xt7qjq0stw34_739 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms474 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection Samuel Taylor Coleridge letter to Mrs. Charles Aders text 43.94 Cubic Feet 86 boxes, 4 oversize boxes, 22 items Poor-Good Peal accession no. 11453. Samuel Taylor Coleridge letter to Mrs. Charles Aders 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw34/data/1997ms474/Box_7/Folder_64/Multipage2490.pdf [circa 1823] June 1 1823 [circa 1823] June 1 
  Scope and Contents

Peal accession no. 9265b. Includes a transcript and a summary of the letter.

section false xt7qjq0stw34_739 xt7qjq0stw34 @hw, m4 % flay W/ZA/V M” (L 1/1;me [elm wig/“L (/1 {Luz AZV/ VM/flrm/wa .. x77 f/W 4,27 1% [Adv/444% :7] mflrvdwjjg 747%] / ”M9 4/? (/72. 45,? 77/21 / . tau/574’», 444W, / *tééj 4760):, //’7 a/r/v K 7/:V WA fl/I/QgW/éc. [on/z J7 /a~’$~ $7” M2167 245% K / flw//m (49‘) Am"; é‘w/ W / Win/7a,; ML AVW/fl (/1 KJ/Wfij h} i: 61,; W.“ ”WW7 WM; bee/1 m1» owe/AA av/r 4:5 4: Mbflwmmt% ‘6 L7 (M 3765; “14/4, flM flea/7 1:Lo//a/Mr7 W 12:, flu % //l/I/4 754.47 é-t/VL you 4w “(W/fa; /éaw W/ fifW /r/ ' /4m~o9 flow; Evil/Z / /%L‘4 % ’lf/ 2&9" M96 éww- /‘ my 1% flmo .722 W9 M}; /A. Lynx/L v W'u [/4/1/9‘; I fllww fin, a W l “I“ 62¢.me /W [VIA/cg L’L- / ”V, 5%,.95}? ‘ 7,- 09/3: 44 W [Xxx/21.4524, 4 W742; % M4) m0 / Mat/7 éM 46W flflmj " W2; f”:: «MIL/fl fi/z kWh/M [W gM/é ”‘”‘ ”7““ W“'“’W ”fr?” 0A¢ ' MW Mam“, “A W Ag/mm” fl‘fl/Wfi fiat/Sgt“, COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-183h). .Poet. Highgate. A.L.S. to Eliza Aders (b.ca.1787). 1 June, 1822 or after. 2p. (double sheet, octave.) Address on pm. He is sorry Ellen is ill; he wishes to bring his friend Mr. Green to see the pictures and to meet Mr. Aders. Mrs. Gilman hopes the Aders will visit at Highgate. Mrs. Aders was an amateur artist, and the wife of a wealthy art collector; Blake had praised her work. Coleridge, in the latter part of his life, made his home with the Gilmans at Highgate. S.T.C. to Mrs Aders [watermark 1822] 1 June Grove, Highgate My dear Madam we are sorry - very sorry for the effect, and very very sorry for the cause: I trust, however, that if this weather continues, the air, Which is I not yet unchilled, will become genial, and Elle's ° best restorative. Pray, give my kindest love to. her. I had promised myself the pleasure of introducing my highly and justly valued friend, Mr Green, of Lincoln's Inn Fields to you, with his pretty and amiable wife. I have long wished that he and MT Aders Should know each other - for M? Green like myself is half German — and in the best sense, all German. I was likewise about to solicit your permission to bring‘Mr Green some morning next week that might not be inconvenient to you to see the Pictures, I having inflamed Mr G. with a vehement desire. But I fear, that this must now be deferred. Again and again be assured that all of this Household unite in the same regard and esteem with which I am, dear Madam, Your sincere Friend S.T.Coleridge. P.S. Your'nJo-te has doubled Mrs Gillman's wish for S Your Ellen sojourning a while with her at Highgate, and you will not blame her and will I trust, in some measure felay on me, for our confidence in Mr Gilman's . skill and medical wisdom. [Addressed Mrs Aders] l. ”Ellen‘s" carefully inked out in MS. A