MEYRICK, Sir SAMUEL Rum, LL.D., RS .51., was educated at Oxford, 111111 zilter11'1'11'ds pl‘ilL‘hSCd for 111:1ny1'c1'11’sz1s an advocate in the Ecclesiastical 111111 21111111111111 courts ; hutl1is1'e11lstu111'1'111dpur- s11it11'as that of antiquities 1'11111 zn'chzeoloa} and in his residence Goodiich Coiii',1 Ilere111111s1111‘,e he gr: 11111: 1111/ accumul: 1te11 :1 1L-r1'lz11ge collection of 1'11",n10111 which is now deposited in the South Kensinwton Museum. His two g1'e11t110rks,11111L11 zirL st 1111111'11 authorities on the subject the1 treat 01,1110, ‘ A CritiL1'1l Inqui1'1 into 111tie11t'Ar111oui, 11s it existed in Europe, hut 11111'tic11l1'11'11 in Fug] 11111 from the Norzm 1n Conquest to the reign of C111'111es 11 111111 a G]o;s1'11'_v of Milit1ir1' 'Ie1111s 01 the Middle Ages,’ 3 vols 4to. ., 1824, 2111111191111 1844 , and the lettLr-press 1101111111 01‘ Joseph Skelton’s ‘ Engraved Illustratiom 01 Ancient Arms and Armoui" in his collection, 2 1'ols.4to, 1830, ‘ and again 1354.. Sir Sum 11e1 :1lso published "l‘lie History and Antiquities of the County of C111- 11ig11n,’ 211111 edited I1e\1'is Dunn’s ‘ Heraldic Visita- tions of \V1'11L‘s.’ Died 2 April, 1848, aged 65’. ~