xt7qjq0stw34_4358 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Album of broadside ballads, no. 4 text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Album of broadside ballads, no. 4 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Item_4/Multipage15351.pdf [19th century?] 
  Scope and Contents

Irish street ballads. Bookplate reads, Henry J. B. Clements.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_4358 xt7qjq0stw34 a 4. ’: gnaw. L . . ‘ t‘fl L." " m 2 2’ ‘i ~ 8% .. w .. ‘ H. mm ,2 . , wu' j .‘I' v i] ‘ ¢ 0 . \ Y. ‘ J , K . / , R , . I ‘ x ‘ ‘ I ~ - \ / x ‘\ .- i ‘ . ‘ ‘w ”I: - «a; ' 4‘y‘ ‘ / A I »\ I \‘ ' I 3‘ \ ,4 I \\ IV : \ o 4; "I" ‘z '\ ~._ ‘ “r i _ -.'V ., , A .11] i, . . V . , - ‘ , , . _ Ala..ri1!.sk ‘fnblv . Vito! Mr.x[.4fi. lizIAIlILIV‘K ‘11.! 11?.zxxifilxiyabe 7.4.3.;Ii1r‘.133:}? 1 , . , _ . T , , , ‘ M _ «4 ~»'-' i v When l‘wlcntkinto the shop tyvo women them I ineg , 'Jan'glin'g ditlihncppiher‘onthen bnfgnins they (1&3?th tings Neil‘yonxj teaiié Definer than 'lplnfiply' gen pot.“ in t in W hen salt Sinaéh d hérs upon her nose saying come Wife in , ‘ ' Vdnj'yéstérdiay besng hire up totthe pop-sling I did go ‘ ‘ Expecting‘on‘ my costi'nl‘ t9 rise a bnh on 30,-.“ 2 , .-~. , 'Nnnlcrnohu behind Lhe|cnnntg r renew d lty‘W'll‘iil a grin,‘ “high 1 Aék‘d 4 Mb «in it he't‘old me to wire in, r I' I / 3' ‘t “:-:', " ligi... '. \;;_l' 411,13 ';i<.’_ " -~' git. ‘ 7 f: 1_ ' «. - He lent ea ha) g crownldont thihL it was rig t a l ‘WéiitlintnViadpuylgli‘c—houe & gbiinto n fight, . 0t “. sin, A l‘ 'l‘lieiiinlice-lnun he @9113in me p nasl‘it n ’ . ' ‘he‘dragged to the station :hené 1 had to Wife-1n ‘ ‘ ; ; ‘Bci'niie the'jnniis'neii} nio'rnin'g ‘11 went faceltg facg , V ’ .. . i lfle 8‘4st think live geéiii')9u heforg here in this play? :Sij'to’kéép "you jrom drinking 8; spending nil_')'9uif_tm, '11, ‘Hnrdlds-érnss'fdr Ill-days you’l have tow.re;1n .9. H'. 1-. ,-.- . ., ' ~ -. . ‘39 d3 viiié ,n in allithe’ go ligfoie I end my rhyme, lis'el'oie th'ele‘appta all g- ne ”9 ante 813% m tyne, , .2_. The ‘im'meh éajé ~the pen. it‘lis gopfi-rso n“ you've any fan \liét Ex {ickét'i'or‘yonr teapot é“ quickly Wire in, '. ., U. :.| . _ ‘ _ ., Hui 12%. Biefeton, Printer, 1, LI Exclmnge St D‘flm ,‘A NEW SONG i'OKLlJJ) “‘35: ‘WE DDI MG :A‘FiT ERNO 05M 'i'l'e‘llfimei tellflrlnenlovoly Molly \what news have-yon .l‘rom:;heuie 2Hu§hinahonclmlihush ,andJists'n andzher cheoks were iike The rose {Iham ordersyfrqm your parelus for towed yon quick. andnaou ‘j'i'our freiuds and mine nonstmrexgt gather 1 on tomm-owpafteruoo‘n '_Te l, meatcll me loyelqully whare thawed :ding i8 410‘ be 1 3:1” tdat. (Jill got by ihe shaflnqnflaq begun; Min to yourand. me (One, word mme for;..miirifiga mkgnlplnyqus , up the-Wading tnne gflueh my bow for gI‘lz beinaried on conu- i mwlaf. ernoqu aDown' 'by a lonely. tiveeria.‘ dagkzmnen ,9; :ffrcinds were seen {Fax-ashore the strningers. cottage out. 0311‘ . dear Iriab ‘queqn 'gFreinds thaypassfl .a'ong the, valleys ‘liks the banuheofsv lonely coon ngwclvgthousand pipers nt on!