xt7qnk361p0s_1752 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright January-June 1969 text January-June 1969 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_350/Folder_10/9025.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_1752 xt7qnk361p0s Repairs and Rehabilitation of Houses
Month of February
Date House # Materials Used
2-3—49 39h% h Gallons Latex Paint
2-L-69 120 l-Hot water coil, 3-window panes, size 8" X 10",
2-window panes size 10 X 12, 1 window pane 7%" X 8",
l thermostat, 2 gallons Latex paint, b-6O amp fuses,
h-BO amp fuses
2-b-49 Apt. 13 1 gallon Latex paint
2-h—69 Eentist Office 5 gAllons Latex paint
2-5-‘9 120 1 gallon Latex paint
2-5-69 395 1 toilet bowl seat
2-6-40 171 h lb. can putty
2-6-59 72 b-window panes size 10%" X 12%", 3 window panes
size 10" X 12", 1 set of windows size 3h§" X 28",
l ballcock, l sink trap, 2-%" nipples 6" long
2-%” union
2-6~69 A 12—3 b gallons Latex paint
2-7-69 13 1 toilet seat
2-7-59 216 1 float rod
2—7-69 :LO . b gallons Latex paint
2-7-69 9b 3 gallons Latex paint
2-7-69 13 5 gallons latex paint
2—10-59 333 1-5 panel door size 2‘6" X 6'8" _
2-10-69 rountain 1 window pane size 10" X 12%", 1 window pane 9%” X 12%"
2—10-69 316 1 hot water coil
2-10-69 5 a 6 5 gallons Latex paint
2-10—69 100 gallons latex paint
2-10-69 135 5 gallons Latex paint
2-10-69 h30 2-gallons Latex paint
2-11—69 230 3 gallons Latex paint
2—11-69 136 1-30 gallon automatic hot water heater, 2—3/b" ells,
2-3/L" nipples 6" long, l—B/L" tee, 2-3/L" unions,
2—3/L” nipples 2" long, 2 peices pipe size 3/L" X 18",
1-%" union, 3-%" ells, l-%" valve, l-3/h" gate valve,
B-g" nipples h" long, 2 vent pipe 6113 size 3",
19 ft. vent pipe size 3", l vent bonnet size 3"
2L12-69 215 1-3/8" valve l-3/h" tee l-3/h" union, 1 lavatory
trap, l-B/L" cap, l-B/L" valve, l-%" union, 3-%' valves,
1 ballcock, f flush box overflow pipe, 6 window panes
size 10" X 12", 5 window panes size 7%" X 6 3/b",
h window panes size 8" X 10", 1-100 amp switch box,
7 ft. entrance cable # 2-3, 2-60 amp fuses, 2-30 amp
fuses, 1 weather proof connector size 1%",7-reversible
%" clamps, l screw type connector size 1%", 7 Junction
b0xes size L", 5 single pole toggle switches, 30 tuco
hole nail on straps size %", 2 lack nuts size 1%",

- 3 utility boxes size 2" X b", 3 ceiling hanger straps,
1 gfound clamp, l graound rod size 6', 100' #2—1h
electric wire, 12' # 8 ground wire, 2 porcelain pull
chain light fixtures, 3 porcelain light fixtures,
l-Duplex outlet, l-Duplex outlet cover, 75' #2-12
electric wire

 Page 2
Repairs and Rehabilitation of Houses
Month of February

Date House # Eaterials Used

2-12-69 13 1 Hot water coil

2-13-59 LOZ 1 ground clamp, 1 ground rod 6‘ long, 10' ground
wire #8, 1-100 amp switch box, 1 weather oroof
connector size 1%", l screw type connector size
1}", 12' #2-12 electric wire, 12' entrance
service cable # 2-3, h-éO amp fUSes, h-BO amp fuses,
l-3/h" nipole, l-3/b" valve, 3' service entrance
clamps, 1-3/8" plug .

