xt7qnk361p0s_119 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Store #1 (Refrigerators) text Store #1 (Refrigerators) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_97/Folder_14/0459.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_119 xt7qnk361p0s 7 1'5
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" Two Deck [)0er Case 1 1- , 777311 ‘ ~ , 1,7: 1. 7

MODEL 2D6-6 0%" AND MODEL 208-8 0%” LONG “6”“ g. “(xx
MIRROR % lcou fik
4 \A 1&3}
li"—TWO GLASS ASSY. , l 1' 2, §\\
EXTERIOR FINISH—Model 2D Cases are white Bondurbrite finish except rail along front glass and top E, ”W \ S\>\
which is porcelain. "EEV’1:;=2’511>\\\§
,/,‘, __.. ,,1L2: 11...”..- \\ N
OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS—54” high, 43%" extreme overall depth (including bumper rail). Length 6' 0%” 1 ’ETW . \M/,/ 1.3.111 5‘
and 8, 0%”. 2 42" E _I—r PRICE TA/(l‘: L / (.'. l §;T§
, -. , ’LIGHTS . f, \,_
DISPLAY SHELVES—Each 6 ft. case has 3 shelves 28‘/2” deep in lower section and 3 shelves 20" deep in ,l 111/.2 .“°”E°'"GGI' i l m" E51:
upper section. Each 8 ft. case has 4 shelves 28 V2” deep in lower section and 4 shelves 20” deep in upper it 3—1'495 77 2723,1111 —_l Eé
sectlon. 27W .1 .. ., 1::3..- L73, 391* §E 2 - 3
n ,,I 1 1, 1;;—"2 ” 3' :; ,,7 .
SHIPPED IN SECTIONS—Shipped in 6’ or 8’ sections without wing assembly. These standard sections l \th‘ijgf’: '*:::""l":E'll“” g fil l
fit flush against each other. Cover strips are provided where mirror channel, display shelves, and glass \F- ‘ ‘ , :2” \ 333?? H 14%"
uprights ioin and these hold sections in place. Wing glass end assemblies and glass channels are supplied \\xg m. l
as ordered to be installed after sections have been set in place. mm... ’ ‘ E‘ 1 , lT l
CDVERPLAIE ..1 fig“ I 77 ’El. l111/4» Ly
SERVICE CONNECTIONS—Drain located in center of case, outlet through front or back 2%” from floor. mowers '_”‘_DRF,N Tammi—“clarewmvgf/WE “
Inlet and outlet refrigeration lines located lower right hand back 13%” from floor 6” from end (looking at ifgbgahfigf “A . emmovmu
case from front). Provision also made so that refrigeration lines can be run through ends of cases in con- ' 7 ""_' 4m
tinuous multiple installations. Electrical line installed through end Of guard rail casting. '
REFRIGERATION ourLEr . . °"E 1'1"
SHIPPING WEIGHTS—6 ft. case approx. 1000 lbs. 8 ft. case approx. 1300 lbs. 77L WWW'W—EfiPflLt 7'.“ _
6 ft. 78%” king, 48‘/2” wide, 59” high L . l l i
. [/11\.S l —DRAIN OUT FRONT .. l
8 ft. 102%” long, 48l/z” wide, 59” hIgh 2:“ ”M" as: E 431/.2
CONDENSING UNIT REQUIREMENTS (For Normal Conditions) Hussmann Hussmann EEE E E E
Length Of Unit Air Cooled Water Cooled Air or A & W Water Cooled ll‘ 6):?" 3
6’ 75FS W75FS H 75FS HW 75FS 22—2#-2222 l
8’ lOOFS WiOOFS l-ll oors HWIOOFS ML__fiJ/fl; l
l..— .. , 620%" ,. L. . ..Li.4_,.
NOTE: The seller reserves the right to change specifications from those set forth in its printed literature with- PLAN ZD-é FRONT
out liability to purchaser where specified materials are not procurable. l _...,.,..,,L”"EEI_‘I‘M‘E”- selfi‘lr.
=\ l== W= 2%
W 7/ , E-E 3”7723/
PM 1: l x :
l§§-§\§_f“&lfi ‘E E ‘ Ell 51'—DRAIN our FRONT OR BACK ,, 1
~‘\\ " ":1: _V..“
Model 2D8 and 2D6 i %\\2\\\' \2E E W
Joined in continuous display \Il§ \ ‘ '§ P E lll I l
Overall length 14’ 0%” "'=2111,.\" m \ \L‘ lll . 1__553" E:
, \~L,¥V ’ #7" >" " """’ ' " “" 7 7- ' Aami W 7 ' ;.WTT-
ago“,\\\2=n\m ;l E“_'W—T——-—v—_lm:-gzlla FRONT V ' ' ====2 v:
\. i V I I
542-1153U10 PrintedinU.S.A.

