xt7qjq0stw9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0stw9n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1981 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Chem-news, Fall 1981 text Chem-news, Fall 1981 1981 2019 true xt7qjq0stw9n section xt7qjq0stw9n s . ' . .
\\\‘|!l 3 Alumni Newsletter Publlshed by Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky
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iii? - -‘ ._ .- ' ' ' " ' ' - Fall 1981
“ ' ' ' “ i ‘ " A Message from the Chairman
1: 3 3, i, , ’ V 3 , ' , The ‘annual’ newsletter is more nearly :1 activities of the Department of Chemistry,
, , , , i ' , ' ' ‘ biennial newsletter since this issue covers a part of which is reproduced in this
4;; ' ; 3 , 33.3 '3 1. 7 ,3 33 , events and information for the two aca- newsletter.
F; ’ ’ ' ’ i, , ' , i "3* demic years 1979-80 and 1980-81. My only Naff Symposia
3 3,: , 3 . 3 3 . 3 3 , ,3 . excuse beSides procrastination is the extra The sixth and seventh Symposia on
’ 3 ’ ’ 3 3 3 3' j. 3’: time we have spent in preparing for the Chemistry and Molecular Biology
‘ ’ ' ” " ’ ' i ‘ i, 1 ’1 33rd Southeastern Regional ACS meeting .
. , , '. , . «, . d h d d
1 NS! . E TH‘S ISSUE' ~ 3 ; hosted by the Lexington Section and the supporte by t e en owment fun m
-n--—---------——-——————-------v—--——---‘-------~ . / , _ , , memory of Anna S. Naff were their usual
5 3. 3. 5 , ,5 decenial self-study for reaccreditation by success The sixth symposium on April 25
StUdentAwards : 3, 7 the Southern Assoc1ation Of. Schools and 1980 was on ‘Structure and Functions of
3 5 .. Colleges. We extend a cordial inVitations Cell Membrane’ resented b Professor
if; .1 to all our alumni and friends to attend the Ch 1 T f I; D y t f
$986131 News (from . Regional Meeting November 4-6 1981 3ar es . an or ’ epartrnen o
. . 3 ., 3‘ , ’, . ’ d 1 , ’ 1 {1 d ,b] th Biochemistry, Duke UniverSity, and
the 20$A1umnl j ,3 :n ::ieaentce:fiiiio:;a1 :eassiZtns 65::dlniur: Professor Efraim Rocker, Department of
3 . 333-3 3, 3 33 ,3 . .. , 3 'IYESP shduld be a good opportunity a; Biochemistry, Cornell University. The
‘. ' a. ' ' *7 - h ' A 'l 24 1
1903Chem5try3uiietm ‘ revisit our campus and renew acquaint- sevent symposmm on. P“. ’ 198 was
:3 3 , ’ .. ’ 3 ,3 , = , on Transmembrane Signalling: Receptors,
a... 3 , ‘ ances. -
3’ f2“... f ~ ’ , 5 ~, ’Uf . U ' , 3:33. ,1 Hormones, and Neurotransmitters‘, pre-
3. ' 1934:.Banquet f ' Q 3 ., 5 hWe “Eere sorrly to 1621;: Of theBdelalth {Of sented by Dr. Julius Axelrod, National In-
,. 3 $33,}, 5 333:3 g t ree 0 our 2“,!an omas ' an 1’ stitute of Mental Health, and Dr. Pedro
,; Program lflHOfior f 5 , .. f; retired Vice-preSident of B. F. Goodrich
’ . ' ” ’ ,. .33: Co on December 17 1979' Donald W Cuatrecasas, The Wellcome Research Lab-
: of .Dr LFrankhn Tutfle , i 3'; _ ' . . ’ _ ’ , ' oratories. We welcome any suggestions you
, « . .' - . , . .« . Riester, retired Vice-preSIdent of American .
3 «33 33 3 .3 .3 3 3 3. . 3- .3 , g 33 3 3, .3 3.3 Can Co. on January 30 1980 and John P. have for topics and speakers for future
current AiumniNews Head, in 1977. See the alumni news prggTu:?:éu1t continues to be active in re-
E , ' A ' 4 V’ ‘ ' . . 5 '. 7 ._. section for more details on their careers. y . . . .
