xt7qjq0stw34_5741 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Accession List of the Library of W. Hugh Peal: 1-4,500 text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Accession List of the Library of W. Hugh Peal: 1-4,500 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_67/Folder_1/Multipage29832.pdf section false xt7qjq0stw34_5741 xt7qjq0stw34 , 7 9,3,, ..






1’ —







The accession numbers given at the lart
are the permanent library identification numbers,
one for each volume.

The letter "C" indicatas the actual cost
of a volume or set. The latters "E.V." mean the
estimated valua, 1.9., retail price, in the standard
flew York bookshops. In making the estimate, it is
assumed that the purchaser 16 an experienced shopper
and that the books are in stock. Rare or "adver-
tised—fer" volumes often bring very high prices.
This library has been built up slowly and at modar-

ate cost as items come on the market.











Ratiffol, Lauia, C.
An Temps de Louis XIII,

Paris, Calmann—Levy, E&1teurs,

8 v0, E.D., Paper wrappers

De aegur, Pierre, E.V.
Le Royaume de $aint~fionore,
Madame Geoffrin et sa Filla
Paris Calmann~LeVy, Editeura
uatr ems fiéitian
v0, 1898, Paper wrappers

De Chastanay, %em01res fie fiadame, E.V¢
1771m1815 Publies par Alphcnse Eoserat -
Tome Pram er,."L'Ancien Regime . La
Toma Seconfi, "L‘Emyire ~ La Bestouration —
Les Cent Jours“
Paris, Libraire Plan, E. Plan,
Rourrit at cie
8 v0, 1896 - 7, Paper wrappers

De Sagur, fiarquia 6a, C.
Julie de Lespinaase

Paris, CalmannmLavy, Editeura

8 vo, N.D., Paper wrappers

’ Sorel, Albert, C.
L Europe et la Revolution Francaise .
1’; m Edition
Paris, Libraire Plan,
Plonufiourrit at cia” Imprimeurs ~ Editeurs
8 vo, 1922 Paper wrappers
Tome 1 ~ " as Mouers Pulitique et les ,
Traditions"; g
Tame 2 ~ "La Chute de IaIRoyaute"; ”'
Tame ~ "La Guerre aux flais";
Tome - "Lea Limites Raturelles";
Tome 5 - "Bonaparte et la Directoire";
Tome 6 . "La Treva - Luneville at Amiens";
$ome 7 u "Les Blooms Continantal .
Le Grand Empire“;

, Tome 8 ~ “La coalition, Les Traits; de 1815”.

fLamartine, A. De, 1m.

f Histeire Des Girondins, Paris,

Furne at 613 - w. Coque-Bert

8 v0, 13h7, 1/2 Black aoroceo

Lacks Volume 8. This set was first
published in 18h7, so that this is an
early perhaps a first, edition. Has
bookpiato of George Louis Beer. Bindings
slightly damaged. sea Hos. 1827 - 1833.

ngE g;,§,v,

$ 1.00








Jean-- M ,
21~2 Chenier, Andre E.V.$ 1.50

Oeuvres Palitiques
Libraire Garnier Freros
(Classiques Garniar),
16 mo, Paper wrappers,
Etude par Sainte Beuve

N E85818 (Edited by J. V. LeClerc) 9 .,, '1; J
,1, Paris, Garnier Frares ,N¢>”éw“%'%¢
16 me, 21.1).9 Paper wrappers

25 Racine, J. E.V. .50
:~ Theatrs complet
$1? Paris, Libraire Garnier Freres ,
(Clasaiques Garnier) w
16 mo, N.D., Paper wrappera

26 Stenéhal, De, (Henry Beyle) E.V. .50
H. La Rouge at Le flair

237% ficntaigna, Michel de B.V. 1.00

,flw Paris, Garnier Freres
f‘ (Classiques Garnier)
16 mo, N.D., Papsr wrappers

27 'Descartea ' E.V. .50
Paris, Garnier Freres
(Classiquea Garnler)
16 mo, H.D., Paper wrappers

28—9 Vie Des Hommes Illustres (7,11,h7) E.V. 1.50
30 Pavia, Libraire Gallimard
- 16 mo, Paper wrappera
Faurtales, any as » Chapin (1927)
*fiazard Paul - $tendhal (1928)
fiehlum ergar, Jean—Euripede (1930)

31 Rolland Romain E.V. .50
‘3 Vic :13 {51:21:31 - Ange ,Lgiw/ ,
fl/ Paris, Libraire Hmehatte ’

(Vie Dos Hummus Illustrea)
16 mo, 1923, Paper wrappers

32 stendhal, De (Henry Bayle) “, H ; E.V. .50
Vie de Rapoleon (Fraguents) kzfixm¢¢1fi1éfié/
Paris, Calmannunevy

16 me, 1877. Paper wrapper:

33 Nolhac Pierre de E.V. .50
Louis iv et Marie Leczinska (5th Ed.)

Paris, Calmann-Levy
16 mo, 1902, Paper wrappers



Egg, Cost 0: §,V,
3% Msrimse, Prosper, E.V.$ .50

Chronique due Regne de Charles IX,
Paris, Calmann-sty,
16 mo, N.D., Paper wrappers

