xt7qnk361p0s_1113 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Comprehensive Health Care text Comprehensive Health Care 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_320/Folder_7/88m6_320_7__7532.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_1113 xt7qnk361p0s ‘ asses
J .
THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this l 3 day of
October, 1970, by and between the Mountain Investment Company, Inc. here-
inafter referred to as the Lessors and the Floyd County Fiscal Court and
The Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services Program, Inc. hereinafter '
referred to as Lessees. The Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services
Program, Inc. being the third party to this lease.
l. The LeSSOr for and in consideration of the rentals herein-
after provided in the agreement hereafter contained, hereby lets and leases,
for use as offices and related uses, the following described property:
Space in the Hotel building, known as the ”Club House",
located in the city of Wheelwright, Kentucky (contain—
ing 2,778 sq. ft. including a basement room 17'5” x 16')
and being the premises formerly occupied by the Inland
Steel Company as a clothing and dry goods store. Said
premises located opposite the U. S. Post Office Building
adjoining the offices of the Mountain Investment Company
and the Dental Office.
2. The Lessees shall have the option a renew for a total period
of five (5) years, said option shall be renewed y~arly depending upon the
availability of Federal Funds for the Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services
Program, Inc.
3. To have and to hold said property, including at least twenty—
five (25) parking spaces in the rear, and to the north of said building, for
a rental of One Hundred Twenty—Four Dollars (3124) per month beginning the 1st
day of November 1970, to and including July 3i, l”71. The renewal rental shall
be at One Hundred Twenty—Emir Dollars .Sltw w: 'qx'n. in» Floyd founty Fiscal
Court will be responSible for rental payments.
4. The Lessor shall renovate the said building in accordance With the
plans submitted by the Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services Program, Inc.
without any cost to the Lessees.

 5. TheLessor shall provide heating and three (3) air
conditiOning units for the leased premises without cost to the Lessee
but cost of all utilities and utility services shall be borne by the
6. The telephone installation and service will be the
responsib‘iity of the Lessees.
7. The Lessor shall re-arrange the lighting System so as
to satisfy the needs of the third party.
8. All maintenance of said premises except janitorial
: services, will be thy responsibility of the Lessor.
'. IN WITTTESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have ad t:.e;;>
‘ Signatures to be 3laced hereto by their duly authorized r gresuntat; es
as of the day and date first written above.
Z?7/gga/ Z If?» < < 7 \
' (e/’President, lountaln investment Comyerg, lne.
/'fl /
{’1/ ‘ 1:1/1 , . 1 1’ 1Y7
, _,/ Kid/y _/{ g’ {r 11' - v/
County Judge, llogo bounty liscai tourt
I71 5 7"‘11/ k
Project Director
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1 Floyd Count; COKpFGLpDSiVC Realty Ler lies
1 Program, Incorporated



 . ?
THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into H.134, .._..__-..dafr' of
~ October, 1970, by and between The Mountain Investment Company, h“?”l11iift‘3r I
referred to as the Lessors and The Floyd County Fiscal Court and the Floyd
County Comprehensive Health Services Program, Incorporated, hereinafter
referred to as lessees. 'lhe Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services
Program, Incorporated, being the third party to this lease. t
1.\ The Lessor for and in consideration of the rentals hereinafter
provided in the agreement hereafter contained, hereby lets and leases the 3
following described property:
One business building located in the city of Wheelwright, Kentucky
(containing 2,778 sq. ft. including a basement room 17‘5" x 16')
and being the building formerly occupied by the Inland Steel Company
as a clothing and dry goods store. 'Ihis building located opposite
the U. S. Post Office Building, adjoining the offices of the
Mountain Investment Company and the Dental Office. .
2. 'I'neiessees shall have the option to renew for a period of five
(5) years, said option shall be renewed yearly depending upon the availability
of Federal Funds for the Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services Program,
Incorporated. ,
3. To have and to hold said property, including at least twenty-
five (25) parking spaces in the rear of the building for a rental of One
Hundred and Tuenty-Four Dollars ($1214) per month beginning this the
day of November 1970, to and including July 31 , 1971. The renewal rental
shall be at One Hundred Twenty-Four Dollars ($12k) per month plus or minus _ ~ ’
the percentage of increase or decrease in the cost of living/25%: 7::fl/M: é{:$7?7cié_fi§_
)4. The lessor shall renovate the said building in aociil‘dgée/Ifigj )1, ”If g ‘i t
the plans submitted by the Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services Program,
Incorporated without any cost to the lessees.
5. The Lessor shall provide all utilities, including heating, water
sewage, air-conditioning, and electric service without cost to the lessees.

