xt7qnk361p0s_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Monthly and Annual Reports text Monthly and Annual Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_88/Folder_1/1115.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_14 xt7qnk361p0s (I/I '
$ ‘
) . . . February 5, 1960 I
l > '
To: H. G. Zimerman
From: P... I. McKinney
’ Report of the Buildings 6. Grounds Department for the Month of
January. 1960
I 300111 and Bath Additiaflg “we?
(”’L/ /’
Complete - Emma NO. 94 ~ Room Extended - Total Cuet/ $2,218.39
, , In progress - House No. 303 - Bath conversion - Cost to date ' 312.54
Floor Eggsgge gmflLations
- . Samplete - Emma 320, 94 “it Total Cost 176.55? -
" " 226 A " " 350.56 /
, 7* 2.33 ./ .. .. , ., ,, / 248.39-
N. u I! .236 / u n ,4“: by 264.34 ,’;J
‘ H H 417 / _ N " [[4 370.63"
H W 453 / " " . 284.38/
‘ In program ~ House 330. 7302 - 161 - 406 and 425
NOTE: Sel-107? is about 98% complete. Thu: approwiation cad be eloeed
at. the end of February, 1960.
“- '57; , 2x :4 t" ,_ H» .../mzm/IPZ 4;". ,1 I; -
‘ gnterior gaining chmLetg _ ,
House No. 46-/-’ 3 Rooms 5. Bath 217.90 /
‘ " H 95 x 5 Rooms enact: 281.99;
' " " 112 % Bath q 66.43
‘ " " 142 w— 4 Rooms 5. Bath 7/ 123.91 / , fl
“3 " " 226% 2 Rooms (Furnace Job) 3.,/{s 88.42;;
‘ " ” 283 /~ Z-Rooms ( " “ ) l 93.00' V
‘ " 'v 286./- 2 Rooms ( u " ) ‘»- 62.06;
\ n n 406/ 2 u ( n u ) _ 62.86
" *8 417./- 2 " ( " " ) 113.99; _
\ ’ H H 453_/. 2 H ( H t! ) 84.55
{ . The cost on these painting jobs also include the time and material needed
' \ to repair or replace bad plaster, base, base shoe, window. stops, etc., »as

 . x} . - s
v Page - 2 . .
» Cogggnggx Hall '
:f ‘ '
\' cleaned and repainted the kitchen and cabinets anfi repaired
' stove doors. Cos: ‘ $ 139;1D
RefLoortng JobawCompletq> A?
House No. 95 - 2 Rooms / w 377.43/
" .. 229 - 1 Room / f” 138.80 /
In Progress - House No. 69. 235 and 373.
mum Imansom...@_h§ .
Houaa No. 166 - Remodel kitchen and installed sink unit
’ and overhead cabinets 593.27
House No. 226 ~ Inside clothes closet 72.11
I House Re. 396 - Outside repairs - termite damage 178.86
Y New foot bridge accross creek near House No. 51, Branham
Hollow ~ Not compiete ~ Cost to date 50.74
Bates Branch bathhouse addition is complete. Total cost
' according to our record g 10,506.42
. Closing two shower stalls in the Wheelwright bathhouse
Cost - Labor and Materials 84.42 .
Rebuilding chlorinator at the iilteration plant
Cost - Labor and Haterials 479.65 ‘
Checking gas system and gas meters at Price - west side 82.93 ‘
Changing combustion chambers 1h two floor furnaceg 113.58
House No. 72 - Repaira to basement room (old kitchen)
and painting 127.12
' Repairs to Price Service Center bathhouse shower mixing
valves was started but not completed because of repair
parts needed. Fax 4 are on order and will be installed
as soon as they are received.
_ L3152?323:$; -
. .. » B&G Department
. RIMcKinney/nmd ‘
. CC: HMWilkinaon, Jr. V
_ CBlair

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 . ‘ . March 7. 19am ‘
To; El. 1'}. Eizmnemmn 2 . '
From: 11. I. MKin-ney
Report nf the. gaining, a Grounds Ikgarmsenz for the month at '
' - Room and 1;. etch Additioggg _
Cowplete - 35.011221: "fin. 303 9 13am gamma 197/ 524-28 /
in. E'rca~;;x¢:nn - i‘issueza fig. It)? .. Itemm 3111.2; {tion 77.3%
I IV it ~ f? '3‘ iaa - VI 59 321.02
' ” " ~ ‘ ‘ 3.531 v 12901:: Fmtmaien 3,491.69
" ” ‘- "° 31:73 «1 Slams Addisien 55.38
I, I" a: '9 Hi :52"; a _ H 7| 46.75
. Fleur Egzzgnanee
megflfitaai - 21292an $553., am. /.7 I/g 237.967
'2 .. H *1 392/ ./‘/[// 173.55’
'1 ~ me / 336.46 /
in yrogreai: -= Roam Rn. 56 ‘ -
N M .. H '3 32 I -
'* " 2271::
H n _, u n .5325“
Zimme- no. 185,; 5/4 5;. 35am - Vacant: 251.1% é '
" " 82 .14 4 is 33th - Vacant , /" /'” 204.25 /
,. .. .111 A I. m. - mm 5V 129.55 ’/
.. ... 139 4 1+ 1.- Bath ~ Vanaut fi/ ,,4/ 195.06 .
" " 1.61/- 2 Roman - Furnace Job L/ " " 93.18/
" " 235V- 1’4 Remus - Vegan: . 1.86.41 ; ’
" 1' 3921/: 1 Ram - Furnace Job » _ 32.14." ,.
." 1' 625/- 2 Rooms - Furnace Job _ 59.73 /
House No. 69 r//2 Ems C/M 239.86“;
1* H 3.26 .1 “1 moms fi/m/ . 234.40~/
. 4' *1 373 /3 31mm -” 335.32 ‘/
- » u u 379 -/ Rooms - 381.80 .
'.' " 285 3 Rooms (Includes special repairs) . 458.16/