.3 .3 3 3 .. 5 33 . ’ 3. search and professwnal actiVities as re-
". Faculty , and staff NEWS ’ 3,; Thanks for Writing ported in the section on faculty. The fac-
3 ,‘i 34- 3 . .' 'I " 5 Our thanks go to those of you who re- uLty has been molre active in seeking find
, . ,3 ' , ' - =. - o taming externa grants to support t eir
NeWFacu1 3 . 3 3, spond to our request for news which I _
:33 ;3 ,j 3, .3 w 3, .«3 ,3 3 hope you will enjoy in our Alumni News research programs. The faculty published
5 ‘ ’ " ,I if ' ‘ .17 ' ‘ . , " 7 Section. We are especially pleased with the 37 ”th16? m 1979’ and 38 m 1980' The
Recent G‘flduates ’3 . response from those who graduated in the new Varian XL‘2,0° NMR spectrometer
3 333,733 ;,,,33,«_;.; ,3 , 3,33 3 3 3 ‘twenties’ to give us more detailed and high. resolution mass spectrometer
1'”: « ’ .., i I; ' 3, information on their careers and have been installed.
3.3. ’ “,3 f 3 3’ . . 3 3 '3; 3 , 3 , 3 33’3 reminiscences of their academic Enrollment Still Increasing
333,333 :33, 3 ’fi.333. :xperiiencesDat [1,;K.b We ar: especialillly (iin- Both our undergraduate and graduate
55,: , , [‘j 1: , , .21 ’ ' ”31:: niznuSZriptoafi: :in::hl:; uls itch student enrollment have increased slightly
' ” ' 1..4. 715,21 :7." '4 .. j." . Z » .:.; 5 ‘2; C} 5, w the ast two cars contrar to the
"3:17:31, ’i [T‘igfljj‘ 3, '3 ‘ V the picture of the chemistry faculty and predicfied decreasey. Y
1]; 3,3 3 '1: 3" if” I H" ’1' . [I i ' ’ “ii; Staff ?f 1934’ the banquet program on the Our teaching and research programs
,3. . g’i ,. I,;..' ’23.}; 3/ 5 X , :cc:510n OI: h£n0¥ng1 Eh? riggimen; Of have suffered the past year and prospects
3.33 ,,3 3.32.33, 3/ ’[,33 ro essor . . utt e in an a
353 ’ 1,; j33’3;§_,3333’33 ‘ 'j iii/{.173}. bulletin published in 1903 relating the (continued on page 2)

 A Message from the Chalrman
(continued from page 1)
are even worse for the coming year, which became a University fellow and contrib- generosity of Mrs. Nantz in providing the
was brought about by an eleven million uted $10,000 to the Department of Chem- awards which will benefit many worthy
dollar cut in the University’s budget for istry. Needless to say the funds came at an students in the future.
1980-81, and an expected minimum 5% opportune time and we were able to utilize Again we wish to thank those alumni
additional cut for 1981-82. Owing to a part of the funds to supplement funds and friends who have contributed funds to
short fall of state income of approximately from the Graduate School to purchase a the Department of Chemistry. The funds
$300 million over the period. $35,000 laser-Raman spectrograph to sup- have been used to support fellowships,
The effect on chemistry has been port the research programs of Drs. equipment purchases, and refreshments for
freezing of tWO vacant positions—one Kincaid, Holler, and Tolbert. Some of the special seminars.
faculty position in organic and the lecture» funds are retained to support student If you wish to make contributions to the
demonstrator position, a reduction in our awards. 1 had the pleasure of having lunch University to be used by the Department of
travel budget to $3120 for twenty-five and a visit with Mr. Behrman in Chicago, Chemistry, please specify that the donation
faculty, and a 10% cut in printing costs and thoroughly enjoyed hearing more is for the Chemistry Department Develop-
last Ye?”- We did “0‘ receive any Capital details of his very interesting career and ment Fund for unrestricted use by the De-
equipment budget except the special accomplishments in the area of water partment of Chemistry. Donations may be
grants from the research funds treatment and supplies. He kindly sent the sent to: Director of Development, 204 Ad-
administered by the graduate school. We Department a beautifully bound copy of ministration Building, University of Ken-
will receive additional cuts in our oper- his book on Phillipine Water Supplies tucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0032.
