xt7qnk361p0s_1058 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 413-434 text Houses 413-434 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_317/Folder_14/88m6_317_14__10392.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_1058 xt7qnk361p0s MOUNTAIN INVESTRIENT, INC.
P. 0. BOX 357 PHONE 606 457 2761 PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To:
WHEELWRIGHT, KENTUCKY 41669 - 530 American Heritage Bldg .
, Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
August 2b, 1969
Helton & Linton
Pikeville, Ky. 41501
Re: iaie of House 8 Lot No. _ifi:fi___
wheeiwright, Kentucky
The above captioned reai estate was Soid on _iBJgUEfl; 23, :196SL
to Harry Fain and Hattie_Fainz hte wife ___ ,
For $ 1{900.00 _-’ total purchaae price.
The initiai cost of acquisition of this property carried on our
records is $ 783.00 . Your records wiii indicate the deprecia—
tion charged off.
It is estimated that 20/ of the initial cost of acquisition is
attributable to iand and the balance to buiidinqa.
Please incorporate this information 5n the tax and accounting
records of the company.
‘.’er y tru i y yours ,
Photocopy of letter of
August 23, 1969 from MOUNTAIN I NVEjTME NT. INC .
First National Bank, ./r\
Prestonsburg, Ky. enclosed BY___"_nwm;;__fl_.m____
showing breakdown of the Presidmfi
transaction — als copy of
deposit slip showing amount
deposited in our non—operating
account in Pikeville National Bank
Notice of Sale
to Accountants
(Form 69—20) L01 N0. __Q2Q

 August 19, 1969
First National Bank
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Attention: Mr. Burl Spurlock, President
Dear Mr. Spurlock: _
I am in receipt of a copy of the letter of August 15, 1969
addressed to you regarding sale of Lot 42h to Harry and Hattie
Fain, purchasers, and signed by John P. Young, Manager.
This is to confirm Mr. Young‘s statement that we cannot pay you ‘
any discount fees, escrow fees or other charges onathis or other
sales. When we quote a price to a purchaser it must be a net
price to us if we are to maintain any degree of uniformity in
our sales program.
As I indicated to you the last time we discussed the matter
in person, I am most reluctant to say to prospective purchasers
that it will cost them an additional 5% to finance through the
First National Bank in Prestonsburg. It seems to me that this
will not help ~ and can only be harmful to your public relations.
I most emphatically don't want a hand in anything which might
appear to be antagonistic to you. However, under the circum—
stances, in this matter we have no choice.
If you can work out some other approach to the problem and will
advise us as to how you wish to handle it, we will be pleased to
conform to your wishes, so long as we are not required to pay
discounts out of our sales prices.
Please advise us.
Yours very sincerely,

Gordon Brown

wfi I. , W
2. ;, '.;.9 '
T. ~;': 2'; . T.; "_ ..._, ,‘;. ;.£;;:'Tl:;
'1 .'5: , 5 .‘L15\ n3- _‘ 9.1):
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Re: _, W- .T 2. ..‘. 1:,

Liam} . . I

i "‘5 5 ‘ ”Ar, . '.' '. . _

2:152 L-‘ : ,' T. '_ ' $2.1 . , .

{5,7‘Elri (5 \ :.“ ~ ~ ('51, .
'§(/Z,.T Hg '
7’2": "j i ,7 ', ‘ .

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1:37? «NH-7..} T" (nidefi:

. I r

::c/ .‘vir. horde“ i: Texan, Freaidc'm‘,
Mountain Inveat‘.1ent, Lac.
(interwar) ITCT‘itI ge Z-iui’mim
Jamksonville, "‘larida

 fi/m 91¢”, ,, 267W
W7», W65}; fl/é‘jj
TELV886~243| July 25, 19:").
Pikeville National Bank
Pikeville, Kentucky
Gentlemen: Re: Mcuntain Investment, Inc,
/:;\ Jeed - int 424
I » u , . e
; [be Harry sain and Hattie rain
\ Enclosed is deed of conveyance from Mountain Investment, Inc. t:
Harry Pain and Hattie Pain, with letter of instruction addressed ta
7TT\ you by Mr. Gordon Brown, President of Mountain Investment, Inc. dated
‘ i] z
t E; 5 July 23, 1969.
\..) .‘
{ou are tc deliver this deed to Harry 'ain upon his c mpliance
with the letter of instruction and receipt of release of lien ircm
I [)I Liberty National Bank and Trust Lgmpany.
5:" f
i} go refitruly,
Copy tn (://
iii" A
2V hr. Gordan érnwn, President
E Mountain Investment, Inc.
La 530 American Heritage Building
Jacksonville, Uiorida

PHONE 606-457-2761
J 530 American Heritage Bldg.

