xt7qnk361p0s_18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Monthly and Annual Reports text Monthly and Annual Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_88/Folder_5/1476.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_18 xt7qnk361p0s 1
, 1,,
5 February 196k
To: E. M. Pace
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Monthly report of the B&G Department ~ January 196k
v//§:OI Addition: in Erogrens §5A 52912
N o n e
P out Furnace Installation: How) 51-182
Ho. Ho. 3 com ate
Layer 1 9.5! Materials 3 118.26 a 187.76
M1 ellaneoul Jobs ~
are e a 0 new roof and re air. to sheathin 51-181 compl ‘
3.Labor 1 57.28 Materials 3 1?.é2 fi’gé $ 6h.90
a- fin. ua Sgainting 3 rooms) 21—151 (congletez n
. . f Labor by tenant Materitls 57 19.16 my“ 1 19.16
Ho. Ho. 63 gregairing kitchen floor! 51-181 {conglote} ‘[
X; Labor 1 .2 Materials 1 25.3545¢14J 3 72.63
H -. no. 6; 513111161123 1 closet} 51-181 {com-23.016} (Mg;
V \;LT"L"'3:F0-F 70.92, Fiaterials :1, 51.99/74 z; 122.91
30.5fio. 2Q Sgainting ? roomsa both & 2 hallwgze} 51-161 {conglete)§¢xflu/
53 or 11 1. 4 co. labor Materials 4 ,5.1 3 197.00
32? 30. 102 goheetrockin bathroom) 51-181 geomglete) , 7
Labor $ 9 .55 Materials i 35.59 J a 130.06
Ho. Ho. 10 furnace closetsI refloorin 2 rooms 51-182 con late)
P v. Labor $3 .2 Prev. Materiai 523$.75 , f 3 563.01
‘33. Lumber 330.96 Jan. Material 1h2.29 MW" 111%.22
' ‘ ' Completea cost 1 1,03 .2
f o. No. 108 new automatic water heater) 1-151 com late) y
,,La or" "'3 E6137 ”""""""' "“Ma."‘t‘or1‘a'T""LTL6“T.,. 3. ”VIZ/W 110.02
.gé. Ho. 132 gnaw automatic water heater! 51—181 (com late) Q
Labor 1 5. Materials 3 53.:9 /7?5WL$ 11h.05
. Hg. No. 18; gregairing bathroom floor} 21481. Scomgletez WMQ
~ Labor :3; 7.2 Materials 5,, 13.59 M” g 60.87

 . -..Monthly Report no Dept. Jen. 196k
Page: Two
. Ho. . 200 new eutontlc water heater 1-181 con late) flaw/”p
~ Lahor S . Materiel. a 39.56 $ 106.33
Ho 0. 200 re tirin uttlit roan floor 1-181 con late) GEuV
Labor S 7.2 terie e e 2.9 3 70.26
Ho ’%0. 78 floorin 2 roone etchin kitchen floor 51-181 com late
Labor & . O Materie e E .3 AyzQA. : .77
Egg No. §86 {beee & vq£} cabinets wleink tog! §1-182 (congletez
L3 or » .1 Materxa s g 22;. [flyca4£>3 359.91
E “’30. nu arch re eire 1-181 (in to reee)
\_ La or ; 2 . Materials a 11.16 v//// E 3k.80
R (’30. h 2 re eirin floor 2 races 1-181 con lete “ML” .
‘ \/ , “or e 3. filter“: a a; 1 .565”1 1.71;.25
fiééairing nine road eifine gLebor-0-90-1299zuet. 0-90-3992251n Erogrees) '
.Labor I 11 .20 Heterial None
eatre re atria eeete 0-181 in to race) A;
\/ LaSor '.'? ' 911.573 ”Li " 'L Ma' ter'i'a‘i f'fl/M/L " .21; 9h.80
Streets & Roads gYO-Qle
. 2 man a 1 ts r 5 23.9h 3 £7.88 .
. . 2 men shirts I.:- 23.6II h7.28
18 zen shift: 6 22.93 h12.7h
x" 507.90
,/ _
E} »sce 1n & ardenin 70~203)
. m E 1ft (6' i; Eve?“ 5:”. 23.9“
.! 17,lan shifts E 82.93 382.31
3 “13-75
ree gaint issued to tenaqgg
None issued in January
figgcial Aggrogriation
. V/éi A. 2029 - About h3$ was carried over froa 1963. No charges were made
during Jennery.
B&G°§tock items used on email obs durin Januarz
C t o materief oniy - on Acct. EI-ial g 3h9.96
i " “ " " Commercial b1dge., others 1&7.93
tens sold (marked Gen. Use) 03. $1.181 37.31
0 Ag
pt. 3&5 Department
cc: H. Smith
HMHilktnaon, Jr.'
R. aerrie

