xt7qjq0stw34_5790 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Letters to W. Hugh Peal text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Letters to W. Hugh Peal 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_74/Folder_5/Multipage32675.pdf 1929-1978, undated 1978 1929-1978, undated section false xt7qjq0stw34_5790 xt7qjq0stw34 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON SQUARE COLLEGE WASHINGTON SQUARE EAST, NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH 5144.47/727 «4 WWW @ £4,“ ,4; [134164; farm 5m VFW [3 my.» AW 44444427 44 4444 4.44 44 24:: 44 4:: 4 44 4 44 44 4’ -3.w4, ‘ 4/15 44/ [4% £15 552:2 w J 7;! d443,” “ii/M765} ”J ’5 ’fl/éfffiw ,- ML LM ;;4an f d) V ’M (Ct/CAI {Ax/1,13; .- 4f T'w ”.34? I .‘CVf my g2?" :43 1' “#42319?” W4C? My J 73% £5: 4’99 EJ/WW Z4 «2&4 J .‘ " 4 i4 I'v..:?/‘;x./L 37 '4; :2, 4 +4.44, ”5,; :4» 49'” 444, ‘IO/ZM 1 “’7' ' 73’; i 539% r .4 2‘,” j:- waCL 417 49,43 .733. G i1 1‘ ” 2/ 3*? fix”: :0 xii”: - 41‘) .I/ / If" cf if 'i / S f. v,,' V"/ BlLDliAH'l‘l-lN - DER S'I‘AATLICHI'ZN DIUSI'ZICN ZLI BERLIN SCH [TA WHY 1) ER AIP'US'I'l-IL SUDIHCI'TSCII. {‘31 I450 “yr/1'21. /\}1isrr~ I‘V‘irz/l'ir/I— .1/1/5: 11/11 VERLAG VON JULIUS BAR!) / BERLIN 90. HQ; Peal ZS Brnadway New yogi, :N. Y» 6.4 NEW YORK 719 THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK ANDTRUST COMPANY ._. a 5 OF N EW YORK 56 WALL STREET PAY TO THE ORDER OF CAIUS COLLEGE R U 0 N 0 H F o E T A G CAMBRIDGE. (,1 ’- 9% L "1‘" t) '1; “LL Lt; i“ FOP.COPR&&XNYDEHCE EHJ:C\NCH5 inn {)QfifiJx '%&L&4¢Fik2: I V I I ’ 7".ka . I? ptd.,RoyaI rojucdon In '\ Fw 1‘ C O h k. .i') D 0.. u OF‘UF 12‘! LAKE AVENUE SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK " in; , ,x/Lxx‘ .- /x (7 , f - ”1- ’- NOx/Lg. L,A_l/Q_,r;,/\\,L/\_x » ‘A‘Ikthk __fi"'1,1,Q July 17, 1952 Mr. W. Hugh Peal 25 Broadway New York, N. Y. Dear Mr. Peal: I am sending "The Shores of Isis" to you by insured first—class mail at the same time that I mail this letter. I can not adequately express to you my deep appreciationmll_li of your generous willingness to let me study the manuscript and under conditions most convenient for me. My appreciation is all the greater because I know from experience that few collectors are so cooperative with those who wish to study the unique treasures that they possess. I can tell you definitely now that "The Shores of Isis" appeared as "Oxford" in the North American Review for October 5, 1906 (vol. 183, pp. 620~63835 On October 26, 1906, it was published as cha ter IX ("Oxford") of Certain Delightful English Towns (Happer's§ . The essay seems to be based primarily on Howells' visit or Visits to Oxford in May and/or June, 1904. In the latter month he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters by the University, though he does not mention this in the essay. His letter to his sisters from Oxford in June (Life in Letters, II, 201~202) contains some of the same details and attitudes that appear in the essay. I made a detailed study of the revisions in the manuscript and of the discrepancies between the manuscript and the printed text. A number of these reveal interesting stylistic principles, and I am sure that they will become even more significant as I study other Howells' manuscripts. I greatly appreciate your invitation to discuss addit— ional Howells material with you when I am in New York. I am planning to attend the English Institute at Columbia September 9=12, and if you are in the city at that time, I shall be delighted to talk with you about your Howells material. Currently, I am primarily interested in manu- scripts, but more generally I am interested in all his works. Thank you once again for your great kindness. Very sincerely, fid’ém /\/. m Mm. RmH!’ NFL 6 Lim-oln Sircci Slchon. New vTCI‘SCY ‘ ml fiiX . l ! a C‘Jw—(Pwy GA A» N LL31 9“" DC" V, ., m ,mn» (MN Ll (Kt/I 7 Wu /Q A 0’ S MU [:1 (PO—1L7, ”4w V‘k‘l 6“ J ,.._/.. / ' ML dim/L4 /£ “““ 05* ,/ & Q J ,J / I; L. [(M ’“’“k% / pyJJJWMFf Wqéw‘aé W fl” ' x PL, LJ/ fl W91 >WWk—r", /LL# ~%fluh x/‘o<(/ W 9&me ““47" film J /" A4- 7! N M/W aC/A 24,.(/ /U\ 44R :4 03% [WA _/ V ”f 0/4 /m M. f /Z:/ W»~v’ @4441, , J Wa/ W Ck/a/zg. /(-/’7' /<’V‘( /m. 713% /~ Km ,/ Awhs RMJOM 1M Professor 31 Armour Princeton, Deer Profee As promie eed, I enclose the Proust letterea having used one >f yovr own library ch: oniole en» velopee for that purpose. Pleas e do not bother to return thio little book as I can pick It up when I am in Princeton In January. A3 I told you, I do not know whether these lettero are publIsoed. ~a :II ee I am cone rneds I would have no objection t ~ - being puhllzheof but, while I hzave oovont and awe : F;' the letter; themu selves? LS any kind with the Proust estatea . 7 h I‘fiite I make this point bec aeoe I an toIC oy 1? professional friends who er*c"Il*"o in sueh matte! ;-at the ownerInIo of e letters does not carry with it th right to publish. After our conversation o.n Thursday, it oc» curred to me that perhaps your students would like to see, In addition to the Qumae material and the Proust letters, a portion of the manueoript of ?auI et Vir~ gin.I e and a first edition of Amyot’s Plutorch. The Plutarch copy is a fine one, in fact the finest copy I et least have ever eeen. It seems to me that your students might be interested in a diecuesion of the great oietory of the book as be log the ins piration of Montaigne, the model (according to Eeguet ) for the modern French languagey the soulce material for several of Shakespeare's plays, tte favorite book of Mepoleon and the basis of much of the tlinking that led to the French and American revolutions. Perhaps you think that the above 13 Ilamooy a.nt, but it has alwaye seemed to me that Plutarch 5 Influence, implemented by Amyot’e translation, was one of the greatest single factors in civilization in the latter part of the 16th and In the ?th and 18th center ee It wae a pleasure to eee you and I look forward to seeing you in January. Cordially yours, Department 0f 1% Oder); Languages and Lilia/“m’m'w ” Q I L .1” '7. O U. ‘ PRINCEHXJN UDHVERSTTY PRINCETON NEW JERSEY calved -lume CO P ’34 "if bl” 1J0711£1 ;n [11 i1 metameneduo Work Little ii’ :,?]‘ Hfi*v ’2 ifltfin; {3 \/ 071 :7; t . ight EltUJillg in good is a ’unxors 1L SHELLL ») couvenient C‘ Ulncareiy VOUTS Md“ 5301'18 1rbnjfillrg“ _L at i‘ 2 revs" I (3:er finite yican .T and way ., A. .. . ‘ , u l “1 ‘r n C‘ '1 J a, I .3 . , . L. '--..«L. 4:; Li ”p, ,A; .3 am» iver ‘1.- Un in}? "V ”X .1. \J 3 . . ,3 1r. .. a- 11‘.» \ {3‘ :1" —: ., if ("u L.) 34‘ 7,35; 1..- 1, :1 ’ .u no i. .V 1,’ u _\ |gV x4 .- .4... :2- '1'.) 3i“ 1 ap- ‘r‘ '1 CW H '5 u\ 1.. cv p