xt7qjq0stw34_3994 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Album pages with printed flier and poem by George Francis Train, with an envelope to Henry Hopkins and Co text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Album pages with printed flier and poem by George Francis Train, with an envelope to Henry Hopkins and Co 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_39/Folder_44/Multipage13618.pdf 1891 November 16, undated 1891 1891 November 16, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_3994 xt7qjq0stw34  











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O MIRROR—12E my “Psychic Thought,”
Casting Reflections on Life’s Stage,
Electric flashes, lightning caught
Kodaking wiregrams of Live Age
Is “Psychic Copy ” never bought l

The Stage must Evolute before
Education will Life advance,
For Brain and Thought (in Footlight France)
Would bring no “Shekels " at the door!
Nothing but Legs and Eyes galore
Are called for in Stage (Nec) Romance l
Nothing save Xmas Pantomime,
Buzz-saw, Fire-engine, Railway Smash
Will bring down House (in Playhouse Hash),
So Vulgar Tastes and Shows of Time.
No Moral Lesson now would draw,
No Spectacle (to advance Mind ),
N0 exposure of Outraged Law
Would pay with Public Eyesight Blind.
The spangles of the Circus now
Take Shakespeare’s century of cheers,
And Magic Laurel Wreaths Stage Bro“
Out-cheering Roll of Drama’s Peers.
The Agile Dancer’s pretty feet,
The Ballet of the opera
Rings curtain downy while Drama’s Star
Is Begging Bread in Crowded Street
Modern Drama (in mirror seen)
Outpaints and ponders Days of Yore,
As Midnight Suppers (Behind Door)
Keep Dissipation's memory green l
( Passion’s Grand Transformation Scene I)
George Franc/5 T I‘az'lz.









Casting Reflections on Life’s Stage,
Electric flashes, lightning caught
Kodaking wiregrams of Live Age

Ts “Psychic Copy ” never bought !

‘ E O MlRROR-IZE my “Psychic Thougl L

The Stage must Evolute before
Education will Life advance,
For Brain and Thought (in l’ootlight France)
Would bring no “ Shekels ” at the door 1
Nothing but Legs and Eyes galore
Are called for in Stage (Nee) Romance !
Nothing save Xmas Pantomime,
Buzz-saw, Fire-engine, Railway Smash
Will ln‘ing down House (in Playhouse Hash ),
So Vulgar Tastes and Shows of Time.
No Moral Lesson now would draw,
No Spectacle (to advance Mind ),
No exposure of Outraged Law
Would pay with Public Eyesight Blind.
The spangles of the Circus now
Take Shakespeare’s century of cheers,
And Magic Laurel Wreaths Stage Bron
Out-cheering Roll of Draina's Peers.
The Agile l')aiicei"s pretty feet,
The Ballet of the opera
Rings curtain down, while Drama’s Star
Is Begging liread in (fjrowded Street
Modern Drama (in mirror seen)
Outpaints and ponders Days of Yore,
As Midnight Suppers ( Behind Door)
Keep Dissipation’s memory green E
( l’assion’s Grand 'l‘ransformation Scene l)
George Frau/[lit Tram.

c. r. in IN 1871.



t. A :svmWN‘



 Geo. Francis Train, the Orator, Scholar, Statesman and Walking Encyclopedia of Knowledge will Leo- I
ture in your city upon one of the following subjects: “The Downfall of the American Public"
‘zlr-eland and its Cause’t‘Monopoly and Monopoiists” “Canada and Canadians"

Universal Knowledge" ' How to Dispose of the Surplus” and supplement his lecture With
a discussion of the resources of your own city. Geo. Francis Train was a name once familiar in every Amer-
ican household, andes the synonymn of Courage, Energy and Ability. He was regarded throughout the
civilized world as the representative American. Mr. Train has traveled three times around the world, visit-
ing all the Barbarians, Semi—Civ'lized and Civilized Nations of the Earth, becomingr thoroughly familiar with
the customs of the people, and mastering their language and dialects. His memory is phenomenal, never
forgetting anything that has at any time in his life appealed to any one of the five senses. ' .

A man with the brains of twenty men, the energy of a hundred, and the magnetism of a God

His oratory is grand—majestic. His satire as keen and piercing as the polgniard. His wit and re-
partee as spontaneous and brilliant as a flash of lightning. He is accused of eccentricity, very cheerfully
accepting the term, he defines it as being without a fixed orbit. For fourteen years Mr. Train has made
Madison Square, New York City, his headquarters; his companions being crowds of innocent children,
who come to him with their confidence and their love, and the little sparrows that flocked about him to
take the crumbs from his hand. He would not communicate with adults by word of mouth. This rest so
much needed has recuperated his wonderful vitality, and the long pent up forces refuse longer to be im- {51'
prisoned. Again he has-concluded to take to the rostrum. and again he will wield the same charm over ‘
his auditors as in years past. His resources are inexhaustible; his magnetism irresistible, and with the
sceptre eloquence he reigns supreme.


1. He connected the Continents with the first Steamship line crossing the Atlantic Ocean between
Boston, Mass, and Liverpool, England.
2. He inaugurated a system of street Tramway Cars in London.
3. He operated the first Steamship line from Australia to San Francisco.
4. He gave America its first Pacific Railway, giving transportation from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Oceans, thereby opening to the civilized world millions of acres ol’ the most fertile lands on God's green
. . foot stool, and where less than thirty years ago the savage reigned supreme and the sod was yet un~
For Brain an turned, is now populated by over eight million people that have come from all parts of the earth and
“fould brll ‘ room left for.flvo times eight million more.

Niiyiliié ' TRAIN AS .A. PROPHET-
Not mg save ‘

Eliza-saw, \ 5 Twenty years ago Mr. Train visited Omaha, Neb. He prophesied at that time that in.twenty years
VVlll bring ClC ould have a population of 100,000. The most sanguine smiled incredulously: to prove his sincerity he
1 invested largely, built a hotel there in thirty days. and has steadfastly stood by the proposition ever since.



N( '
* OMAHA Contains I ”3,000 Prosperous Peopl
'l‘l' Six thousand skilled workmen, Nine National Banks, Twenty-five Miles or

Paved Streets, Fifteen million dollars in Bank Deposits, Ten thousand Children in Public schools, Sixty-
, seven Churches, the third largest Hog Packing Business in America, largest Smelting and Refining W'orks
Ar in the World, Twelve hundred men making brick.
Growth of l887: Eight million dollars in New Buildings, Seven hundred thousand dollars in Street
Tl Railways, Twenty-three thousand increase in Population, Eighteen million dollars increase in Wholesale

It has Dou bled Itself: Population in four years, Wholesale trade in four years, Brick business
in two years, Grocery trade in four years, Hardware trade in two years, Lumber business in three years, Hat
and Cap business in three years. Dry Goods business in two years, Boot and Shoe business in three years,
Live Stock trade in one year, Bank Deposits in four years.

These Roads run to Omaha: Chicago, Burlington 5: Quincy; Chicago, Rock Island 8: Pacific;
Chicago 55 Northwestern; Chicago, Milwaukeei & St. Paul; Walmsl , St. Louis & Pacific; Sioux City S: Pac-
ific: Missouri Pacific; Burlington 6‘: Missouri River: Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha; Kansas City,
St. Joe & Council BlnlIs; Omaha & Republican Valley; Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley; Union Pacific.

“ireland and Its fianse”

The Twenty Years have Elapsed and here is the Result: 6]

ENRY HOPKINS 6?: (150.,
99 Reade Street,