35 LeNQtre, CT. 7‘ EQVO . 50
fisrtin ls Visionnaire
Paris9 Perrin at cie
16 mo, 192%, Paper wrappers

360%3 The Cambridge Modern History C. 33.00
’ Vols. 1, 2, 3, h, 5, 8, 9, Atlas

Edited by Acton,‘Ward, Frothero &

Leathes, The Macmillan Company

Vol. 8, Cambridge University Press

h - , Buckram (No. 8 in cloth)

Vol. 1, fi.Y., 1903, "The Renaissance"

Vol. 2, W.Y., 1901+9 "The Reformation”

Vol. 3, N.Y., 1905, "The Wars of Religion"

Vol. , N.Y., 1906, "The Thirty Years' War"
Vol. 5, N.Y., 1908, "The Age of Louis XIV"
Vol. 8, Cambridge, 1901+9 "The French


Vol. g, N.Y., 1906, "Napoleon"
Vol. 1%, E.Y., 1912, Atlas.

‘ 2.00


hh Stallings, Laurence
The First Worla War: A Photographic
New Ybrk, $1mon & Schuster
H — , 1933, Black buckrass D;W.
First printing.

us Lsflotre, 6., E.V. .50
Le Baron de Bats ~ 1792~1795,
1% EEE Edition
Paris, Perrin st cie.
12 me, 1912, Paper wrappers

#6 Chapman, Frank M. C. .50
Bird Life
N.Y., D. kpplston & Co.
12 mo, Green cloth (about 1901)

H7~51 The Authorized Version of the English Bible C. 5.00
1611, Editsd by William Aldis Wright
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
(Cambridge English Classics)
12 mo, 1909, Red cloth
Exact reprint of the first issue of the
King James Version

52 Singer, 1. J. EJ’. 1000
The Brothers Ashkenazi
Translated from Yiddish by Maurice Samuel
H.Y., Alfred A. Kno f
12 mo, 193?, Gray c 0th



' Hos. Cogt gr Egv.
53 Glasgow, Ellen E.V.fi 1.50

The Romantic Comedians

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & Co.
12 mo, 1996, Gray cloth, vapor label
First edition

9+ Celine, Louis~Ferdinand C. .75
Journey To The Erfl of The Night
Traoslated from tho Fronoh by John H.P. Marks
Boston, Little Brown & Co.
1? mo, 193M, Black cloth

55 Dostoevsky, Fyodor E.V. 1.00
Crime and Punishment
Translated from the Russian by
Constance Gornett
N.Y., The fiacmillan Company
12 mo, 1§16, Gray cloth
(Printed in Great Britain)

56 Ford, Ford fladox E.V. .75
A Kan Could Stand Up
N.Y., Albert & Charles Boni
12 mo, 1996, Green cloth, D.w.

57 Zwoig, Arnold E.V. .75
f The Case of Sergeant Grischa
/ Translated from the German by Eric Sutton

N.Y., The Viking Press
12 mo, 1929, Black cloth

58 Laban, Mabel Dodge \ C, , .60 ,
[ Intimate flomories - Background l2¢vua{ZK,Z%~/¢4J;
X9 N.Y., Harcourt Erooe and Company axololloggow/fif¢?fl
/ 1? mo? circa 1933, Blue cloth l/f;4L/fll¢4<7

First edition

59 Stone, Irving C. .60
Lust for Life (Van Gogh)
N.Y., Langman, Green & Co.
12 mo, 1937, Yellow cloth

60 Van Doren, Carl C. .85
Three Worlds
N.Y., Harper & Brothers
8 v0, 1936, Brown buckram, nth Ed. D.W.

61 fiOody and Lovett E.V. .50
A History of English Literature
Revised Edition
N.Y., Ghorles Schribner's Sons
12 mo, Circa 1918, Black cloth



Egg, ‘ Cogt or E.V,

62 Shay, Frank, Editor E.V.$ 1.00
; My 3ious Friends & Drunken Companions ,
Woodcufis by John Held, Jr.
N.Y. The %acau1ay flompany ' ,
Sq. fictavo, circa 1928, Yellow cloth, / " "4' ,, ' ]
black backstrip, D.W. ’ \,&L?K,a£7

6341; Adams, Franklin P. (F.P.A.) c. 2.00
The Diary of Our Own Samuel Pepys
H.Y., Simon and fichuster
8 v0 1935, Light gray cloth, D.W. Boxed
9025311311; First Edition

65 Wildenbruch, Ernest Von C. .hO
Lachendes Land
N.Y., Oxford University Press
6/5, 1915, Elack cloth
foord German Series

66 R0399 Vincent, 0. i). Eel]. .60
Studies on the Goapels
Translated by Robert Fraser, fi.D.
London, Longmans, Green & Co.
8/5ka/h, 1903, Purple cloth

67 Hilliard, Ga 8. E0". 075
The fiixth Reader
Boston, Brewer and Tileston
12 me, 1866, Gray cloth, Black Eorocco

68 Delafield, E. M. C. .25
, The Frovincial Lady in Londcn [g/fg/u, [3 /
New York, Harper & Brothers .“/‘“'"‘L””“”¢
12 me, 1933, Green boards, Gray cloth

backstrip, ?aper labal.

