xt7qnk361p0s_105 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Pest Control text Pest Control 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_96/Folder_15/6615.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_105 xt7qnk361p0s 2 . 2‘ 1' '7 ,' l, 7" O‘
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Issued November 1937
Washington, D. C. Slightly revised August 1939

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1 By E. A. BACK, prmczyml entomologzst, Dwzszmz of Insects Aflcct'nz‘g Man and
1 Awhnals, Bureau of Entomology and Plant lermltinc
l, Cockroaches may become troublesome in any establishment. They
1 are notoriously destructive and annoying 1n the k1tchens and pantries
of houses, restaurants, and hotels, and in stores, manufacturing plants,
libraries, etc. It is not only the food and other p0ssess1ons, such as
bookhindings and fine fabrics, which they eat or disfigure that make
them important enemies or man, but the pollution of foods over which
they run may place them in the role of disease carriers. Of the large
sums spent by owners of apartment houses, hotels, hospitals, and
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FIGURE 1.4’l‘he American cockroach: (I, View from above; I). from beneath. Enlarged one-third.
business establishments for pest—control services, a very large propor—
tion is ior cockroach suppressron; and thousands 01 dollars are spent
annually by the American public to fight roaches 1n the home. \Vhile
cockroaches can be controlled w1thout great drlliculty by home owners,
commercra‘r exterminators are availalfle in most Cities for such work.
Kinds of Cockroaches
Five kinds of cm‘kroaches are frequently found in. American homes.
. The American cockroach (Penplancta amcrzcauna L.) (fig. 1) is the
whom—39 1

’ largest; it is from 1% to 2 inches long when full—grown. It is light
brown. All of the adults have long, powerful, reddish—brown Wings. 1
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FIGURE Qi—Tiie Australian cockroach: a, Male with wings spread; 12, female; c, nymph. All life size. j
The Australian cockroach (Periplaneta (Mistralasine .F.) (fig. ‘2) '
resembles very closely the American cockroach, but is seldom more i
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._. 2 2 2 D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 E 3;“ Issued Samimunthly by the Superintendent of Documents.
2' 2 2 : a. 2 f 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 : I 9;“; Government Printing Office. Washington 25, D. c.
. . . 2 m . 2 . . . . . . 2 : : 2 u: 2:2 ~
2 2 2 = o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 “z“
:4 2 2 2 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 E E E 2 E 2 % 1§§ 1948 N0. 9 . MAY 1, 1948
2 2 2 2 1: : : : : : 2 i i E i i i 3 £4;
2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 = = z 2"?”31‘2 .
, 2 i 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 E <: 423;” Annual Digest of State and Federal Labor
2 c3 5 ': 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . m Egegg Legislation. Enacted August 1, 1946, to September
,__2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 23’s,}? 1, 1947. 1948. 119 p. 30¢.
m 2 2 2 2 2 2 ’2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2: 23.1 C°*“'°S N°2 '- ”3‘99
. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . : : : 2 : '2 2 . .
E E i E ___..______________ Z: 222%“ Assrsiance to Greece and Turkey. Second re-
‘ a) 2 5 2 a 2 E 2 2 i 2 U E§2§§§é port to Congress for the period ended Dec. 31, 1947.
3 2 g 2 2 g EEE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a 23%; 1948. 64 p. 21. 25¢. Catalog No. s 1.65:3
‘ G.) G 27> 8212’ 24 ifif
2 2 E a 2 2 '2 5 2 2 "25¢“ Decisions and Orders of National Labor Rela-
. PU 2 .~ ___.._____—.____ O “52% tions Board: Vol. 74. June 9. 1947-Aug. 21.
9" 2 § 2°; 3 i j 5 E 5 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 E 3% 1947. Table of cases reported, decisions and orders
0 M E —8 g o 3 2 2 i E i E C) ngé‘gggfi of the Board, court decisions cited. 1948. 1769 p.
Z 3 “g No 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Q ‘tgitxfgéijjt Cloth, $4.00. Caialog No. LR 1.8274
8‘ >2 e O 5 i i i E E 2 2 ‘2 2 E 2 2 8 Dixired. Dixigem. and Soul-bland Peaches.
