xt7qjq0stw34_4357 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Album of broadside ballads, no. 3 text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Album of broadside ballads, no. 3 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Item_3/Multipage15291.pdf [19th century?] 
  Scope and Contents

Bookplate reads, Henry J. B. Clements.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4357 xt7qjq0stw34 w -- v ‘ , _ ‘\ 3 ._:~: “my. - ‘ Ruizvlfih :“sfi'mrasg - aw» ‘3 7:23-51”va m "a < + -. -, .5“? an“, sh '. i3}? {.15 j éwaéaug - ‘ VI ‘1) «£12. ‘32 A a _ ' h5g4 ,3‘: fl é‘i‘fi Isl .‘i‘ '. 1’21 K: ”‘v 1522-“:- i, . Viz-T: , 4.— .M‘ x 2. F - ' "9’;- Sim” m; :1 23%“ a5?! .5] . “gt :2 1:1. 32% «{- -‘Z' . .‘ m'. nu! “ “52g 2., "2:32; " {2‘5" 4? )— ‘22:}? 8‘63 ._ 2 A” , , « , .. . . . :«1; ' ~ .12 .‘ »$‘$w§é§f& 13 ‘ ’» ' _ = V 7,, . . 1' _ rx’” "4?va- » - _ _ "r' - .~ . . Are a»: ‘32" .r V! m. 2 if .3»; .,. v. , 2- "‘11: ”Wag,” r , J ' - Ix" "s7 mag}? h * M “T . .5 . “k: W; ,3! ' ”1'45: . “(WK A . 44 ¥$idw~ sir-(gi‘fl " .‘Ysfi’figéfgfifl "‘ ' V: ".A -:-‘.-‘2§fny" it ' c”: I - d: ». u {afflégff'fl‘ " ‘3! .fi 3' »*‘.¢ 3 w . , . . -m3:,.,~3.._m; ra" 51-43” ‘W a; ” - ,. , ' 'hi‘ .4 -‘ VTMFW ‘ Khij‘; ‘4 M15 1. :0 -:L '. w "‘i i “6' :_H_' ‘ fifmh » 42¢»ng a“ . .' "E‘ ‘5‘ “ . _ . -. -: W fi‘i-t-W '2 v ‘4; RAW ' §i§§1¢~ in :15... W ‘V fir mam "fir; > . 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($1 my 93‘9”; I“: To ta e hetlal‘e away. f ela'f'iriimiiliiira’: a?) {38:1,} I Called her 1mm hot Filter‘ 9 door, V C that I 121i 5:131 (11?; any, , _ «t eight o'cbck at night, In an gnome y birth, , Poor creature (he Jii ittle d: 3.3.1:, ' I owed her any Fpigh t. A . My tender parents hrouaht me up, ‘ Provi 1rd tor me we 1;. - , 11131! in the town 01 1mm then V They 9 need me in a mil-1,, 531 chance anon an O-ieforJ his, I Cali :1 wanton eye, .- '- And {Marina (1 I would rnatty hex-.- It the; 'w. .h me would _lie, Itoldhe: if- the cl 1113- k with me AFicie -a little wry» ' We both together wouId agree,” Abou Our wedding day, " ‘ths I delt’ided er again. V - Into a priv té 41121112.» - Then tooka Rick oLFt ofthe h: 1339 ” And Ilene}: her- m the Face. 2 Box 1131: feII on her bended 211109,. And do for mercy ery‘ , 'f For heaVe.’ 1s (alt-e on‘ t mobile: 1116; V I am not fit to die 9-, Bot toth’e 1111111111 do deelonie,» '_7 Wish 161110-1111 gri~i11112l-wou. This roliy 11101112114111; in a lame Arid wr’ou hem-1t own-1111111, ‘ Feelicdas ~11 ~l‘eameto magi {aid But 1011 her nopzty t‘oV-olt xiii you 1 am wuh child. ' But “secunde‘d her Full For‘ hope dear Iohnyou ’1! maritime [1an her fire 3.“): 1 100k {We get: have me de‘iihi Which I can net-1111110115, Vi'ith many griev out lhtiek‘s & c1“‘V3 She did tefign her breath And 111 an 1nhtimn barbatotxs Fort, I putmylove 10d :1 sh - 1 ' And then I took her bytli’t‘: hair '1‘ 0 cover the Foul (in, ' And drigged her to Lhe rife: we, Shea threw her body , 1., ,, S an after the: he? om co ~141- As you {hall nooietitanei ' . 21rd 1‘11111111111-1 on! me 11!:ng ‘ Towed i1; e-itoo 0* hand.- Milt-1.5 ptr-p‘ at 'd on wet"; {no ‘ :11 combined, . I wifhfullyTV upon him Viooie‘tl, 1 Her 1111131 did 1131111111 the {wear - Thus In the Blood 1.1111110111111111. My hands were deeply dy‘d, and ibined in the purple gore, That lhould have been my bride . Then 2101116 unto my mill I ran, But heaven had a watchful eycy.’ But Forelv was amazed, , Had brought it lo about, My man he thought I had mischief That tho’ I 111111,: did denyn , Mid firangely og me gaz‘d (done This murder would come out, I publiflt' d' My wickednefs to blinfid That Could her Dody find, Oh what‘s the matter- then {aid he, The very day beforethe ailize. You look as pale as death, [f0 Her body it Was Found What makes you fliakeen l tremble Floating before her fa: her: door, As though you had 101% your breath It Hindfey Ferry F own, ' How came you "fly that blood 111100.30, SDI the iceond time was lie:- (I, . Your trembling hands and clothes, ' [‘0 Oxford brought with liked prél'ently to him reply’d And here examined again, . » _ By bleeding at the noF9- About the bloody, deceit ' , J Now the Coroner and Int-y both: Bot litt e to him (aid, Tog-emf did agree “notch 13 the candle £10m his hand, Th8! ”“5 damfel was made Away, ' V And mm unto my bed And murdered by me . There I lay trembling all the night The jufiio: to) perceived the Igoilt, Not either would takebad But the next morning was Fern, , Away to Reading “1121‘ ' For I could take no folk and pctfeéi {limes of hell dici Fla’h, Lilto lightning in my F36 Next day the 1111-1111111 Being miFe-d When [was brought “We the And no where to be round, then I was, apprehendei F0011, And to {he 11mm bound, My 111m did telh'fv, [page aha! blood up in my hand 81 o ’othes rhat night he he did fly: )1, ' The judge he told the [ury- theri, I‘he cirrumflance was plain ‘ 1 Look on the pnfoner at the be? He has this ct amte Gain. She tea on 11.1.1 no deubr, int I had made away w: it: her, . BecauFe I called hei out? But Site-n did me [ii I! petFuade, V Iliifi v did deny, Ouoth he there no Witnei's ch91 _ Againft thee I‘el’tiF y, . - All Of the 11 guilty .ct'v V',J Now when her mother. diti he: cry ‘I hejailot took (:1. hound me RIMS“ l leofiingly did Fay, ‘ As won as l was earl: About the mixaei 11 1111 mi; - - 'Ihe lury (“.1lequ V I . Ind then within the ptiFon Moog, . . He there iii d 1531 me {31%, * / m the poll 11031111111. Wth fetterslliongtheo I 11:13wa And lhin bolted was 1. Five guinea: any one fliould have, Yetl the reorder would not Own Bot did it Ftil‘ldenv. .- My father did oh me prevail, My kindred all likewiFe To own the murder whieh 1 did, ' _To them with watery em, . - 1 My; Fathee then he did the , saying, my ‘9”; 9h WHY, :15“:- Have you brought yoiulelf to 01am and all your Famiiv, Father lawn the crime I did I guilty 21,11 indeed ' Wlnch cruel £11151 I 111119 eoniefii Doth/ make my hearty) ‘ ” // ‘ If f g 7 VA 'Fhe We!!! ‘of death I do desem My crime is Fo baIe, Fory I no mercy fhewed to her. Molt wretchedis my cafe, Lord grant me grace while I do Bay 1‘ hatl may now repent, ' Before I {retinitis wicked World; Mnfi hemefnlly am Feat. f / ' / v 011 ting men lake warmng by me, All filthy lulis defy By giving. way to wick‘eednefi, 111an I this day 1 die . Lord 1911!