ating budget and possibly lose some more published in 1918 and a copy of his book We urge you to send us information of
faculty and staff positions. on ‘Water is Everybody’s Business‘ pub- your activities to include in the Newsletter,
To offset the bad news we are grateful lished in Japanese. and we welcome your suggestions of what
for two new major contributions and Mrs. Thomas B. Nantz established an you would like to see included in our
continued support from the Anna S. Naff Endowment Scholarship Fund of $25,000 Newsletter.
Endowment, Ashland Oil Summer in memory of Dr. Thomas B. Nantz to
Fellowships, Boyer Memorial Fund, Dow provide scholarships for tuition and books - -
Coming, and contributions from our to two students majoring in chemistry, at M WW
alumni frequently with matching funds the Junior, Senior, or graduate level. The
from the companies. Mr. A. S. Behrman, first awards should be available for the William F. Wagner,
WhO received a 3.5 degree in 1914, 1982-83 academic year. We appreciate the Chairman
Student Awards
The following awards were made possible by Undergraduate 1980-81 : Graduate 1979-1980
gifts from alumni, friends and indUStrY dur' Robert M. Boyer Memorial Fund Awards: Alumni Development Fund Awards:
ing the Pa“ two academic yea“: A. Undergraduate Poster Session Awards: A. Outstanding Teaching Assistant;
First Prize: Larry Green $50 Mathilda D. Doorley $100
Undergraduate 1979-1980 Second Pmez Juilc Pmkard $25 . B. Outstanding Graduate Research
Robert M. Boyer Memorial Fund Awards: Honorable Memlom Stuart Eldndge $10: Award'
- . Susan K. Knoll $10, Susan Luerman $10 '
A. Undergraduate Seminar Poster Sessron Jimmy Feix $100
Awards B. Undergraduate Service Award
First Prize: James L. Huckaby $50 James L. Huckaby 325 C. One-Hundred Percent Plus Awards:
Second Prize: Michael Kommor $25 . d d' S . .. Nanda M' Brahme $50
Honorable Mention: Stanley F. Simpson, Meredlth Awar to Outstan mg emor. Gary R‘ Williams $50 I
Curt L. Milliman, Kurt s. Niedenzu Michael KOmmOr $125 .
B. Undergraduate Service Award: Merck Index Award:
Stanley F. Simpson $25 Melanie Miller
Meredith Award to Outstanding Seniors: Analytical Chemistry Award:
Stanley F. Simpson $60, Mark Henry
Blake W. Townsend 560 American Institute of Chemist Award: __,_________
Merck Index Award: John Matthews
Susan C. Wyatt Behrman Awards: Alumni Development Fund Awards:
Analytical Chemistry Award: A. Outstanding Teaching Award: Outstanding Research Awards:
Jennifer L. Baker Elizabeth Kleppinger $100 Przemyslaw Maslak $100
Stephen McClanahan $100
American Institute of Chemist Award: B. One-Hundred Percent Plus Award:
Teresa Z. Russin Mohammad Z. Ali $100 ________—__.
2 .

James K, Patterson. Pli. 1)., LL. 1)., President 1/ ('- 31: (i .
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,--~I" ES: 7 if" big-nu... . .
BULLETIN No. 113.: 12;. . 9' :;_:.-
3,3117? , .;‘.:L;-: . . . . 23;: “Fr. .“fw‘ft‘
—-—————-—————-—— "' *’-’:l§.' J -‘....’—————- ., 'L-t . {unfit};
*0 - *' ' ‘ 1.1% ‘ 5::E‘:_ fl .
