xt7qnk361p0s_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Monthly and Annual Reports text Monthly and Annual Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_87/Folder_1/0731.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_10 xt7qnk361p0s ." l .v
gndarginning Program
No. of units in Wheelwright 386
No. of units completed 3&6
E0. cf units remaining December 31 no
No. 9f units completed during January 1
No. of units remaining January 31 39
Houaes Unfierginned during January — Comglete
House Cost
No. ”ITEEG of ImErovement Labor Materials Total
#138 “III/{i/"u/P and Storage 987.02 5h2J+2 1,529.1Iu
Only one house was completed éuring January because of bad weather
‘ conaitions.
gyderginning Projects in Progress
House Cost
No. Txge of Imgrovement Labur Materials Total
137 If]? Only 583.61; 298.17 881.81
18% U/P Only 1,051.12 113.23 1,16%.28
TOTAL 1,635.39 1,0ll.h0 2,6h6.79
Re-roofing Program
No nausea were re roofed during January because of bad weather.
300M AND Bath Additions ~ Comgletad
House Account . Cost
No. Type of Improvement No. Eafior Materials Total
. r 319 Extra. Room {4,, 5‘57 SIX-1026 731.62 866.05 1,597.67
L7 ,,‘i/

 . Room amt Bath Additions - In Progress -
Hausa Account Coat '
No. Type of Imgrovement No. Labor Materials Totai
1.30 Bath Addition SA~1026 31+0.1;2 317.02» 657.1%
321 Extra Room & Bath SA-1026 1,112.99 1,312.32 2,h25.31
181; Bath Addition 5.»-3.026 h29.96 335.69 765.65
138 Bath 3. Remodel {SA-1026 1,3h0.u8 1,038.1;5 2,378.93
83’; Room Extension SIX-1026 616.01 661.22 1,3h3.23
TOTAL 3,899.86 3,671.1»? 7,571.28
The houses liated above are about 95 yer cent completa. The delay in .
completing is caused by no% getting all of our bathroom fixtures which
have been on order since December 1; 1955.
Paint Reaerve
Previous Labor and Materials Used 3,320.26 .
January Labor 826.98
January Materials 107.jo
. TOTAL 9, 851+ . 7%
Interior Painting
Account Cast
’ Reuse K0. Ho. Booms - Ho. Labcr materials Total
A-B.-u [35’ 2 51-181 131.88 3335 165.33.»
138 \‘J; 2. 51-181 56.82. 31.1.0 88.22.
321 »‘.“; 9. 51-181 56.52 13.80 70.321
228 Q 1 51-181 18.81. 8.35 27.19
228 In 2 51-181 By request 6.90 6.905
229 \l; 1 :31—182 18.8h 3.57 22.n/
2.31. 5 1 51-182 18.8h 3A5 22.29“”;-
395% \yi 1 51-182 18.81; 3.1.: 22.22%
TOTAL 320.88 lab-.37 2.2%.95
Items listed under Account No. 51~182 are rooms refinishea because
of damage when a floor furnaca is installea.
Items listed under Account NU. 51~181 are normal repairs to paint
when house is rerouted.
. Items marked (By request) are materials furnished by the Company
when tenants pay for the labor. .