2—13-69 L26 2 gallons Latex paint

2-13-69 91 2 gallons Latex paint

2-13-69 bb6 2 gallons Latex paint

2-13-69 35 2 gallons Latex paint ~

2-13-69 hO2 l thermostat

2-1b-59 39h% 1 hot water coil

2-lh-69 215 l lavatory faucet gasket

2—17-69 171 1 can of 2 lb. putty

2-17-69 3:02 1—3/31" gate valve, 1-3/1." nipple 6" long, 1-3/13" cap

2-17-69 389 3 gallons Latex paint

2—17-69 55 3 gallons Latex paint

2-17-69 39h% 1 gallon Latex paint

2-17-59 h09 1 gallon Latex paint

2-17-69 7 l 8 5 gallons Latex paint

2-18069 105 '1 thermostat, 16 window panes size 10" l 12”,
2 window panes size 3" X 8“, 2 toilet bowl gaskets,
1-3/3“ gate valve,~l—3/h" nip le 6“ long, l—B/L“ cap,
l-3/L” nipple 2" long, l~2 lb. can putty

2-17—‘9 ELL 2 gallons Later paint, 2 gallons enamel waist

2-18—69 hll h gallons Latex paint

243$? 3&3 jgfllmmlmwxodnt

2-15-59 393 1 gallon enamel oaint, 2 gallons Latex saint

2-13—‘9 75 1 gallon enamel naint

2-19-59 LL? 3 gallons Latex paint

2-lfi—39 Tolf Tense lfi gallons saint assorted

2-19-59 h02 2-%" unions, 2-%" tees, xxgx 3 nipples size %" X 6",
2-%" valves, 2—%" niooles 2" long

2—20-69 hSl l sink faucet gasket

2-20-69 215 1 hot water coil

2-20-69 1330 3 gallons Latex paint

2-21-69 h52 2 vent oipes size 3" X 2', 2 6113 size 3”

2-21—69 Lb? h gallons paint

2-21-69 h31 5 gallons paint

2-21-69 200 5 gallons paint

2-2b«69 115 6 gallons paint

2-2t3-69 130 2 gallons paint

2-25.69 3933‘;- 1 light fixture

2-25-69 Disposal Plant b' electric cable size 3—6

2-17-69 323 l automatic hot water heater

 Page 3
Repairs and Rehabilitation of Houses
Month of February
Date House # Materials Used
2-26-69 9 1 water tank valve
2-26-69 169 1 automatic hot water heater, 1 relief valve
2-27-69 122 h window Danes size 10" X 12"
2-27-59 71 ' 2 gallons paint
2—27-59 hb? b2' porch flooring
2-23-69 130 1 door lock
2—28-69 Golf House 1 lavatory trap .
2-28-69 Water Plant 2 gallons paint