. P U B Ll S H E D BY T H E S TATE l a“; Elai’lhi 5% git; i1 .- 2;ng 5,), its; ,
C O L L E G E O F K E N T U C K Y if... __j ...t _-_.. tutti} , ,<:’_f: '- . _:;_; '
L E X I N G T 0 - N .... -
, Entered at Lexington, Ky., as Second»Cla.~'s THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY
1 Matier, Under Act of Congress, July 16, 189-!
Speci [News in the 205 Al '
Requests to the alumni, who graduated in After graduating from UK in 1923, I In 1952 I was president of the Kentucky
the 1920-30 period, to bring us up to date on taught briefly in high school and two years Chemistry Teachers Association and in 1953
, their activities since graduation and relate at Bethel College, Russellville, KY. I was president of the Kentucky Academy of
some of their experiences while they were I was granted the M.A. degree and the Science. I have been fairly active in church
students, brought the following responses: Ph.D. degree by George Peabody College in and civic club work as elder and chairman
' 1919 1926 and 1930, respectively. I joined the of the Official Board of First Christian
. _ faculty of Eastern Kentucky State College in Church in Richmond, KY and as a member
- Arthur W. Petrey received a B.S. degree . . . . . .
, , , , , 1930 as professor of chemistry, servmg in and preSident of the Richmond Lions Club.
in Industrial Chemistry. He now lives in re- . . . . . . . -
. , _ that capaCity until my retirement in 1967. I I have been listed in Who 5 Who in
tirement in Vancouver, WA after a career in . . . . . . . . .
1 d l , , , f h was chairman of the div1s10n of seience from American Education, American Men of So-
eve ong quantitative spectroscopy or t e 1947 to 1964 and was chairman of the chem~ ence and Who's Who in the South and
1 analySis of alumnium during production . d h . f . S h
> . drefinin istry epartment at t e time o my retire- out west.
1 an g. merit. My hobbies (now mainly past) have been
1920 In the summer of 1948, I was appointed traveling in the U.S., Canada and Europe
. Anne B. Bauer informed us that John P. by the U.S. State Department to participate and gardening, fishing and bridge.
Head, who received his 13,5, degree, passed in the UNESCO Seminar on International More details of my life can be found in
away on October 5, 1977, Understanding through Education which ‘Life in the Bluegrass’ by ‘Squire’J. Winston
1923 met in Berkhamstead, England. (A most in- Coleman, Jr.
. . _ teresting experience, living and working 1925
. Thomas C' Herndon, retired and livmg with forty—seven people from twenty-five na- . .
in Richmond, KY, wrote the following let- tions) Raymond K. Fllge Obtained a 13.5.
ter: ' degree in 1925, an M.S. in 1927 and an
‘ 3

 ‘ : H E M I S I R i It has been apparent to the authorities of the institution, for some
time, that both the Chemical Department and the Kentucky Agricultural
____—————— Experiment Station were in need of larger quarters. It was, therefore,
‘ . . _ _ ' . decided by the Board of Trustees, at their semi-annual meeting, in
[3.1.35 object 0‘ ”“3 bulletin ‘9 t0 give a brief and general December, 1902, to build a new building for the Station and to turn
" account 0* the work and progress of the Chemical Depart- over the present Station building to the Chemical Department. In this
II . ":3; ment during the last fifteen years, and to acquaint those way the needs of both departments have been met.
wit interested _in the ”$1.“? education-of young men and With very slight modification and improvement this beautiful
1;" I' :3: women W‘th the fac1lities for chemical study offered by building can be converted into a well arranged and commodious labo-
', “.31“ the State College Of Kentucky. ratory of modern type. It is proposed to convert the right half of the .
