SMITHJAMES an ‘ olmcE,a celebrated
literary duunn'irate, were thesons of Robert
Smith, solicitor to the board of ordnance,
and born respectively in London, Feb. lllth,
1775, and Dee. 315:,1779. James wasurticlvd
to his father, was sul equently taken into
partnership, and eventually succeeded to
his business as well as to his ofllciul appoint
mentl Horace became a member of the stoe

"hange. Perhaps no two situations in
lite could at firstsightnppear less favourable
to the cultivation of the muses than a law-
yer‘s desk and Cape] Court; but James and
Ho ‘ ice Smith triumphed over obstacles that
would have crushed less genial natures, and
went on from step to step till they left their
names deeply graven in the literature of
their time Their first effusions were con-
tributed to the Pie Nie newspaper, estab—
lished by Colonel Greville, in 1802. They
also wrote largely for the Monthly Mirror
and the London Review, and some of their
best rers de soeiété appeared in the New
Monthly Magazine, while under Thomas
Campbell’s editorship. But the work by
which the brothers are best known, and by
which they will he longest remembered, is
the “ Rejected Addresses," which appeared
on the reopening of Drury Lane Theatre in
1N12, and of Which twent >two editionshnve
been sold. The popularity of this Work ap—
pea 'to have satisfied the ambition of the
elder brother. But soon afterwards Horace
became an indefatigable novel writer He
commenced his novels with “Galetiea and
Gravities " in 1825, and ended them with
“ Lore and Mesmerism " in 1845; and with-

in these 20 years he also gave to the public
“ Brambletye House," “ Tor Hill,”“ Reuben

Apsley," ‘ Zillah,” “The New Forest,”
“ Adam Brown," &e.,all of which were well
received. James Smith died in London,
Dec. 24th, 1839; Horace died at Tuubridge
Wells Jul~ " n '