 Repairs and Rehabilitation of Houses
January 1969
Date House # and Materials Used
1-2-69 # 39h% l- 3/h" gas valve, 2- 3/8" plugs, l-%" cap
1—2—69 # hSI 3- 3/8" caps, l- 3/b" plug
1-2-69 # tho l-piece vent pipe size L" X 10 ft.
1—2-69 #201 l-gallon cement plaster for roof
l-3-69 # bSl 30-ft. 2-lh electric wire, h-cable clamps, 2-gallons Latex paint.
1—5-59 #b2h 1— 3/8" tee, 1- 3/8" plug ,
1—6-69 # hhé l- 3/h" nipple 6" long, 1- 3/h" union, 1- B/L" all thread nipple
1—6-69 # hSl 2—%" tees, l-sink trap
1—8-69 S h33 l-bO gal. Gas Automatic water heater, 18 ft. 3" vent pipe (Galv.),
2—3" ells, 1-3" hood, 2— 3/L" unions, b- 3/h" ells, l- 3/h" gate valve,
2— 3/h" X 12" nipples, 2— 3/h" X 2" nipples, l- 3/h" street ell,
2— 3/h" X 5" nipples, 2— 3/h" X 20" nipples, 2- 3/8" ells, 1- 3/8" street
ell, 1— 3/8" X 2" nipples, 1- 3/8" union, 1- 3/8" X 3" nipple
1—8—69 # hSI l-%" union
1-9-69 # uh? l—hO gal Automatic gas water heater, 1- 3/h" gate valve, b- B/L" ells,
l-street ell size 3/h", 2- 3/b" unions, 2- 3/b" couplins, 3— 3/h" nipples
length 8", h- 3/h" nipples length 6“, h-%“ ells, 3-5" nipples length h",
l-%" unions, l-%" valve, l-lavatory trap, h- 3/8“ nipples length h",
h- 3/8" nipples,1ength 2", 2- 3/8" tees, 2— 3/8" plugs, 5- 3/8" ells,
3-3" vent pipe ells, 7 ft. of vent pipe size 3"
l-lO-69 # 207 1- door size 32" X 6'6", 1- door lock, l-set door hinges.
l-lO-69 # 22 1-100 amp switch box, 20 ft. of 2—3 service cable, S-service clamps,
l—ground rod, l-ground clamp, 8 ft. ground wire, size # 8, 2-service connectors
1—13-69 #391 l-lOO amp switch box, 2-service connectors, 7 ft. of 2—3 service cable,
16 ft. 2-12 electric wire, l-h" junction box, l-sink trap, 2-60 amp fuses,
2-30 amp fuses.
1-1h-69 # 395% 1-6" vent pipe cap
l-lh—69 # 230 l-door size 32" X 6'6"
l-lh-69 Doctor's office l-lock cylinder
1-15-69 ' # 167 18 pieces vent pipe size 5' length 6" width, 8—ells for vent pipe size 6"
l-16—69 # 10 2-window panes size 16" X 32"
1-16-69 # 231 l-hot water coil
1—16-69 # 262 l-hot water coil
1-16-69 # 35 l-hot water coil
l-l7-69 # h32 l—sink trap, l-sink drain, l-sink trap nipple size 1%" X h", l-ballcock,
l-flush box float
l-lW-69 # th 1-hot water coil, 2—brass unions size B/h", 2-brass ells size 3/h",
l-h" nipple size 3/h"
l—2b-69 t eated house # 312 for termites—price $75.00
1-17-69 ‘fiafirl—ém gate valve
1-20-69 231 1- 3/h" union, 1— 3/L" X 5" nipple
1—20-69 # 391 l-hot water coil, l-%" faucet, l-%" union
1-20-69 $ 11h l-h" junction box, l-hot water heater coil, 1— 3/h" union, 1- 3/L" brass
union, 1- B/L" nipple, h" long, 1- B/L" all thread nipple, l-light fixture
2-bulb type, l—light switch, l-outlet, lb ft. # 2-lh electric wire
1—21-69 # 230 l—hot water coil
1—22-69 # 13 l-%" union, 1—%" nipple 6" long, l-%" nipple h" long, 1-3" nipple size t"
1—3/8" plug
1—22-69 # 230 l—heater burner
1—22—69 Apt. # S & 6 l-hot water coil, l-faucet gasket
1-23-69 # 376 32 56. ft. of sheeting, l/3 sq. of shingles, % lb. #8 box nails, 1 lb.
roofing nails
1-23-69 # 83 l-sink trap
l-2h-69 Apt 7 & 8 l-hot water coil

 C- M- Aer-'- 30 . INLAND STEEL COMPANY . 1
ProIect Cost Sheet
Proiecf No. ___—___ Acct Men—___. Sheei No. _.___—
' Description WW_IRN Slaried . 6L” // f " 7
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 Repairs and Rehabilitation of Houses
January 1969

