xt7qnk361p0s_1044 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright 412-1/2 text 412-1/2 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_316/Folder_19/88m6_316_19_5411.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_1044 xt7qnk361p0s ISLAND CREEK COAL COMPANY ‘ ’
December ll, 1963
Mr. Burl Spurlock
First National Bank of Prestonsburg
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Dear Mr. Spurlockx
Gordon Brown, President of Mountain Investment, Inc.,
has advised Island Creek that Mountain Investment has arranged
for the First National Bank of Prestoneburg to act an escrow
agent in connection with the sale of mountain Investment prop-
erties at Wheelwright, Kentucky, which are subject to a mort-
gage from Mountain Investment, Inc. to Island Creek dated May
9, 1966, and recorded in the mortgage records of Floyd County,
Kentucky, in Volume 32, page 335.
Mountain Investment has requested that Island Creek re-
lease its lien of mortgage from Six designated lots with improve-
ments thereon situate at Wheclwright and forward to you the .
Releases of Mortgage covering said prOperties. Enclosed here~
with are five Partial Release of Mortgages covering the follow-
‘ ing property:
1) Lot 29
2) Lot 108
3) Lot 164
j 4) Lot 319
5) Lot 412~l/2 and C-9
, The above Partial Release of Mortgages are forwarded to
you with the underetanding that at the tire each transaction is
Cloned, you will forward to Island Creek 80% of the 25353 53333233
(purchase price) received by Mountain Investment from the sale of
said property. Mountain Investment has indicated that it has ,
already made arrangements with the bank for the bank to record
each Deed and Release of Mortgage and remit the balance of the
remaining 20% to Mountain Investment, Inc.
Sincerely yours,
‘ mmmnsfim~~'
‘ ’ Joneph L. Reynolds, III
Corporate Counsel and
? Assistant Secretary
I Copies:
i ///////)Mr. Gordon V. Brown
, F. A. Macdonald, Esq.
I .

January 27, I969
To: John Young
From: Frank M. Arnall Re: llousal—lo. ill2-l/Z
I am enclosing a plat covering No. hlZ-l/Z and 6—9, which was inad-
vertently omitted when we sent the Deed up to the bank for closing.
Please see that the enclosed Plat Is delivered to Mr. Preston when
the sale of this property is completed.
Frank M. Arnall

I WHEELWRrOST.-::N:::KV 41669 PHON: 606-457-2761 PLIA.‘ ADD-'.. RIPLV TO:
Date Max 29, 1262
To: Floyd County Tax Assessor, and
City of Wheelwright, Kentucky
Re: House and Lot No.k]2i
City of Wheelwright, Kentucky
The above captioned real estate was sold by Mountain Investment, Inc.
to Earnest Preston and Lilla J. Preston, His Wife
- mailing address Ifllheelwright‘,s Kg.
on Ngvcmber 1968 for $ MIEOOIOO total mnchase
Please indicate on the tax rolls that this property is now owned by
the above named purchaser(s) and that all future tax bills should be
issued to him (them). Also please remove our name as owner of this
Very truly yours,
. By
Certified Mail
Return Receipts in File on Lot No. III~l/2
, Tax Notice
(Form 68—13) Lot No.lt]2£

 M 0 U N T A I N I N V E S T M E N T, I N C.
530 American Heritage Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

November 27, I968
First National Bank
Prestonsburg, Kentucky hl653

Re: Sale of House No. hlZ-l/Z

Garage No. 0-9
We have instructed our attorney, Mr. John Allen of Prestonsburg, to
deliver to you the following executed deed to the above captioned
lot and garage, running to Earnest Preston and Lilla J. Preston,
You are to collect the full amount of the purchase price shown in the
deed, and remit 80% thereof to Island Creek Coal Company, in accordance
with their disbursement letter on this transaction. In addition, you
are to collect from the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the plat to the
property being sold, and $25.00 attorney's fee for the preparation of
deeds and other instruments (if any).
The deed is to be recorded at the expense of the purchaser; recording
fee for the release is to be charged against Mountain Invesnnent's
share of the proceeds of sale, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky.
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc. are to be deposited in
the non-operating account of Mountain Investment in your bank, with advice
to us of such deposit, and a duplicate deposit slip.
_ Yours very truly,

