xt7qjq0stw34_727 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Samuel Taylor Coleridge letter to Joseph Hardcastle text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Samuel Taylor Coleridge letter to Joseph Hardcastle 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_7/Folder_52/Multipage2451.pdf 1811 November 12 1811 1811 November 12 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 12175. Written on a prospectus for Coleridge's course of lectures on Shakespeare and Milton.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_727 xt7qjq0stw34 LONDON PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY“,- SCOT’S CORPORATION HALL, CRANE COURT, FLEET STREET, (ENTRANCE FROM FETTER LANE.) -34.»--. $1113, COLERIDGE “'1 LL COMMEXCE ON MONDAY, NOV. 18th, 24 COURSE OF LECTUR ES UN SHAKESPEAR AND flHLTON; m ILLUSTRATION on THE PRINCIPLES or POETRY,- AND THEIR Application as Grounds of Criticism to t/ic most popular Works of Zaler EligZESIc‘ Poets, those oft/26 Living included; I AFTER an introductory Lecture on False Criticism, (especially in Poetry) and on its Causes : two thirds of the remaining course, will be assigned, lst, to a philomphic Analysis and Explanation of all the principal Characters of our great Dramatist, as OTHELLO, FALSTM‘F, RICHARD 3d, Iaoo, HAMLET, Sac. : and 2nd, to a critical Comparison of SIIAKESPEAR, in respect of Diction, Imagery, management of the Passions, Judgment in the construction of his Dramas, in short, of all that belongs to him as a Poet, and as a dramatic Poet, with his contemporaries, or immediate successors, JONSON, BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, FORD, MASSINGER, &c. in the endeavour to determine what of SHAKESPEAR’S Merits and Detects are common to him with ether Writers of the same age, and what remain peculiar to his own Genius. The Course will extend to fifteen Lectures, which will be given on Monday and Thursday evenings successively. The Lectures to commence at % past 7 o’clock. Single Tickets for the whole Course, 2 Guineas; or 3 Guineas with the privi- lege of introducing a Lady: maybe procured at J. Hatchard's, 190, Piccadilly; Jr'hlurray's, Fleet Street; J. and A. Arch’s, Booksellers and Stationers, Cornhill; Godwin’s Juvenile Library, Skinner Street; W. Popl‘e’s, 67, Chancery Lane; or by Letter (post paid) to Mr. S. T. Coleridge, J. J. Morgan's, Esq. No. 7, Portland Place, Hammersmith. if; Polite, Printer, Chancery Lane, London. / ‘ J _, 4'7 I / ; ”7/ ’ ¢ - /l /' , /"'-”y , V” /[ L ”mtg/2’1 111/ fl 0' 73’! 2613/ //¢'(~ “ c “a"? [5” , / z ' ,/ / / 4 ’ " v7 /, . x; ,’ , 7/;‘f / t Z /é['/V1('-/c :r‘\ I '/ V'J/ /01 f 1/(Vrzf. f.C C ...L./// [é/ . : I‘z I“ «I I ll " (I A ' L 1 J I" x/ ' /L L—/ ‘(.4 t /Z arr/”"1 /g,: ., / / , ,/ /, // //(k’ 0/1wa C. ,-é’( x“‘(f f/LA'Z” / k. 1/' V A\/ I d 1 , 4 , . ' ’ (4 g 2 v [-"V a.“ y L, M/ f)“. //z/Z/ it ”1/ 97 [1/11, a" - 47/7 517/ 4-" ’ ‘9 ' I, /: L/fl/fl/Eé. éé AWL-fl /6¢,c fibi'f/z "‘4 0 //~«/é. .7 ' ,f/ f”); 7% 4w 441,9 ,2/4 14/6 “"VA/L"C"¢" ,// / _ / / ‘ ,' ,- I 1/, ( /1: F A; / Zwy/ [/fiffir/‘Q 7L [WT Afr/2»- w . ‘ 1/ 4 y/ ‘ . . ./y . K (/71 Lgbfi r '1; / L/Z. ; ")7 L 1: )1/7 Lat-"p /. / . / (:17! 7 ~ - , / 4 ' \J A, / L/K’fl/ LC/ a - ,, 'L . ,. ./ . , I, ,. , , 7. C .4» 4+ 9 p )«L.£‘ 5, 4/..3/1’ /[ L-r'b ‘1‘ , , __ ‘. a _ , , C'ILC.£’L1/Vflz. 1/ L. ,- ,1 . / / [42.4 - /’ v ' ‘ / ’ fl . .4 h L “I vhf/car )n/m ,I- 42(71411/Lv «A! L1 FL //‘- "”7 / alga. _, x, r/ ‘ '/ r’ . . I 7, I, _/ - (I 1’ .»/I ’ . '1 . A, LJ //"7 \6/{14 ’1 LL ‘11. ,;‘.V '1" y/ 2:, é‘kf' [,L-‘g, [/ '7L— 5" 7— 1/‘C— Lv u‘x A; I/L’ ' ,v ’ ' - ,1 ;, ' v 5L. d’/ 7 LL; / /L.£< éL‘AZCL/V , ‘ ,A AIS-W / . ‘,/ . U1 ~ r ,~””y ‘ ctr/L1 K/ 3/7142 I I 4’ )W’ ’ / 7 7 KA/ ‘ ' / I ' / / 4 (i—‘Vi'L/wc 4d!“ (c; _.u z 7' A wag, trz/ @WL/y fl, ‘4 / / " , .. " / , 4‘. . 7 - . , — .. , L~ 5L V)’l-// . _ ,’ ‘ ‘j (/V V. A I" ‘ ‘ r], , / ; Vh. (,C/ A 7 ,_ g . V ,. \>/ > d, V __- 1171:, L,- /. 0‘6 5‘ / pg; [/1 ,p-\ 4.,“ ,/ / ,f 7‘54 4’ / / p 4 4 , ~ .. ,- ‘ ~ , r- C) LY \ /A.,.{, L / la 1 '21-: /7L éJ'Ih-A-uil )1..de z/ :41) .. /b 1"l/ // LZ-'r'/‘L'/'C «if Z0 ¢.7L.dl t 52/97,,{4 fix.- ./7/ /)/ 3 ”/54 fl . / 4’ x? ._ ,f; [L {I ‘1, ' t” fl, CK