}:me hateful fins awav . ’ Which have been manifold ' Have mercy On me Lord 1 pr 1y And Chtiii receive my ioul btitwliehthev brought theirverdiét in , ‘ Pike Printer, WholeAL. To; an i . ' ‘ Mable thvehouf'e,6,Crcl1_ 5:. Andrew Sateen} D1111 LL in the Downs the fleet was moor'd : [he wreaths-rs waving with th-: wind, When black ey Ll Susan came on board 0 whe :2 shall i my t‘nelovu find fell niejovial sailors hit 118 true it my sweet William sails among your crew \Villiain who high upon the yard Rock‘d with the billows to and lro’, Soon as her well known voice he heard He sighed and cast his eyes below 1 he cords slide so ittl-x thro' h s glowing hand and quick as lightning on the deck he stand So sweet the lark high pois‘d in air Shuts cleric, his piniom to hisb east if chance his mates‘shritl call he hears He drops at once into it s nest The noblest canvain in th- British fleet Mightenvy William‘s lipsthose Kisses sweet 0 Susan Sutan lovely dear Mv vows shall ever true remain Let me kiss of that tailing tear We only part to meet again .C ange as ye list ye winds my mind shall be The taithful compass that still point to then Believe not what the landsmen say ' ' Wh I tempts \v th doubt thy constant mind They say that sat lors when away in every port a mistress find ‘ Yes yes bxtieve them when they tell thee so For thou art present whetesoever I go, When to fair lndia‘s coastlsail ” _ l‘hy eyes are seen in diamonds bright Thv breath is Airica’s spicy galc Thy SKID is iv0v y so white ' ; Thus every beautious object that lvzew Waites in my soul some charms of pretty sue Tho‘ battle forc‘d me from thy arms Let not my charming susan mourn Tho‘ cannons ioar yet free from harm William shall to his dear return Love turns aside the balls that aiound me fly, Lest tears should drop from susan’s eye The boatswain gave the dreadful [word The sails her swelling bosom spread No longer must she stay on board ' Thei kiss’d she sigh'd he hung his head Her lessning boat unwilling rows to land adieu she cries and waves her lilly hand. ‘ Sweet Wi liam‘s happy Return to .\ his Dear Suian. AS thro‘ the grove ItonK myway, Sweet rtCieation to: 'to take, A charming niamen !ree and gay, ' Fer her love sad moan did make, In 3 5w: t bowm‘ near a pleasant green‘ Drtst like some Goddess, or some beautilul‘ , queen. , Unloth’is fair maid with sorrow fiil'd. , l vent to ease her 0! humour”, But when my person she b h M, She said. kind sir i pray depart, . What bruit-3:55 have y (.11 ten: to trouble me Ur, to go scot’fing at my misery. Sweet lovely mistress of the grove, Why shoulu l make my scoti at theé 3 ' i do perceive thou a t in love. lcould \Vlal] it was Will! me, ‘FWeai charming creature tell tome thy nama ' For thy bright eyes doth my heart enflame. Susan is my name she said, Who am oppr‘est with griefand woe. My dearest love is gone to sea, But where he isl do not know ;' . Myjewel‘s absence fills my eyes with tears I have not seen him for these many years" ‘ Kind lovely Susan l protest. v 1 think 1 snow the same young ma»r'i',_ He has got a mole on his right breasth Likewise his name is William Lamb, And i! it be the samel tell you plain 1 ha: all your tears atespent in vain,‘ He is the man that‘is my'deari Pretty sweet Susan did reply, You make metrembie [or to hear, Uf my true lovesinconatlncy. ‘But surely such thing canhever be, For he admiies none alive but me, That's your mistake sweet charming tair,._ Sincel wxlllet rou undersrand,‘ ‘ ‘ William is married .1 declare, Unto a-maid in New England, And he is raised to a high degree,, 7 4 ’ - . Forget him for he has been false “Bio/$69“. r lam a.poor distressedmaid ,Z, . t m. No-other shall make me his bride, _ Tho- he is {alsea maid l'll “Ye and diet _ ‘ ‘ But yet my'heaitdoth in his bosom he? i All happiness atleiid'my‘ dissing ' Wh ere’er 'he'go’rt; by land arsed,- ~ ' My lovers still tor him sindere,’,. 