. $2136“;

69 Guedalla, Philip C .50
The Hundredth Year
New york, Doubleday, Doran & 60., Inc.
8 v, 1939, Green cloth
First Edition

70 American Unitarian Association E.V. 1.50
, Hymn and Tune Book and Services "
," Boston Amarican Unitarian Association
7~3/k/ , Black worocco, 1881

71 Wister, Owen C. .50
Laay Baltimore
N.Y., The Mkcmillan Company
12 me 1906, Green Becorated cloth,
Illus£rated by Vernon Howe Bailey and
Lester Ralph

‘ Eamafikay First Edition










Fabricius, Johann

Lowen Hungorn in Neapol
Berlin, Poul Z. Salway
7/hé, 193%, Yellow cloth

Strifie, William Koatley, %.A.

Exeter College (University of Oxford -
College Histories)

Eondon F. E. Robinson and Co.

7—3/h/éo, 1900, Blue cloth

McCarthy, Justin
A History of Our Own Timoa
N.Y., The Hovendon Co.

Lingard, John, D.D.

A History of England From the Firot
Invasion of the Romans

London, Printed for J. Mowman and for

Baldwin and Cradock and H. Fellowes

8 vo, various dates 1825~31, ‘

Full red crushed'levant morocco,

elaborately tooled in gold.

Initials "G.W." on cover

Third and Second Editions

Binding not signed

Sogur, Lo General Cte. De

Histoiro ot Memoiros (7 volumes)

fiolangos (1 volume)

Paris, Libraire do Firmin ~ Didot ot cie.
8 vo, 1877, 3/k Brown crushed morocco,
tooled in gold, gilt tops,

Bindings not signed. Second Edition

Freeman, Efimard A.

The Chief Periods of European History
London, Macmillan and Co.
8-3/k/5-3/h, 1886, 3/hth Red morocco
Probably First Edition

Spencer, Herbert

A n Autobiography

London, Williams and Norgoto
ao/Sé, 19oh, 3/hth calf
Probably First Edition

Broaatefi, James Hoary

A History of Egypt - From the oarliest
Times to the Persian Conquest

flew York, Charles Scribner's Sons

9é/7, 1912, Decorated Blue cloth

Second Edition, Fully Revised

Eon$ '75
E.Vo 2000
E.v. 2.00
c. 17.50
c. 25.06
E.V. 1.50
E.V. 3.50




‘ Accession






’Forstor, John

Cogt Q; E,V,
M111, John Stuart C. $ 25.00

8 vo, Full Tree calf.

A fiyatem of Logic, 2 volumes, Tenth Féition,
London, Longmans Green & 00., 1879.

Principles of Political Economy, 2 volumes,

London, Longmans, Groom, Reader and Dyer,

Eighth odition, 1878.

An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's
Philosophy, 1 volume, Third Edition,

London, Longmons, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1867.
Dissertations and Biscussiono,

four volumes, volumes 1 and 2 Third Edition,
volumes 3 and h Sooond Edition,

London, Longmans, Green, Reader & Eyer, 1875.

E.V. 2.00
Tho Life and Advonturos of Oliver Goldsmith

London, Bradbury & Evans, 7

8 vo, lfiha Full polished calf,

Probably First Edition.

Groto Goorge, F.R.S. C. 12.50
A Hisgory of Greece, 8 volumes,
London, John ourray (New Edition)
8 vo, 1862, Full polishoé calf.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel C.
The Complete Writings of, Autograph Edition,
(Autographed by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop and
Houghton, wifflin and Company)

Boston, Houghton, liifflin and Company

8 vo, 1900, Green oloth faded, paper labels,
22 volumes, Edition limited to 500 numbered
and signed copies of which this is No. 193,
With portraits, illustrations (some in
colors) and facsimiles.

Sorel, Albert

L'Europe ot 1a fievolution Francoise, ,
Premiere Portia, Les Moeura Politiques "W _‘y 55
at 133 Traditions (Vol. 1 only, see ““,:,Vw,;¢
Nos. 6~13) ' ‘ ” "
Paris, Librairo Plan, Plan-Nourrit et o1e.,
Dixiemo Edition,

8 vo, 1907, 1/2 Eéorocco.



Milton, John; Young, Edward; Gray, Thomas; E.V. 1.00
Boattle, James; and Collins, William.

The Poetical Works of (With Life of wilton,
Letters of Gray, etc.)

Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & Co.,

8 vo, 1850, Full crushed Morocco (loose),
elaborately tooled in gold, gilt edges,




Egg. ngt 9g §,V.
1bh-7 Dunbar, Seymour C. $ 5.00

A History of Travel in fimarica (h Vols.)
Indianapolis, The Bobbs~fierril Company
8 v0, N.D. (circa 1915) Blue cloth

2 maps, 12 color plates, more than

#00 illustrations.

.1h8-152 . LaCroix Paul C. 30.00
“ Four Voiumes on the Middle Ages
one on the 18th Century, as foliows:
The Arts in the fiiddle Ages and at the
Period of the Renaissance.
Science and Literature in the kiddie Ages
and at the Period of the Renaissance.
fiilitary and Beligiaus Life in the fiiddle Ages
and at the Peried of tha Renaissance.
flanners, Customs and Dress During the fiiddie
Ages and During the Renaissanca.
, The Eighteenth Century — Its Institutionsg
.Customs and Costumes.
‘ First h volumes: London, Bickers and Son;
'u,18th Century volume, New York, Scribner,
Welford and Armstrcng.' _ .
10%/7, V.D., 3/h Blue Morocco, tcolaé in golé.
Elaborately illustrated (including color
plates). One binding loosa.

