xt7qjq0sv33z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0sv33z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-11-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 2000 2000 2000-11-28 2020 true xt7qjq0sv33z section xt7qjq0sv33z LEFT OF CENTER

What to write


This rail is an ongoing
work in progress. For
today, progress is a
little slow. The
amount of inspiration
for a topic today was
less than a French
fry's IO. So here are
some reasons why a
LOC such as this one
exists along with all
the other stupid

Coming up with new
ideas everyday is a
pain in the ass. You
can only joke on
some things so many
times. Clinton is old
news. The vote in
Florida people are
sick of and if I joke
about alcohol one
more time. people
are going to think
that all I do is drink.
Oh wait a second...

More jokes about the
campus ticket Nazi's
are based on nothing.
We need to give
thanks for those who
give tickets out on
weekend. They are
here to make the
campus, as empty as
it may have been, run
smoother. not to
‘steai' money from
broke college
students. It is all just
a misunderstanding.

It is my birthday today.
The big double deuce.
i feel like an old man.
You young'ns born in
the 80's make me
feel like I am too old
to do this. | just don't
have your energy or
fire anymore. Who
am I kidding? This is
fun. By the way,
there is a saying that
is wasted on the
young. To that I say
wealth is wasted on
the old. Only old
people have the
money to have an
absolute throw-down
and buy fancy sports
cars and toss money
at good looking
women. The younger
people have to settle
for a keg of Natural
Light. a used Accord,
and a skanky strip
club while Earl and
Edna are cruising at
25 in their Caddy,
sipp'n Merlot, and
talking about Earl's
mistress, who has
her own loft
apartment on the
east side.

-Ron Norton

I feel like taking a day
off. Sue me. Oh wait.
You can't. I do what I
can with what I got.
Every now and then
it is hard to come up
with new ideas. Help
me out. Send me
stuff. Here it is one
more time
om. The e-mails to
date tally is moving
up. but we have yet
to break 90. Time is
running out as the
semester is getting
near. Hurry. Thank

4.5 2.3

You're never going
to stop the rain by com-

Rim: '3

VOL. 33106 ISSUE i365
Nt . an “E" . ’

Call: 257-1915 or write:




Country mu5ic

Reviews of three
new country discs
just in time for

, I the hoidays ‘5







Council looks at campus crime

Making progress: Testimony by parents of slain Murray
State student asks for better wording in crime laws


The (‘ouncil on I’ostsecondary Educa-
tion vowed to make improvements to pro-
posed Kentucky campus crime reporting
regulations after hearing testimony Tues-
day from the parents of a student who died
in a 1998 arson fire at Murray State

The (‘ouncil on l’ostsecondary Educa-
tion agreed to improve language when
dealing with information that can be with-
held from a public crime log to make it
more clear that such withholding is per-


mitted in only very limited circumstances.
to prevent a suspect from fleeing or de-
stroying evidence.

The act. signed this summer. says all
institution has to report a daily crime log
but does not say how specific the details of
the log have to be.

They also agreed to work with the
state Attorney (leneral and Fire Marshall
to develop an enforcement structure. and
make other technical changes.

(Jail and .John Minger campaigned for
the "Michael Minger Act.” a campus crime

. Students get experience in

model Rite Aid pha



3333333333 :3 3:333 3333333 33., 3.3:
Pharmacy students Jeff Mills and Debbie Flores work at the new model Rite Aid pharmacy. Students are able to gain


valuable real-world experience at the new facility.

The real world: Model pharmacy designed to
help students prepare for the work force

By Allen Slivey

Students at the College of
Pharmacy will be able to gain
realworld experience and never
have to leave the classroom by
working at the new model Rite
Aid pharmacy recently donated
by the Rite Aid Corporation.


The model pharmacy was
dedicated Nov. 9 and is designed
like a real Rite Aid pharmacy to
provide students with hands-on
experience in a retail pharmacy
setting. The pharmacy enables
the College of Pharmacy to teach
prescription processing. quality
strategies and appropriate super-

can say that

quality improvement

vision of technical personnel.