“ wedding,“ .tomorow nil.“ nonn =Out of, evaiquud wnllcablu {reluds were im'ntc‘hing farand ,nenr :Many. was the sweetheart, there was wim- ing for, the-broad day: light ‘ :Lbnyqalettpr from 3:0an brother for tand you‘qnick ,and soon 'flEour lreinds and minemugit meet tggethgr (moron: .al‘ternuqn _ __ _ .,..,._...«._.__‘_‘.-. g...» -_._.A.._'...1_._.._,.TN.‘_,_._, -.__4.- I w ,, .. w-_.._..~_. swam...» i ,W. W.” i i i l i uu-um- . . ‘A “NEW S’)NG GALL’D .TdE {3PR.I.D,E O F A R D A G“ {Air Vthe 'lassiof Gowry ' The Moon. was Llirm'viug‘llivr silver beamsp Oer oer» n mountain hill mid .streme, , As ll wundrer’d tv meet my Queend My Colleen das from drdngh5 In Ardagh town she doth dwell, ‘ Than hnlnlet fair beside the well, ‘ ‘ She keeps 1]1\'l'l.(-‘2L i. hound With aspe‘L, Q .This-fauir less in nuingh, _ :IIer :Sklll like snow upon the; lawn, . ller step as gramiiflas ill" fawn. A ‘ The l: 1'1; and linnet singsat (lawn, The praises olmyolu‘lmg, NV darling boo~igyoungmiid=ihin . ‘llcr sof-L-hlueeye and golds-u huzr, , That fiowsupon thoshou’drrs ‘fau', Of her. mile pi ide ol Ardagh, ifiefihem‘t-is trlleuilel‘ mind is pure, Her 3 reis rich 813% I’m poor, :- Still she loves me Wellof' that. I‘m sure] 'l‘his goddess .uir from Ardugh, i l told her legends long and wild: ': imslie linend to me like :4 child, 1 1-said 1 lord her than -ln:sniiled Ny Colleeni'zix fr-Ju. Ardaglx, I to‘d her flint. in days of yoro. Uld Ard igh was [IIB'SUaL ol‘lovo, '. How thifwin’a wilterd in their gol'e,‘ To flee the maids of Ardngh, I . Sh»- gmsp'd my arm giant and hrnve.. \\ hen I saw! l’il Cl'osh‘ tile Ill'luwy wave ,’1 0 fight and lLrnu dear to shrew “And free the maids 01 A ruagth, 1 Der Knocklei uk’sfzir grim hi igh; .l‘he moon is 1l.1'0wn.g iwr .silxer light, .As my syirit takes a hnmeward flight, - Toninett the maid oi'rArdagh . Q‘s. .. . mm; MONTPS l COURFED Her For sixteen months I enlisted "her My gentle (‘olleen BaWn, With eics like Wells of Paradise And checks like rosy dawn, Ii was on a (‘histmas morning, , \Vhen Ilie fields were v hite wiih snow The first sight ofher sweet young face. Set all my heart aglow Ber hooded cloak was drawn so close Butjust one glimpiel caught, As ifthe skios had opened, And showed me hedveu I thought, Av d oh the newly born child, Was not from sin more free, Than my darling in her innocence, Per Virgin purity, ‘02 followed her to early mass, And offered up a prayer, , x That God might keep her innocent, As he had made her fair, And all that day I heuuted her, From morning until night, Bewildered by her angel fare! ‘ Her smiles s soft and bright; 0-0 It was ahappy Christmas time For my gra gal machree, Though modest as a nun, Smi ed sweetly upon me ' > Her f'reinds all kindly welcomed me‘ Ohed'er I CI‘IIN- Ihe way, ‘ And no one then looked black or sonr Powerer loug l’d stay, Then I Was rich in land and stock my home was happy then, I A sweeter spot could not he found In Aherlow‘s bright glen, I was a match fornuy girl, Where musch- s go by welth, Now I’velost all but praise