9‘ it: r’ ,1 V S'Alilio: hellias proved false to me; , , ' =et‘llet sweet William-use me'aiihaWilL: [cannot helplo'ving sweet William still; liconldbe glad wit‘liialfi‘l my heart, l A ' To see my .Willia’m once again, . Then I my mindwoilldhsoon impart,- Io him who breaks my heart in twain,- “ And she that is his bride l' love her too,‘ ' Thof he be {alsevmy love to him be true; Sweet. .,;,,Susia'n‘s CW1? “saucy, QEEING his Susan‘s constancy,» , .. L.) ,. 'I‘ears down his cheeks did drop ‘ainaiu, into her arms he straight did fly, x" ‘ ' Saying why does myrlove complain, ,. lam thy \Vntiamjo‘rn‘d to thee/'byoath; ‘ Nothing bu;Vcleath‘sh‘atl,parthstbothl _ u ’ 5’ _ _7 Mydear behold on ~i-i'iysrivght breast- V You knowthere is a get tam mole; , - Let not your heart , be sore opprestfr Here is the h‘jokev'ri'lpiece of gold; Which-we did break on a certain.,day ,.:VVlien we jpartedfand l‘.w,ent'aw'i '« ping-his a’rr‘ns , ,3; e _v‘e’d,the charming air-if William and Susan sweetly_~pas's‘d_alo§g.~, ‘, Tp I’lynio'uth,.church 'Wetemuttitudes tarot: Twenty stout sailorsbiayeand 5616;. ’And‘fiwentyvmaidsin rich, M‘l‘ffi: y , usid'play‘datihei’rdesiro, , y "’rr‘ieet the bride and _ bridég’ oomt 'agejoimd? we ‘ jappf'llfiifi ‘ " ‘ shifiori’ous‘sight tor to behold, a}: ‘4 ;3 am EATlNGHOUSE, A Seme- ' North Country Ordinary” and, SCOtChK Chocolate I’IOIUfC In the NEIGHBOURHOOD .ofSt. jams.“ 'thAR :COU-NTRY .FOLK: -, . , " ,2 HEN Iconfidere‘d and rightly weighed the {warms 0' yezthat come t ““3 WU": “Ra how 7" P00}- difhrefl'ed and llarye weams want tic gun and Wholefomemeals as ye'were tried to, and belt agrees w1 yer confiitutigon ; this I fay, an ' the tender love I always had for y 2‘ firfiagard me to think .0’ fetting up a North Cou-ntrfy ;Or£{1nary. or :9th Chocolate Hug/E / forthe accommodation 0‘ a’ thatiloo’d temfels, and had any regard far the Prefervation 0 their ane healths. _ . , ., But before Iwad undertake a thing a’ fae great confequence, I thoughtit advrfeable and bell ftrfl o a to advife and confu mi’ fic o’yerfels as war in town about it. Accordingly I did fae, but ae vow I gm “dead the J9Y “Ed p’leafur e that appFaIf in their countt'nances, ye wad a thought they wad a looped out 0’ their (kins, a7 protefled and fwegrrid bfthe (ads ,0 their b dies, .gini‘I wad hut undertake fetting up lic av-houfe, they wad warrantme that! wad have mere u me 5 than a the ea houfes in this 0" heal city-0’. London, and pn‘f’them a’ the gether. ‘ . ‘ _ ‘ I _ . .5 ' Butir‘rgudtroutb I am as old farran as any 0’ them a’ ; and‘(gin ye ll-believe me)right loath was to, truft either the; eaths or words; fottto fay among ourlEiis, now my nean‘F‘country -foke are a peek 0f Pflk')’ fllPli‘er)’ 5119613: “I‘d yea he as gudv ' warrant to play he aip’lifcan, as ony Cornilh or Country 0’ York man.,_ and that s a ’ , ‘ I word now l—FBut now t’prevent mifunderfiending 0n tefide or tither. I‘defiryedthat they wad come t fictetms as wad- " fecureihe from bring alofer in this attain ll‘RYfillCfll l'olemny protefledand {weer d: our and out agenn that as king as - ‘1 keeped gud fiirabout, fomins, fltiin’d'n’i‘ilk, and butter-milk, they wad {tle as clofe t me as the {tr-k upo tny back ; and there; *5 fore begged