 .7 / / 1 . T
. EH43 u seanfill
FOR 2D—5 & 2D>Efi
Electrical Service Connections~————————2 Model Combinations Of 2D For Self
Conventional Time Clock Defrost——————-—2 Service Dairy—-————————-———————--—-—————9
Electric Defrost Control———————————————2 Model Combinations Of 2D For Self _

. Electric Defrost Periods————————————7——3 Service Meats-—~—————-—-————-————-—————lO
Electric Defrost Sequence Operation————3 Expansion Valve————————-———————————-————8
Hussmann Electric Defrost System Drain———-————-—————~————————-—————--——-—8
Wiring Diagram——4-———~———-——-———»-———-—h
Time Clock Defrost Wiring Diagram————--5 SETTING UP REFRIGERATORS———-————-——————ll
2D—6 Wiring Diagram-—-————————-——~-————6 Installing End Classes———————-—-———————ll
2D—8 Wiring Diagram——————~——-—-——————~—7 Splash Guards Instructions—-————————-——12
Refrigerant Lines——-————————-——-—~—w———8 Installing Joint Material-—~-———————~——l§

. Low Pressure Control Settings~-———-———-8
This refrigerator may be installed individually, or tWO or more sections may
be joined in line to produce one long continuous display using one set of ends.
MODEL 2D—6 D, OR 2D—8 D
The Model 2D—5 D or 2D—8 D is for dairy or delicatessen applications and is
not equipped with tubular defrost heaters°
MODEL 2D-6 M OR 2D—8 M .
The Model 2D—5 M5 or 2D—8 is designed primarily for self—service meats but
it may also be used for dairy or delicatessen applications. It is equipned
‘ with a new accelerated defrost system which consists of tubular defrost heat—
ers and a 2D defrost control panel is requireda lhis arrangement shortens the
defrost perios considerablyo 7
When using this refrigerator for dair or delicatessen applications the defrost
control panel is not essential, nor do the tubular defrost heaters have to be
connected. :
| Service Department, August l95h
MA loo-63995. 8—G



The 2D—5 D or 2D—8 D only requires 115 volt service fbr lights and anti-sweat

heatersoA The 2D—6 M or 2D—8 M normally requires two electrical service con—


10 A lighting circuit of 115 volt for the lights and anti—sweat heaters.
This circuit must not be interrupted and must be connected at all timeso
Panel switches must be marked so that the'circuit is not diSCOnnectedo
Turn Off lights at tuggle switch on each casen

2o A controlled circuit frOm the defrost control panel at the condensing
unit (230 volt) to operate the defrost heaters for 20 meat application.

As indicated under "General" the user may elect not to connect these defroet

heaters when used fbr dairy or delicatesseno

This refrigerator must be grounded using either the incoming conduits or bring

a third wire and connecting it to a metal part of the refrigerator and elect—

rical groundo

A very convenient access to both service connections is provided in a combin—

ation full length electric channel and kick rail which may be lowered by re—

. moving the screws attaching the kick rail to the refrigerator at the base,

When the kick rail is removed it exposes the ballast box and both electric
connections (115 and 230 volt) of the refrigerator° The lighting and anti—
sweat connections (h wires) are on the right hand end of the base and the
tubular heater leads (2 wires) are on the left hand end of the baseo
Both services may run from refrigerator to refrigerator thru the combination
electric channel and kick railso Connections may be made to the complete re-
frigerator installation at either end of the base channelp or conduit may run
into the bottom of the channel to the access opening providedo 7/8" diameter
holes are provided in.front and rear base rails to permit bringing electrical
service in from rearo