Patrick Roberts. a pharmacy
senior. says students are gaining
valuable experience by working
in the model pharmacy.

“it‘s great real-world experi-
ence." Roberts said. “This pro-
gram is giving UK pharmacy
graduates a big advantage when
they go looking for a job in the
pharmaceutical market and they

The $60,000 state-of-the art
model pharmacy is located in the

reporting law named in memory of their
son. who died in the Murray State tire.

The Minger‘s tight for the law came af-
ter they found out that Kentucky colleges
can keep campus crime hidden from stir
dents. keeping them from taking steps to
protect themselves.

The couple urged the council to inr
prove the wording of the Miiiger .Act.

"It is unfortunate that educated men
and women in these high offices. that are
to be examples for our youth. have chosen
to hide. cover-up. and withhold reports of
criminal activity." (laii Minger said at the
(‘l’fl hearing. “These actions have led to
the assaults. rapes and intirder of many of
our children iii their care. That is why we
need strict. clear regulations for The
Michael Minger Act."


Minger said institutions cover and a]
ter reports to make them attractive to the

"l'niversities want to put forth in in]
age to the public of a safe eny ll‘tillllh'lli lil
order to attract students to llit'll' campus
After all. universities are competitive in
trying to attract bright. athletic and talent
ed students." she said “They should not
undermine the great programs they have
to offer with poor safety rules and regula
tions and bad or improper reporting of
crime that occurs on their campus "

Ilennis 'I‘aulhee, general counsel lot
the (‘l’rL said at the hearin;v he .t‘..’i"t‘fl
with riianv of the changes in the proposal
recommended by Minger

"We lizivc tiiade progress \‘vv' it l\“ 'i
ways to go." 'l‘aulhei- said



Did he 3'3333 33

Gore contests Florida
; certification in court


,. J‘5‘es-x‘
3.‘ efgv‘ ..

Although Texas Gov. George W. Bush declared presidential victory Sun-
day night, Vice President Al Gore continues to fight the results.



Al (iore's lawyerscontested the certr

fication of Florida's election in court Monday. seeking an order to
have him. not (ieot‘ge W. Bush. declared winner of the state and

therefore the presidency.
They accused Florida Swretary of State Katherine Harris and

election commissioners of misconduct for disallowing votes that
might have overcome Bush‘s .13? vote lead, Gore. speaking [)llllllt ly.


they have this

urged the court to look at the challenges raised in his lawsuit and
"do the right thing.”

But Republicans said (lore was needlessly dragging out The
contest and complicating the presidential transition.

"We can't continue to hold the process up while h»- is in (lt'
nial." said Rep. .l.(.‘. Watts. R-()kla.

Gore's challenge to the results in Palm Beach. Nassau and .\h
ami~l)ade counties was assigned to t‘ircuit .Iudge .\'. Sanders
Sauls. known for his swift action. and he held a hearing Monday

Sauls ordered Gore's lawyers to provide the Bush team with
material on its evidence and witness list within two days and

gave Bush's lawyers two days to respond.

See RITE AID on 2

Exhibiting a folksy demeanor. he told the lawyers be under
stood their difficulty trying to get the case resolved before the Ilec
12 deadline for selection of electors.

See VOTES on 2


UK tenure process called into

Crying foul: Assistant professor Darlene Goring thinks she
wasn't given a fair chance for tenure by UK Law School

By Ashley York


Many Americans have their minds fo-
cused on the court proccxlures and appeals
prrx'esses of the presidential election.

