xt7qjq0stw34_5535 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Victor-Maurice, comte de Broglie clipping text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Victor-Maurice, comte de Broglie clipping 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_64/Folder_33/Multipage29042.pdf undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5535 xt7qjq0stw34      

ROGLIE, ' 1cto1' Maurice, Coun 0,5-111,
aFrench geneial, was 110111 of :1 good family :11
Qucicv, sewed with glory' 111 the wms of Louis
XIV., and was made a marshal of France. D.
1727.——His son Francis-Marie was also 11. mar—
shal of France, and distinguished himself
greatly in Italy, in the campaigns of 1733 and
1734:.——I'lis son, the celebrated Marshal dc Brog-
lie, commanded with great glory in the Seven
Years’ War. He quitth France in 1791-, and,
after residing in England some time, went to
Russia, where he obtained Innilitary rank equal
to that which he had held in France—His son
Claude Victor, prince of Broglie, became active
on the side of the popular party at the com-
mencement. of the French Revolution, and was
_ made mm'éehal-de-eanip. Guillotined 1791.
, BROME, Adam dc, [/rume, an English divine,
.who founded 01iei College, 0\'fo1'd.Livcd in
the 14th eeutur y.

1311011141113 William, brow-la, an eminent
English line cngrave1,1vas born in 1.]1c Isle of
Wight, in 1769, and was held 111 hirrh esteem by
Sir Thomas Lawrence, Stotl1a1d,bFuseli,a11d
Flaxmau. D. 1842. —His son John waJ also an
e11g1ave13hut'1n mezzotiut, in which style he
had few equals B. 1795; D. 1839, before his
fathe1. His principal wo1'=‘ 5 are —- the
“Trial of Lord WilliamRusscll, ” and of “ Queen
Caroline,” aftei Hayte1- , “ Lady J 1110 Grey 1e-