xt7qjq0stw34_3926 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Celia Thaxter manuscript of a poem Schumann's Sonata in A Minor text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Celia Thaxter manuscript of a poem Schumann's Sonata in A Minor 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_38/Folder_74/Multipage13398.pdf undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 10586. Includes a transcript.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_3926 xt7qjq0stw34 m3 , , .DBMLMLLLLVJC‘UMILL IAN CL OWL/W EAR/\- WSWW CWME m WULL‘LLLLL L‘wm Viv. RWY/N, VLL MVLWW W: V, 3L1 SILQJWLVM- ewe/ELL W 'WVLLLL M VVVLVVW LL; JLLLTLLL WW LEM LLLLL WM ELL ; e, LLLW VLLL L'LLLvm Mt M ram/LL LL'LLL M; Mr“ Ms VWLL L’JLILLMLLLL Wm mwm , VMé/LLM‘LLLLLL VLLLL LLL 0L LHDLLLL a}. «WM/a1» W MM“. 'J CM LHDLLLL LLL mu, I‘m MALL“, Wm w Wing Vivi/Lam EfiLLWQ/LMLM, @31ng WWLL’AA dVv‘w mefi‘wQ/MLL « m WM’VMLV \QLW M Let/“Jim miwm LSLMWLWL—Mmmm VLC; MLLQLLULLLLVLC WW? \0 MW‘QLLMLMM album. ‘ LVLLLLLL Cm db. LWLLLMLJ 91d; W. EWLWWLLLW WWW YML-WCLLLWM 53037:; ”OMLLL‘L-V‘Kl M“WLLL;W WWWWUVLWWWH. J , r vcflMW~WW~LV, {ff/Lu»: ! 7 a. LQWLFLLL L J | | I I V I g . l | L Wmm LL, mm W L W m VVVN 5%wa WW qkuftf amp, MLJLLLW WLL L ' mg) : W“ W w waL Lamp (VLLL L W “W ” MCL meLLLLL; LJJ ’ 56%th W m {Saw GMWLMM n VOVVL WKWWML 096% MW Mela MILL-:7 (.3 mLLVWMVLw/M‘LWL L M f)LVWLLL, WW3 WM“ «1&st V56“ (M41) MM .2 VIM/M MM WW MM) Wm M, LLLLA mwwx LW MW 1;. Wow,» W LLML CM LL‘L‘DLLJ. LmL‘J U “LL” w Lem, ML. \waw meL w ELL. “Lt/MLLL ‘ MVCWLL Wh- mw' M MW MW fiwafi, KW (VAL MW W WM ' ‘0 «LL/W; WLMame‘U/L M/WrLR/me t QLLCLQL I ALL/LN» MMM W V Lem“ my L VLM CLw; L: LLLLLL. Mm Lea/WWW? W i‘“ “ a \L/ an The brilliant room, the flowers, the perfumed calm, The slender crystal vase where all aflame . The scarlet poppies stand erect and tall; Color that burns as if no frost could tame: The shaded lamplight glowing over all: The summer night a dream of warmth and balm. Out breaks at once the golden melody "With passionate expression"- Ah, from whence Comes the enchantuent 0 this mystic ell, Thlhis charm that takesés captive sou an sense, e§§ée§& power of music - who shall tell, Who find the secret of its mystery“? L0, in the keen vibration of the air, Pierced by the sweetness of the voilin, Shaken by thrilling chordsand searching notes That flood the ivory keys, the flowers begin To tremble, - 'tis as if some spirit floats .And breathes upon their beauty unaware. Stately and still and pround the poppies stand In silken splendor of superb attire, Stricken with arrows of melodious sound Their loosened petals fall like flakes of fire, With waves of music, overwhelmed and drowned Solemnly drOp their flames on either hand. So the rare moment dies, and what is left ? Only a memory sweet to shut between Some poem's silent leaves, to find again, Perhaps, when winter blasts are howling keen, And summer's loveliness is spoiled and slain, And all the world of light and bloom bereft - But winter cannot rob the music so 3 . Nor time nor fateits subtle power destroy To bring again the summer's dear caress, To fill the heart with youth's unreasoning joy, Sound, color, perfume, love to-warm and bless, And airs of balm from Paradise that blow. Celia Thaxter.