’fl 7888183, ‘g‘ ; 1~ 8 :“8r tr:na~
imtifin 8f Que fihummam. Tue ‘188881888r8 W 188‘ 2‘1811 th€ doin

W $38 888888 88181388 8888 88888.

I"; « “1‘31“

f 188 88 n 88% 18: 3‘8831888 in this Voluma, thrfie were by

. War. “firs Leicagier‘ s 'chaal" 18
i0: 8 78T1f8gt tyerk. gql8r18ga wrate 8f it
111 08818. 1888 8818 little valume 8f my 888?


Lamb; 888 atxers by ii
8888188888 by 8 my cri
£8 £011888: "€88 time
«88 U811*ni[hféit.t friend, ”8T3 Lamb, 8111 88 not 381v enjnyed
888 3b un~ 188; * e : r188 38 881 in'the treasury )f our 3%? a neat
2881188 11-8? tare.

888 fir8t 881t:0n 888 nubli8888 by firs. 888818 8baut 888188888

laaa, but 888 title—n ;138 b: re 88: 88te 1889.

‘5}; c“? 81

88888 efiition, Lflflfifin, 9.
T818 0083 8f the 888888 8:1t18n balanaed ta wgyathy
88888 ffld bfihffi 88? 88888 831 an the ’ ; ‘Jrf. (lent by
firth. )

Tflifd 8818188, Landun, 1818.
“1888 wmfififlflfl 8818108. 888838 T888, 1811.
838 York, 1884.

”he' T181 n81 VfittETfi 9f fiir Jmhn
3‘" .LSL‘N' f3. L:.Lil 6161?};1152, 1%3133

8ir8t mubliahaé at iaadnn in 1?96
Lamb 888 nowherfi 838888188888 88 ving 28 8 any 8:88 in tha
writing 8f this 8888, the wnrk of 818 Qlfl schoolwfellcw, sz88
White, with whcm : 18188 Il3y8 livad in 1109in88 in Lond)n 17?
time. €88 1888 8:8 8 8888 in E88 actual writingg 8f tha beak


 $539 ? ( .ma * *Muefi)

it is unliaem LL WLM‘fi fiat
318 LLLLLLL. LuLWLJ, Lovaar:
YQ‘z’fii Janin‘t ALL Lahore; 4:31“ the ’

in: 1L3 ~r1atat
3am] in i1 153;
1 :4. lle5 in “““W
:3 “1).:5 bia— ‘
it ventur3 Hf 33L“

“Lair" fur GmilLrLfi. Lonamn, lLVE.

‘ far children written by ” arlam
-LLtLd from LLVLTLL epintafi ;;urxzes

1 n. y> ; . 1 -H «“~ ”Luatry f4? Children,” Lag
than ' U ' u in .18 9. all {draw :21" it
~4d 361T .'; f ' 3’ 1 a cgny LLL LiLLLVLred in.;uLLrL~
lin n4 31ww1*; ‘ *" ufifizl L LLL editmr 0f the Vulume
LLLLa LL=L , we. LLLL Lflfle L41: ngan copiLL have been tr cad.

“fine 12‘ ins “2:211 an
Qfidan, 1539. ‘ “

"' Laban in "Li 3903: of L Life. **
Landon, 183-1. 15-1; eflitizsri.

Lrince BJruL. 1L3 nine illu:.a Lr3¢ timns
(LL L-eolwurefi). Londun: ziela L Zuar, 1889.
L remraductiou of LLL Jrifiiflal title—page L ‘
the original frontieuiece.


C‘Luation by m”: I'm; Hang). Lama-GIL , {Lam‘s

eauty 35:113. thee E’W-Lst fit}: 5LG intrac-

«:1; D, ‘
(Jr) ? a n

“E Luty 4'nd the L LLt“ L ariginnlly yuulianud by hrs.
{jauwin 1a }L11. ‘Lewe 1L n«awv1swwca, Lirect 3r inuireet, that
7 2b fik‘dbe uhig “Lactical 3npuAJfl uf Ln nciant Tale.” it is,

LOLLVLL, gLnerzlly :0s:. @“tfiu L4L his.