"‘55-'51" It is believed that in breadth and scope the chemical basement into a Metallurgical Laboratory and Assay Room. The
, course offered in this institution compares favorably with that offered basement rooms on the left of the building will be used as store rooms
‘ by any of the colleges and universities in the country, and that as for apparatus and chemical supplies. On the first floor will be located
I measured by the results of the last ten or fifteen years, the work of the the instructor's office, the library, the recitation room for more advanced
‘ Chemical Department ranks with that of the best Schools of Chemistry students, a balance room and the laboratories for Quantitative Analysis,
, in the country. Organic Chemistry and Chemical Research. The lecture room on the
TH E C H E M I CAL D E PA RTM E N T second floor of the building Will be retained for its present use, while
__—————-—-——-————— the laboratories on the second floor Will be converted into one large
For many years the chemical laboratories and lecture-room oc- laboratory for instruction in General Chemistry. Such an arrangement
‘ _ cupied the eastern part of the main College building. In September, will insure permanent and adequate quarters for the Chemical Depart-
1889, however, the Experiment Station building having been com- ment for years to come, and with such, there is every reason to expect
I pleted, the apparatus and equipment were removed from the laboratories its continued growth and success. From two or three rooms in the
‘ in the main building to more suitable and beautiful rooms on the second Main Building fifteen years ago to the beautiful building which is to
‘ floor of the Experiment Station Building. The lecture-room and the labo- be the future home of Chemistry in this institution, is in itself indicative
It ratories, qualitative and quantitative, of the Chemical Department are of the progress made along these lines.
‘: exceedingly well adapted to their purpose, and are among the best con-
‘ structed and most handsomely furnished of the rooms in the College.
The qualitative laboratory contains three very large working tables,
each of which can easily accommodate ten students. The quantitative
laboratory is also well equipped with tables, hoods, water, gas, elec-
tricity, etc., and has desk room for at least fourteen students in all.
The lecture-room has a seating capacity for seventy-five persons and is
admirably adapted for class room work. Besides the laboratories and
lecture~room, there are several other small rooms on the same floor set
aside for the use of the Chemical Department—an instructors’s oflice,
1 a balance-room, and a store-room.
M.S. in Chemical Engineering from MIT in During my years of teaching I had many Hospital (Ohio). She has retired to Orlando,
1932. He retired in 1972 from his position as outstanding students. A goodly number of Florida. She writes:
professor of textile engineering at Georgia these have pursued careers in or closely asso- The professors in the chemistry department
Institute of Technology. From 1932 to 1954 ciated with chemistry. I always read the that I recall are:
he “.5 .employie: 1.11.texdtl(l: and rnlanailgerial Alum“; News m (ihem—neilws w1th gr efat "1' Dr. Tuttle head of the department and
‘ cagac1t:s;:ti clip-incl: 11 eoigia Pic . terrlest 0:1 I often houid the naénes o (plnes very distinguished looking.
, ara orn itc e , ( rs. .arry J), w omI ave taug tt at ave one we in Dr. Maxson alias Mighty Maxson by the
i, Covmgton KY, received her A.B. in 1925 their chosen profeSSion. One of the most re- students
1 and her M.S. in 1932 and relates the follow- warding experiences of a former teacher is . -
. . . . . . . . Dr. Barkenbus popular With the girl stu-
ing activmes Since that time: to learn of the accomplishments of students dents
After graduating from UK in June 1925.: I and tohfelel that anbe 1: ‘50:? s1:na11 way he Time dims the memory of the other pro—
taught all of the sc1ence classes at Greenvflle or she 6 PCd t0 erCt t 611‘ t In mg. fessors in the chemistry department.
ngh SChOOI' GreenVille, KY" From Septem- I feel a great affection for the University Letter from Edward Cecil Tarpley (B.S.
ber 1928 to June 1941 I taught chemistry at of Kentucky and for the professors there who received in Industrial Chemistry):
Henry Clay ngh School, Lexmgton, KY- It were kind and considerate of me when I was Home-town Franklin, KY (Simpson c0.) 1
was during these years that I worked for my a student . .
. . . - was employed in 1926 by the Pennsylvania
masters degree WhICh I received m 1932' Dr. - ' - - Railroad as a chemist in their testin labora-
Turtle was head Of the chemistry depart- Manly M. Wldsor reared in Elyria, OH tories at Altoona PA In 1927 Igmarried
ment and taught my classes in quantative and received an M.S. degree and a Ph.D. _ _’ - ,
‘ . _ from MIT in 1932. Elizabeth Ann Miller also of the class of 26
l analySIS. Dr. Charles Barkenbus directed the -
1 _ , , from Paducah, KY. We were both cashiers
. work on my the515. Their patience and help- 1926 . . . . . .
