xt7qjq0stw34_5459 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Typescript sheet, Description of the Grand Historical Picture, of the Memorable Attack, on the Hills of Famars text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Typescript sheet, Description of the Grand Historical Picture, of the Memorable Attack, on the Hills of Famars 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_87/Folder_20/Multipage28808.pdf [1795?] 1795 [1795?]Scope and Contents section false xt7qjq0stw34_5459 xt7qjq0stw34 , , .1 _ - U (/ :7?(/7lf3/{' . "id/fixina/ 5/,i/v77«:/, '2, ( fizz . 46141170542. . 7/7///;7 , ,3, :7/fl'fie’2’07/a-Z/f {/714/7/7 , 4, ifmecA 1/?” ,00’7? , J, 751171,?1/1711'121 1M: aria , (IV, 7/Y—ju/I , 7I?%15;2 {0/ 11/,» )//../,'/ ‘_ fly/.1” «Zr , /‘ . .y'/»77-¢m('/«V L'V’ziz-‘A/ , 7/2/44/{4/ , #, 4)//d 5/43/1- , 4/ , ((77111 7,('/¢ 11/". A}, i (ti/li'H/rlz/ , w, c” 1/7/1322 w/rr’u r/ 1/12/0201?” ma; [/1 //2«’ ,- l (572(3), (1/ -7/('i_y. all/7 , ‘X/i/J- .ll/J/llll . \//’Iy / ill ' 5].: _; r, t '11: u , , / . 1/ ,, //’////',_1 1/34 _.;/,‘ J/ ,/ « 4M / Ill/12’ 7 , 'fi’) / . / 1/ A e//’/’./I,://"__/72«' _ '/_/, j ,l J "—/ [i / c/"lr’é/ « ,IZUr’L-J/ift/ :77". J' /‘ ‘27 5’7 ' «yor‘jr ,- A‘o his“ 5 53% W DESCRIPTION OF THE GRAND“ HISTORICAL PICTURE, OF THE MEMORABLE ATTACK, ON THE HlLLS OF FAMARS, BEFORE VALENCTENNES, ON THE TWENTY-THIRD OF NIAY, 1793, By t/ze Combined Amazes, UNDER THE COMMAND OF ‘HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, FREDERICK, DUKE OF YORK. Painted by M. BROWN, Efq. HISTORICAL PAINTER TO THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE DUKE AND DUCK-11353 OF YORK. TN this Age of great Events, when States and Empires fell the alvful and tremendous Shocks of revolutionary Concuflion, and when the united Powers of altonifhed Europe are drawn forth to [top the Progrefs of Deltruétion, and revenge the Outrages committed againlt Humanity in a neighbouring Kingdom, and when Hiltory Opens her facred Volume for the Inl‘truftion of Mankind, it becomes the Province of Arts to hold the Mirror up to Nature, to felecT the mofl: important Scenes, for the Information of Polterity. - This Piéture reprefents a View of Va/mrz'eimer, with the adjacent Country, 1110er1! Alizaz'rz, and the Camp of Farm/“5; the right Groupe fhews the Britilh Column, at the Head of which are the Sons of our beloved Sovereign, FREDERICK and A001.— PHUS, furrounded by their principal Officers, among which are feen Marfhal FREYTAG, Sir JA MES MURRAY, Bart. Col. GAS— COYNE, &c. &c. all of whom have honored Mr. BROWN with fitting for their Portraits on this important Occafion. The centre Groupe is the CHARGE, reprefenting the Hanover-ian Cor/Is (fr Gan/E, fupported by the AullrianS, upon the right Flank, forcing the Enemy from the TOP of the Heights, at the Point of the Bayonet, with an Intrepidiry and V310,“. "fcarcely to be paralleled in the Military Annals of the World. In this Groupe are vifible the various Troops of the Gardes Francois, Cuirafliers, Dragoons, and the Huffars of the different Nations. The left Groupe, difiinguifhes a young French Oflicer, borne of the Field in the Arms of his Father and other Oflicers, together with the Flight of the French Troops, retreating in broken and folid Columns towards the City. The Fore-ground is covered with Military Trophies, Cannon, Standards, Chain-fliot, and Bomb-lhells, combining to form an Idea of the Splendor of warlike Operations. Among the Standards which are feen, are the Hanoverian Horfe, and the Flags of the Corp: [/5 Carrie, on