 772;] 4:213y&%3¢c0 T936 1
',1-er.‘ /_/ “(“r’r" ‘
«£25772,» 5532”“)?‘3 2"973 - 1. 35551"
To: ~¥e€1+fifi+rnrwr
3e: Yonthly renort of the BBQ Department for the month 0f January 176H
Room Afldition§_in firetressLEA—F°Ql)
.Elflgfiuiurpace installationsInew} €1—l“°
;LO .:‘IQLJ__?8 (com‘ole i1e)
I. ,~ .I ., . ,I .
Labor ¢w~.50 Laterlals $178.26// $197.76
Yiscellaneons Jobs

Garage #EOIney roof and reneirs to sheathina) c1—181(com late)

Labor SL7.28 Materials i1n62/ 36%.?0
90.30. 48(n9ingin? 3 roems)§l—171(ccmfiiefie)

Labor by tenant ”aterials $19.16// $19.16
'7 “I ’ r'“ —-1,-‘L - 4H, 11"] 6-I’ .L
:AO.10. g3 regwlrln; alpcnen Liuor)=*—1K¢Kcomnl@he)

Labor $u7.28 ifitarjals $25.35/ <72.53
€0.33. 6?(buildin: 1 closatI41—191(coma1ote) ,

Labor $70.92 Tsterials ¢51r99/ €122.91
30.30. qunsintinr : rooms,batb,& 2 hallwavs)5l—l?l{cgfi“lpte)

Lanr “lh3.9h (co.1¢30r} Fatefiiels 0‘5.13 /' ?1“7.CO
$0.50. 102(Sh09trbc*ifl¥ “9th room)‘3~IVl(Comfilete)

L'.-1501‘ 1%.”: ‘_‘FI-plripls {I13z'qu/ 333’.06
?3.:a. 104(fnrnace Closets 13flfifiTiDC 7 rocmsI11—19?(Camfifieie)

Prwv. 3530? $371.?6 Lrev. fl"fierirl “231.75 3q“3.”l

Jpn. 121301“ 5310.945, Jax. Itiaf-arif:l 333?.23/ 533-"777.7“:

COMWFeted cast $1036.26
30.30. 109(new awtomafiic water heater>?l-191(comr30te>

Labor 9M5,C7 fiztewints 962.154; *110.02
£0.Fo. 1?2(new automatig water *qgferIEA—lfil(comvle§e)

Labor 3h¢.36 Wrterials 139.3©/_ Slih.05
H0.No. 183§renairins Bath roam flac;)i}-l€]§comfilete)

Labor $Q7.29 Teterials $13.50” Qéfl_87
Ho,flo. 200§new autOmPtic water heater) . . . . __q I ’
uo.no. ZOOIreDnlrlna utllltv 390m LlOGT)fil—781KCOTUI€t9)

- » . —. ' "T 3'" ‘ _""‘.“-‘“"~“"“" '1' , ’1‘

Labor ¢L7.25 meterlals $29.33/ 970,26
30,30. 378(floorin: T rcoms,v;tcniuq Pt.floor)<1—l€1(comelete)
'“M‘TTWMM '“WQ‘T—O‘W .

Labor @236.U0 zazerlals $110.37/ $3M6.77
H0.No. 37§(bsse & wall cabinets wzsink ton)<1—192(comn"ete)
WWH1~»_—_mu_—m ,. . _‘flw /’ (I, ,. . .‘

Labor $93.1u gaterlals @260.77 pj5?. 1
7.70 3:50 JIIIggnoycL repairle—lngin III-caress) .

u K, /
Labor $23.64 Heterlols $11.16“ $3u.80

 P?ge 2
Miscell9neous Jobs(con‘t.)
Hotgp. 452(renéiglpg iggor ? rooqs)Sl—133(ccmw]ete)
Labor $293.68 Materials $1?0.TFV/ SL7L,QG
Renairgn? nine_;g§d sirnsflLahor—O—QgngQQ Hatfrin~O:QO—3OOQZ(12 troaress)
Labor $118.20 Kateriel (none)
Eggatre(reisirin9 sests)50—181(in nrcrress)
La“”01" 39%.36 TatJrial $.2u./’ $?U.80
Streets & Rondsgvo_202)
2 mJn shifts @ $72.0u $47.88
7, mixer shifts (1‘7 33723 .61?» 47.29
11'? man s‘JniJF‘JJa (1 ¢>?9.’33 1119:7111,
__ 1. 1 _ :1) _ 1.. J_ 1‘.
1 men shift v $23.9u $23.?4
1 17 man shiffis 1 S?2.32 329.01
("I 1’: o 7 5
Free TFifit issued to tnnpnfis
none issued in Jfinuery
ffig:gé (r fl/Za L711 (,¢,_Z£:¢77‘:_ ._-
y 1 ’ ’ (j /> I , ((7 Wév/
/ __ 1 ' 1 /—" /" v M‘” /
Jfl. gov/7 —’ dgfi1¢;/J 45% fl 1” W ,.
L.. ' [ ”Li 9 04’
A 1 1/5/1 3 " /Z(J (if/4. ' J WJ‘L’U y
W774 / / 1'\
I d “ , Qwfi4w~iva *
AA/k’ [,1
f‘ 051 ,. / “ff //’1:&é.df:' M‘e 'Q’C4dér ;JB 3le 1 904*”
I / , [‘61- L 11/{4/L4<2 / F‘ ,l L _.,
‘.,‘” “[7 _, ., ,-.,... , . ._#_,,..__.—_—"—’——-——‘—-‘—————-"— ‘.'—r,—
1 ’9 - '/ J J
1 .J. 1 J, . J". J' JJ~—-~ ;>~“7‘?é
(‘,’;le if) 7/J'é¢.[§,i,1.u.{~" L‘L/Lér”: “ML lwdxf/JL- t) / /J/ J
U ’l k , r J ' J" >
I’ 1 A, 1' r 1 ( p’b’MkiMowJ‘ kill-£42,)? ‘4 I::-T/Jw-G " / #7' A”;
, J - (
1__ -.. (~ J 1%, 5 ~ /-——~ 375/
axe Lil/rm 50.1, $1 ,\,NLU_'L,\'{:/ £7 r1. | lm , / €//.I \) Ia/y/
31 / ,,,,
/~\ ’,’ a)
/4 /§5V/ 6’ j7CM/L
1 , £11 (.4./11¢»
//%V J<7éwyw7k «J //
/ / /' . 1