JUiy 23’ 1909 Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company .
Post Office Box l499
Louisville, Kentucky 40502
Attention: Mr. John Y. Van Bibber, Vice President

Enclosed is copy of deed from Mountain Investment, Inc. to

Harry Fain and Hattie Fain, his wife , covering
sale of House No. #2“ . Please prepare a partial release
by Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company of its mortgage on this proper—
Pi' ' * 5' : «

ty and forward it to , aevxlle National Bank & arust CO., .ikcv.lle, M.
which is Escrow Agent for this transaction.

We have sent the original deed, and plat, together with our dis—
bursement letter, to our Kentucky attorney, for his certification of the
deed. He is then to forward the documents to the escrow agent.

Your letter to the escrow agent covering the release of these
properties should contain instructions as to disbursement of the pro—
ceeds of this sale in accordance with the terms of your mortgage.

If there is any further information required, please advise.

Yours very sincerely,

(Form 69-l9)

WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY 41669 PHONE 606457—2761 S33 Merl. can Heri tage BIdg.
. alcksonville, Fla. 32202
Juiy 23, 19b?
Ptkevilie National Bank 5 Trust .‘ompany
Pikeville, Ky. 151501
Re; Sale of House No. $2“
Enclosed is executed deed to the above captioned real estate, running ,
to Harry Fair: and Hattie Fain, his wife
Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky, will shortly
deliver to you an executed release of this property from the mortgage
held by it; also its disbursement letter:
Please collect the Full amount of the purchase price of _f?ur Thgusan§_
and DDXiUQ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - (3“,Ogfiooo) - ~ Dollars, and
remit 60% thereof to Liberty National Bank of Louisville, Kentucky, in
accordance with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition,
please collect From the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the enclosed
plat of the property, and $38.50 closing costs.
Recording Fees For the deed and for the release are to be charged against
closing costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc , the $30.00 charge for the
plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized above),
are to be deposited in the Non-operating Account of Mountain Investment,
Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts and disburse—
ments of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate deposit slip,
Yours very truly,
3 yfl_____w___________________
Notice to:
Escrow Agent
(Form 68—11) Lot NO:___‘:2_£:__
(Rev. 5—l-69)

 M( )U N'I‘AINv [NV EST.“ ENT, IN( 7.
PHONE 606-457»2761
WHEELWRIGHT, KENTUCKY 41669 530 Aymara; can Her-i tage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
July 23, 1969
Mr. John Allen
Attorney at Law ‘
Post Office Box ufll
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Dear John:
Enclosed is deed prepared covering House No. “24
Wheclwright, to Harry Fain and Hattie Fain, his wife
purchasers, also copy of the plat covering the same property and
the original of the disbursement letter to Pikeville National Bank
8 Trust Company; Pikeville, Ky. which will act as
escrow agent for this transaction.
Please certify the deed and Forward the papers to the escrow
agent, advising us when this has been accomplished.
(Form b9—l6)

