xt7qjq0stw34_5147 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Manuscript death certificate of Thomas Blackwell signed by his wife Barbara Blackwell, with a clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Manuscript death certificate of Thomas Blackwell signed by his wife Barbara Blackwell, with a clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_59/Folder_90/Multipage27489.pdf 1757 May 19, undated 1757 1757 May 19, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5147 xt7qjq0stw34 BLACKWELL, 'l‘HmtAs, Ll,,.l)., brother 01' Dr. Alexander Blackwell, mentioned above, was born at Aberdeen .4. Aug” 1701, and alter studying in the Marisehal College, became Greek prolessor 1723. In 1737 he published anonymously an ‘Enquiry into the Lite and \Vritings ot‘ Homer,’ which be afterwards aeconwanietl with ‘ l’root's,’ or translations ot‘ all the notes in the work. In 1748 be was appointed principal of the college, and was the ill'nt layman raised to that dignity since the patronage devolved on the Crown by the f'ort‘eiture of the Marisehal family in 1716. He (lied at Edinburgh 8 March, 1757. His other pub- lieations were ‘ Letters concerning: Mythology; and ‘ Memoirs of the Court ol~ Augustus,’ 3 \‘ols. #0.: All these works are written in a most zttl'ectell and pedantic style» It is said that beingr at Cam- bridge soon after the publication of his ‘ Enquiry,’ be a>lzed Dr. Bentle}~ his opinion ot‘it. The doctor replied that when he had gone through half of it he had forgotten the beginning, and that when be had finished the reading of ’n he had forgotten the whole“ (I 1 , 7 1/ 7 571/ 1/ yr L gig/(If Z‘Et't'LZk‘ L {(z'a/me.» f _ ”/(e’uzz/x r/ 1/14, ,0! 7 ‘ K / ,/ ;;‘// f ,7"? ' A i‘ v ,4? ,* /‘/ fl/ 2 » w/rrma /&V/ fl// figjfi ,7 :42/4 //“ 1&1}; ,, . ~§ 4/ /// /‘;5 i » . 'MV/ fay/m / g”, , //{Z/ // , , / 4‘» / f: , :4! , / / , ) ' i/frv’ 1/? I f ran/c3- ,-, 3’ '3 @1191.» 47/ K I ‘< ' I ,3 , x, ,7 , fl .. , 3‘ , 2’ t- fé’f \ / 6/ " ‘rYA ; Iv?” ‘ I“ I .. I 7 "v (i /{ /%;/ Afl 1/ >1? / / MK 7 R \ . , (7)34 >/ \ fl "(2:41 / a )«fi/ ' /‘ ' ' \i 71 i/é” ”‘7 ii' ‘1’» ‘1 it” a l 1 H“ 6/ Ll}! .’ 4 91 fl, ‘ ‘ ‘* 3 1 [1 r5 , a g, /a, x, .< 4/44: / «‘1:¢<‘+C 372»r.4/ \ . -\ ‘ f {I i ‘ \ \ a . ,. . , ///// yr. {ail/4'71) $4?! > w 'M /(..J’3 35791-47de I. 0L 1”; .azf - (P ,, 1 fl / I'j, 4.1{c&f?///¢’/1 )V 1"" ’7’" ‘5’ I, 1.. _4(4/. //(fl [‘4 Y‘f/f/ g5? 12 *flLHS ’ r44»): (a 77 I /‘ "<7 . ' we ’ ' r "" i /7 /’ C ‘ / //7 fl / 1“.(v)> / y hal/a/ffl 1/: (1// 1'? {1/4" V ' (Q 0-/ ”L13 ) fl / / [/1 r/mfirua: d 2“}:‘1.’L/4¢2vr; / ,7 (ix—e ?M> -/.. Uzi?) Hz :3; /€// an”? I ; fl ;"3 34:2,; 5,) ((1 ‘ > , (/ : \(l .« $5,. I: 3/) ' “>4 ’ fl 3 / I (La/If '/. 9 7” (\5 15 '7 )5} D I 1"" r ‘ ,1 ‘ fl , M) / 1 ' 1‘ ‘ . ‘7 v ", .~w/‘ " .»9 La.) 9 . 7;» KJ/fi‘ , 453.“? \ {’«dz :1! I} 4 /~ 4 /) f / ‘ M 4 (lfl/{Z‘d’ ((7 T K '4‘ ' ft (0774/? I! [ffly ‘» , , ,’ 1/1“ (/7: {/Jj/m/z'zrr/ /: JL 5!,” /‘ /" 1‘ v’l/ }‘ r“ U, (1’ X‘I/é {7 [Z "I, [7 L ,4- ) / (.'{A./’¢'i;‘ f} p’k; , ‘ 2 2 1 ,41/ A ‘, f, , _’/;~;');¢t.'t,3 L/z' ‘ V» { ,1 , " L/Kéffg/‘r’f // 2/434 ”.9 r-CQ 4/197 /x (5" .g,‘ . my I’ ‘. "I 4‘ I /z [2 [z :4 z w z 4%” ”24% 0, I” i <1; 1;:76) x") x (1 w IV -' ” ' , w/g} /