one of which is vifible the Arms of the Eleétor of Hanover (our molt gracious Sovereign) and On. the other, the Initials, “ G. R. III.” The Obliefl; on the Top of the Hill is DAMPIER 13’s Monument, on the Summit Of which are placed TrOphies of War, and on the Bottom, Republican Mottos, copied from the original Drawing, lent to the Artil’t by Sir JAMES MUR RAY, Bart. Adjutant General of the Britilh Forces. ‘ As it is univerfally admitted that no Artilt can, with Propriety, do Juf’tice to the tremendous Effeé‘ts of Military Operations, but thofe who have been ocular Wirnefl‘es of fuch awful Scenes, the Proprietor is happy to afl‘ure the Public, that the Artilt, Mr. BROWN, has been refident in a befieged Town, during the whole ofa violent Bombardment and Cannonade; that he is con- verfant with the general Syflem of Taé‘tis, not only as it relates to the Mode of Invellment, and regular Approaches of an Ene» my, but likewife the various Modes of Defence adopted by a garrifoncd Town; and particularly that he has been Eye VVitnefs of a Fortrefs carried by Storm. With thefe fingular Advantages, he has united the moll indefatigable Ellbrts of his Art, and turned his Attention, in particular, to the Difplay of Naval and Military Operations and Engagements. ‘ This Pifture met with the molt gracious and flattering Reception from Their Majel’ty’s, when it was placed, by Royal Corn- inand, in the Japan Breakfaft Room, at the Qpeen’s Palace; and their Royal Highneffes the Prince of VVALES, Duke of CLA- RENCE, and the Duke and Duchefs Of YORK, have alfo honored the Compofition with their Sané‘tion and Applaufe. Mr. BROWN, at the fame Time, had the Honor to prefent Her Majef‘ty with Two Prints from India Subjeéts,‘engraved by Mom-s. BARTOLOZZ): and ORMB, which her Majell'y ordered to be placed in the Royal Villa, at Fragmare. W S . EXTRACT from 1/21: GAZETTE. Elia} 27/12, 1793, IR, I have the Honor to inform you, that the Combined Forces have defeated the Enemy, and driven them from Famarr _(early in the Morning of the 23d of May.) General FERRARIS, after cannonading fome Time, attacked on his Side, and carried the Entrenchments by Aflhult. The Tr00ps of the different Nations difplaycd the utmof’t Firmnefs and lntrepidity in this arduous Undertaking—I enclofe a Return of the Enemy’s Lofs; feven Pieces of Cannon, and near 200 Prilbners, were taken in the Redoubts, Some Squadrons of French Calvery appearing at this Time, and threatening the Flank of the Infantry, though fuperior in Number, they were attacked with the greatelt Valour by the Regiment of Hanoverian Corps (la Gazi'ds’. The Conteft was of the fevereft Kind; 1/» Sguadram mixed rwit/y one [mot/m3 and the French were defeated, though not without confi— derable VLofs to the Carp: (lg Garde; the Regiment had three Officers killed, one taken, and four wounded; and 67 killed and wounded Non-commiflioned Officers and Privates; the Reft of the Hanoverian Troops loll about 3; Men. His Royal Highnefs Tvr the Duke of YORK advanced with a Part of the Troops to a hollow way, within a {mall Dillance of the VVorlts, &c. &c. To Ila? Right Hm. H. Dazzrfm. (Signed) }. MURRAY.With extract of a letter from J. Murray to H. Dundas and a drawn key to Mr. Orme's print of the Battle of Famars painted by Mather Brown. Full title reads,
Description of the Grand Historical Picture, of the Memorable Attack, on the Hills of Famars, Before Valenciennes, on the twenty-third of May, 1793, byt the Combined Armies, under the command of His Royal Highness, Frederick, Duke of York .