But Ben lltising has his mind focused
on another type of appeals process. iiiising.
a third year law student. is concerned with
an appeal by a law professor for tenure

Darlene Goring. an assistant professor
of law. was denied tenure last month by
Dean Allan Vestal. who cited negative feed-

back about (‘ioring‘s scholarship as one of

the reasons for the denial of her tenure
Goring. who has taught property law at
UK since 1994. is appealing the denial.
Law students are appealing too. Stu
dents have circulated petitions and written

letters to campaign for (‘ioring's tenure.
Now law students are waiting for the appeal
to filter through (‘hancellor Elisabeth
Zinser‘s office,

Sylvia Williams. an assistant to Zinser.
said in a phone interview with the Kernel
last Monday that nothing new had come up,

”(Professor Darlene) (loring is getting
the guidance she needs. and she is pursing
options available to her for further review."
Williams said.

llusing. along with other students. be-
lieves the tenure process used by the law
school is flawed. Michael Kennedy. presi~
dent of l'K's (‘hapter of the American Asso
ciation of l'niversity Professors. also thinks
the prix'ess used to grant tenure is flawed.

The current process existing for the
granting of tenure under the rules of the

3 TheWt ewspaper at the Uversity of Kentucky, Le_ntori~ A

law school and University starts with a re-
port generated by the committee of tenure
promotion. which then goes to the tenure
faculty. which meets and makes a recom-
mendation to the dean. Based on the faculty
recommendation and report of the tenure
promotion committee and the full tenure
file. the dean has the option to make a rec-
ommendation to the chancellor to see if it
should occur.

Kennedy said this current system
changed front the way it used to be. He he
lieves the existing system entails major
flaws for granting tenure and hopes these in-
consistencies receive corrective measures

He also said that in the “not too distant"
past. a dean disapproving of a tenure pro-
motion was required to submit the docu
ments about that particular person to an
Academic Area (‘ommittee of faculty. as
well as the chancellor for examination.

“The dean's negative rtx‘ommendation
counted. but he or she could not block the
review process from proceeding."



Kennedy said

Kennedy said I'K administration al
tered the process somewhere along the way
and it became codified into l'niversity Reg
tilations. He said he disagrees with the cur
rent prrx‘ess. blaming administration most
ly. but also AAI'P and the l'niversity Senate
(‘ouncil for failing to ricognize the changes
in the procedures.

Though unfamiliar with (ioriiig's case.
Kennedy said their organization works to
protect faculty frotii instances like this one
He said Goring hasn‘t contactixi i'K AAI'I‘
for assistance. but he welcomes her to do so

“l'K-AAI'P tries to protect to iil‘ott‘ct
academic freedom and the tenure process
for all faculty. regardless of their member
ship in l'K-AAI'P." he said,

Kennedy hopes l'K AAl'I‘ can help cor
rect these inconsistencies. and welcomes
anyone concerned to join in

"I‘KVAAI'P certainly supports any ini-
tiative. by students and anyone else. who
want to repair the pi‘tx‘f‘dtli‘t‘ "





z | TUESDAY. novzuecii'éi; 2000 | kmucitv kennel.



The Low-down

I had an
just scal-
ham, no
read the
pers. had
a nice
with extra
olives and
went to

— Bemard Shaw.
CNN anchor on
how he recov-

ered after I3
hours on the air
election night.




Supreme Court accepts Bush appeal

WASHINGTON The US. Supreme Court
stepped into the overtime struggle for the White
House on Friday. agreeing to consider George W.
Bush‘s appeal against the hand recounting of bal»
lots in Florida. The secretary of state said she
was prepared to certify the election Sunday
night. regardless. Acting just as final votes were
being tallied. the court ordered lawyers for Ilush
and Al Gore to "briefaiid argue" their cases next
week. The court's action could mean that the
closest presidential contest in m years will not
be settled before early December. nearly a month
after Americans deadlocked Nov, 7.