1 . at the univerSity cafeteria during our Junior
1 fulness Will always be remembered. . . . . . . .
r . . , Miss Lydia C. Kahnt, B.S. received in and senior years. The cafeteria at that time
3 I married in 1941 and moved to Covmg- . . . . - .
‘ . . . Industrial Chemistry and she received an was located in the basement of the Adminis-
ton, KY. 1 did not teach for five years but in . . . . . . . .
, _ M.S. in biochemistry from St. Louis Univer- tration Building.
the fall of 1946 I became a teacher of sc1ence . .
. . . Sity in 1928. She worked for 42 years as I struggled through five years of classes
at Holmes High School in Covmgton, KY. 1 . . . , . , .
. . medical technologist at Elmyra Memorial under Mighty Maxson, Mitchell, Stewart,
retired in 1969.

 E Q U I P M E N T The entrance requirements for this course of study are the same as
_____________———————-— . .
. _ . for the other seientific courses offered by the college. Generally speak-
Th: Department d“ well 91“?!)le dw'fl‘ the commoner forms 0: ing, a knowledge of common school branches is all that is required.
chemica apparatus an chemica s. In a dition to these, it owns severa THE TRAINING IN CHEMISTRY PROPER
of the more expensive pieces of apparatus, such as seevral delicate . . . .
. . The study of Chemistry proper, as outlined in the above, is suffi-
balances for analytical work ; a grand model Bunsen & Kirchhoff spec- . . . . . .
. . eient in its scope to bring the student into close contact With the great
troscope; platinum apparatus; a complete outfit for electro-plating; . . . .
. . . . . fundamental truths of the seience, and to make him enthusiastic and
vapor denSity apparatus; a glass model ice-machine; freezmg-pomt . . . . . .
. . . . . . _ capable in his professwn. It includes the following subjects :—
and beiling-pomt apparatus for the determination of molecular weights, . . .
. . . . . , The Chemistry of the Non-metals, Lectures and Recitations.
differential thermometers; reading telescope and a Pulfrich s refracto- . . . .
- . . . The Chemistry of the Metals, Laboratory work, Qualitative AnalySis,
meter. These, of course, Will be added to from time to time, as the needs . . . .
. . . . including the examination of the Commoner Carbon Compounds.
of the Department demand, and the resources of the institution permit; . . > . . . .
, , , , , Quantitative Analysis, graVimetric and volumetric methods.
as it is now, however, the equipment is such as readily to enable the . . . .
, - , . Organic Chemistry, lectures, reCitations and laboratory work.
student to obtain at first hand a good working knowledge of chemical . . . .
_ Physical Chemistry, lectures, reCitations and laboratory work.
seience. Physiological Chemistry, lectures, recitations and laboratory work.
Historical Chemistry includes the stud of Venable’s Short Histo of
C O U R S E O F S T U D Y . . y ’y
————-————————— Chemistry, Tilden’s History of Scientific Chemistry, and collat-
The Chemical course is one of the several scientific courses offered eral reading, such as Roscoe’s Life of John Dalton, Thorp’s Essays
by the College. It requires four years’ resident work for completion, on the History of Chemistry, the Alembic Club Reprints, Ostwald’s
and leads to the Degree of Bachelor of Science. It was first offered in Classics and Barthelot’s works on the History of Alchemy.
1894, with the view of preparing the student for life work in Chemistry, In addition to the regular work of the Department, the Journal
and also with the View of fitting him for the StUdy 0i medicine and Club meets weekly throughout the year, for the reading and discussion '
kindred professions. To the accomplishment Of this, the following of current chemical topics, as presented in the current numbers of the
course of study has been adopted: various chemical journals.