‘ Three new peach varieties are described in this circu-
~~~~~~~~-—————-~-——--~-—~——-—--——-—~————-————---—————~~————~——————————~——~—~—~~———-————-2 lat. 1948.7p.il.10¢. Catalog No.Al.4/2:766
U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 2 Federal Standard Stock Catalog Section 4 '
2 DIVB‘I‘S/DA‘IS :1; goggczpopugrmwrs PAYMENT OngngAGEv 530° i Part 1. Federal Specrficahons. Index. Rev1sed
_ 2 - ' 2' to Jan. 1, 1948. 1948. 156p. 35¢. _
OFFICIAL BUSINESS 2 Catalog No. T 58.1 0 /3:Ind. / 948
2 Handbook on Insec'l' Enemies of Flowers and
2 Shrubs. Information in this handbook will enable ‘
_ 2 the gardener to recognize the common insect and
Name 2 related pests he may encounter in the flower garden
2 and to apply the proper remedies, thus protecting not
Street address : only his own plants but also those of his neighbors.
2 1948. 115 p. ll. 35¢. Catalog No. A 1.38:626
City and State """-”"“"""""-““-"u"_"-"""-"".-"n-""""-"""“""“ : GPO 10‘53415‘12
- |

 Health of Arc Welders in Steel Ship Construc- studies in the field of food controls administered by
tion. Presents the clinical and environmental find— OPA between 1942 and 1946. [1948.] 404 p. pl.
ings of a cooperative investigation into the respiratory 75¢. Catalog No. Pr 33.310:13
health hazards of shipyard arc welders who were
working with coated electrodes on bare steel or galva- ”[4“ United sfanlies Associations in World Trade
nized steel. 1947 [published 1948]. 200 p. il. ’43 {attfi‘figgfi and Affairs. Brings together for the first time Infop
55¢. Catalog No. FS 2.3:298 (€069 REV“; mation on 900 cooperative, nonprofit associations in
xi: §&%% the United States having a special interest in foreign
. Labor Market Information (Area Series). _ \é : trade or in international affairs. 1947 [published
Issued monthly and_sold on subscription. Presents \\§% ‘ 1948} 125 P- il. 3°¢- Catalog N°- C 18125370
_ ghet rnost {5:632 :V’flllggli 1:50;) {Firkft Informing? isRa c'ontinfquliop1 otthedserilszs Lvhiqh Fhlasfheretptore pbrlesented
er amino 1 mm a e p y en cen ers o e ” e m ‘3 i" ” t ' t",t ‘ ' r' ' ' -
country, based on reports secured from local offices of e§lpfilinsfomelimporghf icqlgthofhav;:beendl€|;r:§d $21135 32:13:! r331?ligiiflfifischv‘izgf ' gel-12133322221
affiliated State Employment Services in the areas con- p'F’I eXper'encel “Smee'mg '.esearc I a”. “‘5' er” °"° ' b 1 ' , '
. F d r | t f d r h it _ o servatory results, and strong—motion seismograph
cerned. $2.50 a year. Catalog No. LMAR—1948 Zfliied i’any innéii°érirr§cii3§ 21:31:? iiiJSIifiioiiaericiciiii results. 1947. 38 p. i1. pl. 35¢.
serve as a valuable supplement to practical instruction. Catalog NO. €4.25/2gg45 '
Labor Market Information (Industry Series) gl'dplter hegdings inckdelAIrpigne‘ Flighi’lsmus hnd Pslpins'
. no one tructure, up one ngmes, ying t 2 one,
IS dmothl, d 1d 13 ‘t' _ A'tES AirpriTralf'iSe la ,adSit ' Fl'ht. Th A- -
1021i persélnei 3.3131? af’iiii‘ofcrifif? .IVISSISOZa pendix Ioue'ihow‘ingfémrmtgeuts'tm'si...”Jams- ’"BL'CAT'WS 5"” AVA'LABLE
d cl . l y. ’. bg P ’ . ’ ’ run, and rate-oi-climb at temperatures from 0° F. to 100° . . .
an pl: :atltofia etirganlzeitlons 3% presenténg currept F., and pressure altitudes from sea level to 7,000 feet. 1A1"). COEPG'SHS 10f PCCIfi? hwal'. Factors Jestab-
, em y en ev opmen 5, near- u ure )0 prospec s, _ is in e enera attern o t e war a ainst a n.
and recruitment problems in major industries served C°I°l°9 N°' C 31'1 06: F 64/4 Price 50 cents 1947.g 75 If: map. P60¢. g Pa
by employment offices. sgqo la yea}: LMI ————————————————-— Catalog No. W 1.71 :P 11/2
I a a og o. N_1948 field? How is he appointed? What does the Public _ _ _
Health Service do in research? 1947 {published C°Mbm°h°n Scorebook _f‘" U. S- . Rifles.