Cheney says condition wouldn't hinder

\\'.»\SIIING'I‘ON Told by doctors his heart
condition would not impair his ability to serve as
vice president. Dick Cheney left the hospital Fri
day \\ ith a prescription for a blood thinner and
ad\ ice to take the weekend off before returning
to a "full. normal. active life.” (‘heney said he
and George W. lltish talked by phone and chatted
about his health. but spent a lot oftiiiie talking
about Florida. "which is what we usually talk
about these days." Asked whether he had given
any thought to asking Iiiisli to replace him on the
GOP ticket. the 3ilryt‘:II'-Oltl Republican vice presi~
dential candidate replied. "No. Not yet."

Barak, Arafat agree to security pact

.IERI'SALEM The Israeli and Palestinian
leaders spoke by phone Friday for the first time
in nearly a month with Russia's president
serving as middleman, ’I‘heir agreement to renew
security coordination was quickly undercut.
however. by deadly clashes and rocket attacks iii
the West llank and Ga/a Strip. 'l‘hree Palestinr
ans were killed by Israeli fire. Palestinian doc-
tors said. and an Israeli motorist was shot and
killed in a roadside ambush. In the Gaza Strip
town of Khan Yiinis. Palestinian gunmen fired at
Israeli troops from behind walls of sandbags.
drawing return tire and prompting an exchange
of antitank missiles. the army said.

Discounts drive customers to malls

NEW YORK The nation's retailers opened
the holiday shopping season Friday with rain»
pant discounting and special deals to get con-
sumers to start spending again. Shoppers. who
have been in a spending funk over the past few
months. were only too pleased. waking up at
dawn to flock to stores and malls and their
computers to take advantage of the bargains.
()ihers wanted to get a running start on what are
expected to be this year's hot toys; scooters and
robotic pets. which do everything from wag their
tails to sense touch and sound.

02 OR NOT ”2:
02's All That
You Can't
Leave Behind
album has been
banned In
Burma because
it highlights the
plight of the
people of
Burma who are
living under

a repressive
military dicta-
torship. The
song ”Walk Cu"
is dedicated to
Aung San Suu
Kyi. Burma's


leader Billy
Corgan says his
future will be a
blank after the
band plays its
final two con-
certs in
Chicago this
week. ' ‘The
band coming to
an end is a very
stressful idea
to me. I know
it's the right
thing, but I'm
wondering what
it means." The
band is calling
it quits 13
years after
debuting in a
Chicago bar.

Charleston wins most manneriy city

COLUMBIA. SC. Charleston. 8.0.. has
earned another title as the nation's most manner
Iy city. followed by the Illinois and Iowa commu-
nities known as the Quad Cities. Charleston has
been on the list all 24 years it has been compiled
by etiquette expert Marjabelle Young Stewart,
and the ranking she issued Friday was the sev-
enth that rates the city No. 1. Following the Quad
Cities area , Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa.
and Moline and Rock Island. Ill. -~ Milwaukee
ranked third this year and Las Vegas was fourth.

Bowman set to coach 2,000th game
DETROIT , Prepping to spend his 2.000th
regularseason NHI. game behind the bench Fri-
day night. Detroit Red Wings coach Scotty Bow-
man didn‘t think his latest feat was any big deal.
Already with eight Stanley Cups and more wins
than any coach in league history, the 67-year-old
Hall of Famer with nothing left to prove viewed
the milestone game against Vancouver as just
another game. The Red Wings said Friday they
had nothing officially planned to commemorate
Bowman‘s achievement but would later honor

the coach. who also has coached 324 playoff

games and won eight NHI. titles in his 29 years
behind the bench.

Westwood changes image

l.OS ANGELES British fashion designer
Vivienne Westwood. long known for her rips.
zips and chains, says she has given up her punk-
isli ways. "I'm older." the 59-year-old tells the Los
Angeles Times in Friday‘s editions. “I‘m not go—
ing to go 'round in a bondage suit anymore."
These days. Westwood's fashions are inspired by
pirates. witches. 17th and 18th century European
portraits and the French Revolution. “I could not
go outside my house wearing anything from the
Gap. 1 would feel like someone had taken my soul

Tree headed for D.C.