hence more t’ ‘puhlilh-t’ the warld my propofals, and let them ken vyhat they war to hea for their filler: - _ . Now thinks I t’ mysel, ye ken weel enough, theyare a devilifh rfide-weain d pack offallows: and wad Roll the deel, and a’o’ thin meet intil them, fe l was refolvcd to‘confider it Weel, and how it wad anlwel' . {0t this-111m fur: 0f, thatdeelabea t1 ey care for the quality, -fe there be but enough o’t. And therefore I idopropol'e as fOUOWSm: , pROPosALa ve {hall nae ‘he wantin : ‘ for I will agree wi‘ .1 ”brewer for/a. I ihis-tifan; they ca’ ithere in this toun taplalh ', halides Whig ' , whey, butter-milk, fonm, tkeynns, fcridah, fpurrah andjuti‘ s addin ane babeemere. J , ,- » ‘ VI . That honfe furniture will he provided and gotten in order for. accommodating o’ :1’ my guefls, I’ll hae a gud mic; kle pos, fputtlos 0' a’ fizes, bickers, trinchers, Coges, 'kimlins I. Stirahout‘aways to (he the fianin difh. II. There is aniauld gud faying, that variety is the plefute . 0’ this warld; and to plefe the palate of oncy ean 0’ yet) that’s de’nty Itomach’d; ye’s hea lang heel, and backed keal, and ; rumbled‘rea'l, and l'yhos; and a piece 0’ god eaten bannoek, ilkie yan‘e payingfourbabees. ' III. Now I’m perfuaded, that name 0" .ye willwaht ony fip- pers', butgin any 0’ ya do, there will be enough '0’ cald meat lcfe, and that ye’s hae for nothing; and gin that wonnot plefe _ ye’s get a wee wheen-{owins'and othem opoth’em t’ fup till ye .cafi'agen. ' ' . IV. iOn the Sabbeth, When come {me the prechen, .ye’sget a gfld finged lheep’s herd, Wi ilkey yen an bicker o' barley brbfe, and a haggisro’nur one gud wife's making; and tlio’ I fay’t that {hould not fay’t, thereis’nt a betterkook in ‘a’ :the healteun; and the dee’lfgeeher thanks, for {he was born at Lough I-labber in the Heelands 0’ Scotland, and her mother was born atArintrow. t. Ami as‘for making 0’ a haggis, {lira- bout, fouins, bannocks, or been:meeI andrmaihlin puddnns, {he’ll-turn her,back :1 none that eyerweerida heed between the {boulders 0’ them. i ‘ , 7N. B. Ye mun underfland when there are he d > ‘mere. ,r . , V,- That I will fettle acorrlefpondence .wi’ the Leigh mer- fhaints, to {endme a heal bath leadned wi’ oten meal and fouin ee 5.. , " ’ . ~ -VI. «Gud meet a’ways defer-vs gud drink, and ‘Ifs, warrant , that on this dayyer to bee no :ltimboait, cuties, and _ilkie body mun add a. babee‘ Knit: . :I‘HREE'V HAL‘FPENCE. ~in-the place of powder and oil. horn fpoons, curties, -fourms,.haffacks, three legged fidol’s; . 8tc. for nethin {hall be w‘antin. As for a jack and {pact W6 " (hallhae 11a occafion for. , ' . ' , . VII‘I. By what is propofed, let me fee wha can live fe ‘18.”; ‘4 ty, and at {e {ma charges? that ilkie ane mae .gan hame . their beds every night fartin foo, for no mare than fix babeec day. , i ' 1X. For the further encouragement o’ a’ my freens .th 3 {hall be-ihaved and powdered on .the Sunday wee gud'oten m and a hit 0’ the North Country butter, and that will anf X. I {hall fay no mere upon this heedrfor. the ptefent, igid I find it will anfwerL Vivha ken: but we may reach a .1 , 4 ye’s hae Jud attendance, for jannet and niyfel Will do for no la es will 1 keep: Batty and Spotty, 1’3 'warrp ,will keep a"clean, and live btawley. The following honeft bodies that war invto'wn, wee joy fro them, fubfcribe their names as follow: I ' ROBERT M’Mumy. ’ v roal’c meat at left : 1 had a mail’t fergotte‘n to acquaint ye th soldtwhalefaleend Retail, at No. 32, Marybone Sweat, Golden slim I I $5M“; Stdjolm’s Street Wcfl: 'Smtthfield" " ' WONDERFUL I' E A wow— Sharp, Printer.80, Kent-street. Borough—r l-Iawkers, 8L6. supplied. “MD M 1 am nsk'd to sing, and lies I hate, So the truth you‘ll hove from nae—- '|'hough I an matunis‘iin-J,r tale relate, Of a wonderful large flea! His like was never to be found, He was such a monstrrouo size, That-when he hopped upon the ground, He shook both earth and skies. , Fol lal. &c Some men one morn resolved to try, : If they thistle: could take, But he not up such a horrid cry, _ That made them all to quake, And ere the had recover‘d there fright, Or could or assistance ca I. lie did knock down. both left and right, Full fifty meniu all, Fol lol,k_c He looked their blood then cut uway, A I fast an he could hop But ere he‘d gone ten nilel‘ theyooy. was forced again to Ito , Five hundred men did him snail With itchforks. stake, and guns. AtlaItt ey killed him without fail, By ohooting him through the lungs. Fol lol,&e “is dying groans like thunder roared, Which fill‘d them all with fear, ’1 hey were heard two hundred mile! abroad, At least ‘twaa very near, Hie blood through Africa found its way, So I've been told d‘ye lee-— And there it remains to the present day, And they call it the Red Sea. Fol lol, &c Now then, my boys. all dnuger flown, We've nothing else to dread, We‘ll have a dro of good cheer at home, And then cut 0 to bed. It. longer shall we be annoyed, As you may plainly see—- - ,7 Since we t ether have destroyed, V 'l‘hia Vol erful large flea‘ - - ' All inn Tl " [ a ' ' ' : Pim‘eda‘ldi‘sblsl at ’66,.61i‘35éfi DUKE Will'a' 1 .' x ; . Ofiemornin 1' I? and a Nbble’hiln,hfli6es‘of ‘ i V L; . 1".“ the éoufigfllbtew%PJCI9c"fdid take; shelfrr‘legelandls. 5“")va 5““ Duke William ‘nyaw‘q g°’ ‘“ Séi‘°,rs‘dre'ss mtg”? * ‘i 5 they n-V—A Hhx'w '7 To V . of. ' Dark listed GYPSEY. ‘ I +0—9- samp, Printer, 30. Kent Street, Borough, London. . , ' “6&9- Dark eyed gypsey, come. not hither, " ‘ Do: unveil my future doom: ' Ten me not in tranquil weather, 0fthe cloud that is to come. , rvhgugh e’en now the sunbeam leaves , me, ‘ « . , [ii-Line dream that it will last—43", I , .. 7 _ . » l f the happy future gives me, melatonement of the past. Tempt me not with happy fictions; [should listen with a sneer— ,- Chill me not with dark predictions ' " .1 should listen with a tear, ”’ ave no wand ofmagic o'er me,- , Vaunt not of your mystic skill ;::" Let the veil that lies before me, i ‘ Be mpenetra‘ble still. When the young and gay are near; you, ' K ' 3 Then indulge yOnr magic mood; How intently will they hear you, ’ , Credulous of all that’s good, , ‘. finest of all the bliss you’ve brought! then]. ' , I ' “Give imagination scope— . ‘ Disappointment hath not taught them, , . mistrust-til? gtsams of Hopet » And 1’“ turn my Med bower, Joys sweetest lute shall charm me, ,. 1 Nun! W a. lil/hjulufl THE BEAM OF BEAUTY’S , I‘LL range life’s gayest garden, Were love’s brig test flowers grow; ' Round the bend'of Cupid’s bow. I’ll fly the look of sadness, — From the lips that frown I’ll fly, And I’ll bask my noon of glulnen, In the beam of beauty'l eye. Aiding soft my ladies voice; While the wine cup balmed with kiwel Still shall bid my heart re‘oice. l’ll fly the brow of Eori-ow!