153 Fletcher, Hanslip (Deiineated by) C. 2.25
Oxford and Cambridge (Introduction by
J. Willis Clark)
London Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd.
llé/9/i9e9/ Tan Buckram, Many Engravings,

15%- Fisher, 3.21.1... Right. Hon. 6. 2.50
155 A History of Europe:

Vol. 1, Ancient and wadievalg

Vol. 2, Renaissance, Reformation Reason

London Eyre and Spotteswoode

8 v0, i935 and 1936, Blue aloth,

Voluma 1 apparently first edition.

156~ Milton, John C. 17.50
158 The Poetical Works of, Efiited With
Memoir, Introductions, Notes anfi an
Essay by Eavid Masson.
London, flacmillan and Co.
8 v0, 1890, Green cloth,
Second (Library) Eéition by aasson.
159~ Shakespeare, William, . x C. 25.00
167 The fierks‘Of, rhe'Cnmbridga Shakespeare,
9 Volumes, Edited by William Aldis Wright
London,Macm1&1an and Co.
9é/6fi, 1891a3 Green $11k cloth,
Bookplate of 5.6. Robinson



“£21.... W1.
168 m {$hakespoaro, William C. 3 1.25

172 SFivo School Editions of the Plays of ,
as follows: A ;I,/ljp
Much Ado About Nothing; Julius Caogar; ‘ ”“‘ "”"“,
J' King Henry tho Eighth; King Henry the Fourth, J; wr,‘« ;;/¢¢”*
9. all ofiitod by W. J. Rolfe, "I ,r J v/* «
w. New York, The American Book Company,
‘ éfi/‘Pfi 24.13 c 9 Gray €10 tho
‘A fiidsummar flight's Bream (The New Hudson
Shakespeare) Introduction and Noteo by
Henry ficrman Hudson,
‘Boston, Ginn and Company,
6-3/k/fla3/h, N.D., Flexiblo blue cloth.

173« Clarendon (Hyde) Edwarfl Lora C. 15.00

17 The History of the Rebeilion and Civil wars
. in Englana, 7 volumos

5“ Oxford, at the University Press

8 vo 18h9, Full polished calf, florocco
labe 3. With Bishop Warburton's flotaa.
Printed from the original manuscript in

the Bodleian Library, Vol. 7 contains a

historical View of the Affairs of Ireland.

Seal of Marlborough College in gold on
front cover.

' 180- Sullivan, Mark ‘ ’ E.V. 15.00
185 Our Timoo, Six volumes as follows: f, 4" or A;
r}: 1. The Turn of the Century. 1926 4%%W*f‘fiwL*V/~ ”f‘ ,
}J 2. America Finding Eerself9 1927 y \; f”flr¢4(tffid11;/
jmx g. Pro War America, 1930 /.f,’ 4‘ 7: >44_
. Tho fiar Begins, 1932 ‘*//{*' it“: “4
5. Over Rare 1933
6. The Twenties, 1935
New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons
8 v0, Blue cloth, Volumes k aha 5 have
D.w. Vols. 2, 3, h, 5 and 6 probably first

186 Porter, Admiral (BJJ.) E.V. 1.50
Incidents and Anecdotes of the Civil War
New York D. Appleton and Company
8 v0, 18é5, Brown cloth, stamped in gold
Probably first edition.

187w Longfellow, Henry wadsuorth C. 12.50
200 The Works of (Standard Library Edition)

Boston, Houghton, fiifflin and Company

8&l5fi, N.B., Blue cloth, stamped in gold.

Poetical works, 6 volumes; Outre~fier and

Driftwooo, 1 volume; fiyperion and Kavanagh,

1 volume Translation of Dante's Divina

Comedy volumes; Life and Letters and

wournais, Edited by Samuel Longfellow,

3 volumaa.


 I Accession

——-flfifia-— QQ§£_QE~§&E&
201 Coward, Noel E.V. $ 1.00

Present Indicative

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Duran and
Company, Inc.

6%/5%, 1937, Red cloth,

Possibly First Edition

202 Siegfried, Andre ‘ E.V. 1.00
America Comes of Age
London, Jonathan Cape
8/5—3/h, N.D., Blue cloth

203 Borden, Edward C. 1.00
‘ shakespeare, His Mind and Art
New York, Harper and Brothers
7*3/0/5, M.D., Gray cloth

200 Forbes, Esther E.V. 1.00
0 Genteel Lady
Boston, Houghton Eifflin Company
12 mo, N.D., Tan and Red Cloth, D.W.

205 Kohlsaat, H.H. E.V. 1.00

% From ficKinley to Harding, Personal Hacol~ ,. 1:, f” ///

E. lections of our Presidents X, wwmllw’flr’”"
New,York, Charles Scribner's Sons ow’thfifl,»,<¢:zfigy
8~3A¥/6, 1923 Blue cloth, Paper label ” ” ' " ""
Probably Firs% Edition

206 Tully, Jim C. .35

Beggars of Life
la» Garden City, H.Y., Garaon City Pub. Co.
fi“ 8fi/5u3/h, H.D., Red Cloth.