DENVER , Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell
gave the Christmas tree destined for the nation‘s
Capitol a low-tech send-off. ”Breaker break. you
truckers have your ears on? What‘s your 1020‘? This
is N ighthorse and Santa Claus and 20 elves deliver-
ing a Christmas tree to Washington. D.C.. and we've
got a convoy. "The 65-foot. 77-year—old blue spruce
was cut in the Pike National Forest in the moun-
tains southwest of Denver before Thanksgiving
anti sent on its 2,000—mile journey Friday. Camp-
bell. R-Colo.. even helped the effort . at the
wheel of the tractor-trailer hauling it. He drove
trucks for a living in the I950s and renewed his
trucker’s license last year. The tree will arrive
in Washington on Dec. 4 and the lighting cere-
mony will be Dec. 18. Colorado schoolchildren
made about 4.000 ornaments to decorate the tree
at the Capitol.

Compiled from wire reports.




Continued from page I


“You're all trial lawyers
and trial lawyers live a dreadful
existence." the judge drawled.
“You're always in some crisis.“

Harris. a Bush supporter.
certified Florida's decisive 25
electoral votes for the Republi-
can on Sunday. If that stands
up, Bush will become the next

The US. Supreme Coun
hears Bush's appeal against
Florida hand counts Friday. It
decided Monday not to let the
proceedings be televised.

Gore’s Florida lawsuit
seeks an injunction to prevent
Harris from declaring the win-
ning presidential electors until
proceedings are completed in
the contest.

It asks the court to examine
ballots and order recounts in
the three counties. and to de
Clare Gore the winner of the
electoral votes.

Florida Secretary
of State Kather-
ine Harris certi-
fied the election
recount results
In her state Sun-
day, claiming
Texas Gov.
George W. Bush
the victor of
Florida's 25
electoral college






Continued from page I

College's Lesshafl't Pharma-
ceutical Care Laboratory.
which includes nearly 6.000
square feet and has six basic
areas of instruction.

"The UK College of Phar~
macy appreciates this getter—
ous support from Rite Aid."
said Kenneth B. Roberts.
Ph.D.. dean of the UK College
of Pharmacy.

"Their efforts have result-
ed in a greatly enhanced learn-
ing environment that provides
our students with this oppor-
tunity to further develop their


‘ d
‘ .“



Breakfast, Lunch And
Dinner, All In One Box.

When you eat pizza 5 days out of 7,

make sure it’s a pizza made with



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high quality ingredients. Papa John’s.

265 Avenue of Champions


patient care skills."

Rite Aid President and
Chief Operating Officer Mary
Sammons arid Senior Vice
President Eric Sorkin attend-
ed the dedication along with
many local and national Rite
Aid representatives.

“Pharmacists continually
are ranked as one of the most
trusted professionals and are
in high demand due to the in-
creased number of prescrip-
tions being filled." Sammons
said. “This unique and innova-
tive learning environment will
not only attract potential can
didates to the UK College of
Pharmacy but also will pro
vide them with practical expe-
rience vital in today‘s pharma-
cy workplace."


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Bcttcr Ingredients. '
Better Pizza.

applicable solos val. AW W am. I oppiicoflo who in. Additional We om.

C) 2000 PJI lnt







By Krista Mcflone


Ingrid Robinson is not a
dancer. but she loves its beauty.
its grace and its artistry.

And as the president of the
Kentucky Partners in Dance AI-
liance. she wants to ensure that
Kentucky students have a place
to continue their dance educa-
tion into college.

“I‘m just interested in see-
ing good things happen for the
students." said Robinson. who
heads the group formed by
dance enthusiasts last year to
promote dance education in

Since its inception. Partners
has decided to reach for an even
Ioftier goal. establishing the first


dance major undergraduate de-
gree in the state at UK. Current-
ly. UK. like all other Kentucky
universities. only offers a minor
in (lance.

