xt7qnk361p0s_107 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Pool Room (White) text Pool Room (White) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_97/Folder_1/8417.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_107 xt7qnk361p0s " v .' t'; '1 \
April .47, 1944
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Ion-rs very realism-fully,

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11175.72? 6; Grounds: Dept.

 PHONE 22914 F’. 0. BOX 1872
F rank is?) ”Gs
Hmmtimgtomv W. Van
day 22, 1954.
Sr. island S. Decker
Inland steel Commeny
Zheelwright, Lentucxy
,e: uhite Pool Zoom rloor
Deer Leland:
am sorry that all the tile colors yo; asged for
in your letter to Jim Loore have oeen discontinued, so am
sailing yoa. under seoerete cover, the neirest colors left
to the ones you :rote for. All the Laotories lava out their
lines down in order to s1eed ip orodiction is ouch as possi—
in @936 yo; Wait to Dioce an order for tgis Joo
please give as tJC size of the room again ond _oar treierence
rating, with all the iunny nuooers inoluded. roe oest shipning
, date I have at orcsent is six weegs, wnieh wolld mean auOdt
August let, to lay tie tile.
“y orice of L515.OO is wooed on laying the tile
07;? a concrete iloor in good smoothe condition and 11ee
iron “aint. if tnere is any extra worx in orcoaring the
Iloor to recieve tile it is to we done o; owner or energed
ior according to time and toteriul.
very truly yoors,
, ,;/Eé£LL/L/
/‘ /.
zrsnk J. Groves
, *\

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cc: ERPrice
B i l e

Incorporated Z ‘) E ,V/
“’HEELWRIGHT, KY. 1’, ‘3’ C"
Emergency Order Form _’
_ Date___;;i___, 194_
Please order the following f01‘—_#—__H%Department
Quantity 1) E s C R I I’ T I o N I To Be Used For I “(112d
3;"? x I 1 i ‘ . -, _ V" 5 ~ « ~ Ni" i L ' V ( I .'“
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Approved: ' ";‘i‘fifm l . .i '
’ c“ it“ “Li "' -' “ in” , "I; ;.,,...‘-'L‘ "54. ,,a f: "x N
‘ NOTE—Make out in triplicate. Supply clerk to -‘-—___.__‘___._._m____vw_.~
return one copy showing requisition number. Storekeeper

 PHONE 22914 P. 0. BOX 1372
THC] " “be 5"" , . . ,,
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Flam ..s t u: .. em I" 0 . . . I!