 6. The telephone installation and service will be the responsibility
of the lessees.
7. 'Ihe lessor shall re-arrange the lighting system so as to
satisfy the needs of the third part. .
8. All maintenance of said building will be the responsibility of the
IN WITNESS WPIEREDF, the parties hereto have caused their signatures
to be placed hereto by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and
date first written above.
President, Mountain Investment Company
Floyd County Fiscal Court County Judge
Administrator, Floyd County Comprehensive
Health Services Program, Incorporated

 530 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
December 4, 1970
Dr. Arnold Schecter
Floyd County Comprehensive Health Program, Inc.
Wheelwright, Kentucky NIOGQ
Dear Dr. Schecter:
In the process of relocating an activity of the magnitude of the
Comprehensive Health Pragram there are bound to be areas which
need "smoothing out." One such has come to my attenti n.
In connection with your move to Wheelwright l was glad to volun—
tear to your organization the use of the upstairs hotel lobby for
g meetings too large to be held in your own quarters.
We will be pleased to continue to accommodate you in this regard.
However, it has come to my attention that people from your a geni-
zation have been using the facility without any advance notice to
us. So far there has been no conflict as to time between your
groups and other groups which sometimes use the same facility. This
has just been a matter Of good luck. To avoid any such confliCt we
would appreciate it if you will request the use of the facilities a
day in advance of your need for them and will let us know the start-
ing time and the progable closing time of each meeting. With this
information we can avoid conflicts in meeting schedules and can plan
to work our cleaning women in the area after the meetint has ended.
Without this advance information what usually has happened is that
the space will have been cleaned before the meeting starts and then
has to be cleaned again afterwards.
We also request that you delegate personnel from your organization
to remain behind after each meeting to empty ashtrays, collect the
coke bottles and replace furniture in its original position. This
will greatly relieve the additional burden such activities would
otherwise place upon our cleaning personnel.
Yours very truly,
Gordon Brown
2 President
GB/IHW V ‘ 2 '. “Ii-m,
CC - Marv Ann Johnson deijfliffl;“ii
A udrey Ya t es

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 S30 Ame lean Heritage Bldg.
Jacke;nville, Fla. 32802
January 21, 1971
Floyd Cuunty Campreheneive Healtn Services Prugrem, Inc.
Post Office B01 356
Wheelwright, Kentucky
Attentiun: Mr. Paul Stark - Deputy Pr Ject Director
Dear Mr. Stark:
Uur Wheelwrlgnt office adviSes me that you have renueated that we
diecuntinue janitorial eerviuee fer the Space you occupy in the
Clubhouse Building at Mheelwrlgnt.
When you filet maven lnte tne premises, an arrangement was made with
you to furnish such services at $125.00 per month for a 3—menth peeled
beginning Névember l, 1970. Although this figure was almost all
Jug-of~pocxet cost to us and allaued nothing f0: overhead and Jab
maintenance, we agreed t0 no along for the 3~menths perled, ts assist
ycu in getting set up. Yau have been billed each month for these
aervicee but so far we have received no pebmen. frgm yau and any
Wheelwrlgnt office has reparted to me yeuy statement that yuu are cu;
of money and won't be able t3 pa; anything until further Federal
funds are received.
In View of the circumetances in Whimh you find ysureelf and your re-
quest t: diesentlnue the services, we are willing to echmmodate you
in this reapect and have dlscentinued the service as of January 1;,
1971 and will bill yen for iny l/Q month's service fer the month ti
Januar; 1971. This brings the total amount swing to us on this ac-
csunt, as or the date of suspenei.n er serviye, t3 $312.50. Ines»
much as this is, as we stated, almost all out-gr-pocnet expense to
us we will appreciate payment frgm you at ycur earliest convenience.
We else wish ta acknawledge receipt of your letter or January ll, 1971
addressed t9 the writer. It is, as you know, quite lengthy and covers
a number 9: different subjects. We are taking tne matter under advise-
ment and will cemmunicate with yen regarding it as sgvn as we have olme
t3 conclusiqna anfl fermulated policies with regard t; the queetinne raised.
Very truly genre,
,.3_ M . CC - Miss Wendv Wheat
..‘- :m 102:!) , ‘ '~' ’ ,
G U.. B+ Ofiice Economic Oppertunity, Hfih
President , _fi ,
Mrs. Audrey Yates ¢§;;jgpfi;gw W
‘.;.thn'! \:1‘F“1("$")’.", Kn

 yoga county eomp'zeltenswe Health S’e/wwe/J p’zog’zam

May 5, 1971

Mrs. Audrey Yates

Mountain Investment Corporation

Wheelwright, Kentucky 41669

Dear Mrs. Yates:

This to confirm my telephone conversation of April 26, 1971, with
Judge Stumbo regarding delinquent rent payment to the Mountain Invest—
ment Corporation. At that time, Judge Stumbo said the Fiscal Court
would meet on April 28, l97l, and payment would be authorized to your

Therefore, you should be in receipt of the rent payment soon.