A Paragon #3h02 time clock connected in series with the low pressure control

may be used to defrost the coil on dairy or delicatessen applications. See

wiring diagram on pageS a The clock should be equipped with two trippers to
permit one defrost per day of 3 hours9 preferably from 3:00AM to 6:00AMA


All 2D—5 M or 2D—8 M refrigerators connected to one condensing unit should

be operated by one defrost control panel. The defrost control panel should

be instafiled near the condensing unit in accordaDCe with the wiring diagram
on page a

 -3- "'
ELECTRIC DEEROST remote (my-Jr) _
Two defrost periods per day are required. The length of each defrost should
be approximately 75 minutes. Qne defrost period should start at the time
the store closes at right and the second should start two hours before the
store opens in the mornlne. To accomplish defrost per:ods suggested, in—
sert pins in the dial face at the desired times.
In brief, the operation of the defrogt'system is as follows: At the start
of each defrost operatson, the clock breaks the circuit to the condensing
unit and closes the circuit to the defrost heaters. The defrost pressure
switch shouldtie closed as it is adjusted to close when the pressure drops
to 20#. As heat is applied to the coils pressure rises and usually in 30
to MS minutes will have risen to about h5#, at which time the defrost ores—
sure switch breaks the circuit terminating the heating period, The time
clock should be set to start the condensing unit 75 minutes after the start i
of the defrost cycle. This allows 15 to 30 minutes after the defrost pres— -
sure switch has terminated heating period to allow the heat to be dissipated
into the coils and all the defrost water to run Out the drajnliefore re—
frigeration cycle is resumed. . , I

Defrost Control Panel HUSSIIAIJIN ELECIIIRIC DEFROIJE: STSTEIIIII (Neat) 1‘4I’Ianual DisconneCt SWIj-ItCh
Assy. No. 111—36-222
Manual Disconnect Switch Line #3 Cir-7
MA #lOO—Sh63 Should be fused to carry total connected -———- cuit in bro— __.—
defrost heater load: If condensing unit E2 0 % ken line dim—FL; L01 .II—ILg
Defrost Pressure disconnect switch has same size fuses, I inated in sin-l
mt: this switch may be eliminated and power I , , gle haseo . . . I
777 obtained from line side of starter, , I i I l ' " '
Cut-Out 4454,! , I _ _ I I ! ! I
Cut—In 20# Penn #272BP20, Model #150 Pressure Control I_ ‘ ‘ __I ' o -
(Breaks on r‘se)o ' — ' —J
Run l/IL" tube to Paragon Ti er TD 4111487.:3 l 1
some place in the Clock ‘ . — —— — —— —\ . Coil
suction line which . __ _ __ _I I' -‘ ' II
is always open to full ' _ — '9 _ "'- _____ '_ * ; "3 ,
coil pressurea Warn= ._ ' I—I _ _II—I d . III I .m, ._—II I
13g: If a crankcase i ' " ‘_* I 2 . I I Contefising I . _
pressure limit valve . I - , ~ I II ; I Enl SiabEaI I I :I: I
is useds do not con— I Ml . .M I1 .4. . . I; I I . .10 ar er I13 . U :5: %
nect into compressor I Ll. .L’ N ‘ 3 __ 4 ’ . , ' 4 '
side of is valvee j I I - ~ » »- —_ I I _E . o 5 I
. L‘? 1‘“ __.. ‘_ __ _I , T1 II _I
Maximum total connected Set Timer for number and I Reset , I
load is 2h ampereso length of defrost periods ”_,I I
called for in the refrig— ‘.‘-‘.' L [:3
eration instructionso _ i7
Defrost Heaters for all P /II
“fir—~— erssure V
N“ _ cases operated by one 4 _, (7
w,“ . condensing unit should be SWlII’Ch on \ ‘ 5
Wired in parallel and con— I POIKIBHSlng/ 4 o A I
. nected to Pressure Switch Unit“ / ' I
Terminals Ml and M2 as shownyx . IA Condensing Unit. I
NOTE: Defrost Heater Current Requirements '
2135:14— 13% amps 1000 watts @ 230 volts 4 '
2D8—II— 64.13 amps 1350 watts @ 230 volts