(.3 .

Luty :nfi the KLLL . Lflnflan, 18a6.

fiewrintafi frnm the uriginml edition 0f 1811 with preface
wné unteL by Richard Harne fhepherd.
L GL3, L Literary finnual.
tfiitad by “31% Lhoaa, flag. Lanawm: LL fiLrLLLll, 1829.

5* :‘r,’

i‘ige imam, “:n m infant, <3 ting: L mam 2,12: bzmn,“ 2mg VT 1“;th
in 1.13.5; 1L5 ‘51:? and Liz-"mt. t) fru’lffhdf.‘ 2:23:36; W333 (Le-.155 uLt 3.6.151; 11155

u f 5 ’


 g (“l
.1. -.=u "313.04.!

’3" 5:: .«Vi


L vxm‘fv ,;
{in}: 93”.; .

v 3.. Us“: 2?
-»v;ai L J F , L) x
L ;Gn Liza ? - w‘w f i V ; fflfik$ .uutexm L
, he lluxfllf T 4 u? in voimu&.h3 m
m cam 5mm: vi 1;:343; ' '
:"m—s i“i‘*:;2t Liam

(3f 1 11“ *’ Luz/mi an
tit (3. firm}: . "‘
3.1.17-é'hg‘fi‘3tli, . “*~ 5..) pit), in
' ' “L25.”

0% rthis that

.Ln fig». \«L “1:.

{,- a»

Mm, iii-5:3,.

0f the
.é XE: (SUV? 3‘59...

. .5' ,, ,. , , " :-'~l ,’ «V ’2‘» fir!"-
:3? §J.-L. I.“ ' 1’1 -' 2%,; “Vi-fl) . , C - ,= L- ’--._. v. a). x,“ . ,A Luz:

=3)t” Liéix‘





‘ .431?sz i fills


x ,,

{3.} HS”.


,,3. um i.)


 ' In: 13:


5' .1 {1; 3’: E3 3 ‘4;

14- .
hi» 3
'n,‘ v»-

» «A

' NAf

*3, firflr 1:!


w” g.
ex. 5...





, 2%;


-~ a:


.\ , I».
fir...» fizw


at v:
u... 1


41,; -
£33.“ are, ‘.




w .


 Case 10.


Hunt, Leigh.

Lord Byrun and flame of His Gontemporariea; with
Recollections 0f the Author‘s Life... Landon: Henry
Galburn, 18§3. Tirst edition.

Th6 portrait 3f Sharlea Lamb was painfied ana engr:ved by
Tenry feygr.

Letzer, diatea July 3 u.J. Tram Lamb ta John Taylor.
fiddrasged to W 69: rs. Twylor & n sgey, Fleet xtreet," and TTrkeé
"For J. Tayimr, 35g.“ ‘aylmr and Le ea ng had bnught *he ”Torxdan
Tagazine“ in 183 after the death 3T tL‘.e edit.)r, Juhn Fcutt.1n
this let er Lamb exmlding haw fie happenec“. to adopt ti";e n:::me
”£113” mg a pseudonym.

Lent by fir. Ernest wresael Tartn.

Letter, unfiated, written by L mb from "“Trse, infield —
Thursday“ t0 7"‘Lichnrd ;_,€I“1ng .3133: wake (1’79 3-185117), the Ciramaatiat.
.%? Lant by fir. Ernest Crescel Worth.

Letter, ated July 36, 1824 (past-mark), Tram Lamb to
"flesars. Taylor &.fieaaey, Lo3kaeliers, Fleet Street, fir‘ 388583-“

Mt r, dated Parig, CctJher C, 183:, from Jana fiaward Payne

to 3b.: rles Dmamb.
“ng? Lent 3' Hr. Ernest Bremuel Tarth.

Letter Tram willism Eons "Tor Gharles Lamb, qu., flolebrooke
="O’E+W=e. fl, .
V bunt)
“T? :ent by I1.r. "Erneat TJ.ressal Earth.

