xt7qjq0sv57d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qjq0sv57d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1952-04-21 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 21, 1952 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 21, 1952 1952 1952-04-21 2020 true xt7qjq0sv57d section xt7qjq0sv57d ar-~mtrvzrrgi :< i Minutes g£.the UniVersijy Faculty, March lg! 1252 7 Louis Ware, Sc.D. John E. Brown, LL,D. David Morton. Litt.D. Mark Foster Ethridge, LL,D.(renewa1 invitation) Paul Garrett Blazer. LLoD. Lawrence W. Wetherby. LL.D. Lucius DuBois Clay. LL.D. He called attention to the necessity for keeping the list confidential until ayproved by the Board of Trustees and accepted by the persons concerned. The University Faculty voted to recommend these persons to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated. President Donovan announced that he had received a request from the editor of the Kernel to be allowed to attend faculty meetings as a reporter. He stated he had also had a similar request from Mr. R. W. Wild, Director of Public Relations. After some discussion, the University Faculty approved the motion that both Mr. Wild and the editor of the Kernel he invited to attend the meetings of the University Faculty for information but not as reporters. The Faculty adjournedo ,llmk s. L. Tuthill Secretary Minutes f the University Faculty, Auril 21, 1032 The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafforty Hall, Monday, April 21, at 4:00 p.m. idea Members absent were H. H, Downing, A. C. McFarlan9 L. E. fleece, Frank 99 Peterson, Robert H. Smith, R. L. Tuthill‘, Martin E. Weeks, and Frank J. Welch, and Col. C. h. Mount. President Donovan pres: The minutes of March 10 were read and ao.rovod. Dr. Donovan introduced Mr. Hild, Director of Public Relations, and Mr. Mansfield, Editor of the Kernel, who were attending the meeting for information. Dean Kirwan, Chairman of the Committee on Student Organizations, pre» sented a recommendation that a new degartmental club, to he know- as the' English Club, be approved by the University Faculty. The Faculty approved the formation of the English Club, Dean White presented for the College of Arts and ScionCos, a recom— mendation for changes in the Rules oi the University Faculty as they pertain to Military and Air Science and requested that the recommended changes he referred to the Committee on Rules for further study. He referred the Faculty to the sub—head ”Advanced Credit" and asked the Faculty to add the following to the last sentence "unless he was previ— ously enrolled in R.O.T.C.". Dr. Donovan referred the recommended chi cnges to the Committee on Rules with the request the they bring their findings before the Faculty later on, and if possible at the next Faculty meeting. Dean Terrell presented the following drOpned course and courses to ES gd§3d_in the 0011989 0f Engineering, which were approved by the Univer— sity Faculty. * Absence explained . 1;, ,. s . hnute nrchitectural Enginsegi§g_23 Luilfiing Construction. (R sem. hrs. . J. . l 1. Courses u‘ L. CLCLLL (i: --c—.-. .——.—-— m ”fin—c... Architectural Elaineerin g 28 Building Cons ctruction. (3 sem. hrs.) A study of the materials of construction; working drawings and ' 1 detailing. Lecture an; recitation, tro hours per we k; drafting room, three hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior Class‘fioation ") nd Eng. Draw. lb. Architectural Engi rearing Zb uil ding_Construction. (3 sem. hrs.) n cont nuzition of Arch. an. 7: with cmyhnsis on methods of con— struction; working draw gs and detailing. Lecture and recitation, two hours per week; u‘e n ting room, three hours per week. Frerequi— site; Junior classificet o n and Eng. Drew. lb. Dean Carpenter presented the following new course for the College of CommC’co, which was soprov-c by the University Fe culty. 5'1 0 O :3 O 3 H! n f 1 . . o @250, Reserrch and Renort friting. 3 credits. b on of business problems, sources, nroceoures, analysis and presentation. Dean Spiv yn presented for the Graduate Faculty the Rules of the Graduate e School one asked that they be approveé. Exhalénnlcfi O? TiE JREJUAIE SCHOOL The Graiuate Faculty shell oons1ist of the Dean of the Graduate School and all persons enpointed thereto by the President of the UniVersity, in the manner set forth below. As the chief University agency for the prov motion of the ifienls of greenete study, it shall (within the limits estabw lisheu by the Boarfi of Trustees and the policies and rules of the University Faculty) determine the policies of the Graduate School and make recommendations to the University Faculty on such matters as require the anorQVul of thet body, and it may m:ike recommendations on other matters to the Presiient, or to other suministrative officialS. New Graduate Faculty members may he groposed to the Dean of the Graduate School at any time by the college deans and detertnent heafis cencerned, or in the case of pers one not at tts 1ched to a college faculty, by the Vice ~rresio ent of the University. Eligibility qualifications are as follows: 1. The doctor‘s degree or its equivalent in scholarly reputation. 2. The rank of assistant yrofessor (or the equivalent), or higher. 