Frank M. Arnall \

 M 0 U N T A I N I N V E S T M E N T, I N C.
530 American Heritage Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

November 27, 1968
First National Bank
Prestonsburg, Kentucky hl653

Re: Sale of House No. 412—1/2

Garage No. G—9

We have instructed our attorney, Mr. John Allen of Prestonsburg, to
deliver to you the following executed deed to the above captioned
lot and garage, running to Earnest Preston and Lilla J. Preston,
You are to collect the full amount of the purchase price shown in the
deed, and remit 80% thereof to Island Creek Coal Company, in accordance
with their disbursement letter on this transaction. In addition, you
are to collect from the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the plat to the
property being sold, and $25.00 attorney's fee for the preparation of
deeds and other instruments (if any).
The deed is to be recorded at the expense of the purchaser; recording
fee for the release is to be charged against Mountain Investment's
share of the proceeds of sale, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky.
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc. are to be deposited in
the non-operating account of Mountain Investment in your bank, with advice >
to us of such deposit, and a duplicate deposit slip.
Yours very truly, '
Frank M. Arnall

355-99“ fiffifz‘fié‘fiéiffifff5532555523‘555.‘Jifféjfiéfjiéififiéié5558636 .. , __ I
xxxxxx 530 AmcrIcun Horutago ouxldzng Axxxxxxxx
JacksonviIIo, FIorida 32202
November 27, 1968
Mr. John Allen, Sr.
Post Office Box “#1
Prestonsburg, Kentucky #2653
Dear John:
I We are enclosing deeds covering the foiIowinj houses:
I I. - - Q l V
I House a Lot No. 319 to Rorus Roy ano Manda Ray
I House a Lot No. 29 to Harry Sartuko
I House 5 Lot No. 103 to Wilford Johnoon and Manda Johnson
l l
I House 8 Lot No. 164 to Cionn Hayes one Wanda L. Hayes
I House a Lot No. Mz—I/z
I Garage 8 Lot No. G-9 to Earnest Preston and Lilla J. Preston
I A letter to the Bank covering each transaction Is attached to each
I ,
I deed.
I Please complete your Certification, and any other work you should do
I on these deeds, and pass on to tho bank for compiotion of the transac—
: tIOns.
I Yours very sinceron,
I Frank M. Arnall _
I Secretary
I FMA/mw
I Encl. V

P. O. Box 357 PHONE 606-457.2761 PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To:

TRACT NO. I A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County,
Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of
Wheelwright and being Lot No. AlZ l/2 including the dwelling
house and appurtenance thereunto belonging located on said lot
or parcel of land of the Wheelwright sub—division as shown by first
party's map or plat in file No. 3A8 records of Floyd County Court
Clerk's Office.

TRACT NO. II A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County, Ken—
tucky on Otter Creek of left Beaver Creek in the town of Wheel—
wright and being Lot No. G-9 including the garage building and appur-
tenance thereunto belonging located on said lot or parcel of land of
the Wheelwright sub-division as shown by first party's map or plat
in file No. 348 records of Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.

Being part of the same property conveyed to party of the first
part by Island Creek Coal Company by Deed dated November 9, l966,
and recorded in Deed Book l9l at page 50A, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk's Office. ‘
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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the __7_day of QWESI‘ 19074
by and between Mountain Investment, Inc. , herein called "Owner" and
. E .1 ‘ 1,“ 53151 _W_“.
‘ I l1] 2 ‘ , herein called "Buyer".
_W_I _T_N_E_S_S_E_ I :1:
THAT WHEREAS "Owner" has offered to sell to "Buyer" Lot No, QEL JoCatcd
1n its Wheelwright sub-division, Floyd County, Kentucky, and shown on map or plat in Fllt‘ 348.
Floyd County Court Clerk's Office and improvements thereon except. as hereinafter set out for
the sum of $ISQQ gg , which is to be paid as follows:
$ QQQ 99 Down payment the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
‘ balance of $ 3600.00 on date of closing, and upon delivery of deed of conveyance to
"Buyer” with covenant of General Warranty of Title, subject to reservations of all utilities,
lines, meters, connections, easements and right of ways and restrictive use of same, all coal,

- “ll, gas and minerals and easements as reserved by Island Creek Coal Company in (iced of con“
\t yance dated November 9, 1966, of record in Deed Book 191, Page 504, at Floyd County Court '