 ., ,
THIS DEED OF CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
of July 23rd l9 59 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first part, and
Harry Fain and Hattie Fain, his wife
party (ies) of second parto
WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum
f Four Thousand 5 OO/IOO — - - — — - - ~ - - - - ~ - (341000-00) - -
Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt
and adequacy whereof is hereby acknowledged, party of first part does
hereby bargain, sell, grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their
heirs and assigns, the following described property to-wit:
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in
Floyd County, Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left Beaver
Creek in the Town of theelwright and being Lot No. Azh
including the Dwelling House and appurtenance thereunto
belonging, located on said lot or parcel of land of the
Wheelwright Subdivision as shown by first party's man
or plat in File Ho. 3A3, Records of Floyd County Clerk‘s
Being part of the same property conveyed to party
of the first part by Island Creek Coal Company by Deed
dated November 9, lfioo and recorded in Deed Book l3l at
page 50%, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk’s Office.
This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and reserva-
tions contained in those two instruments of conveyance from Island Creek
Coal Company to party of the first part, referred to herein for source of
title and which are dated November 9, l966, and recorded in Deed Book l9l
at page 50l and at page 504, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel-Com, Inc.,
dated June l5, l967 and recorded in Deed Book l93 at pages 27l, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's office, and ALSO deed of
conveyance from first party to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29,
1967, and of record in Deed Book l95 at page 425, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk's Office.

 First Party hereby further reserves a right of way
and easement with right of egress and ingress and entry on and over
said premises for the purposes of maintenance, operation, repair, re-
placement, relocation and removal, in whole or in part, of any and all
of the water, gas, electric, telephone and CATV lines and cables, sewer
mains, connections and service lines as now located on said premises in
its operation of said facilities, which right of way and easement shall
endure as long as said systems or any part thereof are operated by
first party, its successors or assigns.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the parties of second part,
their heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty of
Title, subject to the exceptions and reservations contained herein,

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF first party has caused this
instrument to be executed by its President and duly attested by its
Secretary as of the day and year first herein written.

By(s) Gordon Brown
(SEAL) Frank H. Arnall (3)

I, A. 8. Blackburn, Jr. , a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Mountain
y g ', ‘ 4?
Investment, Inc. to Harry Fain and hatt.a Fain, his wi.e
dated July 23rd, 3969
was produced to me in said County and State by Gordon 3'0”“
as President of Mountain Investment, Inca, a corporation, party of
first part, and was acknowledged by him as its President thereunto
duly authorized to be his act and deed for the purposes therein
stated and same was duly attested by Frank M’ Arnall as
Secretary of said corporation who duly affixed to said instrument the
corporate seal thereto as its Secretary.
Given under my hand and official seal of office this
27rd July {
the ’ day of 19 ”9.
My Commission expires on the 23rd day of August
(J) A. B. Blackburn, Jr. (SEAL)
Notary Public — Duval County
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Deed of Conveyance
was prepared by:
' Attorney

A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County, Kentucky on
Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the Town of Wheelwright and being Lot
No. AZA including the Dwelling House and appurtenance thereunto belonging,
located on said lot or parcel of land of the Wheelwri ght Subdivision as shown
by first party's map or plat in File No. 3M3, records of Floyd County Clerk's
Being part of the same property conveyed to party of the first part by
Island Creek Coal Company by Deed dated November 9, 1966 and recorded in Deed
Book l3] at page 50A, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk‘s Office.
. N400
O 1 KW” - a 1 V \ 3 34' \
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MOUNTAIN INVESTMENT, INC. 8450 F] UV; a; 7 Ir/ “4‘ ‘
001w, 50.05~ ' 5 ,9 8
By_—‘——' 843 ( r v53 V-
. - ,, l- , u)
Pre51dent 55,057, (I)

'HIE AGPFFMENT, made an1 enre‘ed {nTo as of 'he ), Ody T;
_e.“_::.;;al_1_.,.____,_m__., I9__:L7- by amCI berween Mountain [n'ridi W164“. Ir‘/_ _ he'iwfi
"a? ‘9” “0mm“ and 43,31,:gngmggivggkzLgagigjagmlLLaiijhea“WWWW
he’ein caIled ”Buy? .'
w I T N E S 9 E I H‘

