xt7qnk361p0s_1104 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Garages text Garages 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_319/Folder_16/88m6_319_16__8518.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_1104 xt7qnk361p0s M()UN'I‘AIN INVEH'E‘BEICN'I‘. INC.
P. O. Box 387 PHONE 006.457-2761 PuAs: ADOREII turn To:
Date May 292 1262
To: Floyd County Tax Assessor, and
City of Wheelwright, Kentucky
Re: House and Lot No. 252 PDQ“ £3331
City of Wheelwright, Kentucky
The above captioned real estate was sold by Mountain Investment, Inc.
to Harrv Bartglza and Marlgno Bartnlggfi, His Wgfie
mailing address I’lheelwrights Kentucky
on October 1968 for S 3,850.00 total purchase '
Please indicate on the tax rolls that this property is now owned by
the above named purchaser(s) and that all Future tax bills should be
issued to him (them). Also please remove our name as owner of this
Very truly yours,
: {3),—’___'—
Certified Mail
Return Receipts in file on Lot No. lllnl/Z
Tax Not'
(Form 68-13) Lot Ndfi & G-3l

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 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
February ll, l969
Joseoh D. Reynolds, III, Esquire
Island Creek Coal Company
I lSOl Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio khllS
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
Re: Sale of Lot No. G—3l
The sale of the property described as Lot G—31 to Mr. Harry
Bartuka has been concluded, and $350.00 has been received.
Accordingly, we enclose our check in the amount of $280.00,
representing 80% of the sale price.
Yours very truly, .
, T”)
Gordon Brown

 055mm; r’LAT
A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Floyd County,
. Kentucky on Otter Creek of Left Beaver Creek in the town of
Wheelwright and being Lot No. G-3l including the garage
building and appurtenance thereunto belonging located on
said lot or parCel of land of the Nheelwright subdivision .
as shown by first party's map or plat in file No. 3h8
records of Floyd County Court Clerk's office.
Being part of the sane property conveyed to party of the
first part by Island Creek Coal Company by Deed dated
November 9, 1966, and recorded in Deed Book 191 at page
50h, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Office.
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 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

January l5, 1969

Mr. John Allen

Attorney at Law

Box #hl

Prestonsburg, Ky. #1653

Dear John:

This transaction on G-3l is a little departure

from the norm. The amount is small and we are

not going to use an escrow agent on it.

Please attest the enclosed deed and send it to

John Young at Wheelwright for delivery to the




Frank M. Arnall



 530 American Heritage B-dg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202

January l5, I969

Mr. John P. Young, Rrsident Manager

Mountain Investment, Inc.

P. 0. Box 357

wheelwright, Kentucky hl669

Dear John:

We are sending you herewith a plat to lot G—3l, which is

being purchased by Mr. Harry Bartuka in the amount of


Since the amount is small and it is a cash transaction,

we are not using an escrow agent in this instance.

John Allen will send you the validated deed, but do not

close with Mr. Bartuka until you receive a release from

Island Creek Coal Co. Whereupon you should Collect

$350.00 fran Mr. Bartuka, deposit it in the Pikeville

National Bank Non-Operating account and have Mr. Bartuka

send the deed and release back to John Allen for record—

ing (or send it for him).

Let us know when all this has been done.



Frank M. Arnall




cc: Mr. John Allen

PS: Handled separately, the closing costs on this transaction
would be $38.50. U. have made the price of the garage $350.00
and we will absorb the closing costs. This will save Mr.
Bartuka $l3.50. It is easier to handle it this way in this
instance and the same results can be accomplished with a lower
The PS does not appear on John Allen's copy

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
January l5, l969
Joseph D. Reynolds, III, Esq.
Island Creek Coal Company
l50l Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio h4ll5
Dear Mr. Reynolds:
I am enczosing a duplicate Deed of ConveyanCe for Garage
#G-Bl to Mr. Harry Bartuka at Wheelwright. WA would
appreciate your making up a partial release to Cover
this property and sending it to Mr. John P. Young, Resi-
dent Manager, Mountain Investment, Inc., P. 0. Box 357,
Mweelwright, Ky. 4l669.
In this instance, because the transaction is small and
is for cash, we think you will agree that it will not be
necessary to go through an escrow agent.
Upon payment of the purchase price, We will immediately
send you our check for 80% of the sales figure, or
$280.00. We hope this will be agreeable.with you.
Very sincerely yours,
Frank M. Arnall