 . {go-flooring.
House Account Cost
No. No. Rooms No. Labor flotatiole Total
138 ’ Q! 3 51-183. 150.72 161.88 312.60 A
221» f 2 51-181 8h.20 78.80 153.00
263’ $3 3 A Both 5:.—3.81 169.16 12h.oo 293.16
3974 ; 2 513181 2.13.015r 82.22 195.26
229’ <|1 51m=L81 113.01; h8.32 161.36
395.}3/A0 E 51451 1.13 .0h 33:39. 332.81;
TOTAL 7h3.20 582.02 1,325.22
Thirteen rooms 33d one bathroom were re-floored god finished ouring
January. All other rooms that Here started and not complete at the
end of January are not shown on this reporfi.
Egggg Furnaces Inatolleé
House Aocoont ,1 Cost
“£34“ No. y5 Labor Materials Total
3335:" 51-182 557‘ 18.13 139.10 157 . 23
. 2229-- 51482 .. 6’ 514.39 1k8.70 203.09
2431;“ 51-182 [1/ 130.35 Ile8.89 279.2%;
116' 51-182 9‘ 92.07 125.60 217.67
HAL-=2" 51-3.82 l ' $.21 122.18 162.15
TOTAL 331.91 6871;? 1,019.38
The cost of the furnace is included in the cost of materials.
, }
gisoellaneous Projects in ?rogross
Account No. ZOwQOQ
Fence below swimming pool
Cost of labor and Materials during January $ h89.51
Street light near house No. 111%
Cost of labor and materials flaring January 112.h9
Q Retaining wall near house No. 137
Coat of labor and materials finriug January 707.65
Siae walk and road repairs - Branham
Cost of labor and matarials - grevious 272.80
. Cos-i; of labor arm materials; - January $.32
TOTAL $51,636.81; ’
Lass cost report on previous report §T_§%%;§%

 g .
. Eggcellaneous Proa’ects {Contimzcc‘iz
Account No. H-QO
Repairs and painting main office
Coat of labor and materials for January $ 89h.96
Account EofiE-W ‘
Hine road repairs a Left Otfier Fork
Cost Of labor auring January $ 217.56
Mine road repairs s Buckingham
Cast a? labar auring January 331.36
TOTAL — Aesowmt H.592?! far January 5; 51:8.92
Acaaunfi 36. 55~131
Begairs to sewage plant
Cost of labor and materials for January $ hh3.62
. 97
fix I” '77,” ’.,‘ // A ‘
(:::i."‘€?"%(3/L§g~z 225-Lo 7
rSuyerinte dent
Mus—111154 and. Grounfis
cc: BOZimmerman
February 85 1956

9 January 1956
To: Curt Blair
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Menthlz report of Buildings and Grounds Department
Beginning with January, 1956, you are to include on your
monthly report all items listed below:
UZP Program Reroofing Program
‘ Items completed No. of hen ed
Items in progress No. of garages c ed
Booms and Bath Additions Pain m
. items completed Aam nt labor nd materials ex-
‘ Items in pragress pe‘ord
Interior Painting (ex I}
"Except rooms cove e by Spec Ap~ upriations."
House No. of Acct. Cost
No. Rooms No. or Materials Total
00 82 80.00 30.00 110.00
0 ' 2 51 50.00 15.00 65.00
X 2 Request - 12.50 l2.§0
Reflo in
List t same as terior painting. N
Paul Curry make a monthly report on all Jobs done other I 1
than those covered by special appropriations, ~1g$ I
houses for U/P, or regular Jobs like hauling garbage and ’
cutting grass. (example)
Project Cost _
__gg. Project Labor Materialg Total
. 00 Road repairs - Branham ll-OO. 150. 550.
000 Retaining wall front
house #00 7&0. 370. 1.110.

To: Curt Blair
From: R. I. McKinney
Date: 9 January 1956
Page: Two
Leonard Hall will keep the records daily on the projects
and will give each project a number as they occur, or only
the ones we think necessary to keep cost of.
Please refer to this letter each month when 4 ing your
monthly repert.
’ ’ 7/3/2 ci- K}.:;,f7~_>z z“ “’ "C/‘i/
”Jugerl ‘ndent L/
‘ Bu 1d 53:—(and Grounds‘ Dept.
cc: HOZimmerman J