Letter ir>m the zuhher puet, Bernmra pwrv‘eon, adéressed to
“Hr. wad. Evans,.:‘r Tint; eller, ~.0. 1 Treat Queen St. Lincoln's
inn Fielda, Landau."

Lent by fir. Trnest Dresael Earth.

Tartan, Bernard.
Toetic Vigils. Landon:
{and J 0y , 1884.

Pfirfinré fisrton, a poet, of uxker Dr'ent. 33, farmed Ej close

friendship with Lamb, n& was intims» .tely ”CGUrlytmd with
and other literary men of hia time.
Qwened to ”Sonnet to Elia."


Tartan, Teraarfl, sud Luey Barton. ,
Tag Teliquary. London: Jahn TL Parker, 1838.

we portrait of John Jilton in L1mb'a erlcur oelebra ted in
this sannet 0f Barton is new in the possession of The new York


 Cfise 16. (fiantinuefi)

Public Library, ;nd 13 shown in tbs pre$ent exhibition, hung on
the Sauth wall 0f the ream opposite the entrance.

Letter, fiated April 5, 1855, from Leigh Punt t0 Than a

Lamb by Fr. firnest Drefiael Earth.

Y1~ ,. ~. 2w ., ;‘;' 'Sp.
Mruegt MPEqul mart“.

_ ."‘Z“’?,Zifle" .a' July, 1233.4, shawn.
hweaefl to “1 air 3f {abera Southey, Hsi., ?oet Laureata,“
with a gartrait eagr£ved after Eldridge.





 Hall Frames 4
“‘91”. 3": _ n

“:Le pl. ybill iar the first perfarmanoe on vecember 1%, 1866.
«anuve.”U"'l Drury M ne.

Lamb wrate to LL ‘fivg L on tfie f9 l.vw1qh dzy:
“‘r. 3 ~ erme out last night and i 116d. 1 h:fi m nyzkars;
fine subjerzt Was not substrntial enough. Jnhn Lull mus i1tve
gnlider frre tnan a Letter. We fire pretty 1t3ut : hrve
:rd glenty af confinling frienda but after all, we
anguld have succeeded. Eau will 553 the Eralague in most
«Jrning : news..."
1e 19 f f?um E lker'a fiibcfnin.T n ‘afifizine far J;
1 reviaw 3f the f‘rat “e“f31m nee. (Swat :2

1111913 ,

”fir. L ”I“

Ilaybil? far tae aeconfl .nLILrL werf3rmanca
Theatre ””" i Engligh Ge”' Louae, Qt? nd.
“Particularly Frithe."

it Hat 1mg tge unuSuel note, ”Tflia §i~“, 7&2 finmned at
33rury Lune Theatre." TLe fallewing notice apb'mrefl in The
wunruinfl 3f lnril 28: “fin TL1utv evening a.' 1; of nu Ordinary
0:: iation wwa givefl at the F“: g” C;s;a HfiCI" 33 which we
16:: e furtunate to be invited. ‘uvticulhrly mxiv Le' neafieé the
bills but vze c'n hrrdlv gr ‘9 a selewt number 0f the
am.teurs' friends anly , -~,M. 33 the Louse was completely
" ' w;th 5n r105“1t c>mnfn5
8 p13! n.' a been wevr>rued in EieW'Eark in 15 ?,
“meinnl in 1813. The fixs' t Gaitian 3f fr. ,
pub11;hed in Ehiladelphia in 1815. {H35 “911

Llrybill far “Wodern zzticues, or the Ferry wauvnars
’ February 17, 1816.

during tfle evening acene of this farce a lunatic fircfi a
wictol fit 315$ (ErrncegMfl 1r: 4”“ playing the rfile
of inn. Some of the shot Iéll int: the u 0f “fry 1 fib, who
wmg there with he? brsiher. It W111 1e n¢t&d t t Lomm‘g friend,
iunden, was 3153 in the spat 4f flda -ntiqua“." (fisst 13 l.)

yL 118 far the last two 1pc e“? ‘mees 3f ?J$epn Hunden

E :)r&