Paul S. Stark
Deputy Project Director
For Administration

 803 American Heritage Bldg.
Jacksonville, Fla. 32202
June 29, 1971
Honorable Henry Stumbo
County Judge, Floyd County
Prestonsburg, Kentucky 41653
Dear Judge Stumbo:
This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 25, 1971 regard-
ing termination of the lease on the space in the Club House at Wheel-
wright, Kentucky occupied until recently by the Floyd County Compre-
hensive Health Program.
We note the termination date stated in your letter as June 30, 1971,
however upon reference to the lease itself we find that the lease is
to run to and including July 31, 1971.
This being so, we interpret your letter to be notice to us that Federal
funds for the Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services Program, Inc.
will no longer be available and that therefore the lease will automati-
cally terminate under the terms of paragraph 2 thereof on July 31, 1971.
This is the expiration date of the first period established by the lease.
It would therefore seem that rent to and including July 31, 1971 at
$124.00 per month would be payable to us under the terms of the lease
and that rent for the unexpired term to and including the last mentioned
date would be classified as a ”bonafide obligation of the Floyd County
Comprehensive Health Services Program, Inc.” and eligible for payment
within recently expressed policy relating to possible suspension of
Federal support for the program.
We also note your statement that you will not need our building after
June 30, 1971. By this we understand that you wish us to take over, and
relieve you of reaponsibility for, the premises from and after that date.
This we are willing to do, with the understanding, of course, that our
accommodation of you and the Floyd County Comprehensive Health Services
Program_ Inc. in this regard is not construed as waiving our rent for
the premises to anu including July 31, 1971.
If all of the above is in accordance with your intent and wishes please
instruct whoever is presently in charge of the premises to turn the keys
in to our office at Wheelwright. Upon receipt of the keys, our people
will, except for rent as stated above, relieve you of further responsi—
bility for the premises.
I feel we should not allow this relationship between you and other offi-
cials of the County on the one hand and Mountain Investment on the other

 - Eudge Henry Stumbo
June 29, 1971
Page #2
to terminate without an expression of our appreciation for the atmos—
phere of good will, common sense and cooperation which has prevailed
in this matter, in spite of acrimony injected into the situation by
others, over whom neither of us had any jurisdiction.
I hope there will be other and more pleasant circumstances in which
we will find a community of interest.
Gordon Brown

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P.O. Box 47 o PRESTONSBURG,KENTUCKY 41653 0 (606) 886—8546
July 2, 1975
Mrs. Janice Brown, Manager
Mountain Investment Corporation
Wheelwright, Kentucky 41669
Dear Mrs. Brown:

As stated in our lease contract for 1974—1975, we would like to re—
new our lease agreement for the year 1975—1976.

It is a pleasure doing business with Mountain Investment, and we
appreciate the opportunity of using your facilities to help bring medi—
cal care to the Wheelwright area.

We would like for this lease agreement to be effective as of August
1, 1975, through the year to July 31, 1976.

I m\ I
. _r I , //
flu ( V64» 2V
/ Gene C. Wrighf

i' . .
l “
Ii *
H THIS SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE, made and entered into this
if the ALE: day of _ ~Q,1ugf‘ , 1976, by and between MOUNTAIN
, / ———“—“
ii INVESTMENT, INC., a Kentucky corporation with its home offices
ii in Wheelwright, Floyd County, Kentucky (hereinafter referred to
i! as the ”Lessor"), and COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CARE, INC., a Kentucky
E! corporation with its home offices in Prestonsburg, Floyd County,
i! Kentucky (hereinafter referred to as "Lessee");
§j WHEREAS, Lessor leased and let to Lessee that certain
f: building in Wheelwright, Kentucky, by Lease dated the 8th day
it of August, 1974, and;
i} WHEREAS, the parties to said Lease desire to renew
3i and extend said Lease for a period of one (1) year from and after
i, the 8th day August, 1976, under the same terms and conditions
i; as the original Lease;
ii That for and in consideration of the mutual promises
;‘ and obligations of the parties hereto, and the mutual consider—
{: ation flowing to each of said parties, the Lease dated 8th day
ii of August, 1974, including all of its terms, provisions and
i obligations, shall be as extended for an additional one (1) year
i: to end on the the 3lst day of July, 1977.
33 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this
ii Supplemental Lease as of the year and date above written.
*3 (Lessor)
13 BY fair, ’71,: wt -
i; _z'iifimfiéami—
ii (Lessee)
' F I ‘/’/,/ Vx‘ ._y”
ii EY 7,5Z, ' ,,/2; Afr i, /'”(
ii , / DIRECTOR 1
Ii ‘