Lighting Schoolrooms. The problem of lighting 1948]. 20 p. 11. 15¢. Catalog No. FS 2.2:? 56 M1903 and M1, and wanms Auhmahc Rifle
schoolrooms has been the subject of much discussion “£1918A2- Thls SSOFEbOOk 115 prepafried ”1 EUCh flaw]
and man rinted documents. It is one of the most . . , . . t at at any range an In any C 355 0 ringt e 50 ier
controverysigl problems in the field of school archi- PrInCIple of Equalization Applied to the Allo- can turn to the proper part of the book and find com—
. tecture. The purpose of this pamphlet is to give a cation of Grants in Aid. Historical survey of the plete information as to the manner of recording the
nontechnical background on school lighting for infor— development Of. Federal SHIP“: economic interpreta- £65111“ and conditions Of his fire. 1945‘ 10¢'
~ . _ _ tion of rants-in-aid, descri tion and evolution of Catalo No. 3.2:Sco 94 '
mation of architects, school plant planners and edu g P 3 W 7/ 3
cational administrators. [1948.] 17 P. ’ 10¢ Federal grant allocation, and basic equalization for-
Catalog N0 F5 517:104 mum' 1947 {PubliShed 1948} 225 13' il' 75¢" Rat Proofing Buildings and Premises General
' ' ' Catalog No. FS 3.11:66 . . ' . .
. .. , - ._ ._ __ .2 . principles of rat proofing, rat proofing farm buildings
_Nutritional Qualities 01‘ _RGNSG Forage Plants Relation Between Urinary Calculi and Use of and my bmldmgs’ aild need for organized control 0f
m Rel + r G th B rc ttl th - - - - - ”“5- 1942- 26 P- ‘1- 10¢-

. . ram org um In eer- a enln a Ions In .
Southgrhogla‘ins rgzggmviilantalegange. eP‘izsent: file 503“": GreatsthainsF lfieperfilgtgmdme Catalog NO- I 1-72-19
results of analytical work as interpreted in relation to that the formation of urinary calculi in steers being
plant palatability and use by beef cattle, results of fattened on grain sorghums may be controlled to a Reaction of Oysters to Chlorination. Results
blood analyses 0f the cattle, and IESUIIS 0f 51960211 considerable extent by using the threshed grain rather 0f study undertaken with the view of obtaining data
grazing and SL1131316316“me feeding ICStS haVing 21 than the heads, and by supplementing the ration with Which may be useful to the Oyster industry and to
bearing on the food value of pasture plants. 1947. phosphorus. 1947. 14 p. i1. 5¢. Public Health officers in charge of shellfish sanitation.
61 p.11. 15¢. Catalog No.A1.36:943 Catalog No. A 135:945 1946. 28 p. il. 10¢. Catalog No. I 49.26:”
Physician in the U. S. Public Health Service. Studies in Food Rationing. One of the narrative Universal Military Training. Why needed, what
Gives answers to such questions as What does the and analytical volumes in the CPA series of Historical it is, some objections, questions and answers. 1946.
corps ofl‘er the young phySiCian? May he choose his Reports on War Administration. Brings together six 24 p. 10¢. Catalog No. W 107.2:M 59/2


 ' . ’ ‘ May 25. l9h8 . , ,7' 7T
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, D. C. ‘ 3’
.7 Subject: Insecticides and Pest Centrol
:7 , ' Please send us a bulletin from which ve may find the _ J
3 proper treatment for the eli i ation 9nd control of ' '
. American cockroaches commonly known as water bugs. T
.T . Fnclosed is a self-addressed envelope. § '
i. Very truly youvs, .
-’ w ‘ ?uoerlntendent I -
' Building and fironnds 5
' ‘ LSWecker—js ’ ' ' Hi

 1 June 10, l9h8 _
‘ Superintendent of Documents ‘ 4 '5
Government Printing Office " .3
Washington 25. D. G. ' >L .
Gentlemen: . 7.;fi
Please send me one copy of the publication L 12b ‘7
-' ”Cockroaches and Qheir iontrol". ' '.
Enclosed you will find $.05 in stamps. .-N
- , 1 Yours very truly, ;L f
. Superintendent L ‘ 3:1;
Buildings and Grounds . '*:WYI
7‘ ‘ LSEecker—Js _ . _ -‘j;r?
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1' fl .

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Ameri can so ckroache s commonly known as wet er bugs . 3‘
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