the Lord. He left me youth ani health, In one pecu- all my cattle died, And my best crops were blighted, In vain l wo:kcd myselfto oil, had luck llpOll me lighted, Tee landlord had no mercy . At, first his heart seemed stirred, He i-romisedme lull time to pay, But after broke his word, I could have borne‘nnyihing, ‘ Though much i had to hear, If 1 here left but one sweet hope L. To save me from dispair, My cup oi'sorrow overflowed, When 1 “ {is-lately told, They’ll home my own colleen to We} An Old man tor his gold, 0h marriageis a holy tie,- Blest by the Lord above, But woe be to sneh marriages; Without one spark ofiove. 7‘: NVhyisit in our own dear land, ' Full of u arm hearts and true, Thep wed for money not for love, a As other notions do, 7.? Bre’l‘em’nl L: Exchange. St Dohlfii ? z ’l‘llli. i‘S?OR'ElNG E :oEn t? G MAME _,_._'_—.__._._J'———— 1 pl; (or H creation. :51 elevated . r linkers at the stats: A57 row: ('1 out through Galway urn-n to l On the SGVCUU cmh n: iiugugt mmy mind “‘2 The e were run titn has nssmnhle l Wit i the "lily ryes begun to dnzle 6;; t-lreylgomg to see tno Races, CHORUS—- Agns fyrm a roostit n fruit-keen is hecgh slim hmvn . . . . ‘ _ H , '4“- Tliercwns passengers from llimrick & passengeh from l\c- 8, And Passengers from Dublinéi; spur’omm l'rom hops-rag; ‘ " Where were pits-‘engcl‘s from Kerry 1% 21.1 quarters-o the ; ,alwu, And our 111(‘llllh r Mrgllussott for toJom the balmy blue 5, embers: from new qnniy tho'fer .unninri d mntrons. ‘ 13 were loyn' lrt‘ie & f 'ltl‘l‘ill igo llallOZi. Tlm‘c Wi‘s multitudes from Aron 6c m Th» boys in. m l'onanmra ’& the (plan .Tnere “.pr people from Cork Cily h . _ That. brought home Fenian prisoners from (lymg 1-1 lure The cwcre jan'nting. cars & cariges tiring tn & fro like blazes, And the bosses hack & f..1'wartl there for vr'ry‘little payment And like streamcrs & the lorry-home well wr-g’d for navigation, And they ploughing the rageing‘wexm to L0 he to ice thc races, '1 he Ints are in rotation in the mirllo olthe races ' 3:; 'And the stand—house elevated-on llznatlmme situau -n . There was brandy wines & cork {Li :5 the, host act in. (latton-S; And a drop of poteen whiskey that, got. no ‘(Ldlll eration ”.21;- AN ~ It! thure you'd seeconl'cctioners with sugar ant-its & dntnttes, '1 ho lozengrs & oranges the lemonde «S; the ruisons. . The gingerbread-ah; Slices to ElCOlll'idltO the l ides. , 1% Audit big cmheeh lorvb‘ pence who inching nlnle you 1' hills, ~Ils ethere you’dsee the gnmblera the thimhlcs &1ho gnrtPl's And the sporting wheel of firt'lune with the ion ~63 lwen‘)’ queries: There was others without Ecru-pie pt hing“ altlos at poor‘maggy, .And her father well contenten (i: he lOililllg'flh his dauter JItEl there you’d see the pipt'rs 8; the lid on conipaiting A And the nimble footed (lunce so they [riping on ‘0 re daisies There was others- crying; segms ii: lights & oil’s of all the races WViLh the colour of the J ochr- ys the pi ize, Li: horse’s ages, us. ;. Its toero you‘d see the .loi keyc & they mrnnu d on most stately The pink.