"Having a department of
(lance would certainly enhance
the University of Kentucky in
their attempt to be viewed as
‘Anierica's Next (Treat Universiv
ty’." says (‘ynthia Matthews. UK
doctoral student and vice-presi
dent of Kentucky Partners in

“Partners hopes that UK
will be the first to advocate iri-
cortmratiori of dance into higher
education by establishing dance
as a choice of major." UK Dance
professor Dr. Rayma Deal says.

“If it wasn't for Dr. Deal. we
wouldn't have dance at UK to—

Goals: Kentucky Partners in Dance rallies for dance to be taught at
higher education level, says it will enhance UK's top-20 efforts

day." Robinson said. Beal is the
UK Dance Ensemble‘s director
and the only dance professor at

Kentucky Partners in Dance
hopes to change that. According
to Robinson. Matthews. Real and
others. it is important that an in-
stitution of higher learning have
dance as one of the school's ma»
jor offerings The approximately
Fflmeniber group of dance en-
thusiasts is quickly growing
and. according to Robinson. has
high hopes for the next couple of
months. “We hope to double that
number by the end of the year."

Robinson said the group
also plans to start an endowment
fund. “Our goal is. by the year
goes. to raise $2.5 million." she
said. "We are going to go the uni-

' Iran and Pakistan fight
over custody of mummy

Historical find: Legal battle ensues after discovery of 2,600-year-
old black market mummy in Pakistan; origins, gender uncertain


NEW DELHI ~ Her name
is Ruduamna. She is around
2,600 years old. and she is soon
to he the star exhibit in Pak~
istan's crumbling. little-visited
national museum.

But the mummified corpse
of the Persian princess is now
the subject of a row between
Iran and Pakistan as to which
country is her true owner.

The Iranians claim Rudir
arnna - thought to Time been
around 20 years old at the time
of her death

Iran's ancient royal family and
should be returned as soon as
possible. They also insist that
she is not a princess but a

Pakistani experts say the
mummy"s origins are riot clear


is a member of

and are carrying out tests to try
to resolve the mystery. A scan
has revealed that the mummy
has no teeth and suffered "se
vere trauma" to her spine.
which probably killed her.

Pakistani detectives recov-
ered the ancient mummy in ()c
tober when they raided a house
in (Quetta and arrested a local
tribal chieftain. Sardar Wall
Reeki. They had earlier re
(‘t‘1\'t'(l a tip that he owned sev
eral valuable antiques.

Recki confessed he Iiad
tried to sell the mummy on the
international black market for
3.30 million but had only been of
fered SH million. He said the
mummy had been found years
ago in Kharan. Pakistan. after
an earthquake.

The princess. swatlied in

decaying muslin. was lying in
an ornate wooden sarcophagus
Her hands were crossed over a
gold plate on her chest. decorat-
ed with royal symbols. and she
had a gold crown on her head.

The coffin had inscriptions
in Makhi cuneiform. a language
prevalent in Persia in Hill) IH‘.
The inscriptions read: "I am the
daughter of Xerxes. the great
King. I am Ruduamna."

Iran said the mummy had
been stolen from Iran and asked
for Interpol's help in getting it
back. But Pakistani Foreign
Minister Abdus Sattar said Pak
istani officials were investigat
ing the mummy's provenance.

Meanwhile. ’akistani offi‘
cials have approached British
experts for adVice on how best
to display the mummy.


She’s a Child,

not a Choice.


It" u tit \‘


tr rm" tlm' 1"”.

"i‘i.ltt.i:r .ln 31\.t'lxltE]IiT\(u

ill'llll Ill
(IT' w ml Illl

‘ll ii._

Rli'lll lit I lie I )l ( critial Kk‘lllllxls\

Rcyiiivltls Rtl \iiitt‘ I‘ll ~\
Tr‘\lllf_'l<‘il. T\\ .lttsl ‘
1(itl(ii 3 1‘. “’3“

(KRTI " llllltt \1‘HI



tfii st rliiy-

rtlrrr Ily:l‘.f\ tilt" lIll'r‘TilTiifilt at

versity and say, ‘l~‘olks. we
brought this much and it is time
that we do something.”