 -5- I .
*M ,
Manual Disconnect /\
Switch (L _ $ __ _L
I_- . ‘ 7 0" f
I __/.l /
. 44 . l‘
_ _,. _l
A g H Magnetic
Condensing Unit * Co'l
. Magnetic Starter ——{ — ——[
Paragon # hOZ Timer I . S/ — I I
Contacts normally I - l ' I
closed I . l ‘—— .
o $— 0 ‘
l Relay .
: _ — _ _ _ —l I Third
r/ \\ l W‘re
I /\ Clock ) l I , ~ for 3
o J was?“
I . = 1 l" .
l 0 ‘
lg Pressure
L Control
/'I\ on Con-
. ‘ densing
/ CL '/Unit
. . . l _
. . f'
Motor Compressor _[ __ ___/__\ L... __l. _
, l— _l
' Condensing Unit .
l_ _.._ ._‘ _ _ __ _l

 2D—6 REFRIGERATOR. 2111111111 DiAGD.A:1__im DATA ‘
, /Upner Light Assembly\
___—_._._ f—TT I__-gr——— -—- .
Drawing No.2 I" A _'I (3‘ ’1? I B _i 10 \
MA lOO—SBZLL L __ __ __ __ _| :_/ \ j _ _ __ _ _ __l‘— 11 Located
8 Re Ho end
, 9 2 of canopy
ll . l
S l‘ t Lo H: U.
811331;: a pper \ e Solice at Re Ho end unoer stile 2
— — — — — _" —‘ —' _fi 2» 2
—-————-—-———--»—~/ 1.1"
H 2 Tubular Defrost Heaters ...lrror Hiater Cable 7
n— .__ — — _-—— _ ._.__. —’\ l‘
|_.'_ __ __ ._ _ _.. __.__/ Center Deck Heater Cable
‘ l’ 1Handy box under » " e IIIIIIII
L. . _Icenter deck Lo
" Ho ends I h {L
These Wires terminate — f —l r \ \ F‘ Ih“—3'
in the kick rail at the II___A_ __ ‘Ji \E’ (IF—.141. _ E__ __.__] ,1 6
L0 H0 endfi ' 7
230 V05 60 0.25 l pho “\Lower Light Assembly/ . These
on 2D6M only ~' -- wires
2 I termin—
9 ._IHII ate in
LB 4..-... — “‘1 I l—Y—F“ ——-— _I—R— 10 ._' the kick
lh—Y—1 c 1— s B _4 D l-—-Y ___11 ._'-l rail RD
one/FR—i.“-——r 1 “’17——~———*'B—3 ll Hoendo
Ballast connecti 13 l . I- u 1.
in kick raila 8 - I’ White Black
. 115 V2, 60 C.,, 1th
Key Part _ Key Part _
A9 Fluorescent Lamp Go Toggle Switch for Lights ,
B. " H. Tubular Heaters
C. Ballast - Double 15 Watt 1.; Anti—Sweat Heaters -= Mirror heater, h2 ftn, 1°02 ohms/ft..,
Do " — Double 30 Watt total ohms L123 ohmso Center deck
En Starters hO fe., 1002 ohms/fin, 11098 ohms
F. Starters
Model Lights Anti—Sweat Heaters Total .
Amps Watts Amps flatbs. Amps Watts
2D-6 11,05 120 1237 1;? 2.11.2 277

