xt7qjq0stw34_4460 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection William Jerdan clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. William Jerdan clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_52/Folder_56/Multipage24978.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_4460 xt7qjq0stw34 I , ‘ ILLIAM, F.S.A., w orn at Kelso,
Roxhurghshire, 1782. Being intended for the
legal profession, he was placed for some time in
the otfice of a writer to the signct. His inclina-
tion {or literary pursuits, however, led him to
abandon the law,aud in 1806 he settled in London.
After accepting an engagement as a reporter on
the ‘Aurora,’ a short-lived morning paper, he
afterwardsjoined the ‘ Pilot,’ evening newspaper,
established in January, 1807. He was on the stafir
ot'tbc ‘Morning Post,’ reported during three ses-
sions for the ‘ British Press,’ and was a contributor
to the ‘ Satirist, or Monthly Meteor,’ the copyright
of which he purchased. He was instrumental in

seizing Bellingham, the murderer of Spencer
Perceval, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the
lobby of the House of Commons, and has given a
detailed account of that event in his Autobio-
graphy. In 1813 he became editor of the ‘ Sun,‘
then a Tory organ; in 1816 sold his share In that ,
newspaper, and in 1817 became editor and pa m
proprietor of the ‘ Literary Gazette,’ with which I
his name was associated for thirty—four years. In
1821 he assisted in founding the Royal Souety of
Literature, and he took a prominent part for some
time in the administration of the Literary Fund.
In 1852 a pension of 1001. per annum was conferred i
upon him. He died at Bushey Heath, Herts,
11 July, 1869. Mr. Jerdan wrote four volumes of
the Memoirs for ‘ FishEr’s National Portrait Gallery
of Eminent Personages otthe Nineteenth Century ;’
‘The Pa1is Spectator,’ 1814; ‘Voyage to the Isle
ol'Elha;’ edited the ‘Rutland Papers’ and the
‘ Perth Correspondence ’ for the Camden Society;
and contributed to many periodical publications.
His ‘Autobiography,’ a record of his literary,
political, and social reminiscences and corre-
spondence to 1830, was published in 4 vols., 1852-
53; and his reminiscences of distinguished cha~
racters, under the title of_‘ Men I have known,’ in
1866. ~ ‘ , i ' .


 Vol. 1. price 55. on the lst of May, with a PonTnAIT of the Aumon, engraved by ROBIN
It is proposed to complete the Work in 4 or 6 Volumes, to be published Quarterly.


5021, from a Painting by IIARLOWE



In connection with most of the Eminent Persons who have been distinguished in the
past half-century as Statesmen, Poets, Authors, Men of Science, Arusts, 8m.


 HE “ Gallery” commences appropriately with the 5leon of WILLIAM JERDAN, the Nestor, if not the
Aristarchus, of journalistic critics. We Will not deny that he was born in 1730, as stated above,
but think it right to mention that a William J erdan first saw the light at Kelso, where his father had a
small estate, on April 16, 1782. Some seventy years after this event,—in August, 1851, a testimonial
was set on foot, “as a public acknowledgment of the literary labours of William J erdan, animating to
many and instructive to all, since the commencement of the Literary Gazette, in 1817, to the close of the
last year, and of the value of his services to Literature, Science, and the Fine and Useful Arts.” On the
Committee for the promotion of this laudable object were men of the highest position in literature, art,
and politics,»—Brougham, Croly, Lockhart, Maclise, Thackeray, Bulwer, Cruikshank, &c.

The establishment of the Literary Gazette—the first weekly journal of criticism and Belles Lettres in
this country, and his “gallant seizure” of Bellingham (May 11, 1812), are incidents in the life. of J erdan

mentioned by the editor of “Don Juan” in his Preface, as constituting the title of the critic to be
remembered by posterity. His narrow escape of at least receiving a challenge to fight a duel with the
noble author of that poem may also be mentioned among his credentials. It appears that some remarks
which he had made on Byron’s lines to Mrs. Charlemont having given ollence, the irate bard entrusted a
cartel of defiance to his friend, Douglas Kinnaird, who, wisely retaining it in his possession till he had an
opportunity of appealing from Philip drunk to Philip sober, succeeded in dissuading the poet from his
angry purpose.