& blue the red 6': {{TC! n the emblem of our nation When the bellI-was rang for slarliug the horses seem’d impatient; Thought they never 5 o d on ground their sreedwas so humming,"l There was ha'lfa milieu of people there ol all do lamination The GathOltck thoil’rote tum: thellow & l‘re petcrian "There was pet no animosity no matter what porsuatiou i‘But leale:&hospila‘ity indncir-g {relinquailtanco Now my song is ended and mypen is getting: weary Success httenl the g ntlemon that curred on the roads May peace d5 trae tranquility ab'iund inonr-alitt‘e nation a.“ aCommerc-e & trade to li..Ul‘lrll n our mum is eul‘uture ages V l r: = . gill =1, A DIALOUGE BET NEEF A SCHCOiMASTEfitlB LABOURER As I walked out on a summ-is mowing Down by a pleasant green verdant sl ode The {migrant tu‘ips & blooming roses Sermed enterwovou by Flows aid A mong the boWe‘ s stood a heaulioushma‘sion H's charming beauties for to behold There dwolls a, pamsel of namely statue \\ horn nature formed a beautious mold ”many! this fair malt's admirers Thvro. was qur two did her favor gain ’tlm rn a teacher of arts &science The hurt by labour himself malttuincd, The honor gained by those two rivals Both in the past & the pleswt days “‘ ere Well n bean-ed to t! on blooming falrmfifd In fir-it enchanting poetic lays Fix-st; .«p ~ke the tmcher to tiiisqlooming followed And in grew rapture his hove expressed Hail f .lrezt creature the pride of nature You :llOt 8r. wounded u-y tsudvr b est To gain your flavor I would range the nation 1 will i eniure life fur my darlin Es sake My low is loyal to )ou my hurling It I dout gaiu you my I our: will break next: spcse the lahoun 1' to this foir maid Andghe addmssed her in a“ orflass strain Nail foil-est crosturethe pride of nature Your humble servant I now remain I will till your gnrdeu for you my darling ‘With J rsamime it shall be entwined I‘ll majnmin yon bettez than the School mavtcr With all his looming & books combed Without my aid sain the learned tencht: ‘0 bloon ing fair nuoid can be secure i teach the :rwer his case to gain And rru reSpec'ed by rieh 8: poor. I teach the portal- the nuns to ofiar Where the h “a of glorg,r to you are ringing I am not compree to that work (1 inbourer “'11:: v ould often lead 3 cu Mill} tur' n11! dung In the summertime I will ti m} gierdh And pull tha daises befo;e the~ ee (1 And in the harvest I wil- mop .lhe coru 'l‘i e rich 85pm I Wll help to teed it"s Ly manuel Iehnur I will maiun‘n twin :2 "While hralth &\'igeur with we remain \Vldle the rchnolm ster he. mus» endem our To pulve'ise hi4 l‘arrm brain The koigkt that ripes in his gell’en chariot, Without '01] e learni- g cannot be l‘l‘nWl up harps Dukes & Earls a t in rplenpO'l' By my assists: no go at hot-one lmlll d M’hile be e I am help in e hmatiou The wretchep latourer is by me employed " His aokep wife unis: “or: lot-you my hauling And thus our pleasure is no - r «trowel The king that & (led to hi-~ .gol ten t‘huriut Mum be omsivyed by the s «d; and plough Lords nges and Eat a that, it