xt7qjq0stw34_4369 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Autograph album of British letters relating to Dr. Samuel Johnson text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Autograph album of British letters relating to Dr. Samuel Johnson 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_43/Folder_3/Multipage17075.pdf 1715-1827, undated 1827 1715-1827, undated 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 7414. Includes manuscripts by Henry Mackensie, J. Mackintosh, James Macpherson, M. Maty, Earl Moira (Lord London), Hannah More, Dr. Newcastle, Joseph Nollekens, R. Orme, Lord Palmerston, Samuel Parr, Robert Peel, Sir Lucas Pepys, W. Pitt, R. Jackson, E. Eliot, St. Quentin, William Robertson, John Scott, William Seward, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, John Sinclair, E. Twiss, Dr. W. Vincent, Robert Walpole, John Wilks, H. M. Williams, William Windham, and J. Wolcot.

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MZ/TF’H 5.”! vfi l. 4'0 I {z I (/l// (747/? 12):»- 1/” 4/7" 7‘30. //: /’ Lafvtymfl :‘WflyflMJm MY Axum aged? W j MDwtflwzy %w [97/3 Mo//fla//é¢t/m 7 2 / um 6,1,, 3fflé/fl/ é/Mjufl/éD) %/ 700$ w «-~--W m - , 6 12W” x“) If. ,5! A r; ,1— ,f -) 6%?” 97 3/; 'é x --" " «”5” ‘ . I 1 .5 1 ,, 2‘ , “/73” Lag/0, 112.7721 2 ' t” / /(CH 9 ’/Jb¢ :ééed’r} «29/9. ’ f / xZZV ... / f f j :2 2” :52 {y’fif e / 51:4 Cf}""‘$€»:?~€/?// i 2/4 1‘ in. . M2 Jafiww : .7 fl 7 ‘ ’ ”:1? m. (gr, _;) f Mir-‘9 / fljfl /'Z/ 7' / > L/ ré/ , /d{/}L /}'5’( {,L( " / 4/ .l’ k//’L&”/£ W77 Z2, ,"V ,/ x '//&2/ L/(Ld. //"/; 1/ (1. (051/ Yd, Ida .7 / W7 2-24 )4 17 1-17 Jc-«I/ /‘ rut} //{z:7-r7 . 6/; r/’ //' L 1/»; 7‘17M/zy 1/{:4. «/ // ill/'2’ ‘ v \ ,' . / (// _ yy' .' 7 I“ (/7? {’1‘ f/ [7 5' ,fl‘h, £.A'fr2,( /17 ,1” /L' fur/£4" 4. g ' 1’; n. [AI Ila/(.2 74-1,, (/ \./ /-’ (77' ‘ > - l . [:7 1/ [I {/- 4571 J4./(,,/; 1/00 Learn/cm I [jt/’ /z{ ”c7 //z W»? v’r/zr{(c,/ Ax)»; - L/J/zm 4/» . f‘\ I" .’ A 1‘)? lg/k'rfi/l 6~72 Q / ) v/legt. ”“7 fl.~( I'll }/ . I ”l (12/ 04/ r/flzz ,1, 7 ”I L L‘ ('¢'/‘ ’ K717 XIV! 21.x )4! \ ,’ K r.’ I 1/ / / ) “/1 r {// ,I/‘l C” 44/204, /7 7/ 1/ /- 1/73—5’ - V .) ,/ / . / ' / vt/z'V’. 7 /(.//’/6 IN} f'fll-Mfl/ 1/ [a/ '4/ ,1 "I W' .- V/LQ/ . K L.»/ a £16 )fi/L/ A/j [ff/1‘74)???” &, / a ' " \ ,,2, ’ /"’ £71 0; fl/é/c /7 fl"///2&)"[//LL r/x/u’l. / ,/V , v/V\~ 7_ 1,.» a .flészJ ) fllfl‘flffé /t {g / q ’ /7 7‘" [(4/7 4 ”5%“ 41444-721/2, 4 744 #4174 ,47/17’2/4 4 414 / /5 4:1 /,11 .11» % "744» 62 7?; 74 fix. I (%, 1414 4?;4/17 ;/ 1, 4"” fZZ/ti41' v {2, / film _. ,1 g; p/Zflr 7"fi'iiz4é 1441/ - ”(K V/d/L l I ‘ A C , (7 ' 7 / {,4 ’4‘, .11’L1z././f?é’74/21 11/(1 12/4 4.} 7/4/44 {.7 4 J / ’Zé / CLC ”CC ”L?" d 54 / //4 444 74,19 / 544/ 4 “12,5 2,5,4/ 74' fl 1 / 1, LI,/- 1/ 11/ ,4 7 {/4 C , / 1,111 V {/f(-£H1£"/L—r t ‘ x _ , / 5112711 41'1441 Jag/fl 471 // , / //‘ 71/” 114.0% 214 414 [414.172 4 1 r lit/""37“ ”,1." ’ . /L 7711/ ,/L2,-.