Kentucky Partners in Dance
plans to ask the Kentucky Legis
lature for matching funds to
bring the total to $5 million in or
der to start a dance program at
UK. once research is finished
concerning the cost and curricu
Tunis at other universities" dance

“.Iust talking about some
thing is not going to move any
body. We need to have the stir
veys in place. we need to have
the reports together. and We
need to have the funding."
Robinson said. "We want them
to know we're serious."

An extensive survey of Ken
tucky' dance teachers is also be
irig done Ill order to gather iiifor
rriatioii concerning the potential
support such a program would

But. as dance supporter and

Partners member Lorraine Ro
drigue/ points out. “It's an uphill
struggle in Kentucky do to any
thing that doesn't have to do
with a basketball."

Nonetheless. the organi/a
lion is hopeful “The l'l\' lianct-
l‘lllst‘lllltlt' is a showcase of what
can be. They are performing in
spite of not hay ing a formal pro
gram. .Tliey're doing it for the
loy'c oftlr‘tiicc," ly'oltliistui saiil

Matthews believes expan
sion of the darn c program may
have more widespread positio-
elT'ects than people reali/e

"There might ht- soint- wri
this benefit for both our football
and basketball players at tli~-
Iiigli school and college Ieyt-t to
participate in dance ll‘lllllllli'
Many of us have stall the bent-tits
at the pi'ofl-ssional Icyt-l‘

Matthews sltltl. referring to .l til»-
(”‘3' (hit! some citat'lics llttltl Illiti
dance training significantly on
proves their :itIiIt-tes' toordina

" “mo um I tussoitv. NOVEMBER 28, 3099' 3


Group seeks dance department at UK

lloii tlllll llt‘\lltll|l\ ”Hall of T’alile
Wido- Rct't'nt'l‘ Lynn Swami of
the I'lllsliiitt’lt Sit-elt‘i‘s. llt‘i‘sht‘l
Walker of llll‘ Ilallas (‘oyylxiys
they both «stair by their dance
ll‘.‘illlll‘i;' Willa-i eyen danced
\y llll tlrt- Itillas Halli-l"
”livslili's' \T.illllt'\\'\ mtltl.
‘It worked Ill l't N. ' referring to
a group of tliint ing I'K football
players .IT Tll it time called the
(it iit‘lllll H
The tirit'v-rs performed a
lll‘hli‘l'lt itlt‘t .. tli -t year
‘Ilyliit w of the Seven

ll lllt'l\

il Illit

«rim l

“w o- lioi--~;'t tlill"tl by the
It: moan l wt ti iTli -- .ll I'K. Mary
K'nu \loiitgnnoz‘. Koiinsp.
\I illllt“.\ lllitlllt‘l

Moons sl iriwi the program
In it.” to. It"lt‘lllllil tap. folk

lll'ttlt'i‘ll dance
. tril’l til‘llit'
I‘liy sit :il l'.tl‘l' .ttioii Ito partinent

Hattie-us sat-l. l have a
tainil'. llllll.'.lliltllll"1llllil\ Ire
.ill‘. {lil-

tlatiw 'Hll‘ilillll.‘

'.--t i. ‘irsc o.


~ x'ty'i 5' a "saw
u. 3 “artiste ofiéyw,

Tommy Frigon, 2, of Seattle. plays with toy vehicles while waiting for a plane connection with his family
Sunday at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. The Air Transport Association predicted a record

2.24 million passengers would be traveling Sunday.



Cuamps Calendar

November 2 7 -
The (cmous (olendn' '3 produced by the (Wire of Student AUI'NIEK Registered Student Org; and ill Dept". 'nn unt't‘ . ‘

PRIOR ‘0 the MONDAY mtornotior‘ is to CDDQG’ 0‘ http:/'/www.ulty.edu/(ampus Culendat
(till 257-8867 for more .Iilormattor.


