xt7qjq0stw34_3709 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Pages about Richard Steele from a Boston review journal, The Month at Goodspeed's Book Shop text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Pages about Richard Steele from a Boston review journal, The Month at Goodspeed's Book Shop 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_36/Folder_62/Multipage12757.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_3709 xt7qjq0stw34 THE MONTH

Burton, WdIIdC/ZZUBZ‘Z‘J

VOL. II. fl No.5

.4 REVIEI/Vpuo/ir/Jed [on times eat/J year, giving informa—
tion concerning certain ooo/ex, prinls, and autograph
wink/J are now (moi/able. Norman L. Dodge, Editor



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RCHARD STEELE’S attention must
have been divided between his daughter
and his ducats when he wrote the inscription
we have reproduced, since the copy of Wel—
stead’s Epistler, et cetera, which he gave Eliza—
beth was published in 1724, whereas Steele has
unmistakably written 1723 on the fly leaf. Of
course, since the book contains a Prologue and
Epilogue written by Mr. Welstead for Steele’s
Conscious Lovers, Steele may have received an
advance copy. Yet, considering that the inscrip—
tion was written in March and that till mid—
eighteenth century the conservative Briton still
reckoned that month as beginning the new
year, it seems more probable that Steele was






179 SOUTH SEA BUBBLE. (The Revengeful Treatment
of Directors). A True State of the South Sea Scheme
as it was first formed with the Several Alterations made
in it before the A€t of Parliament pass’d, and an Examina—
tion of the Conduct of the Directors in the Execution of
that Act, with an Enquiry of the Causes of the Losses
which have ensued, as also an Abstract of several Clauses
of the .Aéts of Parliament made against those Directors
and the Grounds of them. Pp. iv., 108, small 8vo., calf.
g. e. VERY FINE COPY. RARE. 7620 1752

This is the aétual explanation given of the fir§t great financial crash of
modern times by one of the chief direé‘tors of the South Sea Bubble.

In it he claims that there was no evil design on the part of the
direétors; that Parliament itself altered the original scheme for the
worse; and that the eagerness of the Bank of England to outdo the
direé’tors was a direct cause of the ultimate disaster.

The names of the 33 directors are given, with the value of their
estates, the sums taken for creditors, and the amounts of the tag-ends
left to them, including the treatment to the author (Sir John Blunt),
who, out of £185,349, was left with £5,000.

There never had been any proof of the fabulous wealth of South
America upon which the scheme was based, much less of the willing-
ness of Spain to share what there was with England. But no one was
unwilling to jump at the chance of getting enormously rich. What
chances exi§ted of any dealings with Spain grew gradually less, while
shares went up ten—fold.

At last the directors sold out, and wild panic resulted. The rage
of the public was unbounded. The Chancellor of the Exchequer was
expelled the House and sent to the Tower, the Postmaster-General
committed suicide, and the Secretary of the Treasury “died from
anger” at the groundless charges brought against him.

Sir Robert Walpole took the matter in hand for all concerned, and
the shareholders ultimately got a dividend of 33 per cent., and he
laughed at those who blamed him for the little fortune he had himself
made by buying at 100 and selling in time to get 1,000 out of public
greed and timely warning.


 to her father’s play best of all. For godfathers 333003125503
Elizabeth had Joseph Addison and Wortley
Montagu. When she was a month old, her
father began his career as an essayist with the
publication of “The Tat/er. Elizabeth was not
interested. She put the years behind her with
more success than did most of her father’s
short—lived periodicals, and having grown to be,

{jaw/M flea/4‘

we suppose, a beautiful lady in a high wig and
complicated clothes, married a Welsh judge,
the third Lord Trevor of Bromham.
Welstead's inclusion of his curtain pieces to
The Conscious Lovers is fortunate in View of
Steele’s association with our copy of the book.
The Conscious Lovers, Steele’s last comedy, said
to contain the best of his ideas on life and
character, was first played in November, 1722.
Second to this prologue and epilogue in interest
is flpp/e-Pyc, a Poem, in mock heroics. We
used to think that apple pie was exclusively a




Yankee delicacy — certainly eating it for break—
fast, with hasty pudding made according to
Joel Barlow’s recipe, is native enough. Yet
Welstead’s description of apple pie, if read by
a Yankee in Timbuctoo, would fill his palate
with memories and his heart with longing for
granite hills, ragged coast, maple syrup, cotuits,
and wooden nutmegs. Welstead’s recipe is

me out your Doug}; elaborately thin,

And cease not to fatigue your Rolling—Pin.

Adorn the ”polish’d Brim” with “Orin/mm-
cnm/zs,” do not forget the refinements of quince
and brown sugar, pierce the lid with your bod-

Colored lithograph, small folio, $65.00

The Jwix‘tbmen knew éy [be engine’x moam
Tim! the man at the throttle was Casey 707165.



 kin “to give the kind imprison’d Treasure gOTODSPEEDS
vent,” and while baking do not let temptation

lead you “to lick the o’erflowing 7uiee, or bite

the Crust.”

This book of Elizabeth Steele’s is bound in
old calf, one cover loose and part of the back
strip lacking, but sound inside where it matters.
Two portraits of Steele have been inserted. The
price is two hundred dollars. The name “Eliza
Steele” is written on the title page, and on the
inside cover you find a note by a well—known
Boston publisher—”London. June 27, 1859.
I picked up this volume today in Fleet St. at a
shop kept by Waller. James T. Fields.”


INTER, the reproduction on the front
cover, is taken from an engraving
colored by hand and published in New York
about 1800. It measures about 10” x 12”, the
upper margin is cropped, and the price is fifty
dollars. The verse below the winter scene is
this —
On olilbesomefrolies lent the youthful swains,
[While every work of man is laid at rest,
Fond o’er tlae river crowd 5:5 as [lacy sweep
On sounding skailes a thousand diflerent ways,

In circling poise sun]! as [be winds along,
We then gay land is madden’d all to joy.

The poet succeeds in sending a shiver, though
the artist may have failed.




From a mezzotint by John Faber, engraved in 1733 after
the portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Thls portrait ofSteele
is one of forty-seven by the same engraver after Kneller’s
paintings of members of the Kit—Cat Club. These mezzo—
tints Were published by Jacob Tonson (a member of the
Club) in 1735, accompanied by a Ieafof dedication and an
elaborately engraved title page. We have this great work