1%. 4. SI. Jlartz'u's Place.


Rt. Hon.,T.ord Brougham.
Rt. lion. the Lord Chief Baron.
Rt. Hon. Lord \Varren de Tabley.
Rt. 11011. H Tufi'nell. l\l.P.
Lord Lind .ly.
{on Francis Scott. M. P.
Sir . L. Bulwer-Lyttou. Bart.
Sir R. I. Murchisnn. ICES.
Sir Peter Laurie. Kt., Alderman.
W. Francis Ainsw rth, F‘
J. Arden, Esq.. 14‘. A. ’l K.
John Barrow. Esq, I .R.S., 19.5.11.
Charles Harry. Esq., ILA.
Wm. Beattic. M.D.
Robert Bell. Esq.

‘ "meis licnnoch. Esq.

ushua \V. Buttcrworrh. Esq.
B. Bond Cabbcll. Esq., M.P.
Joseph Canvin. Esq.
R. Chambers. Esq., Edinburgh.
James Colquhoun, lisq.
Patrick Colquhoun. Esq.. D.C.L.
\Valter Coulson. Esq.
Rev. George Croly. Dr).
George Cruikshank. Esq.
Peter Cunningham. Esq. F.S.A.
Rev. John Din
J. C. Dcnhain. q.
Charles Dickens, Esq.
Henry Drummond. Esq., M.P.
Joseph Durham. Esq.
Professor Edward Forbes. F.R.S.
Alfred Forrester, Esq.
John Forster. Esq.


’I‘homas Gaspey. q.
Geo. Godwin, Es ..1“.R.S., F.S.A.

Thomas Grissell, Esq. F.S.A.
Wm. Grove. Esra. V.P.. F.R.S.
S. Carter Hall. E‘ 1“.S.A
Henry Haslam, Es . F R ‘3
J. O. llalliwell. ESQ”
Charles IIill. Esq.
Leigh llunt, E .
Thom [unr. Esq.
Donal crrold. Esq.
J. II. Jesse. Esq.
John Laurie. Esq.
P. Northall Laurie. Esq.
John Gibson Loukhart, Esq.
Samuel LoVer. Esq.
Chevalier Isidore de Lfiwenstern.
Charles Maekay. LLJ).

. Mac nnon, Esq. M.P.
D. Maclise, Esq.. R.A.
R. Monekton Milnes. Esq. M.I’.
\Villiam C. Maeremly, Esq.
Francis Mills. Esq.
F. G. Moon. Esq., Alderman.
James Prior. Esq. M .
T}. \V. Procter. Esq.
Frederick Salmon. Esq.
J. Shillinelaw. Esq. I
C. Roach Smith,
Clarkson Stanfiel
John Stuart. Es
Charles Swain. .. q.
I.ieut.~Co1. Sykes. F.R.S.. kc.
Captain Smyth. R.N., F.R.S.
J. G. Teed. Esq., Q.C.
W. M. Thackeray. Esq.
T. Wright. Esq., M.A.. 11071. See.



As a public acknowledgment of the literary labours oan. JERDAN.
annnatinar to many. and instructive to all. since the commencement of

the Literary (In:
his_serv1ces to Literature.
seription has been opened

under the aus

and the following already received and announced z...

The Lord Chief‘Baron
Lady Pollock . . . . .
Lord \Villoughby de
Ereshy. . . . . . .5
Lord \Varren de Tabley .
Lord Londesborough .
Messrs. Longmans . .

. S. Carter Ha ll, Esq. .
John Murray. Esq. . .
Sir E. Bulu’er Lytton .
John Dickinson. Esq. .
Lord Colhorne . . .
James Colquhoun, Esq. .
Sir R. I. Murchison .