Date House # and Materials Used
1-27-69 3 551 l—ballcock
1-28-69 # 13b 2-pieces vent pipe size b" X 2h", 2—h" ells
1-29-69 # 212 l-hot water coil, l-3/h" union, l-3/h" all thread nipple
1-31-69 # 219 l-hot water coil
1—31-69 # hue l-hot water coil, 1—3/14" all thread nipple
l-31—69 # 3b h-gallons Latex paint
l—3l-69 # 16h h-pieces of bannister boards size b" X 10 Ft., 1/3 sq. of shingles (red)

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Used On: —,—/4-th-I—J—_—_:L—4.———_—___ Date Completed LAM/.4;
NOTEadAcflter the lob ls completed and all unused Items returned to stock, the supply clerk will post on his card the figure in the last col. and make supply requisition
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. MARCH 1969

12m. ileum, i ,ansi,.Paris Heed

3-3—69 ##02 l-3/h" ell, ln3/h" union, 2~3/h” nipples h" long,
l—B/h" couplin

3—3—69 #9 l-hot water coil

3—3—69 #91 l—gallon paint, l-quart water putty

3n3-69 Tsv. Shop 3~window panes size 12” X 2H", 2 window panes
size 10“ 1 l2", 6 window pane: for door size 16" X 12",
lwfi lb- can of putty

3»3_59 Pool Room 6 window panes size 12" X lkfi", l-door glass
size 28" X $2", l-R lb. can of putty

3~H~69 fiél9 l—l %” union

3—3-69 Fountain l-hot water coil

5-4-éw J91 l—balleock

B~5~69 f223 l-toilet bowl ring, lwtoilet-bowl seat, l-M lb. can
of patty» Removed toilet bow: from #364 and installed
C 31‘; #223 ,

3»5m59 #XIQ lntcilet seat

j~5~69 Club Prose Room #209 l~flush rod

3n5«€f% ~lér .iwsirfl: tray

'«5~u} 433? l-flush elbow with coupling: size 2” X 6” X 8"

V-V—69 L«£5 z-gallons Latex paint '

gm} —69 yifii l—hot water coil

5-loué9 #hlg l-hct water coil

3~lOeoQ #171 Erwindow panes tize 8” I 9”

B-Fflwfi” “537 l—gallon Latex yfliflt

1~1R~Zi ‘2?“ l—hvt water soil

3~jl~2¥ flfifil lwhot wake? coil

TMLFnL9 RI"5 ImbaLlcock .

'~ «wk? #1,¥ lwaLEEmh faucet set

<— ~63 wEE? ‘i-hot wafer “oil

.1 ~*~ "lo” lalCQ em; swltchhcx, 4»ofi any fuses, #—30 amp fuses
l-zrouni clamp, ImEPound rod, lb ft, ground wire size #8,

N—eable Safiafie, lwiw: acrew Eyp; Connector size 1;",
L~fiertice entrance connector size 1%”, 12 ft. 3—2 entrance
cable, 10 ft, electric wire E~3h, 9—fi” connectors, l-#622
light fixture

,~‘}wé9 “R9? l-ballcock

‘.1gwo9 $299 #«light fixtures

mljuoB «CG lwwindow Eone aixe 7;; I ;6 3;.”

'1.€U To} 90 :F, gerr‘ e gable Sllf 2—3, fi—fiO amp fuses, 2-30
43p fugue, 8 T2, ;“ galv, pine ?To‘~fi roi, 2% ft. ground
u;ve size 39. 1 r“'2n r'vm : I ~: H:l: connector
“ a '1’. I »( Sz;iv .ge tinnezuor
,, Jugnjlons gold paint, l-gallon whine ,aint

, »;€ fél l5 ft. #2wl? wire, 30 it. £2»lh wire, E junction
boxes size h”, L junction box cove13 size M", l-M”
poycelain light fixture, ‘toggle switch receptacle box,
L«eingle pole togg? switghr 7-fn. {mlv. nine sizefi”,
1m 03 writ? Co ?, —1QL‘ 5,‘ ' , ‘ ’ ‘ Y threafl nipple,

, _w,' Jr _ V‘ . 6* :2 ,jpc, luflnsh
' 'v f , - . '« , ' ~;~, #12; .' 1;; cooling

