xt7qjq0stw34_4771 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Giovan Battista Corniani letter to la Comtesse Albrizzi, with description and original notation from disbound volume text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Giovan Battista Corniani letter to la Comtesse Albrizzi, with description and original notation from disbound volume 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_55/Folder_93/Multipage26048.pdf 1807 September 5, undated 1807 1807 September 5, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_4771 xt7qjq0stw34 [HAL 3‘ W W K; " ‘2 2 ‘2. . £2 (1" o o Jag/”224,2? WiuJQ/N 2‘3 ' 6522212231} 210/2 m 2/2222W2222W &, gywfiggiwig; / 22222222, )222222 222. mm 2 (2&2? 372; 9222255 .2229: 22’ 22322 @2122 22242 25211422222222 22' 2522222. 2 2 V, f" g 2222222 2222422 M (2222m2 2/2; 222222 W221 m '51! W . 15,7" ‘ ’ 0 f2; QZMfi W222 flag/aiéa $211273 @235“? $2222” 22212 Uiflifijj Amw}; ngim m 22:22.14: 22222 23222222 212234. A; §zfi¢m22mbip Wag/2224122272 222; '3 £2; 2222222 F22?) EMMA/£12.. i2: 72wa Cir/£2 22* , .\.-’ s. ; ‘ 1' g2" . ' . . x ' ~ If " '2" ”F ' 22222222 $232 2,22% 25 12222221222230 222 ,2 ”212055;“! iié 5%“ “2513 52222 E‘ z 2- 2% 22221222222222, (10/ vwmggéflaw fivwfifi‘flé (‘22 52/73; 22222.2 £23 £2, 2727232757 1%:2fli fim/ ¢ ”Fa/kw flMé/ 42 gflip 27222? fipfiyfiwm / ,z’ 9% 3a“: 1%, {/41 2241773602 2222 'p2’222252e222222 OW. L l .722 2922 7-: 'MQV/EME/w 9222 2272222922 ll flW 436222392 2'”. I 2525721222722 2%.?226222' 9% 2:22:5212222222222226 52 ”’2' A A LA: AA WA A AA, AA A AA , <25 AAA-{m A”? . AAA/”WWW?” W 5W" N” P A, Q A/ ., (if; A , AA AAA. W "UAWMJ o a. W/flww' WWW" A 1/ {if I mm W” M i M wrWA/LQW AAAMAAA AW f/AAAZAA .ma 1 , A > . fm' V2365 aye! ”“ 42 WW} AMA/AM» M AAA/AAA éégg‘zi A - A7 A / 7 H. A / , V N w A AA A AA A A A MUM M {fly/NM m AW AAA/1m MAM; _,..A2AA AAA'W d ’ Wu AW AAA: AA A (A ”Z2: 6: Mamie“. Q’Mfi éZEf”J§Z3» 3.1333133 flkfl‘EOEBQl-‘BEIE @E J?QW%%052 gzgéwm £Z§é1k /{ £7039 fiffliflm/Z [grew/2L J/ 7907‘ m " ammflgsm@ A 5 fima‘M/e/ M7Zj/p ©33EW //% fawzoro/é/ jay 56/24 [9/4, /a, a, w, a/ M ”4427/4/74: 5/” «$210; Qe/ M. wgmvwmms / ‘ zfifiubmfigmfluw 2L /hmy wwé7aé w¢‘/wa¢¢7'awég¢ /1Mr’./iu£ J) a; {9”, Z %m§:g:;¢ #méggna» //za7wx __'.'- v»— , %//4/ - #mmuf W /X/5.