xt7qjq0stw34_2311 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Clipping about the library of Frederick Locker-Lampson, Browning First Editions to be Sold at Sotheby's text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Clipping about the library of Frederick Locker-Lampson, Browning First Editions to be Sold at Sotheby's 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_22/Folder_85/Multipage7894.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_2311 xt7qjq0stw34 RQWF ANT Ll BBARY.




\11'110115111 all the liilwlinqmphival rarities 111" 1110'
l:1111rv(1er11l\ L1111wr 1:1111 ')\1111. , «1101011 library :11 .
Howhnt have 10115:, sin/'11. 1410 4'11 111er\11:111111' 111010‘

yet remained :1 considerable number 01' jninresting:
111150111311011 (0111115111111 1111101 desirable, r:1ri1i1\ 111

1110 11.11 of modern l1rka.-’T111>sn 01' some 011.11om. 1

. will l) 0111 :11 Snllmln s on \l:1r111 !.

,l‘ls'po ll1'impm'111111 are three Brmxninq 11rs1 r'di-

1110115. 1’:1r:11‘elsu.\' ‘ 18;. 1 S'lmfioz'd'

" Bells and Pomegranates" [.341-(1. , ; 4111111911.
111 the 0115:1an eight 111115.111 which 1110 111111 is 111e-

50101111 11111111111. \11 11111311 works we 11141111911 111 1111~

:111111111-111 1’1111101'11 k 11111111113111 11m mm 1,110 named ,

.1mve numerous r’;.01'1'1'1111m< the author's 11:11111-

writing. The 1'11111' 01' 511311111" 'U'linlrl‘s " '1‘111- Shuyed :

Rm'ellur," 18411. is 1101, :1 p 0111:111011 mm', 11111 11.

is 111$(‘I'1bf‘fi 111'1111' 1111111111 “ ’1‘0 1‘. 1.1111(01'. 1111 his-

purrhme 111 1his4 book :11 :1 prim 11151111111 111‘ 11111197
11011 1111111110111 1111111911. mirrir 111mr ’1‘111- (111111" of
the 111111“ 111 311111111111. “ l’oen ' 18.511 \\ 11 ml

Morris. ‘ l.'-mr i> 111110111111." IS I). (1. flhmfietfig

"‘ l’oem. ' 1871) 11. 11. Stevenson. " \ Child's Garden
of You s.' 1885.1)111-(1'115 A. 1'. Sw,1nburne and
1"11111115011. are all 01' ussm intion inlnresf. and in 0:11:11
we hear “nogruph ins1riptiuns 11.1 the unions
3111111115“. Of ’.l‘ennyson's "The. hour? Tale," pri-
vau'ly printed in 1868 apparently only one other
copy 11111113111 1,0 110 rerorded.'1‘he $01 01 Rate Green-
away "1‘ " Mnmnncks' " 1883-1895,w:1nt only two to
make, 11. 101111111110. and all 2111' presenmtion copies
either 111 ;\l1' (1r .Vlrs.1..ocker.

The same <11le will inaludo srimn banks from 1110
Rev. Stnpmrd Brooke's librnr‘ 11011111111 among which
are some find editions of Shelley. 111ron \\ 0rdst\1',.nr1h
:11111 I"1'mvning.; :1 collot'fimi 1110.111) editions of
Runyan'. works from :111 unindimk’d scum-e : :1 very
fine mp} 111' Sir \Villium Duvmiunt' s “\Vorks. " 11173.
With 111p, original NIH. lnr1e11111re,regarding
11:111111311138’1‘11eatre October 2. 163.0: :1111181rR' hard
Puget-s mpy 111. (:1\mn'. “\l_\"'11~0n1 of the V1 orId.'
1481. bound by ioger 1’:1vne, unfortunately not (11111