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jackswnville, Fla. 32202

January l5, l969

Mr. John Allen

Attorney at Law

Box “kl

Prestonsburg, Ky. 43653

Qear John:

This transaction on G~3l is a little departure

from the norm. The amount is small and we are

not going to use an escrow agent on it.

Please attest the enclosed deed and send it to

John Young at dneelwright for delivery to the




Frank M. Arnall



 530 American Heritage 8 dg.
JacksonviIIe, FIa. 32202
January I5, I969
hr. John P. Young, R sident Manager
Mountain Investment, Inc.
v. Q. Box 357
heeiwright, Kentucky hIéQS
Dear John:
We are sending you herewith a pIat to Iot G«3I, which is
being purchased by Mr. Harry Bartuka in the amount of
$350.00. L ,i l 3' . , .‘ 3ft'i 33 ‘3
Since the amount is smaII ans it is a cash transaction,
we are not using an escrow agent in tnis instance.
Jenn AIIen wit} send you the vaIidated deed, but do not
cIose with Mr. Bartuka untiI you receive a reIease {run
Island Creek Coal Cu. whereupon you shouId CoIiect
$350.00 from Mr. Bartuka, deposit it in the Pikeviiie
HatiunaI Bank Hun-Operating account and have hr. Bartuka
send the deed and release back Lb John AIIen for record-
ing (or send it for aim).
Let us Know wnen aIs this has been done.
Frank H. FrnaII
cc: Mr. John AIIen
PS: Handled separately, the closing costs on this transaction
would be $38.50. U have made the priCe of the garage $350.00
and we wiII abSorb the closing costs. This will save Mr.
Bartuka $13.50. It is easier to handie it this way in this
instance and the same resuIts can be accomplisned with a iOWCr
The PS does not appear on John AIIen's copy

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
January IS, I969
Mr. John P. Young, Resident Manager
Mountain Investment, Inc.
P. 0. Box 357
Wheelwright, Kentucky #1669
Dear John:
ke are sending you herewith a plat to lot G-BI, which is
being purchased by Mr. Harry Bartuka in the amount of
Since the amount is small and it is a cash transaction, /.flg ”_ftv;w,
we are not using an escrow agent In this instance. » Lg::;:;:3f;iléir' “
John Allen will send you the eggnntldmond‘iigillfld deed,
but do not close with Mr. Bartuka until you receive a
release from Island Creek Coal Co. Upor—+eeeé+uu4fiiaiur
fire+eese7—p+eese~eend»iE~Eewus*and\déTTvef”the Plat~and‘
-deed~toerrwBartuka; taking*his*crc¢k"for $35U?UUI whfchw
-should be deposited In the non-Opereténr"aceounev
CordiaIIy, //
Frank M. Arnall * \’ _y, ' ’4 w
Secretary .¢ "z'~“*” 2”
encl. I; ,4 . .2
cc: Mr. John Allen I “’:223 [I » mu‘ ‘ ‘ I .
J, ./”L‘ ' T I 3'”* I 3 .M
J/lil‘ 2' I .
/‘I I. 7’ v ,. ‘ ‘
I " ' ' I 4 ,7
. ,« ,7 an , {’1‘ I» ",'fy “ ' ’
1._ , / £11” ...5/ ...i...____, ‘ _.-_,

 THIS DEED 0F CONVEYANCE made and entered into as
of Jmuary l5th 195/9 , by and between Mountain
Investment, Inc., a Kentucky Corporation, party of first part, and

Harry Bartuka
party (ies) of second parto

WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum
of Three Hundred Fifty Doliors ($359.00)

Dollars cash in hand paid, and other valuable consideration, the receipt
and adequacy whereof is hereby acknowledged, party of first part does
hereby bargain, sell, grant, convey, transfer unto second parties, their
heirs and assigns, the following described property to—wit:

A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Fioyd

County, Kentucky on Jtter Creek of Left Beaver Creek

in the town of Mhee.wright and being Lo: 10. G-ji

including the garage buiiding and appurtenanCo

thereunta belonging located on said To: or parcel

of land of the wheeiwrignt subdivision as snown by

firSL party's map or pie: in fiie N«. 3“ records

of F.oyd County Court C erk's Office.