7HAw WHEREAS ”OWner' has offeved to ael! ro Buye’ LS' No Iggkmm
Iocated in If: wheeiwrighf Sub divi956I and 'ekn*ded 1w Deed quk -9%
a? page BOA. and .LSU \n ’hm~e {e tain naedx EXE(uT€fl by “Ouna’ '0 Ha'utfl
TEIaphfine Campany and T:’-{Gmg, ImI, dated ;Ung ‘6, I967 and rei~“defl ‘0 P991
Bank ‘9? 5f pugr- 57¢. 37?. afld Z7€r ’etn”d' OI the F'wyd Crun’y Cnu'f L!£ k ~
OIII<6. and AISO 0960 PT 'Dn eyamuc *“m 'Owflir“ To KCH’Uka PUIG' (cwpafiy
da‘ed Deaembe' 29, I907. and of “ECO’d 1m Deeo Bank 195 at page MES. retard»
MI the Flnyfl CHL‘Ty Cour! Alerk 1 Cf'7 \ a v. - , F , , J i .. ,v 7!
per leo.; of value lo. the cainty of ‘loyc, .e.taoav.
"‘3 :‘ "'Iflr.‘ :‘r r: A? 'x " ‘ £ ,,1 —-'r
'- ‘9 “ “5‘ ~ ..mrnmoalauuauwmwmmm
arse... _ao.w§lllx,aa:Loggialeeatzlmghxm_mw “_.-“-.. ___" -_. _-.”.-_.__.-.._-_.,
A1 1’“? WW: 3" .ima'ne s Perils an: t,""-l"e<. dus by “Bayes"
'o 'ano“‘ sh: ' as Tu 'v pain. fi“ vevz; as fair p ope ‘v she! CG ed gs:-
efi p n-‘ata f” :h? col; 3* t'orawg.
_ . . .p,
PHI»: :r-om w t be g‘ler‘ buys " :uo .‘lg‘lfit 231 17’u9 ,
Ary in *her notice ”6:33:9‘y 9036“ *b': as”eemesr may be sent
by mail TO the 1&~“ karma edfl'631 of :ne pa"y To be nO'lticdp
ine we C? '5uy¢" and 'owne" he‘ewn emp‘oyed Shel” be con—
3* as: re an: ode ’he D uvsl as we' so the : ocular. and ’h12 rawr‘szr shal*
be c‘n1' U «pjw 'ne“ "s-"». a‘m'mlATrStw ~. Exe;t'fl -. rNTC9>wT‘: and a:-
: an? aru'j ”we mow _~--r:,: ha}: 11":_'H’,l‘? ”2e teman'r‘c egrvfl mafia: , whose "m:-
C’)".‘Exl :0 anijrr.t~s 7.. éa‘py“ne‘
{N Nikki? ,5; \driEFeifW'u “ELM-re“ ran. -:.'—u~t,>l* 't‘i~ “W; ;, imp-v be
exe'l'si fly ‘r’ H.*x 3; no '29? o:'|'e' 3rd “dwy6" n:" dw M elecu‘ec Esme
5c 9* he 6:; evr yri‘ i . abate ~ :‘terr ‘
MC'EJNWLN iNlJL a" WN‘ , lNL ,.
#7‘Ei" ’ ' '
Rm I // 'lll/ .\’ " /L_ < L ‘-' -_
L --...L-;'--;- .;_. -_..’.._--__-._..w ..__..-
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1,7, ‘ ¥ 4
fl, ,‘r ‘ ’J - ,,
\;._..,_l «stag-._.., .“Craig“:i,1..-.."
't'c- or” 659-7? Dage

 John Young July 25, l969
Gordon Brown Lot No. hzh
Enclosed is the original and one copy of the Purchase
Agreement for sale of the captioned property to Harry
Fain and Hattie Fain, his wife, for the sum of $4,000.
Please deliver one executed copy to them, and retain
a copy for your files.

|;_ K ) ’
Gordon Brown ' l
Encl. '

 “gr. . 2- , ;
"WE-V3 1L 3 r. ‘.5"
.. . ' I. ; ‘t.
f 1' , 30h};
”a. 1 r3 :5! a '1 ' ma l:
hzaa':"'5' ’.‘: -‘ "r—‘f
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' ‘ £3,511) ‘1.“ 3.:. ”at, .r ' m1 t, -: 1m.” ‘~ .;
; Qtfi’) > ' > 1' gazj ()2 D" H ‘q . 5&3" a: 53’
of Wm '1 he. he- at,”
{11.52. the 41:“ ’: ~ a o» 4
Han 14"}: n; ‘ ’ " "9'43: ". W' '3‘
mm. .-
.'_;~; “‘M , ‘ .1:. .. 5 _’
, ‘ X. 5" 11 ‘ -_ ‘ H :I ‘ V L \‘I .
at , o‘ mm V .
\3 3i ..'. 32 if" ' ‘..) ‘ 4;: “1‘5, (3.;; W1
' 2:121 ; mu (3 . . ,
‘ - I VIC; \ 12., it?