Sir Peter Laurie . . .
Northall Laurie. Esq. .
W. Cubitt. Esq, M.1’.

Charles Hill. Esq. . .

Henry i'lallam, Esq.

John Laurie. Esq.

Robert Ferguson, Esq

Dr. Benttie . . .

\Vm. Thackeray

Robert Chamber

J. O. Halliwell, . q.

’l’homas Hunt. Esq.

E. Foss, Esq. . . .

Francis Mills. Esq. . .

Henry Foss. Esq. . .

James Willes. Esq. .

'1‘ Stewardson. Esq. .

Capt. Sir James C. Ross .

Lady Russ . . . .

Rev. J. M. Traherne

J. C. Dcnhain. qu. . .

J. Prior. Esq.. M.D. .

George Godwin, Esq. .

Daniel Ball. Esq. .

Robert Gray. Esq. . . .

The Lord Bishop of Win—
chester . . . . . . .

D. Nicholl. Esq. . . . .

Beriah Botfleld. Esq. . .

W. H. Fox Talbot. Esq. .

o Mmmawuaoacuocoamwououocmuuoomoocec:

:2 mmmuwau‘uuuwvuawuuauu

cacao ecoocso:ocooocooocecocDocoecoooococoo ca.



G. II. Virtue.Esq. . . . 1

Thomas Cubitt. Esq. . .
It. Stephenson.Esq.,M.1’.
Dr. Mackay . . .
G. Cruikshank, Esq. . .
David Roberts, Esq, ILA.
Dr. 1’. Colquhoun . .
J. E. Sanderson. Esq. . .
J. W. Butterworth, Esq. .
B. B. Cabbcll. Esq. M. .
\Valrer Coulson. 1‘

Joseph Durham, Es
John Barrow. Esq.
Dr. roy .. . . .
a] . J. Maneles, R.N.
It. 0akley.Esi . . . .
George Grote. Esq. . .
William Tooke, Esq. .
Mrs. Bray . . . . .
Colonel llodeson . .
Lord Lindsay . . . .
B. \V. Procter, Esq. .
W. F. Ainsworth. Esq.
T. ‘Vriaht. Esq. M.A.
Peter Cunningham. Esq.
Thomas Grissell. Esq. . .
Joseph Arden. Esq. .
John Forster. Esq. . . .
R. M. \{ilnes. Esq., M.P.
J. B. Taylor. Esq. . . .
A. B. Richards. Esq. .
Joseph Cauvin, Esq.
Dr. J. Conolly . . . . .
Frederick Salmon. Esq. .
Francis Bennoch. Esq.
Mrs. Bennoch . . . .
C. Roach Smith. Esq. . .
John Shillinglaw. Esq.

irs.Taylor . . . . .
Col. J. ()wcn.C.B. . . .
\V. Martin Leuke. Esq. .
Sir .I. Emmerson Tennent
Hudson Gurney, Esq. . .
Charles Swain. Esq. . .
M. A. Lr u'er. Esq. Lewes
Herbert Ingram, Esq. .


..... . ‘ . a





Me in I817 to the close of" last year. and of the value of
Science. and the Fine and Useful Arts, a Sub—
pices of the above Committee,



Sir Claude Scott and Co.. Messrs. Contts and C0,. Barnard.Dimsdale.

and Co.. \Iasterman and C0,. and
receive Subscriptions.
surer, Joseph Arden. Esq., 1
Secretaries. Mr. \Vriaht. 2-l. 8} Hey
law. 14. Bridge Street. Blackt'riars:
Society ofLiterature,

. _ Prescott, Grate. and Co.. will
Subscriptions Will also be receive

and by Mr. N
.1, St. Martin‘s Place, Trafalgar Square.

d by the Trea-
.A.. ‘27. Cavendish Square : by the Hon.
Street.Brompton. and Mr. Shilling:—
athauiel Ilill, Royal