 W25“ UM1”,...A-m-.---.w:r-A.-v “-.,. _5...
//' ' »'
PmieeF-No. .‘. __._. Acct. No. _._.—___ Date/j; i] 21:73,“ g3 ///flé f
, I , -,A .
Used On: W‘__ Date Completed __._—__‘
#OJeEédéster lhe lob I: completed and all unused items reiurned to Mock, The supply clerk will post on his card The figure in The last col. and make supply requisition
,5 ' a; . ,4, ; 4,
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 , II
2, 3-17-69 #56 1-100 amp switch box, l-h" junction box, 1-h” Junction
9' box cover, 1-3" junction box, 1-3" junction box cover,
4 7 ft. galv. pigs size t", 6 ft. 2-12 wire, l-ground
33 clamp, 12 ft. # ground wire, 12 ft. 2-3 entrance cable,
5" 4 cable clamps, l-li" weather proof connector, l—li"
t non-weather proof connector
* 3-17-69 #56 62%" Box connectors, 2—60 amp fuses, 2-30 amp fuses
I 3-18-69 #88 l-lOO amp switch box, l-toilet seat, l-thermostat,
‘ l—window pane, size 10” X 12"
3—19-69 #88 1-30 gallon auto. hot water heater, 2-3/H" union,
2-3/H" X 6” nipples, l-é" union, 2—%" X 6" nipple, l~§9
ell, l-auto. pressure valve
3-20—69 #53 l-floor furnace thermostat
3-21-69 #300 107 ft. flooring, 3 lb. #8 nails, 2—wall switch cover
plates, 8-porcelain sockets for light fixtures, 2—3"
light porcelain ceiling fixtures, lwsocket key snap on
and off, l—roll plastic tape, l-h" Hex ceiling box
3—2h—69 #171 l—window pane size 10” X 12"
3-2h-69 #HH3 2—gallons semi-white enamel paint, 2—gallons Latex
3—29—69 #135 2-gallons semi—white enamel paint ,
3—25-69 #122 l~2h" thermocouple
3-25—69 3 gallons paint used to paint window shutters
3—26—69 #kh3 1-100 amp switch box, 2—60 amp fuses, 2—30 amp fuses,
l-ground clamp, l-ground rod, galv. pipe, 18 ft. ground
wire #8, 2-cable straps, l—two screw type connector size
1%”, 1—weathor proof connector size ll", 6 ft. #2-3 entrance
cable, 60 ft. 2-12 electric wire, 6-%” connectors, l-light
fixture, 2—gallons Latex paint
3—26—69 #395 l—toilet bowl ring '
3-27:69 #hh2 1-toilet seat, 1-hot water coil, 1—lavatory trap,
l—lOO amp switch box, 6 ft. 3~2 entrance cable, l-two screw
type connector size 1%" 1-weather proof connector size 1%",
7 ft. ground-wire size #8, l~ground clamp, 2-60 amp fuses,
2—30 amp fuses, leroll plastic tape, 1% It. 2—12 electric
wire, 10 ft. vent pipe size 3"
3—28-69 #395 1— toilet seat
3-28—69 Dry Cleaning Building 4-preheated starter Ballasts type.,
3 lamps
3-28-69 #162 10 ft. H" galv. vent pipe
3—31—69 #hh3 1- window pane Size 10" X 16"
3—3l~69 #120 l-valve sizes"
3-31—69 #RHZ l-sink trap, l—%" ell
3-31—69 #88 1% roll felt