207 Mahaffy, J. P. €31,251 V .. :5: 0V. 075
A Survey of Greek Civilization “Qg_.'. ‘f‘x

Meadville Pa., Flood and Vincent ““31 ' .fi

8/50, 189 , Brown cloth ‘1-4wiv43

208\\ Hayward, Charles H. E.V. 1.00
\ English Rooms and their Decoration '\_ ,6 ;
>¥J at a Glance l;A/¢q;flfihflfiéfi/
/ ’ New York P. G. Putnam's Sons ”” '
8-3/0/5-5/0, 1926, Blue cloth, D.W.
209 Suckow, Ruth E.V. .75
' The Folks

New York, Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.
12 mo, N.D. (circa 193h). Green cloth
Probably First Edition

210 Cozzens, James Goulfl C. 2.50
The Just and The Unjust .
New York Horcourt, Brace and Compa ‘ _‘
12 mo, léhe, Black cloth, D.W. - LA. , ~fi
First Edition r3“,¢;gié





1.,Ego1.. Sooiooznfigi.

211 Aubry, Octave E.V. $ 1.50
5‘ St. Helena (Translated from tho French
by Arthur Livingston) “ygz.
Philadelphia, 3.3. Lippinoott Company ,,~V W
9é/6o/ N.D., Red cloth (See 1h86)

212 Goguel fiaurico E.V. 1.25
Jesus the Nazarene, Myth or History?
Translated from the French by
Frederick atephens
London, T. Fiohor Unvin Ltd.
9/6/ H.D. (circa 1926) Purple cloth

213- Larissa, Ernest (Editor) E.V. ”5.00
230 Histoire do France Depots les Origins:
,, jusqu a La Revolution 18 volumes
Paris, Librairo Eochetto at 010
9%/?%, 1903-10, 3/“ Black morocco,
some hinges broken

231- fiallot, Charles Edward . C. 7.50
233 A fiistory of the University of Oxford

London, fiethnen & Co. Ltd.

9/sg, N.D. (circa 192hu7) Blue cloth, D.w.

23% Pratt Fletcher E.V. 1.00
: Road to Empire — The Life and wines of
jfi‘ Bonaparte the Gonoral /;f,/];

Now York, Doubleday, noran & Company, Inc.
8 v0, 193?, Rod and Blue cloth
First Edition

235 Gasquet, Abbot E.V. 2.50
English Monastic Life
London, Mothuon & Co.
8 vo, 1905, Rod cloth decorated in gold,
Third Edition, Many platos and charts.

236 Burns, Robert E.V. 2.50
The Poems and Song” of,
Edited by Andrew L ng
New York, Dodd, Mood & Company
8 vo, 1926, Red cloth, Paper label

237- Morley, Lord (John) C. 30.00
251 The Works Of 15 volumes

London, fiacmillan and 00., Limited

9%l6i, 1921, Two-toned Blue cloth,

Edition De Luxe, Limited to 750 sets

252~ Lowell, James Russell , C. ho.oo
257 The Complete Writings of, 16 volumes

Cambridge, Mass. Boughton, Mifflin & Company,

Printed at the Riverside Press

9/6/, 190%, Gray cloth, Paper labels,

Edition De Luxe, Limited to 1000 numbered

copies of which this is No. 711



.1,EQ§1.. o t ' v

211 Aubry, Octave E.V. d 1.50
g, _ 5t. Helena (Translated from the Fronoh
'5 by Arthur Livingston)
”« Philadelphia, 3.3. Lippincott Company
9d/6t/ m.n., Red cloth (See lugs)

212 Goguol Maurice E.V. 1.25
Janus the fiazarene, Myth or Eistory?
Translated from the French by
Frederick Stephens
London, T. Fisher Unwin Ltd.
9/6/ N.D. (circa 1926) Purple cloth

213- Lavisse, Ernest (Editor) E.V. “5.00
230 Histoire do France Depuis les Origines
, jusqu a La Revolution 18 volumes
Paris, Librairo Bachetto at 018
9é/7d, 1903-10, 3/k Black morocco,
some hinges broken

231- Mallet, Charles Edward , C. 7.50
233 A History of the University of flxford

London, Mothuen & Co. Ltd.

9/51}, NJ). (Circa. 192L5‘57) Elna 010th9 D.W.

23“ Pratt Fletcher E.V. 1.00
F Road to Empire ~ The Life and Times of
,ty Bonaparte the Goneral /ff,/ ’

3“ New York, Doubleday. Koran & Company, Inc.
8 v0 1939 Rod and Blue cloth
First Edit on

235 Gaaquat, Abbot E.V. 2.50
English Monastic Life
London, Methuon & Co.
8 vo, 1905, Rod cloth decorated in gold,
Third Edition, Many plates and charts.