> 7“ L/CCCWV A/ftb ZC/z oa—t/Jé K ,./ 0:// L// 1/ , . . / .Jw / / , 24:17, 12,144 1/th r’ Jig/(14 / / 74%,] M" K C C C" 7/ ("CL L" L I 'R A / {Mr/L," ‘ Q” fl” fl #7 A" ' &1«’/ [454/2 {7/4, .C. 5 ("474111414144944/7 21/4/2222 ’ "11.1417 ’ 1 ’ (,1/é”/Z- 4/ («LI/1d.) ’ ”10‘” ' 7 f5?» ' 4, 9/; 7241741444411//7 4 It 4C4 44/ C4 1/7 / [£11744 1 / {,a/ C:/ ”C :2 241 41.4: 7244 1:4 112727514 %1474:1Z/11/ 4,2 644/” r” /4 A,‘ (1" yin j [5714/41 /2 O - 2 / ,,/ (7 / p . _V -"'/ 1 float é 645/7 ,’,4// '/ “46% £114.. z/M/fl’é. /c. z z A [7.1, I / ffif l ' 14/ ,» I//./.A .. , // 4/; writ/fl b’yj V'é/f/4V’éf/(fl) I (:4. 1/7, 5:: / L/¢_ 4’ 4W A—jgl/Zu Z“: a; / ’ i ' . I 1" ' ,m / 4/... 2% V/éc/V’ 1:46ch am '5 21,4 we [14 14:63‘440ZZ’LL V a, {61/ [fir-(444,743 624:7 5 ~57, , I . / / "7 ,_- M /M£:// % £3,522” /%/ 7‘6/ 2¢/ /2’ c7 ML? 7 / If ’788/ ' JIV/ ' .¢,-{/ 4 ) 6141):) ”ML/M91“??? g I I 25123? [v V” 4 4 - /E (“I / a’/‘v‘ 1.4 V4: ‘1 .. , w / .. . afl/r’ (é;/’ _ ‘1‘ mgr-7 , Swat-VA “4-4,? ‘5‘ 5:" (r .inr‘fl J” «.47; c r-Iird {kl-“fl“ agnrwa-v ,- LAM Oxronn T0 CHESTER, WITH. A 213an T0 STBATFORD-ON- AVON. [Continued from the DISPATCH of N member 16.] Leaving Warwick the mil peeeea through a perk-like country on the outskirts of the town. It is difficult to imagine that aim or narrow can dwell among those spreading flelde, pleasant valleys and umbregeoue clumps; but the county jail on the right hand of the line, and a little beyond n cemetery. with bright flowere growing umong the tombs, tell too truly that the leeveu of wrong-doing and. the cold hand of death are preaent as foils to the emiling lendecepe. Further on, pent Budbroeke Church, the little tower of which is near the line, a large red—brick building, the Warwick Lunatic‘Aaylum. suggests another phone of human mieery. By the aide of the canal, in which anglers ere bobbing {or such stray fiche: as are not frightened away by the barges, we travel on to Hutton, the most noticeable fact regarding which is that the learned, bearish. egotistical Dr. Perm—one of the greatest Greek Ioholera and most disagreeable men of his day, lice buried there. Not fer from Hetton is Wroxhell Abbey, founded in King a Stephen’s time, and new as fine residence, having been nearly“ rebuilt, endintereeting from the circumstance that Sir Christopher Wren wee et one time the owner of the estate. , 2W3»... hip/7’ W 5:9C’ ‘ mt’ewm )é" “W6; a£:/W~¢g f AAA/L find! CVL’ WM 6‘" 27A ’ . . / WAQII M t viz/W "’2 ’2" WV ”M [\ C/flC 54;”wa /:r/r-«, 7‘7flm {XII/Ml” 4, 0w ' a. u“ ,3- (yr/219“” 7417 QngW €M’K (7094/ / (5/0/2/jd [1,}?! VHM/ (M/ ’\ 1t? 52“ “Ah-0‘47 kwfl/fifl iflA //%mL/‘ “QM-“0"” [Mtg/‘54 £7 (JR q? '27- V: ”Va W ../ ‘ 1/ ., . A ‘ ,h'l'fflx"'24r.--%K4.. / V’H (3.... {I Z'C' ., 531,41 I, U‘ 7 ‘ l . ,7 ~ 1724;.14 ,' ét’ t» ,; ’ r] gym/x); .‘4 :3 . '7 ,V ./ 7 A) / ( I ({_/..—— Mg [/ C/ ‘5‘ ‘ 4/1“ ”% }W2/7’£» 'tii't» 56-214 ' 0/: maxi-a fl L449 ‘ fl”. V {4 My a...“ ,, {La} 44/") (19%” 9,7,7 2"«1‘ Qy/r//f-rg:} q! %/’3/Jm flz~ 7" (“"7 a 9/1, 4 ‘1/7 ‘7 . I I. I 7.1M"? Cw? “fifo/ .‘ c, Riv-am... 7 LAA/ 7 . I, .." {V ‘0' 4"" /' p I [I Max/91., wz‘L 'z/Z/“ri-W’?’ .r 7 ' - ”in /"’C";’e~»t4/ " ,, g.» L”, Zéfl/Mpwa. (724 7‘24 £24 :{62' XMWL» [if j: //% Z4 15 AM; “91“” 6 he MA (’17/711X /~2’M /¥/mép/Z: Mg 4%“ 29%” /Z t. 4%//j% J14 Aim 25:2 ./ Mr ~"///éwg M4? )5ng 2“; 53%;. 271k? é:»ééz;% _ w lgé/“Z $4., M42472 fi‘c‘g, / < 4% /%;mM ¢W; /M /4;, A {V flwfiké {c/ W/gxzf‘; WM,%2424 35“ 21%;” 47215.7/;/7 _ / wag/0:7 /A\ 27/29 (’é“: ’,- ///{Z\A 5:ng Zia/{414A Xi “dwgwwz, -; A. *- ~y; / W (94'; Mé~ A4214 / L4. @459“; g; A 5M7 d/ur‘ M/V/A’a" rim-I/ W”- \I/ 4%. J 14?”