/ Upper Li ght AS sembly\
Drawing Nos f— _ _ "' — _ ‘15: ' (I \ J: bl— — — — — ___—1°— 10
MA 1005799 ‘ ._ _ _ __A__ _ —‘J‘r C_/ \C ‘ .._ _ _A_ __ J..—11 Located
‘ 8 Ho Ho end
, 9 of canopy
___—___fi——————————-——-——————-——————-—c . ‘ 12 13
r - ‘ ‘ ’1L3, : 1
Snlices at Re Ho end upper stile 2
___—__‘_]— — — —‘ '— "" —’ —" — _ \ 3 ' ‘
_L __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _/ Mirror Heater Cable “ ,
E 2 Tubular Defrost Heaters F . '
TT-_ —’ _ "'" —‘ — '_ "” —\ Center Deck Heater Cable _ ' ' 3
..,..__._______._J . A- V ,
candy box under » . __IIIIIIII ' 3
I__ Jcenter deck Lo 3 7 5 , ‘ ' T1
Ho endo - ‘ 3 ‘ _ , - h _ 7
. .' . 3—-————-][ . '\{‘F“’_‘_—* ’3.—._.___3 '.'
These _w1res terminate in V A C\, 43:3 'l A l~ , 6
the Kick rail at the L0 °|__ _7__ _1'3 \J} ,\V_/' _‘7 4... .__ _ _. __ _3 3
Ha enda ’~ ~ _ . 7. ; 7
230 V0, 60 Ca 9 1 Ph'. klrower Light Assembly/”'.’ ’ 4 7 , These _
on 2D8M only , 3 ‘ . -- . V WlI‘eS
7 » .2 ' ‘I V terminate
~ '5 a 3— ‘9 I_IHII - - in the
' - ‘L‘B —’ — -—--rw _.. .'. -->— — R _ lO I_I kick rail
r Y r” 7" I_I I
- 1h — Y —4 'B I- B?- -B —- B I—-—Y —- 11 . I Be H. end
Ballast connections R , _ - - .1
_ . . / r“ _.___-.1 er W3-.-_.__.l—B——3r ~
in luck railo . . L , _ .
.13 V 12 7 8 I- . 3
3 3 , ,3 ‘ ‘ 1| White, Black
- . ' ’ ‘ ‘ 115 V., 60 C., 1 Ph.
Key Part Key Part ' 3 I .
A. Fluorescent Lamps _ -E. Tubular Heaters 7
B. Ballasts —- Double 30 Watt F. Anti—Sweat Heaters — lfiirror heater 346 ft. , 2.57 olnns/ft.,
C. Starters ’ ‘ , -- Center deck heater t2 'ft., 2.57 ohms/ft. _
D. Toggle ~ ' ~- - 7 , ‘
Model lights Anti—Sweat Heaters Total
20—8 1.1).; amps, 155 watts 2.05 amps, 237 watts 3.2 amps, 393 watts ' .

 _ ' —8—
The refrigerant line connections are 3/8” liquid and 5/8" suction terminat—
ing inside the refrigerator at the right endo Common liquid and suction
lines may be run inside refrigerators on a multiple installation and brought
out thru the thimble of any one refrigeratora A thimble is provided in the
, lower right rear wall as well as in the lower right and left rear corners _
of each refrigeratoro Provisions for lines to come out the lower right front
bottom have been provided for alternate refrigerant outlets° p
Normal refrigeration temperature control is accomplished by proper adjustment
of the pressure switch on the condensing unito It is set as follows:
Meat and Diary for Freon 12 _ 25# cut—in°
FROSTING DURING EACH OFF CYCLEo A partial coil defrost will cause icing of
the coils and ice formation in the bottom of the refrigeratora The only
time the coil should be allowed to defrost at all is during the time clock
defrost period at which time all defrost is allowed to melt and run out the
drain before it has a chance to refreezeo
The cut—out pressure will determine the temperature resulting in the refrig-
erator° It is impossible to give an exact cut—in setting because of varia—
bles such as: desired temperatures, machine capacity, suction line pressure
. drop, differences in gauge, loading of equipment, etczo
The best rule to follow for properly setting the cut-out pressure is to, ad—
just the cut—in as described aboveo Make sure the coil is completely defrosted°
Turn the pressure switch on and allow machine to run, usually for one
hour or longer without stopping, until temperatures in the refrigerators are
a few degrees lower than desired by the usera At this time, adjust pressure
control to cut—off at the low point of the suction pressure swing (normal
hunt)° “pproximate cut-out pressures are as follows:
Freon l2 5# 8# Cut—Out
Lower the cut-out a pound or two for colder temperatures, raise the cut4out
a pound or two for warmer temperatureso -
A Sporlan CFC 1 ton expansion valve is used with the remote bulb of the
valve fastened on the horizontal suction line just ahead of the heat ex-
changer° The expansion valve is properly adjusted if the suction line is
frosted at least one half way thru the heat exchanger at the end of the
running cycleo
A drain connection can be made either at the front or rear of the base as a
g l" MPT drain is extended from the refrigerator drain trap out thru the front
. and rear‘refrigerator base, so that proper connection to sewer system can be
madeo A pipe cap must cover the drain extension not being usedo MAKE CER-
TAIN THIS CAP IS TIGHT TO PREVENT LEAKSO All pipe connections must comply '
with all local plumbing codeso

