xt7qjq0stw34_5840 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection W. Hugh Peal U. S. Naval Reserve Commission application text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. W. Hugh Peal U. S. Naval Reserve Commission application 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_84/Folder_7_8/Multipage45019.pdf 1924-1944, undated 1944 1924-1944, undatedScope and Contents section false xt7qjq0stw34_5840 xt7qjq0stw34 Thls form (wlth six carbon cables} is to be sent to the Director, Dluislon of Personnel Supervlsion and Management, with all items, including contractor’s signature, and justification secjlpn below filled in except for Nps number, signature for the Secretary, and effective date of contract. Nature of personal services to be rendered should be described fully. No covering memorandum required. Contract Nps ! IIIT Appropriation [ ZX()6()5 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT TPI‘JY’L CPyM l. 'Subject to the conditions stated on the. back hereof, the Secretary of the Navy and Faith: E‘filiinm ii (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor') hereby contract for the personal services of the Contractor as follows: (i) The nature of the personal services to be rendered by the contractor is as follows: Special smetebant to the finest of the Office of Counsel (2) The period of employment, rate of compensation, and estimated total compensation are as follows: (a) Period: 51%}, 1. I9};3_to [9 mt , inclusive. ' (b) Rate: 3 REJX} _____per___llifim__—‘ - (c) Estimated total coat: 3 2.22%! pa}: mm (W M) ii. The Contractor agrees to perform the foregoing personal services in an efficient manner and to the best of his ability. THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY BY: Dated, at Washington, D. c. this i T day ofL‘Ll '3 Contractor JUSTIFICATION FOR FOREGOING CONTRACT (i) The position described in the foregoing contract is essential for the following reasons: _ ‘fr. Fen-1 hm “bee: :2 contract. earloyee in shits Burma since Gotober *3». 3.0%. "fair. Teal is: .r: mentor :msietmt in the “meertmcnte-l toner-acts firearm (in the prams-ration end. administration of facilities contracts. fine to unprecedented. expansion of the suspending pmgrre the services of Hr. Peel are desired. Be has specialized training and, knowledge in the respective field for which hie services are desired, and massages ' qualifications for the, exewtion of the amt: to be carton-sect by him that are not available among; the; regularly employed persormel of the Bureau. (2) The services required we not within the capacity of the present force. (3) The work to be performed is not duplicated in this Bureau or elsewhere in the Navy Department. (Li) The employee proposed for the position described in the foregoing contract will be employed as follows: BUREAU DIVISION SECTION UNIT ROOM TEL. EXT. Ships Shiplmildime Construction Contract fife-£6226 3676 DATE CHIEF OF BUREAU. BOARD OR OFFICE June 26. 1921.3 NAVEXOS‘155 CONDITIONS l. Unless otherwise herein provided, (a) the employment under this contract shall be on a full time basis, that is, the services of the contractor shall be required during regular working hours on all days, except days on which the division, unit, section or office in which the contractor's services are performed is closed, not to exceed, however, six days in any caiendar week unless upon the written request or approval of the head of such division, unit, section or office; and (b) the contractor may be required to perform the services set forth herein in any bureau, division, unit, section or office of the Navy Department. 