Being part of the gate property conveyed to party

9? the first part by Island Creek Coal Ctnmany by

Seed dated chanbor 5, iyoo, and reCordec in Teen

Book l9l at page 50“, rchrds of the Floyd County

Court Clerk's Office.

This conveyance is subject to the exceptions and reserva—
tions contained in those two instruments of conveyance from Island Creek
Coal Company to party of the first part, referred to herein for source of
title and which are dated November 9, l966, and recorded in Deed Book l9l
at page 501 and at page 50A, and ALSO in those certain deeds executed by
party of the first part to Harold Telephone Company and Tel-Com, Inc.,
dated June l5, l967 and recorded in Deed Book l93 at pages 271, 273, and
275, records of the Floyd County Court Clerk's office, and ALSO deed of
conveyance from first party to Kentucky Power Company dated December 29,
1967, and of record in Deed Book T95 at page #25, records of the Floyd
County Court Clerk's Office.


First Party hereby further reserves a right of way
and easement with right of egress and ingress and entry on and over
said premises for the purposes of maintenance, operation, repair, re-
placement, relocation and removal, in whole or in part, of any and all
of the water, gas, electric, telephone and CATV lines and cables, sewer
mains, connections and service lines as now located on said premises in
its operation of said facilities, which right of way and easement shall
endure as long as said systems or any part thereof are operated by
first party, its successors or assigns.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the parties of second part,
their heirs and assigns forever, with covenant of General Warranty of
Title, subject to the exceptions and reservations contained hereina

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF first party has caused this
instrument to be executed by its President and duly attested by its
Secretary as of the day and year first herein written.

By 2‘: ~ 5, u/ 5; ,


I: ,a
Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, do
hereby certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from Mountain
Investment, Inc. to


was produced to me in said County and State by
as President of Mountain Investment, Inc., a corporation, party of
first part, and was acknowledged by him as its President thereunto
duly authorized to be his act and deed for the purposes therein
stated and same was duly attested by as
Secretary of said corporation who duly affixed to said instrument the
corporate seal thereto as its Secretary.

Given under my hand and official seal of office this
the day of l9 0

My Commission expires on the day of
l9 .

Notary Public — Duval County
I hereby certify that the
foregoing Deed of Conveyance
was prepared by:
‘ Attorney ‘

. . .. , - f
, ,
1’ ,
, 1 _, a . "
l f ’ u
. I ,

 I 1 < V
P. 0. BOX 357 P ,
pju Amer1can Hermtage Bvdg.
Jacksnnviiie, FIa. 32202

Januarv IS, E955
Mr. John P. Young” R sident Ikmucgcr
Mountain InveSLueni, Inc.
P. O. Buy :57

heelwrighL, Kcnuucky UIOHQ
Joar John:
W: are genuing you MErewith a pIat to Iofi G—BI, wIch IS
being QgrihflFed by hr. Harry YaVIUka in the ammunt oi
Since tne amovnt is sme'l amt if Is a cash trancacf'an,
we are no: uaing an escrow agent In Ifiis in Larce.
JOAN AIIen wIIi semd ytu tnc vaiidagrd deed, but dc not
close with Ir. Bartuka untii ycn rocefive a rcIcase frzm
ISIand Creek Cos? C0. WMVVCUDUP you shmuId CJIICCI
$350.09 from Mr. Bartuka, deJsII I: In ahc PikcyIIIc
National Hank Non—OperaIITQ ac