3. Scholeily m2 turity 1nd professional productivity as demonstrated 0y uublications, ditoriol services, resecrc ch surveys, creative work, or patentsge eno rese rch in progress at the time of proposal. 4. Definite interest in graduate work and the tail li ingness to ps.rtici~ pate in the graduate program. Appointment to the Gradue te Faculty is made by the President of the Univer— sity from those nominated 0y the ean of the Graduate School Elfter he and the Grriduo te Council have studied the credentials submitted in support of the Dr0~ osed members. ._‘ 1:;— Mi ci— nu es _i the University Faculty, Aoril 313 1952 Administrntive o: ”ficers assigning teaching and other duties to memoers of the Grmw- note Focrlty HAO are taking an active nnrt in the grfiduate h ible allowance for the SUj.cr- H,ro ;rUm s all moLe all fees visory (Luties required of such teachers. ing loan is apnroyriete for A lighter graduate instructors known to be ecti enge ed in reseP rch and eSQecially those who are also la r1e amount of time to the direction of awn normM te C»Ch- vely devoting e theses and dissertations. Bhe De nzn and His Office, The Dean is the executive officer Ith administers the policies of the Graduate Faculty», with the advice of the Graduate Council. Unless the Faculty yrescribes a Cifferel t s«uthorizes, committees shell Dean. The Fresident en' eminars limited to graduate students (that is, courses numberel 200 or above). The Two Plans The Graduate School authorizes all departments which are approved or graduate work and which wish to do so to permit students to satisfy he reduirements for the M.A. and the M.5. degrees by either of two lfins. lav—i )13.11 A is the older glen and requires in addition to *esidence at least 24'semester hours of graduate work in courses with a stafifiilfi of 2.0 or better, a thesis, Age of an approved foreign language. \ KU OJ ‘nd n reading knowl( r, u Two typewri ten, unbound copies of the thesis, anyroved by the thesis director snl the appropriate director of graduate study, and in a form acceptable to the Graduate School, must be presented to the Gradu— ate School Office not later than three weeks before the last day on which grades may be reported to the Registrar‘s Office. The crndidete must also submit an abstract of his thesis not exceeding two hundred words and suitable for publication. The final oral examination may not be taken before the thesis has been accepted by the Graduate School Office. Information about this thesis deadline may be obtained from the Graduate School Office. A reading knowledge of a foreign language is required. This language must be pertinent to the student's program and must be approved by his adviser. The language require— ment must be satisfied by an examination giVen by the foreign language department of the University offering instruction in the language concerned. (This language may serve as one of the two languages required for the doctorate if the student's special committee approvesol A student whose native tongue satisfies the foreign language requirement, but for which there is no teaching department in the Univer— sity, may satisfy the modern foreign language requirement by submitting to the Graduate Council the evidence which it requires. Plan B (which is not nGCessarily available in all departments that haVe Plan A) has the same minimum requirements as Plan A ex out that six or more semester hours of course work may be substituted for a thesis and tiat in some departments a reading knowledge of a foreign anguage is not required. A student may follow this plan only with the aphroval of the department con— cerned. Additional requirements, if any, set up by an area of study may be found in the area announCements in the Graduate School Bulletin. specialized Masters’ Degrees. Special requirements concarning the Master the Master of Science in Home Economics, the Master of Science in Library Science, the Master of Arts in Education, the Master of Science in Public Health, the Master of Music, the Master of Busi~ ' degrees in Engineering are explained in of Science in Agriculture, ness Administration, the Masters the Graduate School Bulletin. M ty, April 2.3 inutes 1R2 $.44... f the University Facul Professional Degrees in Engineering. The professional degrees of Civil Engineer {5.3.}, Electrical Engineer (E.E.), Mechanical Engineer (M,E,), Metallurigical Engineer (Met.E.), and Mining Engineer (:.N.) will be granted to graduates of the UniVorsity of {entucky, College of Engineering, who nresont satisfactory evidence of professional work of creditable quality in the engineering fields of their choice, extending over a period of five years, and who submit satisfactory theses as further evidence of their professional attainment. shall be considered to have fulfilled two years of the five-year reg"irement for the correSponding professional degree. A candidate holding a master's degree in engineering An application for the degree must be made to the Dean of the Graduate School and haVe the approval of the director of graduate study in his engineering field not less than one academic year before the degree may be granted. The director of graduate study and two other members recommended by him and anpointed by the