The first year is devoted to the study of English, German, Physi- ————————-—-—————
ology, Free~hand Drawing and Mathematics, including Plane Geome- A complete Chemical Library is one of the most important adjuncts
try, Trigonometry and Algebra. The second year, to German, Physics, to chemical instruction, and is an indispensable aid to chemical investi-
Botany, Chemistry and Mathematics, including Solid and Analytical gation and research. The Chemical Department now owns a small
Geometry and Calculus. The third year, to Theoretical Chemistry, reference library of standard authorities, which has proven of great assist-
English, Calculus, French, and laboratory work on the Chemistry of ance and help to Chemical students, In addition to this, through the
the Metals and Qualitative Analysis. The fourth year, to Quantita- kindness of Professor Scovell, Director of the Kentucky Agricultural
tive Analysis, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reading on advanced Experiment Station, students of this Department have access to the
topics, and to Chemical Research, History and Political Economy, library of the Experiment Station. This is by far the largest and most
Logic and Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics. complete Chemical and Agricultural library in Kentucky, if not in the
Barkenbus, Bedford and, of course, the be- merous publications and government tech- ters if possible. We had been captivated by
loved Dr. Tuttle, head of the chemistry de- nical papers. the style and intense interest, particularly of
partment. I set up the lecture tables for We attended our 50th reunion in 1976 Professor Charles Barkenbus. In the spring
Maxson and Mitchell and was stockroom and hope to celebrate our 53rd anniversary of 1929 we emerged into a waiting world of
boy in the one chemistry building ‘Kastle this fall. Our only daughter, Martha Ann opportunity with good teaching jobs and an
Hall’ most of my spare time. I left the (Mrs. Clinton Baker), Auburn, Alabama is offer from Du Pont.
P.R.R. in 1935 when I was employed by the also a graduate of U.K. class of ’53 and ma- While trying to decide on the right direc-
U.S. Department of Interior (Bureau of jored in journalism. Our grandson, David, tion Professor Tuttle suggested for me a
Mines) at Pittsburgh, PA, as a junior will enter his third year at UK this fall while graduate assistantship and a masters degree
chemist. In 1948 I was transferred and our granddaughter is attending Auburn, in two more years. Brother Marvin did take
promoted to chief of the analytical section University. After retirement I moved to St. a teaching post at Middlesboro, but rejoined
for two synthetic liquid fuel demonstration Petersburg, FL in 1967 where we have en- me a year later in the quest for higher edu-
plants at Louisiana, Missouri. These plants joyed extensive traveling and condominium cation. Hence we again graduated in the
were closed in 1953 and I was transferred living. same class, this time with masters degrees in
back to the Pittsburgh station. While in Mis- 1929 1931. The world, however, had changed in
, souri I was a charter member of the Mis- Statement prepared by Robert H- Baker, the interim and one took what he could get.
souri-Illinois Section of the American Bowling Green, KY. Marvin returned to Bethel College and
Chemical Society and Chairman of the Sec- MY brother W. Marvin Baker and 1 ar— moved rapidly becoming dean by Christ-
tion in 1952. Also I was listed in the Ameri- rived at the University in September 1927, mas. Financial difficulties led him to close
can Men of Science in 1948. After 31 years having transferred from ‘Oid' Bethel COi- the college in 1933, at which time he trans-
with the Department of Interior I retired as lege, RUSSCHVille. KY- Neither of us were ferred himself and many of the students to
a research chemist having worked jointly certain ofa ChOiCC 0f major interest but were Western Kentucky State Teachers College.
with Orsance (Ohio River Sanitary Commis- preparing for teaching ~ After 0116 semester Some ten years later he joined the F.B.I. for
sions) on studies for the abatement of stream 0f physics, history, political science and or- the remainder of his professional life. Now
pollution by acid mine drainage from coal ganic Chemistry we determined to graduate retired we are together again in Kentucky.
mines. I was author and co-author of nu- in chemistry in the remaining three semes- Again Dr. Tuttle came to my rescue and

 h ,
Southern and Middle States. Besides the standard reference books on AID FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH FROM THE
’ Chemistry and Agriculture, it includes complete sets of such journals CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON
as Liebig’s Annalen; The Berichte; the Journal of the London Chemical ____._————————-———-———-—-—
: Society; The Chemical News; The American Chemical Journal; the . . . j
, ' J . . 1 . _ . , . . n It is, perhaps, known to the majority of our readers, that last year 3;
1, ‘ ournal. Of the American Chemica smut)" Fresenius' Zeitschrift fur Mr. Andrew Carnegie placed at the disposal of the United States A”
Analytische Chemie; the Chemisches Central Blatt; D19 Versuchs—Sta- Government the sum of ten million dollars, the interest' on which was {ii-J.