‘ F mm. the lip that: frowns _ I’ll fly A nd, [’11- 'baskfiin'ytnoo, 'f transport, in the ‘beamiof' begutyf 3F?! , FRIEND AND'BOTTE'E SINCE the first dawn of ~ reason that'beam’d.’ ;-' on my mind, A. And taught me how favoured by fortune in» 7’ lot, ' To share that good fortune I still was inclined, And impart to who . anted what I wanted not, 'I‘is a maxim entitled to every one's praise, When a man feels distress’d like a man to relieve him. ' cnoans. And my motto tho’ simple means more than it sa s, May weyne’er want a friend nor a bottle to give . him, The heart by deceit or ingratitude rent, Ur by poverty bow‘d tho’ of evil the least, The smile ofa friend may invite to content, And we all know content is an excellent } feast. f 'Tis a maxim entitled to every one‘s praise, , : When a man feels distrecs‘d like a man to 11- l lieve him, , ;‘ Ann my motto tho' simple means more than 't g as s, .' Kay weyne’er want a friend or a bottle to 1,; him ‘ . V, .4.” . '. ...._ \‘H‘ \ , ‘ , A ,' , ‘ / fjfln \ Z iq¢ in! 9‘ / _ o, O fv ., - 9 . HO “ \ . o, \ néUN THE inoo‘M. ‘ P inted and Published by HILLAT & MARTIN, .0 .x 13, Little Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields. 0) *Q‘ Shops and Travellers supplied with Children 0 ‘Primers' and story-Books, Song-Books, Sheet Songs! I’atters,iand Slips, ornamented with 'Engravings— th / Greatest variety in London. I round the room I‘waltz'd with Ellena'l‘aylor, All’round the room ll waltz’d till break ol'day; ‘ . And ever'siuce that time ’l’ve done nothing but ' ' bewail her— \ months to stay.' utelas she's gone‘to Margale all "the summer its at a‘ ball at lslington I first chanced to meet her— ‘ . (eyes away; ' She really look’d so nice, I couldn't keep my 11' all'my life before I ne'er met so sweet a’ creature, avay'.‘ . he danc’d’with me three hours then fainted q‘uite I oken)—'—She vas such a diwine creature—'1 fell '7 e. ‘with her the first moment I saw her—l \ "ok’d languishing alf‘her, and she didftheflsame‘ Ime— the‘n'she gave such a sigh—such a heavy ' l' _u might have heard it— * ‘ - - , , fill round the room, &c.' ,w ‘ llen’r rather (fall, & my Ellen's rather thin too ' " ' ' her sandy, and she‘sat singing 5'11: felt: z ' i, ' (a sin, toe. . hould leave m‘e’now I think“ quite e ‘tbeiheppygll the time @he’is avay g e1 !‘—:such if nat'ral :sOrt oil/q n Montsayna to _ , _ i’flxe do“ t‘ ’toybu ne s—i’ve' We. F..— e ,W..- N, .7,- ..—.» —-7_-r~y~rv;rv-v‘-", l' 0f the; ’ Forest: ' l: A ;.tri"tféd§a-fid-s'_old by J Pitts x Greet}? Art-l, = ”fr tdré’wlstreetseven Dials » HE E‘lo‘tyers ofthe Forest in Spring time were _’ _‘ - .‘ gay, . "thndJov'e heighten’cl vvverysofi pleasure of May, My Mary stray’d with me wherever 1 went 3 And my heart waR the mansion ofpeace and con- , ' ; ' , lent, ‘ " rButalas she has left me for pastime more gay, And the flowers of the lorest all witiler’daway, c 7 1’ ' :The flowers of the forest in sp‘ing timezwere gay . Andatlic. smiles of my'Mary gave wing to the day But past are'tho‘se pleasures no l ore to return; Her charms I adore and her fal ehood l mourn. , For alasvshe has left (me for pastime more gay, ‘- » And the fioWers of the forest all wither’d away; V‘ l The flowersof the't'orest in swing time liter-e gay .