236 Burns, Robert E.V. 2.50
The Poems and Song‘ of,
Edited by Andrew L'ng
New York, Dodd, Mead & Company
8 vo, 1926, Red cloth, Paper label

237» Morley, Lord (John) C. 30.00
251 The Works Of, 15 volumes

London, Macmillan and 60., Limited

9%/6&, 1921, Two~toned Blue cloth,

Edition De Luxe, Limited to 750 sets

252- Lowell, James Russell . C. h0.00
267 The Complete Writings of, 16 volumes

Cambridge, Mass. Boughton, filfflin & Company,

Printed at the Riverside Press

9/6/ 190%, Gray cloth, Paper labels,

Edition De Luxe, Limited to 1000 numbered

copies of which this is No. 711




268 Boswell, James E.V. $ 2.50
' Journal of a Tour to tho Hebrides with

Samuel Johnson, L.L.D.
How First Published from the original
manuscript. Edited by Frederick A. Pottls

.14600 and Charles H. Bennett.

C_; New York The Viking Press

-*‘**—“ 92/62, 1636, Rod cloth, D.w.
From the Malahide Castle and Isham collection
manuscripts ~ Probably First Edition of
this version.

269w Hardy, Florence Emily C. 2.50
270 l. The Early Life of Thomas Hardy, 1928

2. The Later Years of Thomas Hardy,l930

New York, The teemillan Company

9%/6%, Green cloth

Apparently First American Editions

271- Lucretius (T. Lucroti Cari) . E.V. 5.00

272 , Do Rorum Nature (Munro Edition) .fi <,pa/,,/ 257;;36
3 1. Text with Notes,1866 “ff “’*'7 fl“ 5' s/
9*} 2. Translation by H. A. J. flunro, 1873 "L”““"’“*”;//fl

Vol. 1, Second Edition; Vol. 2, Third Edition M_L;LKPL»me
Cambridge, Deighton Bell and Co.
Vol. 1, Blue cloth; Vol. 2, Brown cloth, 9/5%.

273 Stevenson, Burton Egbert (Editor) EN. 3.50
The Home Book of Verso
New York, Henry Holt and Company
8%l5fi, N.D. (circa 1918), Red Buckram
decorated in gold

27% Stevenson, Burton (Egbert) C. 7.50
The Home Book of Quotations
New York, Dodd, Mead & Company
9.3/h/6-3/u, 193%, Bed Buckram decorated
in gold. Apparently First Edition

.rzg - George, David Lloyd 1. ~ _; E.V. 7.50
fi 2 0 War Memoirs of, 6 volumes :W
i Boston Little, Brown and Company

9.3/u /&§, 1935-7, Red cloth, n.w.

281 Schoinfold, Amram, Assisted by E.V. 2.00
5, Schweitzer, Morton D.

k. YOu and Heredity

New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company
8 vo, 1939 Red cloth

Probably First Edition

282 Adams, Henry C. h.50
Mbnt-Saint-Michel and Chartres
Boston, Houghton Eifflin Conpany
lOf/7a3/h, N.D. (circa 1913) Paper boards
with linen backstrip. Plates













C t E

Adams, Henry C. 3 2.50
The Education of,

Boston, Houghton Fifflin Company

9-3/h/7/ N.D. (circa 1918) Blue cloth

Possibly a First Edition

Adams, Henry E.V. 2.00
The Letters of, 1858—1891,

Edited by Ford, Chauncey Forthington

Foston Hbughton Fifflin Company

9-3/h/ , F.D. (circa 1930), Blue cloth

Possibly First Edition

Quennell, FFrjorie and C.B. H. E.V. 2.00
A History of Everyday Things in England

Vol. 1, London, E. T. Botsford, Ltd.

Vol. 2, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons

9/6, F.D., Flexible Tan cloth with cover

designs in black, elaborately illustrated

Quennell, Warjorie and C.B.F. E.V. 1.00
Everyday Life in the Old Stone Age

New York, a. P. {thm' 3 Sons

8-3/h/6,1922, Red cloth

Quennell, Farjorie and C. B. H. /¢E,F.J 11.60
Everyday Life in Homeric Greece x§34¢fijmd z/ /V4w

New York, G. P. Futnam' 3 Sons 2/4WVWFF1./E4JVV/A
Ba/F/e 1930, Orango cloth j{-,flA¢/¢

Frobabiy First Edition t//“ éV/

Quennell, Farjorie and 6.3. H. E.V. 1.00

Everyday Life in the New Stone, Bronze and
Early Iron Agos

New York, 6. P. Putnam' a Sons

9/6/ N.D. (circa 1931), Orange cloth, D.F.

Smollett, Tobias C. h0.00
The Forks of, 12 volumes,

Introduction by W. E. Henley

London, Archibald Constablo & Co.

9é/6, 1899-1901, 011ve~green silk cloth

Cutts, E. L. E-Vo 2000
Scenes and Characters of tho Fiddle Ages

London, Simpkin, Farshall, Hamilton,

Kent & Co., Ltd.

8 vo, 1926, Brown buckram, Sixth Edition

Forster, John E.V. 5.00
The Life of Charles D1ckens,2 Vols. .4 U 7
London Chapman and HFll,L1mitod
9-3/k/ ~3/h, 1911, Decorated Blue cloth j,-f \»‘“"*
Mmorial Edition with 500 portra1.ts, facsimiles ”ii VLF

and other illustrations, collected arranged and
annotated by R. W. Fotz, Bookplates of

H. C. Yarrow; Two 1 d Centenary Stamps

{1 \\.~









Androws, Charles M.