! 7% /4w4ué mLééf % L gnu, / /&/ 7M 14.“, pgér W/ ‘ 42 E k/ / A47 x 17 4» “cf—ac. if: i r / ”‘4‘“ Max. [(64.4% am 4646 ’; / 725’ 71 2’- // //7 /,,‘ é / W/W fl:/é:;/ A //2/7//’ ’0 , 2 7’ ”If ILL Zfléfizfia {AF/L5” fl/Qép’ ,77‘1&;¢—//’:](457 an/r/ (45/) 2 4 4 fl / .4 /’ //;Z. 4 22222222 22424.» 22; //4/4’02424(, ‘47/3”: 242 6’2 L/ 1 ’/’/} # I / 2’22/7LL, Gain/:14“ /)22"44/¢q/ft7/ / {722242242‘14fi'c/4’f/Q; / s/M/én/ @27729L72/fll/ 442222422 22/ fl/fléo A242 é gay: 42»; 4 [M//22L {214/ 22449/2242, ' 42/1/4424)? {7 4’ 2 / 4/ ,4 4’ v :2 / 4 (t - £/-'I/L£ Az/r/% /¢{2 1~ 4/ 4:42; “fin/ttéAé/é’c t2" 1., // . f y , 1””, 7 6 1212?, 2272454 I)» L 74754.2 f/M” (/3 (222/1) //:6. ./’1//L f )9 4 l . ‘ . 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'4 _ 11am 7):“- ULW/KW A ' i a 5? 5‘? 7/1427/3 *M ._.... j/ %&13// ,._ F”? 4/ - / , J‘A/ //J _ ‘ If" x ,7 ’/ '1 / £579 / J V gy ( . 32/”. £14” 0s /z/fl/’~w_ {'\ x} 4’é/7’fliJ’ / l . I \&//Z//L{ 27/62 (2 I‘M .Mfi V¢flwf ”MVA/(AE’JF Mal 2/53/1221: 4% 6 22 2/1/2/ 3*an 25 21' £522 Gwyn/fl 7f flmfi W051 éx’Vry’W—ug ,M ”7““ $4: 9% Wy A, flay/é”? ills/igw% mwg‘ , (/ Cg/l’éfi 59/ 5'74 CI’YVV” ,. L WVL—W‘y’“ W 52,27 a My fajygwa/Q, Wfim A? 2227 % M219»? cm M2 2’?“ $4 “3507’? FIRST SESSION Tuesday, February 17, 1953, at 1:45 p. m. CATALOGUE NUMBERS 1 TO 304 INCLUSIVE 1. ADAMS, W. H. D. The Merry Monarch; or, England under Charles 11. 2 vols., 8vo, full red polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, by SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. (Levy) London, 1885 2. ADDISON [J.] Cato. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. Small 4t0, half morocco; browned. FIRST EDITION9 Wrenn l, p. 2. With the Adam bookplate. (Levy) London, 1713 3. AESOP. Fables. With a Life of the Author. 112 plates by Granger, and others. 2 vols., royal 8vo, contemporary diced calf, gilt; small cover stains. In two morocco-backed cases. (Levy) London: Stockdale, 1793 u 4 AIKEN, L. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First, 2 vols.7 1822, I First Edition. ‘1' Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First, 2 vols., 1833. Together 4 vols., 8vo, full polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, by SANGORSKI & SUT- CLIFFE; some cover stains. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. (Levy) London, 1822-33 ,5; ‘5.,ALDR1CH, T. B. The Story of a Bad Boy. Illustrated. 12mo, original green “"cl-Oth; some binding defects. (N. Y. Collector) Boston, 1870 FIRST EDITION IN BOOK FORM. FIRST ISSUE, with the two misspelled words “scatted” for “Scatter” on p. 14', line 20, and “abroad” for “aboard” on p. 197, line 10. 6. ALDRICH, T. B. Out of His Head, N. Y., 1862 °3' Flower and Thorn, Boston, 1877, 2 copies ’3' The Queen of Sheba, Boston, 1877 ‘5 and others by Aldrich. Together 15 vols, 12mo and 16mo, original cloth: some sz'nall binding defects. FIRST EDITIONS. (Levy) .r 'i 7. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Dream Life [Mitchell], N. Y., 1851 ‘3‘ Reveries of a Bachelor [Mitchell], N. ‘17., 1851 '3‘ The Guardian Angel (Holmes), Boston, 1857. Together 3 vols., 12mo, original cloth; some cover defects; each work in a Slip case. (Levy) New York and Boston, 185l—57 FIRST EDITION. With two AL.s. by Donald C Mitchell. 