Dean of the Graduate School will pass on the qualifications of each applicant. This committee may require an oral or an oral and a written examination. The applicant is ex~ pected to submit a record of his engineering experience, which should include a complete list of his professional engagements, showing in each case the length of time employed and the position held. He should give for references the names of at least three persons who are familiar with his engineering work. Preferably these persons should be connected with the organization by which he has been employed. A thesis is required of each candidate. It may be in the field of research, design, invention or engineering processes and methods. It must contain some original thought and, of courSe, be the work of the individual submitting it. In general, the thesis should be of such a nature that it will be of value to the engineering profession. The physical form of the thesis shall be in harmony with the requirements for other graduate theses. A candidate holding a bachelor's degree in one field of engineering may apply for this professional degree in another field of engineering if he has attained unusual prominence and success in that field. The fee for this profeSsional degree in engineering is $15.00 for registration and $20.00 for graduation. The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The degree of Doctor of Philo— sophy is conferred upon a candidate who, after completing not less than three years of graduate work devoted to study of a special field of knowledge, presents a satisfactory dissertation, demonstrates in a comprehensive examination a broad and penetrating knowledge of his dis~ sertation subject and his chosen field, and is deemed worthy of recog— nition as a scholar of high attainment. The doctor‘s degree is intended to represent, not a specified amount of work COVQring a specified time, but the attainment, through long study, of independent and comprehensive scholarship in a special field. Such scholarship should be evidencdlboth by the student's grasp of subject matter and by his capacity to do research. For information about being admitted as an apvl’ ant for a graduate K .r 0 degree, see the section entitled "Ayplication for Full Graduate Standing". p.939. limfiute \ I 1:. a u l I 1 l f r i '9 .a ._.- VA _— V. I. l I ( *~ tes of t 1%.... he Universitv Fecul y, Atril 21, 10%; 4». I w After being admitted to the Gi udJLC School, the applicant should 1 rt to the De LIL, who will assiggn the eTplicant to the eppropriate director or (or his eppointee) will he the app rlicr nt‘s eccepted '5 special {30 i1-i s d i rect adviser until he has selected his cissertmtion director and has been by him. Vhen the diSSertotion director has been chosen, the student bv the De?n after he has conferred with the student, sorta tion director. This committee sted himsel: to the University Until the special 0 1 gr (1:111 Tillfi s tu my . committeg will be Set up u the director of graduate study, and the di '1 w 5 s soon 93 tne student has sd‘u uh should he ‘et no as s environment and has found a suitable disse'r tatioo nroblem. committee is formed, the director of grntuatc study will advise the applicent us to his schedule of study, and he must initial each schedule before it is oresented to the Dean. The Special Committee 1 special committee sh all consist of th dissertation director as chair— man, two or three other members from the major area, and one or two members from the minor academic1.ree This committee mill advise the applicant and will set the requ uirements trhich the stud.nt must meet before he will be admitteti to the final examinationu Special committees shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall send abbreviated copies to the Dean's Office to he made a yert of the student's record. This committee determines when the qualifyi 1ng exe mine tion is to red, and the cha.irman schecules the examination in writing, W of the ennounCement to the Dean The oupointed special committee shall 00 the final judre on a majority basis of the questions to be asked on the queliiying examination and of the result of the exami» n:.tion. This committee may be advised by colleagues when it thinks it is desirable. he sdminist sending a examination is required of all applicants for the doctorate A qualifying admitted to candidacy. The to determine whether th.e an; licr int should he examination probably should we taken during the stude nt' 5 fourth semester of full—time graduate study, or the equivalent, but in no case later then the thirtieth day of the academic year in which the Fegree is eryccted. This examination shall be both written and oral ant shall cover both major and minor subjects. The sneoiol committee report to the Dean the result of the exe minetioxn including the time schedule of the examination, It the resul.t is failure, the committee shall recommend the conditions to be met before another examination may be another examination may be givet is members as are EV111‘01 , plus second exa. mi~ administered. The minimum time before six months. The same committee, or as many of the added by the Dezn to fill Vacancies, shall A third examineition Shel 1 not he allowed. those give