The Colonial Background of the
American Revolution

New Haven, Yale University Press
9% x 6%, 192%, Blue cloth
Probably First Edition

Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens)

The Writings of, 37volumos,

Includes biography by Albert Bigolow Paine
New York, Harper and Brothers

9 x 6, 1929, Blue cloth decorated in

gold, D.'W. Stormfiold Eéition, Limited

to 102% sets of which this is No. 807

Benson, Ivan

Mark Twain’s Western Years

Stanford University, Stanford University

9% x 6, K.D. (circa 1938), Brown cloth
Probably First Edition

Homo David

The fiistory of England - From tho
Invasion of Julius Caesar to the
Rovolution in 1688, 6 volumes
Boston, Little Brown and Company
9 x 6, 1872, firoon cloth

Guedalla, Philip : H , _
Wellington .fiw‘ "‘ ,
New York, Harper & Brothers Publishers,
8 V0, 1931, Green cloth, 6th Printing

Guedalla, Philip (Editor)

Gladstone and Palmerston (The Palmerston
Papers), Correspondenoo Palmerston and
Gladstone, 1851~65

New York Harper and Brothers

8 vo, 1958, Green cloth - From the
Library of H. T. Newcomb,

Probably First Edition

Guedalla, Philip

The Second Empire - Bonapartism,

The Prince ~ The President ~ The Emperor
New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons

9 x 6, H.D., Green cloth decorated in
801‘!!! To E0 GI

Guedalla, Philip


New York G. P. Putnam's Sons

9 x 6, 1027, Green cloth decorated in
geld. To Ed GI

90;; 9; 3.2.
C. $ 2.00
E.V. 75.00
C. 1.50
C.’ 7.50
C. 1.50
c. 1.00
C. 1.50
E.V. 2.00



_...E2___8o W
35% Guedafla, Philip E.V. t 1.00

Fathers of the Revolution (George III

Louis XVI, Lord North, Lord Chatham, fiurke,
Burgoyne, Cornwallis, Washington Franklin,
Samuel Adams, Hamilton,LaFayotto$

Mow'York, G. P. “utnam's Sons

9% x 6%, 1996, Paper boards, Black linen
backstrip, D.W.

355» Disraeli (Benjamin) C. 2.00
356 Letters of, to Lady Chesterfield and

Lady Bradford, 2 volumes

New York, D. Appleton and Company

8 vo, 1929, Blue cloth

Edited by the Marquis of Zetland,

Foreword by Andre neurois

Probably a First Edition

357 Pollard, Edward A. E.V. 2.50
The Lost Cause ~ A New Southern History
of the War of the Confederates
New York . B. Treat & Co.
9-3/u x 6%, 1867, Faded tan cloth
Steel engravings. Possibly a First Edition

358 Hone, Philip C. 2.00
The Diary of, Edited with an Introduction
by Alan Nevins
New York Dodd, Mead and Company
9~3/h x é-3/u, 1936, Bust cloth, Paper Label,
Boxed, New and Enlarged Edition

359 Aymar, Gordon C. (Author and Designer) C. 1.30
Bird Flight
Now York, Dodd Mead and Company
9w3/h x 7, 193é, Blue cloth, Decorated
in silver, D.W.

360 Sedgwick, Mabel Cabot,Assisted by C. 2.00

Cameron, RObGI‘t {gym Is” H
"0% The Garden, Month by Month ,fiw
nv Garden City, N. 3., Garden City Publishing ”T
Company, Inc. i
10% x 7, N.D., Green cloth, D.W.



«y.- .— '


2'3 TIA"! a“
Eé‘u 1 0035f

361- Evolyn, ohn C. 2.00
361- The Di (9:, 2 volumes

EB' Washington,‘%fl 1t .9
' 9% x 6%, N.D. (cl ),Gray cloth,
Paper labels. Edited by lilliam Bray,

Introductions by William Bray and Richard
Garnett. Universal Classics Library


 5.130685? on


Nos. Cogt or §,V,
362 fiachiavelli, Niccolo C. 0 1.00

History of Florence

New York, M. Walter Dunne

9% x 6%, N.D. (circa 1901), Brown cloth
Introduction by Rennert, Hugo Albert
Universal Classics Library

363 English Belles - Lettres C. 1.00
Edited by Olchr H. G. Lcigh
New York, M. Walter Dunne
9% x 6% fi.D. (circa 1901), Brown cloth
Consolaéions of Philosophy, version of
Bocthius by Alfred the Great
Toxophilius by Roger Ascham
The Staci Glass by George Gassoignc
An Apology for Poetry by Sir Philip Sidney
Table Talk by John Selden
Hydriopathia by Sir Thomas Brown
Pit of the Law and John Bull by
John Arbuthnot
0n Ecticenca in Criticism, Bolingbroke
Poems by Chatterton
Biographia Literaria by Coleridge
Universal'Classics Library

36% French Belles Lettres C. 1.00
Edited by Joel Benton
Washington, M. Walter manna
9% x 6%, N.0. (circa 1901), Gray cloth
Scarron, The Strolling Players
Volncy, The Ruins of Empires
Merimee, Letters to Anonyma
dc Lamartine, Twenty-five Years of my Life
Flaubert Salammbo
Universal Classics Library

365 Ideal Commonwealths C. 1.00
Introduction by Henry Morley,
New York, The Colonial Press
9% x 6%, N.D. (circa 1901), Red cloth
More, Utopia
Bocan, Haw Atlantis
Campanella, City of the Sun
Harrington, Oceans
The World's Great Classics

366 Five Hundred flelf-Portraits E.V. 3.50
Phaidon Press (art series) -
Translated by J. Byam Shaw
Vienna, Phaidon Press
10—3/5 x 7%, 1937, Black cloth,
Paper labels, D.W. Many plates, including
colored. Chosen, Edited and Introduced
by Ludwig Goldscheider




368 .