 HJR flayd 5. Cot f-“-é9
several years
7" 3 . # «. ~ . ‘.’I . —. L\’ >~ .‘..: »'~ .1
U1 1.; {I0 191-18.”. -€ .._L Li.) 11:73 W ..:. 1.9.12. . ing . acneaae 6:136“
told us he was gone.

P. O. IOX 357 PLlAll ADDIIII Rter To.
August 15, 1969
First National Bank
ATTENTION: Mr. Burl Spurlock, President

At the direction of the above captioned purchasers, we
are arranging for deposit of the deed to the above captioned
lot with you as escrow agent for closing the transaction.

The purchase price is Eh 000.00 net to is, on which we
have received a deposit of 3100.00, leaving a balance of
$3,900.00. In addition to this amount you are to collect
closing costs of $68.50. Please remit 60% of the purchase
price of oh,OO0.00, or $2,h00.©0, to Liberty National Bank
and Trust Company; together with interest computed at the
per—diem rate specified in their disbursment letter and remit
the balance to us.

We cannot pay you any discount or escrow fees or other
charges. Please arrange for payment of any such charges by
Mr. and Mrs. Fain directly to you.

Very trply years,
_ J ”(if /Jn(:mw
ii Jéhn P. Young, Resident Manager
' Mountain Investment, Inc.
cc: Gordon Brown

 Jacksonville, Florida
TO: John Young DATE: July 25, l969
FROM: Gordon Brown SUBJECT: Lot No, 424
Enclosed is the original and one copy of the Purchase
Agreement For sale of the captioned property to Harry
Fain and Hattie Fain, his wife, for the sum of $4,000.
Please deliver one executed copy to them, and retain
a copy For your files.
‘Lfiri l
Gordon Brown

 I I

‘hi’f, AHHVNFNZ mm: \arw ewe‘e“ Mr: d; "f "‘63 7__ 23mm? ’“dy "
v--V.,“Jn-‘xlwl—quwfir-..._”? ‘9‘_§39 my 3rd bemeen Mom'air ‘1"6’1'. 1’ A. “F ’“
'4 W W)? and “H3.1:;y_,_E§.ier§2Q.Egg:1:::iiirgawflirsmfii316% ,...
he-‘ein called Buyz'fi.


‘HA" wHERtDR ”Owne’ has offemd m e" 'o Buye’ L \' Ni ‘ghm
'oratedin1T< whee‘wflgh' Bub giuitioh, F‘rnyd Lgmr’nfy. KenTuL‘ y. 69 “hum" '.'er
map 0’ plat in FIVE 398. (:1on Cflur‘fy‘ COLE” (‘.‘G’kji OWNE- and WP”) “99‘9""
'rwereon excepf at he‘emafter ~er raw, h)’ We mm 0* 5-B¢QQQ;.O_Q and. ’
‘.n again-ion "Bu-ye“ ‘1“:3‘7 pay ”'15— »Jr‘r“ "if $38.00 \LV‘W‘WJng (’1 T9 5'10- S‘O-OO f1"
:‘J‘ry p'aT r: bi: ‘Upp"E’1by"Ou'flFm-“‘\ a? U [qt/Nah 7: rr~ be. paw] a~ My?!“ V..