in spicuruur Liveson the sweet. of my humble brow It‘s by my labour I maintain n true from Sell mum g It so Milk joy V\ hile the Echoinmaster is always raiing Both books and questions his brain annoy I own my darling your blomni lg lealures Made an imprrssion pn my tend"! lumen Anp while you my oh ent Lin always .rnvieg My 'roubled mind can find no rust lwant no lecture from a sclmol master He may bestow them on b s hare’out vain lwould rather walk Lino a uni tllled aeuiea in conversation with my do has n vim ' - €15 '9 it "'L‘l'lmm'fi‘ 01m fine summers n (\‘mi 5'; .‘~'. 1 \‘n n? a Build ,9", f\l<;ng.§lx;'1l:ul):xr lag ofllm sweet win-l L‘; lule in :‘lhzbllfil‘. ll y mml'c lwolnw as (arr ml'v. 11;; AIM lwllil‘lV llw sl omlals (Lil pe fl ' A 5' mg r. filor st 0 lay who to.” o -‘ ills 'r1,ys him-«t Noam-a l mum luv.“ may: 30 dun: he (,ll'mul Ll 0v Lixinl; it 1L [lump r. To Walk by the 3i lea cll'a diz’filly .nu‘ tar (3 just in; y n 5 y lave 3;; )‘ma lnl‘ {l'i'Pll llC-WBOS 'Wll r‘O-vn droup their llamas 21ml will wit? or and d Hm let. us :thu l‘ne fme L (129a l1 ll?» 0 L -‘ flower: And In “\‘mnvs la- lls} in in swnctfln 7-} V Pellgrzp- -«l )0 Hg W’Ml m that you (In 2 EU) dearly" ls 120w jmu’d H1 \lel c; m sum: l'owig’n <~lzmc Aml il'th ‘5 he lulu: CuS!‘ 301) have 031 him threw: So tn nge me ya): 1' hand love. I hope you'r ludiu‘l '10 She saw 51‘ CXCUSVC W I» l luv 10 r- (um And 1m 0 these green Icixls I must now ln'll a'llzn The hnmblu rf-(‘ltle—t llmt you w-eln tn slesire 'l‘hulfi favom’ lilm’l sir to armllmr is due, Should Howe”; decay in the, wld storm? wanker Springs gentlo- ln-Pezcl ‘5 again \\ ill rzwlm‘l: While this tuvlvr lnm't remain: in my bomm Should he he incmsl.;mt 1 ll alwu§s [from nu ma Kind EH“ hl'v re» im 10 .Inll you Hi'aC‘m'E'ly The vlouLl-ing )ou wow it is dour ‘om maul. Slum lHllhlul you: g‘x Elly wt omel love sincerely Du sa=l on llm "can so some, foreign par: Tho hip C'uel l'm‘flme we were Wu ‘rawd Ytt mustzmr’ l'ul pmve slmu d 1113:“ we him ms” "‘11) la gender glet u l4" ls w ll! lloue s defer-aim My mm (learnt. \w :llimn l’ll B'WIHI. ad M' .1, Th6 tears from H: mml‘ujx' llia‘; flow v. A) allerlion 'l'h» snnlmmr rays lzm 'l,.’,:~;( ll-B Fm! .l‘l c i.-n W'hwll hm: (tun-c3 M All-1' in mm 01' :: li'e Blue pans-ed and :lw g zv‘d wl l1 an rim! (ll :zlfnct-(m His m'mcr dvsguhe ‘2 (-110 '(mr ,r (Quid llidu 1 . , . £90 at lgxagllt- she, vxnlmn n u m] J”! lzemud mesme A you zuw my (lml‘ ‘W lfimn ’ Xv!) a e welcbm , in )‘war .lzm- 011.3% lam k: of‘lfire Glide ‘l l 0 My? .1 m, O Jame What la the rmmn 'x-m ss‘pem‘d nol tn Lnowme And Hum lrr‘mlns :0 lull n, m: l purw Le draw :. ' ,. m.) ‘ .v . ‘ ‘ ,, - {gal 3» ‘n\ .w _~ h 2') gm 1031!»)! mm‘ 1 ll bola ‘I you - V‘Yllel) \ (m 121' W In mv “"8 "§- v -.