December 3. 2000
"no rm me our WEE





m My. a a -mt Tues

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‘wmnu “I‘l't'r‘QIm ammo ‘t’lvv Mi ' 'w I" mum on

Ar he»! otmq Hm I New"

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’tI Lu)!“ 3 11h”. ~, iii-v lift owt in:
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inn-u but” far was its ' “r“ '"h "1" ' ‘ "

if”. .oflllt‘i ll ”W W m. " 0“


'MotttIOS too stow fommon’yuarliw Thurs WV . y. Fl'i


'Amne’fy letnrnattongl Soc 778 'ytod ”t We , a w» l». r

‘I'eshmen Poor, cam Boot Slot: ‘Jnior (howl 'vrn"

'sto Mtg Tpm llf Soc {a C); m. .m. .. . . . -

'Ull lambda Mtg 730w 73l Stud (t' WWW h.“ .3;

'Devottom n ninth I? '1 Son Boot Stud Umor Multipurpose Row M", gm...” . : ,. , 5.. ”a. ,

‘(cmom (rusude Iov (host .7 309m Worybom Them" .. ’

Korur Study from) t: lwtr Etiidcn' ‘7' “tr “ "‘ file“? ‘

'Rusunn (lob Mtg 4 30 bon- I’rms ian‘r ltr'entcne 3““ ""WW’C' ““3"" l “3 W " “

$903“ {finrhé/Ulfiw J

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guano; 1. 'i“wmr— ”Wynn
'Jc'ttr-htau ‘3'“ qurr " 9"
11Msm‘mr iir- worm H F

,l Jon-vita!"- itr rat's ’N'WC" w -

5'>.~- :v- ."a'





'Attevnoom E. (oheexoomt quletuot t'ti WW! . floor“ Gallery
‘Newmon (enter “my boot

’lurz Tooter UK Ian Tnsembt' 80W Singleton (it Hit

'Toe low 00 Club home Hoots Ilom IHOor'I Alumni Gym 12‘1
'Voilcyboil KM TBA

‘Footboil Sit (homotomhto TBA Atlanta

'Men t Bushman a (hwel Hill 330w

‘lnte'disooiioovv fol (Mfume '(Iuldm t famtlw 7000 Floriqmq Inc-r
and Prom! 90m Hum Stud (iv

tits. new
'UI Opera “team 79m 1 Bum (enrol (hnouor- {hurt
'Ul(hmtma' Iolloge Bpm Wotan a or

'“mmoofl Smov lemol llom Savoury” lH






M“; “° ~ “ow ‘mn wow-wow ‘1?'V":\r 4h «at 8"“ 3
‘loomh 5 7r “W “0‘

'“rth. 'tl ‘0 ~ i WP NW wt

'w-mn ‘4 1‘ Hart WWI.”


W WW 31“ Wu" vr w‘ ' 70M
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Nm’lvq y’ ‘1‘ 'mr.

um and (with “in Inn-"w 4 ~-
{kw Fwy-1 wave Vixen! veto I-w'vv
ml»- tw'sr r w on l"?"m“"' «— .
ttmuwm on» runner-"r r «,«. tar--
IMP-[Mr mmmw t-mvv ”r 1- w w ha» «I

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,I it!" are 'r tam ',~ ~
elm-d It“ 1:.

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Saw-seam lmi‘lln .‘pm w w t-
'mmm'm DI“ ‘ulwyi’w lt‘
'ulhfitM ‘ bl ‘J'Mumi'm oh




Travis Hubbard
Assistant SportsDaily Editor
Phone1257-l9l5 | E-mail:trhubbo@yahoo.com


4 | TUESDAY, Moi/Enoch 2E 209921 kzmuckv garter




uincy Carter's future in
NFL and at UGA in doubt

Duincy questio