 Repair and Rehabilitation of Houses
April 1969
Eat: H _d 23253 Used
-1-69 #111§ 2-gallons Latex paint, 5% ft. corner round, 1-window
ane size 16" X 20"
k-l-69 #88 3 2/3 sqs. shingles
k-1-69 #101 1-hot water coil
h-2—69 #169 2-unions size 3/h", h-ells size 3/H", l-union size 3/8",
13 ft. pipe size 3/M"
h—2-69 #211 l—ballcock
H-2—69 #g95 l—tank ball *
h—2—c9 # 8 3 1/3 sqs shingles
H-3-69 #258 l—hot water coil, l-nipple size 3/H" X 6", l—all
thread nipple size 3/k"
h-a-69 #kO2 l-ballcock, l-float
k- -69 #hn2 1-5" water valve -
h-h-69 #238 l-bowl ring ‘
k-h-69 #88 2% sqs. shingles
h-g—69 #88 3 sqs. shingles
h— -69 ##26 40 ft. entrance cable size #3-2, l-service entrance
connector size 1%", l-two screw type connector size 1%",
1-connector size f' 30 ft. ground wire #8, l-ground clamp,
2-60 amp fuses, 1-160 amE switch box, 2-30 amp fuses,
6 ft. galv. pi e size 3/ ", 7-cab1e straps, H—é" couplins,
1-3/h" cap, 2-:" plugs
h-8-69 #88 2 1/3 sqs. shing es
h-9-69 #88 h sqs. shingles
k-9—69 ##13i l-hot water coil '
h-9-69 ##26 5 gals. Latex paint
h-lO-69 #Hh3 1-5 panel door size 2"" X 6'8", 1-2 panel door
size 2'6" X 6'8", l-door lock, 2-sets door hinges
h-lO—69 #h#% 10 ft. galv. vent pipe size 3", 3-vent pipe ells
size 3", 1-vent pipe bonnet size 3" .
h-lO—69 #321 l-hot water coil, l-all thread nipple size 3/k",
1-100 amp switch box, 2-60 amp fuses, 2—30 amp fuses,
l-ground clamp, 6 ft. galv. pipe size 3/h", 22 ft. ground
wire size #8, 5 cable straps, l-two screw type connector
size 1%", 1-service entrance connector size 1%", 20 ft.
entrance service cable size #3—2, l—f" connector, 2—light
fixtures, 3-window panes size 10' X 12" ~
h—ll—69 ##52 S-bags cement
k-ll-69 Swimming Pool 2-bags cement, % ton white gravel, % ton sand
N-ll-69' l-gal. black metal paint rust proof used to paint guard rails
h-lH—69 #30 l-hot water coil, l-ballcock, l—lOO amp switch box,
l-tWO screw type connector size 1%", l-service entrance
connector size 1%", 12 ft. ground wire #8, l-ground clamp,
2-60 amp fuses, 2-30 amg fuses, 5 cable straps, 6 ft.
galv. pipe size 3/ ", 1 ft. entrance service cable #3-2
h-15-69 #216 1-bot water coil
4-15-69 #168 l-lavatory faucet set
h-lS—69 #30 l—sink trap, l—float ball, 1—heating cooling thermo-
h-15-69 #fih3 1% ft. 3/8" galv. pipe, 1—3/8" water valve, 2-3/8" ells,
1-3/8" union, 1—3/8" nipple 3" long '
‘ . _ r: i.ev,g,1?“géagggeagfiggfigggifidp?%?3¥Esiggj:;;gfi

 Date House_fi and Eart§_ysed

5—16—69 #88 55 ft. corner round

h—l7-69 #295 2-gallons Latex paint

4-17-69 #299 2—gallons Latex paint

4-17-69 ##26 l-gallon Latex paint, l-light switch

h-l8—69 Water Plant l-gallon metal paint, % gallon aluminum paint

4-21-69 #425 l-sink trap size 1%"

