xt7qjq0stw34_4493 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Mary Elizabeth Braddon prints and clippings text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Mary Elizabeth Braddon prints and clippings 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_53/Folder_1/Multipage25097.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_4493 xt7qjq0stw34 BRADDON, Mary Elizabeth (Max-
well), novelist; 11. London, 1837: 1/. d. ofHemy
Braddon, solicit ; widow of John Maxwell,
publisher. Etl home. Devoted to literary
work from 1860, in which year her first novel, The
Trail of the Serpent, was written and published
in serial form. Publications: Lady Audley’s
Secret; Aurora Floyd, 1862 ; Eleanor's Victory,
1863; John Marehmont' Legacy, 1863; Henry
Dunbar, 1864; The Doctor’s Wife, 1864 ; Only a
Clod, 1865; Sir Jasper's Tenant, 1865; The Lady’s
Mile, 1806; Birds of Prey, 1867; Run to Earth,
1868; Charlotte‘s Inheritance, 1868; Rupert
Godwin, 1869; Dead Sea Fruit, 1869; Fenton’s
Quest, 1871; Levels of Arden, 1871 To the
Bitter End, 1872; Lost for Love, 187 Robert
Ainsleigh,1872; ueius Davoren,1873; rangers
and Pilgrims; Gris lda (a drama), 1873; Milly
Darell, 1873 ‘,The Missing Witness (drama); Iaken
at the Flood, 1874; Hostages to Fortune, 1875;
Dead Men’s Shoes ; Joshua Haggard‘s Daughter,
1870; Weavers and Weft, 1877; An Open Verdict,
1878; The Cloven Font; Vixen, 1879; Just as I
am; The Story of Barbara, 1880; A lioclel, 1881 ;
Mount Royal, 1882; Phantom ortune, 18 ;
Flower and Weed; Ishmael, 1884; Wyllard's
Weird; Mohawks, 1886; One Thing Needful,
1886; Like and Unlike, 1887; The Fatal Three,
1888; The Day Will Come, 1889; One Life, One
Love, 1890; Gerard, 1891; The Venetians, 1892;
All Along the River, 1893 ; The Christmas Hire-
1iugs, 1894; Thou Art the Man, 1894; Sons of
Fire, 1895; London Pride, 1896; Under Love’s
Rule, 1897; Rough Justice, 1898; His Darling
Sin, 1899; The Inlidel, 1900; The Conflict,
1903; A Lost Eden, 1904. R0 cations: garden-
ing,inusic,literature. Address. liehfield House,
Richmond-on-Thames; Annesley Bank, New



W,” ‘ 4 y /_
I‘lzo/o by IrI’. Ilr'ulswx,Hull Little Black House Farm,
Beverley, Yorkshire.

Miss Braddon w as lixing here as governess when, in the earl) ‘ ' she wrote her first novel,
Ihree Times Dead. "


 Miss M. E. Brad—
don (Mrs. Maxwell)
who died at Rich-
mond on the 4th of
last month at the
age of seventy—eight,
became a popular
novelist in the great
lays when Dickens
was still living and
working. Her third
n ove l, ” L a d y
Audley’s Secret,”
was published in
1862, and had the
resounding sen—
sational success that
does not come to
more than about one
novel in a decade.
The list of her books
runs to between
seventy and eighty,
and their vogue has ' (”Sis atxg'egfaddon

been as large in
America as it has

been in this country. For over fifty years she held her

*elists——a very notable

o falling off in the sound

good judges consider

e of her latest stories,
ad completed another


 of more general literature.
tributors to the symposium
are being read—and not War

“ Germany in the Nineteenth

ngmans and the Manchester
published a second series of

-ake, B. Bosanquet, and F.
’5 contributions to Theology,
during last century.

Brothers are publishing a
ricz Girl,” by Miss Anne
of' great financier.

Roberts, the Nature story
moted captain in the 16th
e joined as lieutenant in

g previously been a private



Photo by M. Tyi'rcll. Mr. John Foste

of that province. He contributed some War vei
last year to the Com/1211, “ Civis Romanus Sun:
which have been widely used at Recruiting Meeting

” Through Central Af~
are publishing shortly, ’
thousand-mile journey
Kearton and Mr. Jan‘
Africa to the other.