The Company and the Product TILE-TEX Features
The Company 1. Resilience and foot comiort—Tile-Tex is ideally suited for Y
The Corporation has, for many years, been engaged solely use where guiet is desired. Its resilience is enduring be-
in the manufacture of asphalt floor tile and accessories. The cause no oxidation or hardening is possible. It is extremely {h
personnel represents many years or successful experience comfortable under foot, and a boon to those who must
in blending and adapting asphalts.
The Company enjoys a strong financial position and stand all day long.
offers bGCk Of the {DmdUd a restonSIblhtY upon Wthh the 2. Durability under severe service—Tile-Tex floors were first
architect and his client can confidently depend. References: . . . . . . .
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, and City National laid seventeen years ago. Original installations are still
Bank 5‘ Trust Company of Chicago_ giving good service and will continue to do so for a long
time to come. In schools, stores, lobbies and corridors
Descrlptlon where traffic is severe Tile-Tex will perform admirably.
Tile»TeIx is composed entirely Of inert materials. The Inf-“‘1'“ 3. Moisture-resistantfiTile-Tex, resistant to moisture, can be
ingredients are natural asphalt and other bitumens of high- 1 'd
est melt point and quality, asbestos fibers and pure mineral ‘m at or below grade on sound concrete floors that have
pigments; these are combined with the necessary blending “Cl been waterproofed for dGmPHE‘SS- Defective concrete
agents. All raw materials are under complete and com- Sub—floors are not satisfactory as a base for Tile—Tex.
petent laboratory control. The knowledge and experience
necessary to produce successfully a uniform product are 4. Stain- and scar-resistant—lnk, iodine and other sources of
available. stain have no detrimental effect on Tile-Tex Floor Tile.
_ Burning matches or lighted cigarettes leave no permanent
Manufacturing scan
A well equipped factory operates twenty-four hours per . I I .
day to meet demand and maintain adequate stocks. Re- 5. A safe, non-slip surface—Unlike other types of tile, Tiler
serve production facilities are provided for emergency Tex is non-slipI even when wet. ll provides CI Sflfe. sure
lJeFiOdS, insuring prompt shipping and iHStGHGilOU service. footing, and for this reason is widely specified for use in
The ingredients are thoroughly amalgamated through the schools, stores, offices, and corridors.
medium of heat and pressure and in sheet form are cal-
endered to C1 uniform thickness. These sheets are cut by 6, Highly fire-resistant—Tests by Columbia University, New
(1 special process to accurate, rectangular tile Wlth sharp, York City, show Tile-Tex to be substantially incombustible.
clean edges. . . . . .
Compared With other types of reSilient floor tile it ranks
Installation Facilities highest as a fire-resistant.
Tile-Tex is installed by competent, approved resilient floor 7. An efficient electrical insulator—TileTex is also an elec
contractors located at strategic points throughout the coun- trical insulator, having exceptional dielectric strength.
try, aided by the supervision of experienced factory repre-
sentatives. 8. Easy to maintain—Since the surface of Tile-Tex is so smooth
Factory representatives are available for localized CIl‘Cl'll' and closely textured it does not originate dust—mainte-
tectural serVice. . . . . . .
nance is Simple and mexpensrve. An occasional mopping
Tile Thickness with mild soap and water is sufficient. Where a wax sur»
I . . I ,I face is desired, we recommend the use of Tile-Tex Water
Tile-Tex is made in three standard thicknesses—V8, in, W
and V4 in. Special thicknesses will be made to order, GX'
provided such orders are of sufficient size to warrant their , ,
production. 3. Colors permanent—Tile-Tex color and beauty are perma~
nently embedded in each tile.
Tile St les
Y . . IO. Harmonious color effects—The many color combinations
I‘llOth’i‘X lS furnished in the followmg shapes and Sizes: possible with sixty-two plain and marbleized effects make
Standard sizes—I6le in., 6x18 in., 9X9 in” 9X18 in., 9X27 in., it easy to satisfy every taste. Harmony with every color
12X]? 1“" IZXZ4 m" 18x181n., 18X24 ”1' Scheme is available. When planning your floor make it
Special sizes—3x3 in., 3x6 in., 4x4 in., 41/2x41/2 in., 4x12 in., beautiful with Tile-Tex.
8x6 in., and No. 87 hexagonal (6 in. on a side). "
Feature Strips—Cut to order in multiples of 1/2 in. from 1/2 11. New. improved flexibility—Tile-Tex is now manufactured
to 3 in. sufficiently flexible for successful application on good wood l
sub»floors as well as on cement sub-floors. lt molds itself I,
Colors to uneven surfaces without fracturing or straining the tile.
Tile-Tex offers a complete color range of over sixty plain . I . . I
and marbleized effects. See color charts on pages 4 and 5 12- ngld standards of quality—Tile—Tex 13 made Up to a stand-
’lthl design suggestions on pages 6 and 7. ard—not down to a price.
4 ,