Cogt Q; E,v,

Brea$tad, J. H. E.V. $ 3-50
Geschichte Aagyptens

Austria, Phaidon-Verlag A.G.

10-3/§ X 7%, H.D., (circa 1936) Cream cloth,

D.W. (Text translated into German,

Elaborately illustrated).

Bible, Revised Varsion of 188k =fifr E.V. 1.50
Oxford,gUniversity Press ‘gw,
10% x 7%, 1886, Black cloth ?'

Murat - Sanders C. 5.00
Encyclopaeéic English~German and
German-English Eictionary
Toussaint-Langenscheiét aethod,

Vol. 1, English~German by B. Klatt,

revised by Edmund Klatt

Vol. 2, Revised by fl. Baumann
Barlin—Schoneberg, Langenschaidtsche

10~3/h x 7%, N.D.,(circa 1910) Erown cloth.
Hinges cracked. Abridged'Efiition

Sachs ~ Villatte C. 5.00
Dictionnaire Encyclopedique *
Francais - Allemand at Allamand Francais

Methoée Toussaiat—Langenscheidt

Vol. 1, ?rancais-Allemand by E. schmitt

and Charles Sachs

BerlinuSchoneberg, Langenscheidtache

10~3/h x 7%, fi.B., (circa 1909), Blue

cloth with leather backstrips,

Hinges waak. Petite edition a' 1' usage

des Ecoles ‘

Ponscnby, Arthur (Editor) C. n.so
1. English Diaries, 2nd Edition (1923)

2. More English Diaries (Probably First

Edition), circa 1927

3. Scottish and Irish Diaries (Probably

First Edition), circa 1927

London, Methuen & 00., Ltd.

8 vo, Gray paper boards with gray cloth

backstrips, E.W.

Trollope, Anthony E.V. 35.00
Borshgtshire Novels and Autobiography

1. éutobiography

2. The Warden

3-h. Barchester Towers

5~6. Doctor Thorns

7-8. Framley Parsonage

9-10. The $ma11 Hausa at Allington

ll-lk. The Last Chronicles of Borsot









M00 _

(Cont'd from preceding page)
Stretford~Upon~Avon, The Shakespeare
Head Press
9-3/h x 6% — 1929 ~ Orange boards with
brown cloth backstrips, horocco labels,
D.W., Marked Large Paper Edition
Edited by Michael Sadleir with
photographs by Charles S. olcott.
kimiteg to 525 copies of which this is
0. l2

Pluterch E.V. 5 h0.00
The Lives of the Noble Greciane and Romanes
Translated from the Greeke into French

by Jemee'Amyot and out of French into
Engliehe by Thomas North ~

Illustrations by T. L. Poulton -

With the 15 Supplementary Lives of 1603,

5 Volumes, Dedication to Queen Elizabeth
London, The Nonesuch Press

12 x 8e, 1929-30, Brown cloth on heavy
boards, Paper labels,printed on Arches
Paper. Edition limited to 1550 copies

of which this is No. 732. Supplementary
labels in back.

Eaton, Elan Howard (New York State E.V. 10.00
Education Department)

Birds of New York (Memoir No. 12)

Alben , N.Y., University of the State of N.Y.

11—3 x 9%, l910—lh, Green cloth

Fine Plates, many in color, by Fuertes,

Louie Agassiz.

Dictionary, Shorter Oxford English E.V. 10.00
Prepared by Little, William; Fowler, W.W., / /~ ,' y,.
and Couleon, J. Revised and Edited by Jae ¢”fie-‘///*¢
Onions, C.T. 2 Volumes ,4/ngzvawivf;"1“
Oxford, The Clarendon Press / , ('7 ry/»“3//
11 x 8, 1933, Blue cloth “7 '



Encxgloggdie, The Columbia E.V. 10.00

Edited 3Luogfi%%:3d:1 Ansley, Clarke F.
New York, Colu; .versity Press
12 x 9, 19h0, Blue cloth, D.W.

Gardiner, Samuel Raweon, Editor C. .75
A School Atlas of English History

London, Longmens, Green and Go.

8% x 6-3/h, 1910, Blue cloth





nos _








ng g; Egv:

Commynos, Philippe de E.V. 3 10.00
Memoiros (From the Manuscript belonging

to Diane fie Poitiors, Edited by Chantelauzo,R.

Paris 'Libraire do Firmin ~ Didot at ole.

11 x 5%, 1881, 3/9 Red Morocco,

Red buckram sides, Fine plates, many in color.

Ono volume bound into thr