2. PAYMENT. Unless otherwise provided, payments shall be made by the Chief Disbursing Officer, Washington, D. C., at semi—monthly intervals for services theretofore performed and for which payment has-not previously been made. The contractor shaH be paid upon the submission of properly certified invoices at the rate stipulated herein, less deductions, if any, as provided by law. Invoices are to be submitted to the Personnel Office of the Bureau in which the contractor is actively employed. 3. EXPENSES.~ Unless otherwise provided, if travel is required, the contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement therefor in accordance with Government travel regulations in addition to the compensation set forth herein, but shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any other expenses. u. CITIZENSHIP. The contractor warrants that he is a citizen of the United States of America and neither holds nor owes any allegiance to any foreign power. 5. RETIREMENT STATUS. The contractor warrants that he is not a retired (i) civilian employee of the United States Govern- ment, or (ii) officer of the United States Army or Navy (including any reserve or other Cimponent thereof). 6. TRANSFER 0R ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. Neither this contract nor any interest herein nor any claim arising hereunder shaH be transferred or assigned by the contractor to any other party or parties. 7. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. The contractor agrees that he will not disclose to any person not entitled to receive it any information relative to secret, confidential or restricted matters, as defined in Navy Regulations, that may come to the knowledge of the contractor. '\ 8. REPORT OF ESPIONAGE. The contractor agrees that he will immediately report to the Chief of the Bureau, Board or Office ich his services are performed whenever for any cause he has reason to believe that an active danger of espionage or sabotage exists in any place at which he is employed, including complete information relating to the reasons which caused the contractor to be apprehensive of such danger. Q. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT. N0 Member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. I0. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES. The contractor warrants that he has not employed any person to solicit or secure this contract upon any agreement for a commission, percentage, or contingent fee. Breach of this warranty shall give the Govern- ment the right to annul the contract, or, in its discretion, to deduct from any compensation or other amount payable hereunder the amount of such commission, percentage, or contingent fees. II. DISPUTES. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this contract, all disputes concerning questions of fact arising under this contract shall be decided by the contracting officer, subject to written appeal by the contractor within 30 days to the Secretary of the Navy whose decision shall be final and conclusive upon the parties hereto. In the meantime the contractor shaH diligently proceed with the performance of his duties. |2. DEFINITIONS. The term "Secretary of the Navy" shall include the Secretary, the Under Secretary, the Assistant Secre— tary and the Assistant Secretary for Air and any person authorized to act for either of them. I3. TERMINATION. This contract may be terminated by the Government at any time during the period of its duration upon not less than I5 days written notice by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy to the contractor. This contract may be terminated by th contractor at any time within the period of its duration upon not less than I5 days written notice by the contractor to the A‘ant Secretary of the Navy. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT (BACK) «Amos—155 (‘nm'rv-n ,\ (‘u'rr‘x‘r'x . m pry—.17 (ll .. A3 5'“ ~ 7 (13 May 1942) ‘ “”' Contract NXS :‘ .. K ‘ OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PerSOnal Service Contract (Short Form) NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS (Department or Establishment) (Office or station) ”7:“... - a. .' ”J“, ;--.--,»: . : 1"," A, A. ‘ L1. .1: (Address) (Date) OFFER The undersigned offers and agrees, subject to the conditions on the reverse hereof, to perform the services described below in an efficient manner and to the best of his ability during the period and for the compensation hereinafter stated. Requ151tion: ;3_w_ ;;5;e '3“4/’/ / 7 /:-,,/‘" t 4 , J/L W 1-» 'i ,’ 1/ RENEWALS. An American citizen residing in a. foreign country and desiring the extension of the validity of his passport should make application therefor to the nearest American diplo- matic O!‘ consular ofl‘ice. 1-722 PERSONAL-Qt»: V tittgsgsog W. , 1 , m { 11:35:48 -‘ .1»; n L 7%. ' . uu- M [1m ». 4393' ,w, . “v, ”Lb .21 (L' «mpg A: wh- ‘ > ' 7169“?" ;’A‘UNXTE3, ‘ ‘ — TSP-t; -,7 q‘A'l" (F6? {‘13:} «'1- :1ng Erin :Elc‘m fit! {3‘ P13“, hwy. 1\ {.g‘ , . J In! . ‘ 4 er 4 Am Tr’“; “iii; - ' up Tie}; s ‘1 \ 1-5:?»5'3 .1? 7‘ r“ ,9»: ‘ .71‘3'1‘ “ 'fil‘wflfia 4, a - béép‘fiafigmézvg? saw-1‘ sz‘ . . H , m1 , . 6T ‘ V A ‘ N V 1; n —55Po;§7 gramssvfiss ‘thjr - , , ' ' ‘l«‘~ » «wr— ‘ . ‘ > , / ;, ‘Fw—a!n- 9 Fr AwaEMstL/«H AUSWL‘AVNVN _ v v , I- . V . , . 4 «A3 , ‘62 , , sq . amnifivrfi Pf ~ :2 w; . ; v - ._, ,, 7‘ ~ . .4 ‘_.' !'-L«)L4~;nra;m}flx+b:¢\‘flw v‘ ' I.“ N/«i' . a“ ‘ a .- / ,,- “"‘ ,; ' V 1;», {Ta AESFgRV,9q§3;;OV/P {I _ gzayybssmgtgm " 5%94- ’ ‘ m a " ‘” -¢ w. 4 “ 7‘ \ 'Nil'i‘l‘ig'li‘fE ;)$‘£E’)J1’}‘F< «dag dl-«Elmrrr: ’v V” . "\vm' M , - ,«1 . z , ). 1439;0- A W; s - * A s, 552"», EVESP? _ , . it?" ~ -_ {a 530“" . - ,tififi 57W? , , Nrrfyxfl no ,3 )3 “1‘11?“ ,.a mi, . Pf 1‘ m; n '51:“! g»:- 3: flGSPOL‘E-Enm vb??? ’ E)?! “ / ‘1 ”vi?“ 5. Tot}; N I'M: ' Tar»- ” A1129»; WT: w NW. v < V. x? '. 1'1331'45-3 -:, v - 7"" ..;m=;' .‘fci‘ 3 ‘- 112 a: an Amricm ; Way/38¢ QUEE‘QDIJQ wtfrzinfln . G (:12 “t. Pfiat‘sfiifér'fié (zfifé'i'ifiéiizfl. Mlfitouc .1 immune, daytime?” 3'; EL: 1171;: elitism Del, :zacmgts. . x . N L1,, ”,1.“ E‘J’MVJCTUJ .- 1 32.4, ”pm-‘5“ «nan; n‘1\AA! ’ . ‘ “mate; ' 1/,» “n“ ’1“ i 5%: Q’juavig‘w: maglauggmg w: A 1/0 a (H; L’W {lam/Mu) 3e 14 wow/Ii > 1%an wme (bead/MM fr/ ///(0t//////¢’///////////////’/////k. / ~ ' /x/ 7//////////////// E)? . ‘\ / .' ' \‘ \ \ \ { flx/xflxx/xx/ fl// xi /4 {433: b N ,/ fl////p//////I//f// W / I x ‘ ;\i » “ /l / ”\4 \\ : L. L: ‘ ’/////////jj/Jfl///j/xx/&//fl{/fl//j// fl/x/flfl/I/ . . //////Z//%//fl////J////// ////;/1/g11////¢///¢(//// xi; . wymréx m ///xxz/////xxxx//%; / J/M/wwy/m/flfi _//, ‘ ‘ ‘ . , " V . ' 7/ 1/ [MA ,QnQ/flI/l/f ;;//j\/xx < :;, flamorl, (dftch/thfiwa/m/fim 454442: ‘4 4 4 4‘10 /¢Mne and 7W|41fe awwmea’flm am 45%: ‘ ‘ (Mama/fiend 3/!5410 WA ' » mime francaisi 3,, “:33 mmn’ler de la?" ' ugntéére; ' 519 AOU§193fi Ami? ._ f _:»‘9 : .9; » 15‘» F ’ We!!!“ .— #33193?!“ 1‘ ’ ‘ mm W... «a In ‘hr 41:111ng Fin ' (mm: Gmnwbutxm ab} At? 1939 m3. _ 193..-; ' ” ABSTRAcz‘rsfrgo‘M PASSPORT REGULATIONS ~1. Passports are! issued in the United States by; the ‘secmtary of State, thrbugh, the Passport , , Division,-Department oiVState,'Washington«, D. C. ‘ ' ; {Applications .forfl’upasspmt’s‘ should; be 'made, in‘ . person through clerks of Federal coutts, clerks of‘ 3 State courts having jurisdiction in naturalization , " v matters, or through passport agents of the Defi partment of‘State. Passport agentsofthe Depart- , fiinentt‘of'st‘ate are stationed at New Yo‘rl‘é, Boston, ”Chicago; San Francisco, and the Department of ‘ ‘ State; Washington, D. C. Applications should be filed from .2 ‘to 4 weeks before the passport W .isjrequ‘iredn depending upon the distance from‘ ‘Wasltin'gt‘on’. - ‘ 2 .j ‘ ' 2.; Persons in‘th'e Philippine Islands desiring passports should make application to the United 1 . States High Commissioner, Manila. Invthe Vir- '. 