xt7qjq0stw34_5076 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Percival Stockdale letter to dear sir, with a clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Percival Stockdale letter to dear sir, with a clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_59/Folder_18/Multipage27208.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5076 xt7qjq0stw34 [71“ 4;

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 BURNAND, Sir Francis quley, Kt;
«71'. 1902: barrister, Lim'oln’s inn; editor of
l’unch, lNl‘J-ltilio ; rlramal'" author, ight litera-
ture: I). 20 Nov. 1.53:3. l)(,.cemled on father‘s
side, from old Saroyard family; great-great-
gramlfallnér was partner in Minot and 00., silk
merchants; motlner, Emma Cowley, (I. of Chris-
tian Cowley, din-ct dosm‘rndant of Hannah
Cowley, authoress: HI. 'lst’, Isno, (.‘oviliaVictoria
((l. 1571)), 11. ofJann-s llanmz; 2nd, JNT l, Ilosina,
widow of J}. .lom-s ; six 5. live «I. Educ. .- Eion,
(whore at liflwn ho wrolv a farm- plan-d at
(,‘i’iokvslv-y's house and at iln- 'l'la-alro lloyal, ,
Worlhing); ’I‘rin. 0011. Canal). (fmmrlvd lln-
Amalour Dramatic (,‘luln, whori- his earliest
pieces worn- modum'd); studied for English
(Jhureh at Cnddusdon under L‘anoli Liddon;
became a Catholic; read for liar at llourdillon's
Uhainhers; oallod ; pravtisod our: sionall)‘; com-
menced writing,r ; introdimod by George Meredith
to Once a Week; liai‘y, thralrii'al bookseller,
introduced him to Charles Young, aotor, who
successfully produced Dido al b‘t. James s
'l‘heatro under management of (Jhatterton and
Willert; with Montagu Williams, wrote for
Robson; then alone for Robson, liuckstoim,
and sm'oral theatres; court-dies, burlosinu-s, for
Strand. llis l)llI‘ll‘S([ll15 lllat-k-lflyt‘d husan ran
Silt) nights at lloyalty '1‘ln“atrv. Soho, was played
for years pi'ovinoially and in Anwrira, twice
revived in London. When about 2:3, wrote
for Fun, hot on its proprietor refusingr his
burlesque novelette, he brought it lo Mark
Lemon, who accepted Mok -anna for l’unch;
on its staff from that date, summoding Mark
Lemon, Shirley Brooks, 'l‘oin Taylor, as editor,
1880. 1"ablicrrlrious: nappy ll‘houghts, ol
which first numher appeared in Punch, '23
June 1800; there wcri also the Happy Thought
Series, and a variety of light woi 2', such as
Modern Sandford and Merton, Now Light on
Darkost Afric:, Stralnnoro, Ride to lihiva;
eccentric Guide to lsle of’l‘hanot, illusiratod by
Phil May. Written over a hundred and twenty
plays, ohielly hurlosques and light comedies;
amongr the latter The Colonel, which satirised
the aesthetic craze of a poriod; adaptod several
farcical comedies for Augustine llaly, New
York; written two light operas (Contralian'lista
and The Chieftain) with Sir Arthur Sullivan,
with whom he wrote musical version of Morton’s
old farce, “ Jlox and Cox," untitled, porvr‘rsoly,
“Cox and Box"; also “His Majesty,” an opera,
with R. C. Lehlnann; Ileininisocin'os, 1901.
Berrmiious.- roading, riding, s ia-hoating, music.
Add: - 18 Royal Crescent, Rains-gate. ('Iahs:
Garr ; Royal ’J‘hamL-s Yacht, llamsgate.