8. AMERICAN AUTHORS. The Gentleman from Indiana (Tarkington), N. Y., 1899 '3‘ Maggie (Crane), N. Y., 1896 '3' Little Men (Alcott), Boston, 1871 ‘1' and others. Together 7 vols., 12mo and 8v0, original cloth, and calf; a few bindings defective. FIRST EDITIONS AND A FIRST PUBLISHED EDITION. (N. Y. Collector) 49. AMERICAN STATESMEN. Edited by J. T. Morse, Jr. Fronlispieces. [First 3." ' Series] 32 vols., 12mo, three-quarter blue levant, gilt backs, gilt tops, by STIKE- MAN. (Levy) Boston, n.d. KINDLY READ CONDITIONS OF SALE IN FOREPART 0F CATALOGUE 10. ANSON, G. A Voyage round the World, in the Years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV. 39 plates (should be 4.2) ; a few torn, Alto, old calf; binding worn. (Levy) London, 1748 11. APPLETON’S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY. Huxley7 9 vols.; Darwin, 15 vols.; Spencer, 15 vols.; and Tyndall, 6 vols. Illustrations. Together 45 vols., 8V0, uni- formly bound in half brown morocco. AUTHOR’S EDITION. ONE OF 1,000 COPIES. (Levy) New York, n.d. 12. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT. Engrossed on thin native glazed vellum paper. COLORFUL painted decorations throughout. 12mo, original red native leather, with flap; signs of wear. (Levy) 13. ARMES, E. Stratford Hall. The Great House of the Lees. With an Intro- duction by F. D. Roosevelt. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original cloth. (Levy) Richmond, 1936 14. ATLAS SELECTUS, von allen KOnigreichern und Landern der Welt . . . With some 50 engraved maps, all COLORED. Small 4«to, old limp calf, rubbed; some internal stains. (Levy) Leipzig [circa 1750?] 15. [AUSTEN, I] Pride and Prejudice. A Novel. 3 vols., full contemporary I tree-call, leather labels, small hinge repairs, small repair in the margin of the title-leaf. In a cloth case. (N. Y. Collector) ~, , .2 g , .1 . London, 1813 FIRST EDITION. With the N. Bowden-Smith bookplate. ‘ I i I ' 16. AUSTEN, J. Pride and Prejudice. . . . Preface by George Saintsbury. Illus- trated by Hugh Thomson. 12mo, full pink levant, gilt floral back, with an inlaid morocco peacock on a pedestal, gilt floral border on covers; doublures of blue morocco, end-leaves of blue watered silk, gilt edges, by SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. In a board case. (Levy) London, 1894 FIRST EDITION WITH THE THOMSON ILLUSTRATION. Partial erasure on half-title. 17. AUSTEN, I. Pride and Prejudice, 2 vols., 1911 '1' Mansfield Park, 2 vols., 1911 ‘3' Emma, 2 vols., 1911 ’1' and others by Austen. Together 10 vols., 8V0, uniformly bound in full blue polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, by STIKEMAN; slightly rubbed. (Levy) London, 1911-12 18. AUTOGRAPHS, MOSTLY BRITISH. A collection of about 96 autographic specimens. Various places, various dates. In two small folio full blue levant mo- rocco folders. (Levy) Includes autographs of Lord Palmerston; W. Law; Robt. Walpole; Hannah More; Jeremy Bentham; John Forster; Robt. Peel; Edw. Burke; Marie Corelli; George II; H L. Piozzi; Canning; and others of historic and literary interest. 2