Condensing unit size with recommended liquid and suction line sizes. Increase line size as indicated for
each refrigerator/added to installation. , . \ _ \

No. Overall Air 0r water Hussmetic Hussmetic Required 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 1 h th 5 th
0f Case A.& W. Cooled Water Air 0r Minimum
Cases Length Condens— Condens— Cooled A. & W. Condsg. Case Case Case Case Case
'7 With ing Unit ing Unit Condens— Condens— Unit Cap.
Ends%* ing Unit ing Unit BTU/Hr. %
1—206 6v 3/8" 75FS jw7SFs HW7SFS H75FS 6,h50 S/an
lu2D8 8' 3 3/8" lOOFS WlOOFS HW1OOFS HlOOFS 8,600 5/8"S
2-206 12v 1 1/Lw 1501s W150FS EWIlSOFS HlSOFS 12,900 S/an 7/8"s
1—208 11v 1 1/hn 200Fs W150Fs HMSOFS H150Fs 15,050 S/8ns 7/8"S
378ML 378"];
2—2D8 16v 1 1/1;" 2003s W200Fs HWZOOFS 11200158 17,200 S/an 7/8ns
378"]; 378"]; 172"];
3-206 18' 2 1/8" 300FS wzoors Hw200Fs H300Fs 19,350 s/Sns 7/8"S 1 1/8ns
2—2D5 378"L 378"L 172"L
L208 20' 2 1/8" 300173 w200p3 Hw200FS HBOOFS 21 500 5/8ns 7/8"S 1 1/8ns J,
16206 , , ’ ' _ 378111, 378nL j 72:21, I
2-2D8 22v 2 1/8" 300195 w300rs mnx300rs 11300315 23,650 5/8"S 7/8ns 1 1/8ns
378HL 328HL 172111,
3—2D8 2h' 2 1/8" W300FS HW3OOFS 25,800 5/8”S 7/8"S l l/8"S
2—205 378% 378% 172% 578% ‘ ‘
2—2D8 28‘ 3" W300FS HW3OOFS 30,100 S;8"S 7;8"S l l/8"S l 3/8"S
l—BDE 3 ”L 3 8"L 1 2”L "L
3—208 30' 3" moors HWSOOFS 32 250 5/8ns 7/8"s 1 1/8ns 1 S/8ns .
2-2136 378"}; 3781IL 172"]; 578"]; _ g/BHL
3—2D8 36' 3 7/8" wSoors stoors 38,700 s/ans 7/ous 1 1/8ns 1 3/8ns 1 S/an
1,2136 - 378NL 378nL 172nL E78111. E78111,
h—ZDB 38' 3 778" WSOOFS mnysoors L10,850 5;an 7/8ns 1 178ml 3/8us 1 S/Bus
"‘ 3 "L 3 _nL 1 2"L "L "L
' 5—2D8 110' 3 7/8" WSOOFS 113,000 S/Bl's 7/8ns 1 1/8ns1 3/8"S 1 S/8"S
**NOTE: Overall dimensions shown include allowance for joint between cases.
* The capacities shown are the BTU/Hr. the condensing unit must produce at 20°F. evaporator under its expected am—
bient or head pressure, to maintain shelf temperature of 35°F., when operating in a 9OOF. store.

Refrigeration load varies according to temperature and humidity in a store; also, service, air currents, condensing
unit location, aid other variables such as shelf temperatures desired. Recommendations are based on practical data
and field experience, and will apply for most installations. When case is used in stores with excessive air currents
case temperature will be adversely affected. Air currents should be eliminated.

Refrigerant lines in excess of 50' from nearest refrigerator to condensing unit, follow above sizes for first 50' from
refrigerator, then increase to next larger size for balance of run to condensing unit. Select multiple of groups '
shown f6 other requirements than those listed above. . . '

Condensing unit size with recommended liquid and suction line sizes. Increase line size as indicated for h
each case added to installation.

No° Overall Air Or water Hussmetic Hussmetic Required 1 st 2 nd 3 rd ’ h th 5 th
Of Case A. &,W. Cooled Water Air Or Minimum
Cases Length Condsg. Condsg. Cooled A. & W. Condsgo Case Case Case Case Case
With Unit Unit Condsg. Cond