1gin "Islands, HaWaii, Puerto‘ 'RicogG‘u‘am, ‘land 'V-Arneric'an‘HSamoa application should be‘rmade to the chief executives of these islands. T ‘ ' ' 3. Thepassport fee, including'éfil for the exe- ‘; cu'tion ‘of the application, is $10. The fee for renewal of ajlpass‘pqrt is $5; Inth‘e United States.“ passport and renewal fees should be submitted in; currency Or in‘pOStal money orders made payable to the Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. V 4... The regulations provide that when the" \' presurnpti‘On of having ceased to be an American .citizen‘has arisen against a naturalized Arnericani , ' citizen under section 2 of the act of March 2, ' , 190-7,‘ because of protracted.foreign‘residence, his . passport shall not be renewed untilhe shall have t submitted; to thé‘Departmjent of State for to‘ a dip- lomatic or Consular officer of the United States, evidence sho‘wingsthat the reasoner such foreign residenceco‘mes Within the rules prescribed by the Secretaryvof State whereunder\suchpresumption.)' “ ma'Y'be'OVeI‘Cijéw - ’ ,' ‘ ,, ' ' ' > 5. Americans making their- homes or regidmg for a prolongedperiod abroad ‘should register at V , “ 1 the nearest’Aznetican consulate. ,;» , Hus: EOVERNME”? PRINTING DFFIE BLANK PAGE(S) ‘ “a,” . ,7 a; w ,r Arm, 1. $3,, ,. v»- ~ “fir" :w: . ’fi' W59 .,:-' ’vrvp‘vw‘rr. ‘ ' “'me ,:. N4" '1‘"; "{d‘li'fizfi‘ on»? . an", (.551..- , ""3"? ,,.:-c:., (Vie-z“?- ._, ,, tum 3‘ .- «51.2“;3‘, 3'5“ 3454. L . ‘ = " €5.13“ INSTRUCTIONS. —Every registrant shall ems 1 2, and 3' in this series. Include in item 1 any formal apprenticeship served. Items 4 and 5 are optional and a ned to aid the Reemployment Division in restoring you to civilian employment after completion of military service ~ ‘ ' 1. I have also worked at the f _ ’ _ ' ' ' YEARS WORKED . . OCCUPATION - 11in or “0111: Don: (Give full title; for example, turret-111 : ‘ 1 . (Be specific—give 11 brief statement of your duties) From— To— ‘) Ar“ Wt 12,141 42/1 19.4.2“; 19.....- 112.22. (am, am not) I have worked in the following State or States during the past 2 years V1? ”Jon/f ' I prefer the following kind of work _. .. -.-- consider accepting a iob which would require me to move away from my present home. (would, we 11 not) Series VIL—FAMILY STATUS AND DEPENDENTS (Confidential except as to names and addresses of claimed ' dependents) INSTRUCTIONS—Every registrant shall fill in the statements numbered 1 and 2 in this series. 1. I am I] single. [I widower. CI divorced. fimarried; I -1222: .............. live 111th n11' wife; if not, her address (do. do not; ; we were married 2. (a) I have ..... 12f. ...... children under 18 vears of age. (b) Of these children, .-..1: .............. live with me in 1111' home. \ (Number) , ‘ (Vumher) INSTRUCTIONS .——Every registrant who lives in a family group and contributes to the support of that group shall fill in Yatatement No.3. “Family group” as used in this statement means two or more persons related by blood. marriage or adop- tion, who live together and who pool all or a substantial part of their individual incomes for their joint support. (Such a. group may not always include everyone who lives in the same house or eats at the same table. For example, when a registrant and his wife and children share a house with other relatives but do not share the income of those other relatives, the family gro‘ to be listed here wOuld include only the registrant and his wife and children.) The information here given is intended to describe only the economic situation of the fmnil1 group as it 110110 '0‘ not intended to suggest that by altering their present domestic arrangements, present dependents of the registrant 1mg it btain‘ support from other persons who are not now supporting the-111., _ _ . g 1 g .3. (a) The following is a list of all members of the family group in 111111 11 I “10 (list Yourself first) - 5:1111 I be nm to (intribnw Arclast . 