4-21-69 #89 100 amp switch box, 2—H" junction boxes, 10 ft.
service entrance cable # 3-2, 1%li” non-weather proof
connector lélfi" weather proof connector

h—2l-69 Water Plant % gallon aluminum paint, 1% gallons black

aint _

h-22-69 #59 l-sink trap size 1%", l-%" coupling, l-fi" plug,

1—%” ell, 1-3/+" coupling, 1-3" plug, l-thermostat

h—23-69 #356 l-hot water coil

h-23-69 #202 10 gallons Latex paint 2—light fixtures, 8-outlet
covers, 6-switch covers, 2—é9 valves

h—23—69 #89 2—pull chain sockets, so—g" cable straps, 1—6"
junction box l—ceiling light fixture, 2—outside light
fixtures, 8-%" box clamps, 16 ft. #8 ground wire, 6—ft.
i" galv. pipe l-ground clamp, 29 ft. #2-12 wire, h-6O
amp fuses -§O amp fuses, 12 ft. #3-8 entrance cable

h—2h-69 ##37 22 ft. entrance cable size 2-3, 18 ft. #8 ground
wire, l-ground clamp, 6 ft. 3/h" galv. pipe, 8 ft. #2-lh
wire, 100 amp switch box, h-60 amp fuses, 2—30 amp fuses,
l—li' all weather connector, l—li” non weather connector,
10 cable straps, 3-%" box connectors, 30-%" cable straps,
l—set door hinges

fi-2h-69 #2h l-hot water coil

h—24—69 #89 l-lfi" cast iron ”Y”, 2-1%” unions, 2-li" ells galv.,
l-l%" cast iron trap, 8 ft. 1%" galv. pipe

u-2h—69 #10H 5 gallons Latex paint

h—2h—69 #381 2-gallons Latex paint, l-gallon outside paint

M-2h—69 A—l2-3 3 gallons outside paint

h-25—69 #7 & 8 l-hot water coil

h-25-69 #89 1-40 gal. automatic water heater, 2—3/H" unions,
2-3/h” ells, 3 ft. 3/h" galv. pipe, l-i" gas valve, ,
l—3/h" water valve, 1-3/4" all thread nipple, l-reducer
size %" X 3/M", l—pressure valve, 2-3" vent pipe ells galv.

h—25-69 #202 11 ft. entrance cable #3—2, 14 ft. ground wire #8,
1-100 amp switch box, l-li" weather proof connector,
l-li" non—weather connector, 6 ft. 3/H” galv. pipe, 36 ft.
#2-12 wire, S-li" cable straps, 2—f" box connectors,

2—60 amp fuses, 2-30 amp fuses, 36-%" cable straps,
l-roll plastic tape

h-25—69 #106 % gallons Latex paint

h—25-69 ##37 '5 gallons Latex paint

4-28—69 ##17 l—hot water coil

4-28—69 #937 12 ft. 1" X 6" baseboard, 1% ft. %" corner round,
1-piece l" x hft X 8 ft. Masonite 2-lb. water putty,
1-hot water coil, l-sink trap,/ifft. %" galv. pipe,
l—3/h" cap, l-fi" coupling, 1—3 " union

“~29—69 ##16 5 gallons Latex KKK paint

 Date. _i:__QH mi spurts? ..U.._s__de

h-29-69 # 17 5 gallons Latex paint

h-29-69 #2H 2 gallons Latex paint

1+--29—69 #89 5 gallons Latex paint

h—29—69 #389 l-gallon outside paint

h-29-69 Town 3 gallons yellow traffic marking paint, l-gallon
white traffic marking paint, 2-pieces of board size 1"
X 3" X 12'

h-29-69 #202 #0 ft. #3-8 electric wire, 1-5" junction box

k-29-69 ##h3 l-ballcock

h-29—69 #89 l-small regulator for hot water heater (automatic)

4-30—69 #6h 5 gallons Latex paint

h—30—69 ##13 h gallons Latex paint

k—30—69 #106 2— allons Latex paint

h-30-69 #lOH 165 ft. Lumber size 1" X 12" (pine)

k-30-69 #202 2h ft. lumber size 1" X 12” (pine)

h-30-69 ##17 6 ft. galv. pipe size 3/h", 2—water valves sizei"