3,,V.1-.“>¥\_QV_9_QQ.M_“V dmwn paymenr. The ‘ecelp' 09 “H ‘9‘ “1 ”9‘99““ 3" k
rrfiwledged, arm} 'he b5 ance of 3i.3,2§'3;;iqw___3 ("m-w m< iwrde' <’_ '~-‘r*;q
.:r‘fi ‘he Krupy p a \' "* 74'6, < P '.rq. Carri pfi ’Jt \ >5 fiesfi
ymn‘zfyar. ,7 r.) *B‘J-ye» J’h ,-, _Jman' Mr he'viz'cp \Na' 'an’y «:9 V "".= "JD ’6'" “
"”"? 't‘. Pp'I'm 5”! 'HH.‘ “d’nvrr .:rr‘vr‘l'w’i "1 ‘H’ it: That; “”""..TPF". ( F A 9' F'V’
a: *‘(2m Klan“ ;'<=|~c-: are as-
:7gn? and the m;.- ”Ian? Ila-,3 Tn_I..r:I,.T: *he Famwfi'ne‘ 3rd nerr‘e- T M’I’E‘E "'16
C')'I’7E‘ H to aim-I. . 1 7;» v 944 I, 7
IN w iNFs: WHERETVT ‘Um“€" has C32796 ‘hvu tosr'IREG‘ to be
ESE ;’€T my ‘I’ “V u so “P I;efi o:éi~3) ET? ”6 VET os< du v e~65u‘eh lame
as I,“ "1:: :5.; .7' : VS?" : ebme n " ‘tet (7
MCIIJNTA ! N {NI-'1? )1 Mn? N ' ., INL .,
HT Y‘ :T ' fl . I,
I . ”A” 71/ ‘;.;/f: , 7
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...» , - , . "
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7’4," ’7, TT T} :7}
T/ L I Z ‘ C k I” 471 /,
_..-..n...:.7.7. .7va7w.-v 7" .,.--.77.. ..-—_.....m..-
(6% ‘BLTN-L'
J/x LEE; i/sf’: a! I.
’17th r (:9. i ,7 D596


IHIE AGRFFMENT, mad9 and en'e‘ed Info as OF the 11111___ Gay Tl
___11ii;;_m_111_m_111 19_11* by and between Mounfth IP‘QE’WGW'I Ir’11 “E'?‘”
awed ‘OWIE'II” and 111115121211121-1111111W1;;1'211-121 1.11113111111191132111211111111.1111
he’ein caIIed "Buye’.'


‘,HAT WHEREAS, l'Owner‘ ha-fi OFIE”€d IO ieII '0 'Buye" Li" NC ”.1111...
Iocated in If1 WheeiwrighT Sub div1=ion, Vond County. Kentuc.y. as ahcmr TV
map or pIat in FIIe 3H8. Fioyd County Court Ci6“k39 Off1ce, and Impro emem':
thereon except a9 he“e1naffer 967 our. 905 *he "VFN‘I INL.
, ‘v v: v~ ' ,
"I'm I 1 ,,z I” . ///
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“r’nu'w Very truly
ifili-E 12335-31 IVA ’TI'J.T~§.‘ T.. FRI-Th
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Wu} 333111130032, President
cc/ Mr. John Young 3
V heelwright, KentucRy

WHEELWRIGHT. KENTUCKY 41669 PHONE-2606451276 S30 Ameri can Heritage Bldg.
Hacksonville, Fla. 32202
July 23, I969
Pikeville National Bank a Trust Company
Pikeville, Ky. hlEOl
Re: Sale of House No. L?%n__
Enclosed is executed deed to the abOve captioned real estate, running
to Harry Fain and Hattie Fain, his wife
Liberty National Bank 8 Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky, will shortly
deliver to you an executed release of this property from the mortgage
held by it; also its disbursement letter.
Please collect the Full amount of the purchase price of _i?”r szusand
ml vat/2'31; ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - — - — ($4,000.30) ~ - Dollars, and
remit 60% thereof to Liberty National Bank of Louisville, Kentucky, in
accordance with its disbursement letter above mentioned. In addition,
please collect From the purchaser the sum of $30.00 for the enclosed
plat of the property, and $38.50 closing costs,
Recording fees for the deed and for the release are to be charged against
Closing costs, as is the tax due the State of Kentucky“
The net proceeds due Mountain Investment, Inc., the $30.00 charge For the
plat, and the net closing costs (after disbursements authorized above),
are to be deposited in the Non-operating Account of Mountain Investment,
Inc. in your bank, with advice to us showing all receipts and disburse—
ments of the transaction, accompanied by a duplicate deposit slipe
Yours very truly,
( 1 (4.!" I
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\ (7/{ President
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/fiv Notice to:
Escr0w Agent
(Form 68-ll) Lot No _i§§:__
(Rev. 5-l-69)

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