xt7qjq0stw34_5000 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection John Banim letter to my dear sir, with clippings and a fragment by [Miss?] Banim text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. John Banim letter to my dear sir, with clippings and a fragment by [Miss?] Banim 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_58/Folder_33/Multipage26885.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5000 xt7qjq0stw34  

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 Tilt", Jig/it (5/) JUL/L .Btlilim, [711‘ Irish A711,'17z's[’ ‘
21"1‘1‘74 [fr/mas from his (“n/'1'] h'j/IIIH/t new, C’uze:
m7 and Literary. Bf :li’ulriclc Jrisqih Mur—
1’11),'. (Lay)

T111: literui'ylife and personal llu'tuut-s of the

J‘fut'hm: ut‘ ‘l minim uiul Llivthins,’ 11ml the ori—

gumttir of the "Exiles lif,’ the (l’flnrn l‘VunilV’

ought to have iuzule :t liett‘er lmrilt. Tilr. Blurrilir
has not \Vztlllt‘tl sympathy with his suliieel‘fi—he
has [ilkt‘ll some pains in t‘Ullt‘t'l‘iHH (11’ i11:1l(|1”1l-
li‘itt his style 01' 11:11'1-zu'iu11 is lieztrvauul. tasteless,

t his literary remarks :11'e piliutless and. in:

suliuruxul as regmrrls ltumrlwlge. .Tu lllsl‘illlt‘t‘

when he desires to exalt l3n11iui. 21s the 'lirsi:
i3}? (111312111; llt‘x‘lvlt‘flg'llllfiFlt)” stating that in
1, J. Jut‘q’t .\01t,1 Mth 111 the lull pus—

s isstnn (11' the pululie taste 11s the l)t‘.\‘l1:llltl (le .

Irish iirwelist‘.’7 :l‘mlfjt‘l't‘ this time ‘(>’:l,>111111ell.’

mill ‘;l<‘lr'11-eiit-t\ Mziczirt‘hy’ hzul eimiezu'erl. But

tlus 1s not? his sole mistake 3 our critic

hating ignored the existence at" Luly iIoru‘nu

{Jays 911 in call, ‘Custle lflueln‘out’ :tii “eleirnui ‘

(ll‘z'HVl111-1‘00‘111 portraiture «if Irish lil'e :llltl Thar

meter”; uutl to print out that Miss :lfltlwe—

worth “minted 1112111)) very 1mmr uttriliules
peculuu: tn that phase til" genius \rhieh ezui‘
uli‘trtm :uul keep secure the title of the Irish


MAXIM, John, 1111;11:11, :111 rish nut mr, who,
under the pseudonym mt" llnrnes‘ O’Hara,
wrote the greater purl til the iixuiiulnr nrn‘els‘
lgumru :15 the ”13111;; ml the U'llnrxt Family,”
which on their appearance were immediately
recognised as works 111‘ genius. He was also
the :uithor of the rteleliruml 1r; newly of “ Dn-
mon and Pythius.” The greatest defect, per-
Imps, in his writingsis :1 rlvgn mt uverstrnined
excitement. which he gen; .1ly produces by
calling to his :1i1l the operatiuus 11f the worst
and darkest passions ofhuuizm nzuure. B. 1800;
D. near Kilkenny, Aug. 1. 11212.

BANIM, Michael, the Cltlt'l' ln-nthcr of the
preceding, \vhu wrote put of the “Tales of
the ()‘llzim Family," umler the pseudonym 0f
Abel O'Hara. His latest unvel is the “ Town
of the Cascades.” 1:. neur Killmnuy, about
I 08.