 Fae? / . .
Proiect No. __.__._— Acct. No. __.___—___ Date m >
Used On: __.__._—___.___— Dote Completed ___—__‘
#OTE:dA§ter the lob I: completed and all unused items returned to stock, the supply clerk will post on his card the figure in the last col. and make supply requisition
I I198 9 .
52- 0 .7 lam--
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 i'if‘f-PAIRS dc :izfl—IABILI11111011 CF EEC‘UOLS
MAY, 1969

m Hggfig ’f 5; 23:35} 11an

5-1-69 #113 3 gallons plastic roof cement

5-1—69 #222 l- i” gasket for bathtub faucet

5—1—69 511% 5 gallons paint Latex

5-1-69 #161 6 gallons Latex paint

5—1—69 # 7 a 8 2 gallons Latex paint

j—l—69 Golf fiouse 2 gallons Latex paint

5—1-69 #39%% 5 gallons outside paint

5-1-69 unto h gallons Latex paint

5-l-69 339% 1 gallon Latex paint

5—2-69 #386 l— ; 1b. joint cement

5-2—69 #387 M gallons Latex paint

3—2—69 $381 3 pieces of board size M" X 6'

5—2-69 $3h 2 gallons Latex paint

3-2-69 $437 S—window panes size 10” X 12”

5-5—69 #%08 M gallons Latex paint

3-5-69 #97 5 gallons Latex paint

5-5-69 #96 5 gallons Latex paint

5-5-69 eater Plant 1% gallons metal paint

5-6-69 Golf Course 7 pieces 2 K 8 X 12 h pieces 2 X H K 1%

5-6-69 ##32 4 gallons Latex paint

5-6-69 #216 h gallons Latex paint

5—6—69 Friendship Baptist Church 7 gallons Latex paint

5-6-69 #222 M gallons Latex paint

5—6—69 #219 5 gallons Latex paint

5-6-69 #262 4 gallons Latex paint

5-6-69 ##29 3 gallons Latex paint

5—6-69 #37M 10 gallons Latex paint

5-7-69 #59 2 gallons Latex paint

5-7-69 #391 % gallons Latex paint

5—7~69 ##30 2 gallons Latex pa int

5—7-69 £426 5 gallons outside paint

5*7-69 #37H 1— 1%" sink trap

5—7-69 +88 1 lavatorytrap size lé"

5-7-69 #391 1 toilet bowl seat

3—8-69 #20H 5 gallons outside paint

5-8—69 fth 5 gallons outside paint

5—8-69 Clubhouse 1 gallon Latex paint

5—8-69 # 5 gallons outside paint k gallons Latex paint

5-8—69 Apt. A-l2-l 1 gallon outside paint

5-6—69 §R26 4 pieces porch flooring size 1” X X h" K 6'

5-8-69 #211 1- 3/4” brass union, lused water tank

5w9-69 ##28 2 gallons outside paint, 1 gallon Latex paint

5-9-69 #115 1- 100 amp switch box 7

5—9—69 #120 1- #0 gallon automatic Water heater, B-t" X k” nipple,
1— 3/1+" x t" X 3/h” tee, 1- 3A" x 3A" :1:-.5.," tee, 1- 3/l+"
gate valve, 2— 3/#” unions, 6- 3/h” K 3/h” 90 degree ells,
4— %” ells, 2—3/4” X 6” nipples, 2— 3/h” X h” nipples,
2- 3/“” X j” nipples, 2- 3/+" K g" bushings, 2- g" unions,
l— g” plug, 10 it. fi' valv. pipe, 2- %” ells, l- 3/k” X fi'
bell reducer, 1— 45” x §” black pipe nipple, 1— e" x o"
nipple, l— g' X 5" nipple, l- %” X 6” nipple

Proiect No. ___—.__ Acct. No. ___—___— DaTe ___—h
Used On: __.__—_____.—______ Date Completed ___—___.—
ihflOTE:dA§Ter The lob ls compleTed and all unused lTems reTurned To sfock, The supply clerk will posT on his card The figure in The lasT cal. and make supply requisiTion
use 9 .
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