the notion. one academic yecr must elaps e between tle time of the confer ring of the degree. If e.student has H; A minimum 0 quelifying examinrtion and the completed his residence and course recuirements, howevo.r, and wishes to complete his dissertation in absentia, he may oetition the Graduate Council for nermission to do this out of residence and without payment of the usual regu istration f ees. Major and Minor Subjects Every applicant for the degree must select one major area of study and no more than two minor subjects, at least one of which must be outside the major area. V9321" Minutes f the University Faculty, April 2 l 52 S m The major subject shall be one in which he intends to concentrate his efforts; the minor subjects must be aphrOVed by the me or urea. ti 0 Fl : p .. .. O 9'3 {\1 3 S U) (-1— U” G) p. t1 c t h.) ,.J 0 1:1 2’. d. O H U) ‘3 Cf CJ (3 O C“ i . Although the regulations are somewhat elastic resoecting tie time to he devoted to the major and minor subjects, the major subjec should represent approximately twowthirds of the student's entire time. The other one—third should be devoted to the mine" subject(s). At least onensixth of the total time shall “a devoted to u minor out— side of the mnjor academic department, and at lecst one "ember oi the special committee from outside the major area shall represent this outside minor. Only the Graduate Council may authori7c deicrtures from this rule. Courses Any regular graduate course may be assigned as part of the appli- cant's work by his Special committee. Courses in the graduate bullew tin are considered to be of graduate status. The Humier and extent of such courses are determined by the special committee. Residince A minimum of three collegiate years of resident gredue e wort, of which at least the last year in residence must be spent at the Jniver— sity of Kentucky, is required for the doctorate. Candidates may be given leaves of absen e by their Special committees (not to exceed one-fourth of the last year of required residence) to make use of superior facilities elsewhereo «1, Leaves consuming more than oneefourth of the last year must be approved by the Graduate Council and will not be allowed to candidates who have not spent at least one year at the UniVQrsity already. A doctoral student’s schedule may i on his dissertation, and agorapriate r such study, but in no case shall the r time spent in study. nclude an assignment to work sidence may be allowed for sidence allowed exceed the While it is expected that a wellaprepered student of good ability may secure the degree upon completion of three years of full~time study, it should be understood that this requirement is a minimum and is wholly secondary to the matter of scholarship. Time spent in studi, however long. the accumulation of facts, however great in amount, and the completion of courses, however numerous, cannot be substi— tuted for independent thinking and original research. Language Requirement The applicant must give evidence of having a good reading know~ ledge of at least two modern foreign languages. This yroficiency is determined by examinations conducted by the resPective language departments at the University of Kentucky. While ordinarily French and German are preferred, the final choice should be made under the guidance of the student's special committee, who will recommend what languages are to count. In cases of students whose native tongues are acceptable but which are not taught at the University, the Gradu~ ate Council may validate the languages on such evidence as it deems sufficient. The language requirement must be satisfied before the applicant may be admitted to the qualifying examination. "a .\ ' i Ifinutes of Wm the Universitv Faculty, candidate must nreSent a 1 d) 2'0 + rtuuion must Wit investige‘tion must represent , must be known on the subject. recommends depr rture s from the instructions by the Graduate School, manual. 001.3 of not less Dean of Two bound typewritten copies of ies of on abstract, than ADO give evidence the result of dozil 21, 19%? The Uissertetion original bound, nor more than too the Gradue te School at leD st three the dissertation coverin of the 0' o I Candidate 3 h Ulle work, must include original earoh, and must in some may add to or otherwise modify what was previously Unless the director of the dissertation Specifically thesis work. is ability to carry 3.nd must be satisfactory in style and compo— e definite contribution to independent knowledge of O 35 in the thesis menuol recommended dissertation €111 (l the thesis must be in coniormity with advice in this two typewritten the first carbon unbound, usually which the RegistrarI s Oifice will receive grades at the next dissertation. commenCemento An approval sheet signed by a Special committee (including the director of the thesis) Before d_isserte tions a The Rules for USe of Theses must me p I K ZMCCT1V, title DE 30. I 1 ice to use eVe J sake and in availeoili Hdm School step will be followed. cover and a title page, the name of tlie title priate ins A candidate may elect ir writing to let his filmed and copyrighted by the University. taken in the name of the before hed, r1. TLC-l t is ex nected that tion either ill its journals