7 - - 7
M . :- z' {3 ‘ .,2/4’7" _
g; I, "Lyg(f/(?LQ’,2’ ,////Za2r , a Notary Public
h m~*———-———~t-17*———e*—*-—“~——
): within and for said County, hereby certify that the foregoing
ii Supplemental Lease between Mountain Investment, Inc. (Lessor)
$5 and Comprehensive Health Care, Inc. (Lessee) was delivered and
:) acknowledged before me by JANICE BROWN as Manager of Mountain
i, Investment, Inc., for and on behalf of same to be the act and
I; deed of Mountain Investment, Inc., as Lessor.
l7 .
ii . .7 wfl/ . ”~-
73 This // day of 7,ygi;,g.4;7 , 1976.
s? , , , ’I1;' / 7 .2-, / ~I7 , .7 z 2,
L My CommiSSion expires 1’ (/k f, / /‘ / ,/ .
7 _ .
3; -- .;’ fi//' ,* 3,/_ :-.2j/W
I; __.—:24. .72 a 7 .2 2M2 « 7,-
:7 , /
L I, \vgflk ,-\/ g.//r g/fi,/’W , a Notary Public
{7 within and for said County, hereby certify that the foregoing
.3 l .
{37“. Supplemental Lease between Mountain Investment, Inc. (Lessor)
\ 7 777 a7 .
.3.. §:flj and Comprehensive Health Care, Ind. (Lessee) was delivered and
c m w H p;
p.o % l7 .2 _ /
pro g V acknowledged before me by gfi:n ; ,4/,.2 ,/ g, as
mko \H m i . 2“
fi g 8'5 ’ Director of ComprehenSive Health Care, Inc., for and on behalf
a 2 D
387 4 E) 3 of same to be the act and deed of Comprehensive Health Care, Inc.,
H m ) ~w 3
U \ m 7:
L4m 2+ (; as Lessee. .
O m \J ~g7 //
O 3 \2 m7; . .» »/ 71
' p g g); This -6/ day of : .,_- :- ,' , 1976.
8 c: 20 :7 I ,, ,7
m g \\ .2 H My Commission expires “'“TVkawam;cg,¢,r .. .
25 we 7; WW
U) +3 \\ D U) ' ‘
I272 as: t ,/ / / /
/, / '
III I” 7 C .Az/ ___

CITY ROUTE 1 o PRESTONSBURG, KENTUCKY 41553 0 (606) 886-8546
349-5126 587-2200 452-2105
May 23, 2978
Mr. halt Williams
Mountain Investment Company
Wheelwright, Kentucky 41669
Dear Mr. Williams:

It has come to my attention that we have several problems in the
Wheelwright Clinic that have gone unattended for sometime. Namely
plumbing problems that do not allow us to have hot water in the clinic.
In operating a medical clinic, it is a necessity to have hot water
available at all times during open clinic hours. we also have some
problems with other leaks within the building from the ceiling upstairs
and I want to take this opportunity to ask you to have these corrected
since our lease does call for the correction of'these types of things
by the building owner.

Ij‘there are any problems or comments on the repair of these items,
please let me know.

Sincerely, /
// //’//‘,// ///
7' ,/ /. /
53./x -/« I; ,' ..’/1,1: 0 ‘x: / /
Roger C. Marshall
Executive Director
RCM: kc

CITY ROUTE 1 . PRESTONSBURG, KENTUCKY 41653 c (606) 886-8546
Dear Neighbor:
DID YOU KNOW — Big Sandy Health Care, Inc., operates a fully staffed
Medical Center in your neighborhood?
DID YOU KNOW'— Clinic hours are from 8:00 a.m. thru 5:00 p.m. and
that at any hour we are available jor emergency calls.
DID YOU KNOW — Big Sandy Health Care, Inc., is non—profit and is run
by patients who sit on the Board of Trustees?
DID YOU KNOW - We have a fully staffed laboratory jacility with other
modern equipment to servie your health needs?
OLD YOU KNOW - You do not have to have an apgointment? {We encourage
appointments but stajy‘is available for any health care need)
OLD YOU KNOW — We encourage full medical evaluations on the first visit
and every year after that?
DID YOU KNOW — We had only 4 hospitalizations out o;‘15,000 patients
because we did those evaluations? Catching problems while they are
small is what we are all about I]!
DID YOU KNOW — Our charges for services are based on your income and
family size?
IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW - We invite you to stop in at our center in Wheel-
‘ ) fl Y
, /. ,1 //V 4737 / // // //
,,,/7K 3 37(( (: ") //i////,/é/ 3((x3l7/
/ \ 3:
Roger C. Marshall
Executive Director

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