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550 3.3/7? crazy 3:.“? g .., 3.32 3 . at? £333 a £32 .
- 3533 333/33: 33323.3- ", . 233:. 34: 3: 3,, 3337.137 _
., .-- ..». , .- '3 «3:3 n~ f .- — .
3.3;; 33,3333 33133;: 33333 W 2,33; . m3
. . — ,. a . f . Mn .3 If’ ~13." «3 . »Q '
358 ny awa ataraga 6?6.U2 wyéflfiowQ 330%§.o§
?wtal ‘ . 1,?31391 6&G.Gl 2,5?1.§2 -
Bfifih anfl flomm W£éifiiamfl w fifmgletmfl . 1
Wan-W hunts-un— >
' ‘.5330uag
- 3 ' —- . .. -. - .. - ...‘ n. :.‘.‘~ , c- 3 {3 .,.. ..t’ $2:
&* fiaom axnenslmn fingizflmlflah §9i.fi3 ukh.k; £9u30990 .
‘~ t ,/ . , .
Kath &m@ 396% Afléitianu a In ?rogreaa - .
24333 7:3 .3 .'.1‘ ,3 3.1 .. «. 1r: r36 1: ‘1 3“; EU“) "5 "I ‘3' Q" If?" ? 3‘56
J wt. (“.1 {infii 3» Oh}. mm”. ua‘. .,3" u a (... :3— o N- »- ,,I) a >
,, 5 > . g! ,.. f: .. ..A . .4 a S . (.,‘... ,.‘l .
. 5532. ..33‘332‘3 rat->253 €33 “53333233 3.,9b'inq 3.,ij.£22‘: 2, ivl.?§; - .
t . . . ' n . r N , g . .., Z3 :- . 4.4-
, 13% matg afluition 333.3? 370.7Q ueu.aa
IES Bath aflaition “ 393.63 3?h.k& ??1.3b _

 ' ’ ' 1" ' > . - ~ ' 7 , 2, ’ g ' . , . . ‘ 2m“ 1.3.12“ v:.__»':.;’ .1 11.2.? ,g:.;;;3;_{:s;r;~a;3g j. y‘_Zv-.‘;:_L'""’271fi'ft'}g;?g£3§§:
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7 ‘ - ' ‘" ‘2 “ . . '. . " 7"L’T
: . “i . I .2 ' I :
we .-. H. 0. Zimmerman ‘_
From: $3 is Mefiinney . * ‘~
‘ n. =2» 3’ - . 2:
. fiate: T fierce 1953 . a I
Page: TVS ’ .
I . .3.. ‘ ...: ., > I .
2 uath and oem Adfietiene m Ia Preyrese h
- . gauge ecceunt . . Qfiifiumww“m_mm~ . I 5'
‘fifie §ywewgf immrevemeng Ruggggm thoq fiaterieis fia$§$ .
153 See: addition eonOEG 153.32 £72.3h E2?.56
‘ 1&0 Extra room 3 92h.§6 t05.23 1,u30.19 2 ~~
_ e33 sue: eéaitioa “ 331.?% 335335 ' 96?.13 '
' _ 13? 3:333:33: addition *" 187. 69 92:323. 52:: £372. 27
v\ L 3 3 v: M , A , . 3‘2 .3 a; _ 1": .fl - "a f "3 . .
23233333. 3: 3, :33 . 522:: 13.3.33» rm. "1333., 2'30 ' .
I "5:123. 3. 2'11; Rfi;;€2:{""i3'e - ' '
‘ ‘I‘flh‘lfla‘u‘a‘Mé-nflml .
. . , 2 - 2" . ‘3 '
?§ev;enn 1&333 and materials used S;d§%3?h
. Eehruery labor fiééofih
.2. ' $043333. 10,?21368 ’2
, interior Painting ,,,,
House . eccouat ‘
, “Egg, 303 of Baggy mumbgg“, gene? Eateriele figfigl . , *
3‘. ,4 ' ,
' " 1"" s ‘x . .. v ,2 /
2532323 5&2 53.1233 isei?.¢;2i; HWY, blulb}. EE:-1.3.??? 33332.3(} 3.55 {2.2322 :/ 2 ‘7 .
333‘? 23 fit 5311.33»: 3.33.3323. 1.33.50 32. 633 .
' . 28? 3 end toilet,9 51n1e; §§§.@h 1e.%g é;23E2“/ 2
. /, . ."“"” ' -
- {3:33:31 53:33? 3 :33? . .223 3.3? . €35 . *
12322 fifirjfirifl L,“ I .
W . .
' ,. 3 . z. ' . I ’
22:2? 2 / 331-312;}. 1133.923 $7.232 1320.232} .
238 k and tealet $v‘ glaze; 237.3% 1?%.e2 387.29 .
T ‘ ’ 1"" ’.‘/("4 I} “‘I. ’-“ 5.5 ~ ‘ I; I: -_ ‘ a .
53A} '.‘.5 V/ pith-3.233- Iii-Beat? ‘51».sz 3.95.154} . .
I' ' ‘ r" - 0. 2? AI n- M ‘T fi > ~’ ,
3 5’74: i— C: ' 3‘1”???” “b .. $254“? 11“ J") '
w ‘3. AA :33. 1:33. 3 2323 232:3: .3333 (36. 12 2‘- . 2
c/” . «gamma «nun—n ___._.- .‘,
/ .v s - 2 ‘ , . .
ire-33:31. 2 5335 . 5:3 1:20:12 . 23333 95 3 . €323
Eieo: Earnwee Eneteiletion 1,
‘ 3*. 373.3333? thymeee was installed. in ::w , A43.” 3:33, replacing; a. wall. ‘33
fuyneee fine ta elteretione efffii2 (,eng seam. ’fie rent iaceoeee ‘.
- maée. Coat: leber ~ $55.10“ i/Eeyiele a $187.53; tetel m~$xee.?2. ;
/ I . 2 ;