 Page. - 2 , ,
. , macelgmgggg £0133 _ - .
House Noe 18k - Tcmite dange to foundation ' 3.;jér'...:t;_-I
. " " : 30 w ELIE-Orim: partition repairs ' 33.99
' " 5“ 379 - Ganeral repairs ' 89.61
" " 446 ~ Inside clothes c1052: 11.-{hm '
Comn'ete fem: bridgs; .. Emnham Hollow.
.. Mao New Guam; “Jar. M33; m hridge (complete) 327.52
Shelving erected ma {RIMES at Machine 522033 208.153
' ’ gfiscellaneega Jab-I5 {‘ewgiemd - We CORE: $3823:
I (a) £359. 1 Stems. fleeting '.éiyaatem — Valw’: ISIEzpléICRa‘I.
(1:) Erica Service {Starter shower mixing val-OER zepa'irati.
(a) Ericka replaced its; mmdcw 3111 at foam-Ma.
. (d) Ream radiators in L‘.:IIuiIhOuse checkez‘: Ravi xepaimd.
, {15033: SEMI??? ::1-6; m; 37’ .mnxuggfjrfp I
A: $54: 3.03:3 $413112; «IL-grimy, f’Obruary =1 10?... camfiete)
\37//‘_//J/'1 E/VVTfl/Ijérx .
. (7%,I/fifw.€f§u2m fl
233G EEI.-23ml“ mare-112’. ’J
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. Lit}: Emfilkinson, Jr.
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April 6, 1960
To: H.0.thmmmn
From: R. I. McKinney
Regurt of the Buildings & Grounds Degartment for the Month of March, 1960
' £00m and Bath Additions
Completed - House No. 161 - Kitchen Extended 1,637.98 ‘
In Progress - House No. 107 - Kitchen Extens- 730.77
Hausa No. 144 - Room Ad” 444.31
House No. 373 ~ ” ” 410.79
House No. 374 — " ” 1,115.35
NOTE: 3. A. 1085 is about 0‘.
Floor Furnace Installatio-_
Sompleted - House Ho. 359.34
House No. 192.79
House '- - 211.59
Ho 33 ‘-. 15; 367.30
H-'*‘ No. 1’? 269.96
H-u-e No. '2”% 322.96 '
Ho-s> Ho. .3 300.97
In Progress-Han — Inc. "35 x xx
Interior Painting
House No. 21 ~ 2 Rooms — Furnace Job 140.23
W H 56 _. 2 31 H E? 63.79
'.I H 153 .,. 2 I! H I! 95.44
ll ii 175 u 2 59 t! ?l 64.78
H M 229.15- 2 N H H 68.53
” ” 147 - 3 ” - Vacant 84.70
” “ 177 - 3 & Bath - Vacant 127.00
" " 396 - 5 & Bath - Vacant 134.57 L
Hospital painting and odd jobs.
The waiting room, two examining rooms, the ceiling ~
only of the back room where patients' beds are kept \ 4
and remodeling of the work counter in the lab. - Cost 440.76L//

 / 1
But). ~ 2
Flooring Joba (Comgletel
House No. 177 — 3 Rooms 360.77
House No. 294 ~ 3 Rooms 322.60 ‘
Miscellaneous Jobs
House No. 153 - Inside Press 84.91'
Replaced wood landing at rear entrance of Community Hall 46.49
Placing new blueprint machine on third floor of Main Office ~ / 
Cost labor and materials used 151.35‘/
, Free Paint LBSued to Tenants
49% Gal. Enamel @ 5.05 249.98 3 ///"
54% Gal. Rubberized Wall faint “ .95 215.28 ///
26 Gal. Rubberized Ceiling Paint .75 97.50 ,/
5% Gal. Flat Wall Paint '” .86 “2;.23
Total-Paint 583.99
"// 7
/§u erintende t
B&G Department
CC: HMNilkinson, .

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