 j, . V
Specificatmn Data
5‘; , l. Material~shall be Tile—Tex as manufactured ment sub-floors shall be made in strict ac—
l by The Tile—Tex Company, Chicago Heights cordance with the directions of The Tile—
Illinois. Where special lines of Tile-Tex floor- Tex Company. (Note—Remove paint on ex—
!» ing are required, specify as follows: 1st1ng concrete on grade).
NOTE: Where cement sub—floors are at
(a) For areas subject to grease and food abuse grade or below grade, cement sub-floors
specify "Tuf'f-Tex Greaseproof Flooring"— shall be primed with Tile-Tex Primer No. 70
(data sent on request). before application of tile.
(13) Where wood sub-floors or slightly uneven (d) Over Gypsum Plank or unfinished COU-
sub—floors are to receive Tile—Tex, specify crete slab.
"Flexible Tile—Tex"—(available in all Group The Tile—Tex contractor shall install %" to
C and Group D colors). 1" thickness of Tile—Tex Asphalt Floorcote
(c) Where mortar—joint effect is desired, specify m St“? accordance Wlth the dust???“ Of
”Borderjoint Tile~TeX”—(information sent on The Tile-Tex Company. ReSponSIblhtY for
request). the smoothness and levelness of the Tile—
_ , , , Tex Asphalt Floorcote shall rest upon the
(d) Where acrd—res15t1ng floors are required, TilesTex contractor
specify colors to be selected from Groups '
A and B~(see color charts on pages 4 4. Thickness, Color and Designs.
and 5). All Tile—Tex shall be (1/8"), (3/16"), or (MW)
2 Scope—all areas so indicated in schedule of in thickness. All Tile-Tex shall be (Marble—
' floors or on plans and details ized) or (Plain) and laid according to the
’ schedule and designs for Tile—Tex floors
3. Foundations (sub-floors)— as found in these specifications.
(a) Over double wood floors. 5. Bases.
These wood floors shall be smooth and (a) Where Cove Base is desired, use the fol-
sound and top floor composed of strip wood lowing specifications:
flooring: HOT wider than 3”: tongue-and— In all areas where Tile-Tex flooring is
grooved and sanded Smooth, nailed light called forl Tile—Tex Molded Cove Base] 6"
and free from any springiness. Wood floors high, and/or Tile-Tex Set-On Cove Base,
Shall be Subjecl to approval of the Tile’ 6“ or 4” high, shall be installed in Con-
Tex CODtFGClOT before application 0f Tile~ junction with the Tile—Tex flooring, in strict
Tex. Installation of Tile—Tex shall be made accordance with the directions of The Tile—
in strict accordance with the directions of Tex Company governing the installation
The Tile—Tex Company, and shall include of Cove Base.
the a lication of Tile-Tex Felt before a —
plicatioorh of tile. (Specify Flexible Tile-Tepx (b) Where Straight Base is desired, specify as
in 3/16" or 1A1” thicknesses for use over fOHOWS:
wood sub-floors.) In all areas shown on plans or indicated
, 1 in Base schedules, install E—Z-Flex Straight
(b) Over Single WOOd floors. Base, 6", 5", or 4" high, in strict accord»
INSICIH 1/2” l0 3A1” thickness Of Tile—Tex ance with directions of The Tile-Tex Com—
Asphalt Floorcote in strict accordance with pany governing the installation of this type
directions of The Tile—Tex Company. Tile» of Base.
Tex Asphalt Floorcote shall be applied _ A
" over expanded metal lath or suitable wire 6‘ Installation.
mesh reinforcement nailed to the wood Installation Of Tile—Tex flooring and Or
I sub-floor. Floorcote and/or Cove or Straight Base
“ (c) Over cement sub~floors. Ziggoggdmgg:fgiycgztgrétgfthonzed and
Cement sub-floors shall be steel troweled '
to a smooth finish and free from irregu- 7~ Guarantee.
larities, holes, scale, and in all ways suit— These floors shall be guaranteed jointly
able to receive Tile-Tex. The cement sub- by The Tile—Tex Company and the Tile—
floor shall be subject to the approval of the Tex contractor against defects in workman-
.. . _, Tile-Tex contractor before application of ship and materials for a period of one year
Tile-Tex. Installation of Tile-Tex over ce— from date of completion.
‘,j ‘.I NOTE: Copies of the Layers Handbook, published by The Tile-Tex Company,
62“” l are available to all architects on request.

 . . . . /
'I'I l' E _T E X C 0101‘s Here is a complete range of plain and marbleized colors from the price group in which this color falls. Group A colors are the most economical in cost, and the colors in
black to white. The letter in front of each color number designates Groups B, C and D 1n the order named cost somewhat more.
_ 5 _ - . .5 '5 . ‘ , ‘ " T;_5'5;‘.i7.' l '
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