 11 . . ., » ,r . I ‘
- mififlfiil&fl96u3 Pragecte . .
4 4. . 4 “‘ . 4 1. .I'I . .. g, , a " _
;;flmfluszt Brave Cam. 4.402.452, E-‘eua
W4 - 4. “r 1». "v ~ r-PJ 4-4 "‘ '4». 4-. rs '.v 4* , 1 . ‘ ‘
’ -'.‘ :.::Eh’l‘f ”4.54? 4: 1134.143 14:44.4. .‘.; “fig fififial
W. W W‘ 4 mm M ‘
“V ... 4 ”4. 4 .. . .4 4. . r9."- r' r 4; f3, )1 ,.‘ : F‘H‘ \ 1v" . -‘
Emma:“ tannin .Cumt :3494343413 $31.54}. $459.5}; 1527944558 .
‘9» 4' 4. - 4h . .9 4'. u , n ."4 {7. ._ 3 4 f qt: 4:}: vs ."
mun «7.434 5.352 393.4414 5.314;, «M?» 3344;» 4.94344 3 :..~;—.-.‘l..g4 s’ 157335.5"33 . 4 »_-
4- .. . . ., .. «5‘: Fr» ‘4; .4 :2. an - *4 if "
44314:. ..‘ remarwz. E; .44-413?. £443 1:41? :.4443 44 f? ;' .2 , 3hu.99 .
4 :4 ‘r 4 n 4 e . '1: 1 4“: r“ r 4 ‘= "- F. s 4“ 51:, v :4 .,. .
' Wti‘ee ‘. «; 3: ‘9 (9 44.33.14,). Vr‘uwgfifif $45, :.4 u ”,4 i 34;- .244‘, 131 a 12 , 
» 1;: . .4 q, .. v7.1: 1’14" "9 v f!- “ ‘ F“ M" {'5‘ f} 3 ? i4 “ 4 2
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»' «i .. v». w 4- «4 r43 ’1' m -$‘-‘I\- rm». ,,3, w, .744», ;, 1mg «“21" .03? r: r" y? 3 43 n “a": 813- ,
..'...ma .: ‘I.-.12 '1 4m. .:. =4 4 45;: 4.. mm; 4'4":.-<.:4 :.;“: a .,.-w '3"? . 44v 907. _
‘ '- '4 4 ”2'74 - 4 4. ». 4 .'.> ~ 4. ~ ~ a r‘ .44 § .4. ET :4 47' .4 g
, ulckm..é.4.. .,. uzmuflam uniiaw (um-2.43:3 344;? 4;"; 2.9 347,443 34:35.1;5
w 4 ...“. 7 . a "1‘5 :.‘ :.‘-“5 "a 3.4 " " '
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:24“! 4w“ ,., :.:»4 4.4.43 "wms4444. "79‘ NW. 3f}? 31f {1‘11} 13,6 0 -4
> M .44.; G d; .L.. .44. ,;__.h .4. ii dun-4x; g j _2444“. a. .I., ¢ '43 n -. _; a ‘
'7- : «93mm Wm; .14-4744. 4 44: T‘erfi,‘-'fi.3 5:,,-E '25:: FL; 3C; V
..4“; L 143 .,. x.. ...44‘ 4; I“ Qua-«.:. .... - .4 4.. ,- '1 a a .., J 3 .,.
., .._ ’ . . _ . ,4, . -§7 :3 ‘4
“friamimx gammy 4?: rm“. Emma ‘1" 1‘4 «4:335 4231}. fig 391}. 20
m. 444'“ 4 '1 14‘4”? .:: 9 PAN“ rm 57 ~ -
..‘.U‘LJJJ. :1 9 4.; J; a ”24.3 “4’3 2.33%); ;'§ .419 032.3%5 »
N) . > .
‘K " '4’ , '-
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.11/4:234 attain-:.'; r3 ’3 '2: ' .
44.4%2.i1414;1.;;,44 444:6? :4EA?CZ*43£1{4'.4“§
“=4Elicia-.MmQyak? .- '
’. 3:: 2 Y4. "$213217:€3.15??? ' - . i _
{if}? 7.3.5; :5,? ‘ . - ' .. ‘ ' ,