‘~,. ‘c. ,P Exam a, lame! l. Lrggu,..a\:c, 5, a“ 95:- ”?"El 570?," E'WTf‘FlW.’ w'L '~ MFA" “ A'l‘l-OIC FOR «“3 5:25: Tile 5. pm "Gum—l wrnmw c all I may ltgnd :1. cl listen {mul‘no Tll l Mam lu zlz‘w l' w '1) z: «ml mm. mallm‘mfv Ms n l:‘» :11“ 2:» 7‘ ‘lliHVir‘ (2K lw ‘ ”Ell" mal “lulu lle ligle :lS lit! “a s l0n=cward bound from the BO‘lll A (xi-3'1. r “3 a sweat, Sc pl 9.2:1‘ t gale, The r0. :i‘. lll ol‘lw Fag; f lllnglnnlslw so. all 'i’lm hem V gal a me lwfx‘ we l {1,1 Cl: ( fifi'irllgr¢':= 5x2 mlgmés'l v 0110 \ 0 cl ~h: For H- honrs thlsv ssel-braw vac l0 mum: TWUJ’H’! rwl 3}: .30 we art's: usum’d w on llourd _ But Wlm um tell Wl'a’c Lacy su‘lpr d tlx din/air . . ' A , n ,, The m .m’la n \vavrs xlxc vessel (1&5 d .85 r. me coull ulmswom l’elth-J or mwld & the llqlnlnw {lm’n‘d El his gunmen brave H‘s Flm Sl'llw l3» save 111' lge uue Lllc rogh‘l, "flu“, lilmud 15mm: (lupinln Kvl m] Wine (11 irwll le emlcwm but [Int «inmthdmg xlze . u . LWO plm-e new 1, mt' me; la?! wmn'w (W'rme d, "l nc’rreeacll Liverp :9 1 the. annywawx are the number of souls e uemm ts‘vlrell‘js'na‘ 'm m: it was‘frlghtful to t ink what crwvds a s were. in their it 1;"; I'll y ‘02“ .: mlfll away ‘01 5m)». uin; pay-(sugar To hear lhu mung 01 Law I 'As from the vessel they Wen: £33m as no vli ‘ to their all rou' ‘ co" e ‘T'iluruu s ngcn mule PS“. 1e ilxexir (1:; .-m of w t; ry grim } ‘ ope il,e=,.- bfllili in he \(3 m 5' [my] (-tvrnz-H I'm? \Vh'lc them I‘ c lids dues weep w..h lrea \sprcs-r. d 7351!? (he Lorfi lonk dew" on the“: dis P85 '01:! ‘e wilow‘d mot er 11:1 the f -:lwr _ .33 “Lewi'c lh muri ll who 31- m more remrn keaiving wivesr. «l lungbmd-I beans} to mount ‘47 fitwto clenclw'le l we wmman t- w}; 3‘9,- youn; a ll old lm‘ l1 <1 l.) m », pay .-‘;.l§mll evel‘y 0m who as limliiiillfi- my , ‘1‘leth .ew '9 ur Elmgmnzs m E 4—, ml; Vmg n frag; {0’1 w “whim, '5. «MN 'M' .-., ill: in; A BALLOON, I" ‘ ‘ ' v‘. V bzm'n’glii I wont u'p lnia Univ (7)” a myage of (l‘I‘CUVr'ry lo visit the moon WE'swre an old mun lives so somv people say "l'Vl-im'xgli outing of slicks on a sumlay 3-in “1'th ll ts bulloohrquickly higher 33 high-“1’. SW)" house 10;; 5e (:liimuex pot. towcl' & spire ll l1m=vl3d all the mcnnients Lop very nigh fun! rough: hold of llilgfl‘ObSEYfi)? Saint; l'auln going by all . C‘lflORUé-c ,~ 3}) in a hollow up in a balloon > All among llm' little stats sailing round Ilia x moon - “‘5 same illihg i'eryjolly to be up in a balloon Vp up I was home with terrible power‘ All the rule of glen-thousand fivenliundrdd an hoot , film 351' was cold the wind blew-loud :3 Iari‘owly escape (1 being choked byra cload, Still up 1 Went tilsarroundenl by stare Such planners as Jupi’kei’ Venis and Mars 'fi‘h‘e big and Live little Bear loud y didwg‘rowl, And the gag star on seeing me set up a bowl. "Whilst up in n balloon 820 ii moi? shooting stars who Were lmnr. up on ,port But who Eliot in a very strong manei‘ \I [liciiglils And the thinyglzeat :all by (:hnlks l must. Say That Wm wliefi I get i’ato the lnil'k'ey Way 1 Counted the Star?» Li at last I tl’.o_ugh'ti . rd find out how much they were worth by the E‘r‘w: qaart _ ' Ali impolite zlorulite who ran against my ear {Wouldn‘t give/o'er a light, to light my cigar VVlnlS-t up in a, balloon 1436 Etta a mmrt item by midst fire like lin': '91.; g; n rm: lk lin. sei;:e’.l._lio‘