1 , - _ ‘ [11 this person upport. birthday lttlutlonsliip101,111 “I (If 11(1): contributing, write pork luriiu. 111’s ‘ .. .) V , ______ 4.@aé,-- 221%.-- (N ame istrant) '64 / (c): In addit fainil1 group during the pa or other things of \ alue. Incl side this group. Give name INSTRUCTIONS. —Every registz: I o contributes to the an art of one or more ersons who are t b f family group listed above shall fill. in. a ement No. 4. pp p M mem e“ o the 4. (a) The following mgerson who are not members of the family group listed above depend wholly or partly for support on What Iea. , work In my business, occupation, or employment; they had no other sources of 1ncome during the 1 past 121110111: , except as stated below: 7 3 IDbzte when Amount 0011- All otherihg-d . _ 1 gun con- - come rece v _ Mum and mom 1 > AB" 1““ Relationship to me tributing to 3111;119ng by this pet- _ this person’s infill!) son (past 13 support months) (1)) Of the amounts contributed by me to dependents listed in 4 (a) only $ __________________ contributed to (11110110, Write “ \‘oue" ) "was in payment for my own board and lodging. (Name of dependent) (c) The sources of the “other income' ’shown in the last column of the table just above were as follows. (Give name of dependent and state whether income was earned or contributed; if contributed give name of dependent, and name and address of person or agency contributing.) (d) The income I oarnod from my work in my business, occupation, or employment during the past 12 months was $____.i_;. (9') My income from all other sources during the past 12 months was 8------” _________ INSTRUCTIONS ——Evory resistant who fills in aid: *1 ‘tatoment Ho. 3101‘ No. 4 shall also fill in the statements numbers 6 through 9 in this series. 5 If any of my dependents (except my wife) are over 18 years 1}: age, the reasons whv the1 are dependent are as hollows (list, each person by name): 6. The following IS a description of all property owned by (or held in trust 111111511111: myself or my dependents (do not inoludo" clothing, personal effects, housohold furnishings, or automobile indicate 11 hich of such property is 3,0111‘ home): - ' -» - . 1 ‘ NET Ixcons Farm ’l‘n‘ss . , . . 1 . 1. V1111“: Anon Dom owned .1 1 -. Nam: or Fusion. , V ' : 1 . ms or Pom-sun 1 Pam-saw P151 12 11mm » _ , . . ,3 I 1 Emcunniaxoss 1 (I! none. write "None“ 3 , '4';de k "In; A ,4 Jyoti? Lu 131) gm. 7.1 U. 3:: "‘ Lt‘s C JCQTt' 1-1:: ( \‘.’.'.. ‘ ..I .‘\ ,- n... Ei‘?‘ L H .stT, 4. 23.3.1th J. v C 011 h. .,. 1,, .2. 11. Fairfield County, 1 fiasonic Temple,i Greenwich, Conn. fear Sirs: tansiou to you this morning. would attach Enclosure this ‘embal re ahich I I manic appreciata it to my questionnaire. Sincerely yours, Important Notice to Registrant From Advisory Board All questionnaires must be filled out in ink and must be sworn to. There will be a member of the Advisory Board at the Masonic Temple at the following specified times. 1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ' evenings from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. 2. Every day (except Saturday and Sunday) from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 P.M. Every afternoon (except Saturday and Sunday) u:3o P.M. to 6:30 P.M.' Saturday morning — 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. The Advisory Board was formed to help registrants With their questionnaires. If yen have any difficulty with it or wiIncludes correspondence, recommendations, service contracts, government passports, and photographs