‘ Like. their fragrance my bliss andrfond hone pass away, ’ J y it ’ 'Fondlhofiérwbich lcang‘ht bytheghnceof‘het or alias she has'left ine‘for,pastime more‘gay,» , ‘ " eye”. ', : _‘-j: ‘ _ Now blight'éd-bv sorrow, faintwnherand die, f " And the flowers 9 the forestall withéer-away,’ I". 11% V “*4'4'4‘4‘4") 1011¢+¢§o¢¢£¢ ./“r if 1" ##ee1e1114 too¢¢o4¢+ebawo o§¢w§6¢¢eeeii+¢¥qfiéeaeeaé1&1“ § . .91» . /”J V Shop and Travellefs supplied Wll‘. dren’ s Prime1s 11nd Simy- doks'; Books, Sheet SOngs, Patters, and Omamented with Engraving's—rthe'. est variety in London. 1 1 \1\\ As flashey Joe one day did pase Through LondOn streets so jolly, A crying fish, he spied a lass, ’Twas Tothiii’ s pride, sWeet Moll :He wiped his mug with apron ,hlue And cried—come buss, yo ~ Joe; When she turned up her nose, And bawled out here' 5 liv Vhy, 1111111 you s1yore you would b " But you have grown so qnee 0. And, always Changing like the win, She cried—now Joe, vhy. treat 1116 1 YOu khow I love you as In life . n 1 ”torsook both Sam an, W1-ll’ So I’ll be off 1v1th 111ymack’1e1; And you may bolt with your 5 1L0 Ye’ re :11 .Kte ,' ' I eould not ' art with Moi] diy'e ee g fl THE HUMOUE‘s‘b’E . 'riFrGSi; Fair; 5 W V ‘ . St. Andrew StreeLVSeved’Dials, ‘ ‘1 . " Ally‘r‘yu that fire curious KdoWuri'ght, ’. And fund of seeing every sighé, ‘ ‘ " [ftp the Thames you hadrepair‘d, V ‘ Yp'u might have seen a famousfait‘f ’ ‘Dwe‘srions ofevery kind yb‘u’d sec. ‘ ~ With partiwdrinking 'coifee and tea, find duhcin too I do declare, ’ . , ,Up’oglhe {hames'they sun Frost Fain. . ; Ig‘vjas many curious form see; . . t , .. prf-h ybuxigyand bk! 'so'flxllhf glg'e; ' 2 ,. The: drinking boaths they; enfcr'fl ii),- ' 311ml eaH’d‘awéy fo‘i‘ pm! and gin ,' {3 V V'Some play’dat'phreadle my needle Nan,“ £636 I-asses slipt down as they ran; ’ " A hich made mem‘quite full oigle'e, ” v ‘ The young girls legs. @1117,de to see. i '1‘ here watermenvso flies“ and trim; _. I, : _ " ' :wuh bottles fiél’d with Old Toin'sgin, _, :1. , iA'nd bther‘s bawl’d among thé’ghr'on'g; : l ' :“hQ’S fur a glass gf‘Sampson thong ‘3. ' V , ' ~, V7 [Here-3 num‘z’mdgihgelbrmd who buyu? .y: 7 ‘ v - ”Home boys ared,’Win.my mutton pic‘s, 9 av _ , - . Come‘ ladies-they’re bath hot and, nice, ' IEeéphotjtpAca‘t-oné gm 1hcice. ; -. F ,‘BOjS,’5mEa.' and-:‘Womenfiot afew, . :. A ,iUponthe’lipc’th'eydwernturv’d tad; ‘, 1 1' , AHQ'SWifigS thqlc’wre I (H) declare, ’ . ‘ '7'I'quearidenp in 1hr: aim , ‘ , > A’ndh’dptfls wherei‘n "you might.__mga¥e, ‘ ; 7 (Andi/havea pm of Beemr ale, ‘- , ._ ' Agid'ékiule waving-’1 dqdeclare, ‘ Updn‘flxe' Thameslyhey can Frqsl‘Faim N6Wt0'00D_Clflddtny icy fiong, I. I ; rmglgd 10 see Lhafr'ost'is'goue; ’ “ Ahdz‘shipsand hinges all afiqaf' rfiatgi’menmw big of weigh/Eats ;_, Blagkrdia/monfl hinges :9 pears" ' FAi'fflLESS CAPTAIN, Or Betrayed Virgin, , ,ALL ye maidens fair I pray awhile draw near, ' - .l atragical story have to tell; v ~1tWill make your heart bleed when farther I proceed . Astor the truth it has betel. In London-City lived a maiden there. “ Blest with a store of wit and beauty bright, Unto a lady fair. she a servant were, And the lady in her took delight, Shehad ason we hear who a captain were; 'A ship the Burtord call'd he did command, And has itwas found. was to india bound, AA‘ndjhe mt. st forsake the English land. fills-mother‘s waiting maid had his heart betray-d. . ole/great kindness unto her did hear