xt7qjq0stw34_4433 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Charles Dickens manuscript fragments, envelope, and clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Charles Dickens manuscript fragments, envelope, and clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_52/Folder_29/Multipage24883.pdf 1857-1865, undated 1865 1857-1865, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_4433 xt7qjq0stw34 DICKEN. , IIARLES, one o t 1e mos
popular of English novelists. was born :1
Portsmouth in 1812. Hisfabher. Who had
a situation in the Navy Pay-Office. re»
moved soon after to Chatham, and in 1821
to London. The son, after a childhood
passed in hards 'ps and privations, was
placed in a lawyer's office; but, attracted
by the charms of literature, he began to
write and to report for newspapers. His
reputation as a novelist and humonrist
began with the publication of the
“Sketches by Boz ” in 1836. and was
greatlyincreased by the appearance in the
following year of the famous “Pickwick
Papers." These were followed by the
long series of tales, the titles of which are
household words wherever the English
language is spoken. In 1841 he visited
America, and Italy three years later. On
the establishment of the “Daily News”
he was appointed chief editor. In 1856
he originated “Household‘Vords.” In the
same yearlic took uphis residence at Gad’s
Hill, near Rochester, which was his home
till his death. In 1859 he started and
edited the well-known periodical “ All the
Year Round,” to which lie was also a con-
stant contributor. He visited America a
second time in 1867. During his later
years he gave public readings of his own
works, which, however, his health com—
pelled him to discontinue in March 1870.
He was a man as deeply beloved by his
personal friends as he was admired by his
readers, genial and generous to a rare
degree, and remarkable for his business-
like punctuality, his sagacity, and in-
tegrity. He took awarm interest in the
social and philanthropic movements of
the day, and both in his hooks and in
his public speeches eloquently exposed
and denounced many wrongs and shames.
Of his very numerous works it may snilice
to name here, in addition to those already
mentioned, and in the order of their
publication~”01iver Twist," ” Nicholas

Nickleby,” "Master Humphrey's Clock,”
“American Notes " (which brought on
him some violent attacks), “ Martin
Chuzzlewit.” “Dombey and Son.” “David
Copperfield" (confesscdly his own favourite
of all his works). “Hard Times,” “Great
Expectat'ons," and “ Our Mutual Friend."
The fir" i the series of his short Christ-
mas stor sappearedin 1843. His"Child’s
History of England ” appeared in ” House-
hold NVords.” and was separately pub
lished in 1852—53. At the time of his death
which now remains a. fragment. He was
manied about 1837. Died at God’s Hill,
9th June 1870. -. 3 1!





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