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To: H. 3. fiimmewfimn A - 1 ~y
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ud‘? ‘1 ‘1” 1.1:"? 1"“‘1: . ' - . I V
v, Q. 1 m L . ' - 7 .
' Pagwfi 1hree _ . .
_ #:vggggng §§3a31q > > W.
,. :. .. r; I .- . t 1:.. F3 -- 49f; ( w .r. ,w > .
fhe yoofing ceatractars aava may suturnfl: :0 go Ige‘Iasbvfi17§?e ‘ '~'-.
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Gar regular employaaw uuR1ag sworung1 , . I
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‘ E_timmng. . E
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1113-25111 T3111: .:‘lia _ . . ‘1 .1
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> ‘ ' ' - *1. I v :17, n . I . 73, "V. .71, I. ,1.-,1, ..; r .5. .
. ueeigaea ta segfiyate in: mama: a 163% are: 1;: “Nuns“ carrie :_
ff7j'k:1i*?‘-Li’s c.1311 i2?1“:“-:’; 31511-111331“; :1“i.?;?':11"§::s I . ‘
*- .', "J ‘5’ ° ,1 m
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prlwa flnéerpinniug ~ v ?.:33o«3 I. i
w'wlfiflfi Hana: ufléifiémna :3u1mofi: , V
' I u . n . I I , a I. . 1 ,1.. _ _. , _ ; ,
$11151 Enteruar painting ::: rflilflflfifig 19E??°?fi- I;: ,
“3?.‘” 11:17:? 1362:1122}; :::mz Sarnucssu 1,:.1;,1.;I:.1 I I i
..:; ,1: w .1 f . 1 9 ‘3 ‘ . ’_‘ 3.‘}! ‘ _ ~ ,,
bw-131 ~ »ewage fiififlt repair» 1,11 ;g§.§z ;J .
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’ 311139 1‘ 1.21 I111'2,“iv;m I’m. ::::miiag c.1231. :::}; ‘ 1% .
x '“ 3 “TI ‘.' , r‘ I..“..- 1 - 111‘
2420312?- zsimw rm: 3.191%; In 1.12 1.1: 7331:"; .
?&a802 walk a Bramhxm 3:119: _ ”I:.fg , -% H
??»Q@Q fiefiainiag va11 n Ty n11: u§;.:w 3 .
I " ' "‘ ‘ "' . ' -< 1. . 1 » .. , a. - a: m {f a:
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-»uy:r in 1151;111:1311; ~ .
11111161111531; IIII:1 {:::-wanna: "flaps. ’ _
. ‘ EE:;Evliifimzv, ~13? _ ‘ .
. :::: = 153 Cumming: ‘ ‘_ . > . _ . ‘ >
v . 331:1: . . _ . V ('_O > a

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