. tionen and the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, etc., etc]. to be expended in the promotion of Scientific Research in this country. _.~
‘ Current numbers of these great journals are kept on file, and are easily 0“ ”"5 magnificent endowment the Carnegie Institution 0f Washington
- 'bl . T . . . . f has been founded. Among its other plans for the promotion and en— ‘
, acceSSi e to students at all times. _l“s’ m itself, '5 one o the m0“ couragement of scientific investigation in this country, it was decided ,
important factors in Chemical instruction. by the authorities of the Carnegie Institution to establish and maintain 13.1;
1' out of its funds a certain number of Research Assistants. These Re} .342.
search Assistants were to be appointed from young men and women 0 ;,:="}
‘ P O S T - G R A D U A T E W O R K I N promise and ability throughout the United States. They were to re—
I - ceive liberal compensation for their services, amounting in most cases :51:
. C H E M I S T R Y to $1,000.00 per annum, in return for which they were expected-t0 de- _
“ ————_——-—--—-— vote themselves entirely to the study and investigation of some seientihc .«
. subject Linden the direction and guidance of some competent investiga— ‘
1 Abundant facilities are afiorded for post-graduate work in Chemis~ tor. Agcorlihng to l:hgfirst aijnual report 'Oft Elie (agglzeglehlhsmmfinu n
. . . _ twenty- ve esearc ssrstan s were appom e in . .lS gra i y- .3123;
35 . "y. The State College admits to all lines 0‘ post graduate study the ing to record that one of these appointments went to Mr. Elias Elvove, .‘
1'1 graduates Of Other schools and colleges 0‘ corresponding grade and one of the Senior students of the Chemical Department. This is cer— ,3
l standing. In order to obtain the Degree of Master of Science (in tainly a splendid tribute to the industry and ability .of Mr. Elvove, and ‘
l - Chemistry), the student must have the degree of AB. or 13.3. or the a welideserved recognition of the work that is now being done in the g
j : equivalent thereof, and is required to do at least one year’s resident, or (,hemical Department Of the institution.
i two years’ non—reSident work in advanced Chemistry, as a major study 1]:
‘1 _j- and one or two minor subjects, assigned by the Faculty. THE WORK OF THE GRADUATES OF 3:15
l‘ -~
a. —————————————-—-——-——
j 4 _._—.....___—_———-— The work of the graduates of the Chemical department, after leav-
1; ing the institution, has always been a matter of pride and satisfaction i
l. i As an aid to deserving students, and as a reward of merit, two ‘0 those concerned. Of the young men and W0me“.“’h° have com—
, Fellowshi s 'n Ch m't d d t th I f h colle iat pleted the chemical course, some are now engaged in the work of .
P. l e “‘7 are awar e a e cose o eac _ g e Chemical Industries, some are instructors in Chemistry and related ..
year. Seniors and post-graduate students are eligible ‘0 appomtment. sciences in larger institutions of learning, and some are chemists in 7 .
The emolument accruing from the Fellowship to the under-graduate Agricultural Experiment Stations, and .without a single exception all . ,
student is $100 PH annum, whereas that accruing to the post-graduate who have had the opportunities of still higheneducation, have taken all .
. stud nt is $150 0 F ll . Ch m' t . t d to the Universny honors to which they were eligible, and all have done .
. 'e ' l?” annum. . ne e 0W m e ‘3 W 15 “FCC e ‘ highly creditable work in their respective vocations. The following is 1;»);
, “5‘“ 1“ preparing the experiments for the lecture table, the other ‘5 a list of the graduates and post-graduate students of this Department, is“.
ll expected to assist in the instruction of laboratory classes. together with certain data as to their work since leaving the institution. ‘ ‘
offered an interim instructorship, filling in This trend was evident as far back as 1909 my association with Dr. Barkenbus became
for Mr. Zimmerman who was on leave in when Murray Raney graduated in mechan- both more fruitful and enjoyable. My teach-
1931-32. My applications for teaching assis- ical engineering and went on to make such ing included the course fo