xt7qjq0stw34_3579 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Robert Southey letter to [John Murray?] text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Robert Southey letter to [John Murray?] 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_35/Folder_14/Multipage12302.pdf 1827 January 20 1827 1827 January 20Scope and Contents section false xt7qjq0stw34_3579 xt7qjq0stw34 /’ 42/4221: 221/522,”, 472/7 / I /’_N //2'7 2cm 2/112 ,7 / , / 2 V / V £2142" V44 L11; 1) r’m/y 41/ 17! é #251975) 54/, 9/ W (or/)4 flcfil‘y 4.214211%,72/ ”6‘? v/ (219;) é faunnh, 4/ (a7 flé/QV- M4 4,,& 4. H < /w 9172/. £247 /¢'2g42//1 1: J/kW f yza 12?”; fizz/“If” W25, Mi (M Mf" a/ £2 Zemzam fir 44 ~ / Jaw/:22» f M 415 fan) a} 44M: . Mag/um? AM“, 4/1” 14' 55/ (”AI/#23 fir [4/2 W 4/? fi/% 47 It“; lurk/2‘, ‘Lg: 5 W1 1/ ¢£ /WMM/¢//< ‘1 m- A ”22M j’ 4’4“ 512/ ”I‘M M fig fifimév/flflfZ’u-J 24 %; ”922222227 5% / d jib“; ML“ 4/}; [If/“lot 41/51 “(m Mtéw Pv’ “0147",. v [/44 24 My: flWfl {M ’1 t1 (WI-tr flea/2w K' ”(722% ié‘ “422/ 44/2/3577/ I ’14444 1147 14/; 44921121, flKé [/W/W 07‘9”“) , 5: fay} W4“: 6'; "£7 baa g/emtdazoa. /;a71/Ww¢, Aw {44% 4(2/ , e", W 442: Junk étzéacl /"L Mcéébzyt Wag 7%M AZ"? / MM Womb/é?" M M Mr ”M” / 4/? M ”WW4 4/” W” W ' - 7 Q, [gal/'4,” W ‘4 Wétwi‘é) (4 45L. hf W 1/ //WD/ 45/ ivy [Ni/472.44 m 1101/ flaw flu 92” A; in” ”’7 5%; .(ZV/t/M'; 5n 1‘ “/6” / TRANSCRIPT OF AUTOGRAPH LETTER FhOH ROBERT SOUTHEY. 2 pages. Keswick,20 Jany 1827 My Dear Sir I have received yours with the enclosed bill. I will not delay acknowledging it till I send the remainder at my paper-which will be in a few days. May I request a faVOur of you? it is that you would give your vote at the Athenaeum for the admission of an old friend of mine, Kenyon, by name, who is to be ballotted for there on the fifth of next month. he is one of the pleasantést & worthiest of men. If I may look three numbers forward in this precarious life ( a phrase which I do not use without sadly feeling its import) I hope to have a paper for you on a very curious—subject- the ancient history of Ireland. I had the intention since I obtained the first volume of the Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores ten years ago. I have now just received the concludine volu es of the work. find I have good reason to hope that an order which 1 left at Brussels Rest year for Colgan may be executed in time. But even if I should be disappointed,in this my materials are rich. Believe me Dear Sir you're; very truly Robert Southey The above letter is apparently addressed to a publisher. On tr third page is pasted a printed single-page prose item such as would be sold by the Chapmen about the 1800's headed by a woodcut end/comm 1cing: "The whole Account of a dreadful Ghost,tnnt appeared tQ/Mary Butterfly, in the most frightful manner, on friday last, warning Aer a,ainst the evil doings, and telling her the state of the wicked after,.eaving this live. [etc]Includes a transcript.