 \ .
3 March lyéh
To: E. “0 Pace
From R. I. McKinney
Re: Monthly report or the 386 Department for the ”oath
or rebrmy 1968;
’Rem: ~141an- 1n groin" SSA-2221)
\/ l! o n e '
F or Furnace Installltuons new 1-132
, o. 0. Can a c _ _ “(.7
V/ bor . mug-1a.). $ 13h.82 m/CW/t $ 205.03
mace]. Orleans Jobs
Amanda in. rooms 1-181 C- lete)
. v2 Lao:- ‘1. material 32.1E8 m (WM; 1?h.32
Agfiffi-é groan-ing back gorch) 21-181 gaggle“) , ~ (9
Labor 0.92 turn]. 33. 8 ”7" (“A 10h.5o
no. '6. 17 new antenna water heater 1481 (to 10%.) J;
-. ' L‘ or a hurt o ém (M 11h085
A Ho no. new automtic water hatter 1481 Go late 5 '
7 5' ' ' £031....W. Wu:- . "km W 111.82
Ho. 80. 99 ("306.93. “throes, built in tub, new lavatory)
r 514.81 Con lots (M9
. a or 1. a “tar ‘1 o 9 170028
Ho. 1 106 new uncouth: vats:- hestor 14.81. Con lete) [MD
La. or 2 . 3 urn .‘0 [‘74 86.9k
no. . O. 1 2 van furnace exchw :1.-181 Con late ‘0
‘ I: »" lll'h fir‘l‘W‘fi‘“ """""llEm"L€2-T‘lr1 LTIT‘ETL flux/W 251.38
no. 6. 1 2 bathroom re air) 1.181 Con lot. W9
I... or . ““l‘fit‘o‘JrLI'EE‘“"lh3.89 pm“ 91A?
30. up? 136 (modernizing kitchen with has: a. wall cabinets) '
5'“ 21.482 {In Brogan}
. ‘I L‘ or .9 or: 93' % 16‘3188

 ' méc. Job; gaunt-a)
ff“ (a)
no. no. 6 inns: rooms a. lath 14.61 C late fl"
. \ . r o “I". o $ 271.59
. , J)
R0. Bio. ? fainting 2 roono! ”21481 $601219“) 4W1
a or . ' tax-19.1 18. 31 ”7‘ / 65.59
Bo. Bo. E20 (man's £210: to ranting! Ell-181 {In groggy!) %¢'
or N 0 - 'tCri 9 13“ o W
Ho. Ho. (noderniamg kitchen with has. a. van. cabinets)
1482 In :30 re" ”)6’
‘ or o t’ri a 19906?
no. No. ""1; bathroom floor re airs 1-181 Con lute) Coy/U0
S 01‘ I ‘01? D f‘ 53028
no. 30. tubuilt front arch 1-181 Co lots) m [ct/Ly
I ,x _. .
§ or . mun-1 . 6h 1/ / 120 . 56
ED. No. arch re airs 1-181. con lots) /5 fl 1; 80
Prev. or 2 . Prev. Hate: a 1.1.1. . 3 .
Feb.Ebor 9n.56 Feb. nun-1.1 yfiw 11.2.2;
W 7 .é I
V / ‘ Coupleted coat 177.11
Out re in nor to outside aintin 1481 In re res.)
. L9. or 3 . turn. 9. 1,372.83
' In Road 51 a Labor 0» -1 mu. 0. - In Pro u
or. box- 1 .2 Prev. Tutu-1&1 Ease 118.20
FChD Labor 1&1013 23b. mu:1al .36 INTI-N2
Catt to {late 1) 259.69
4’ l _w
sgére i1 mat Market cabinets $201742 germane“) Jyfl’
,7 Labor 0 thr 9080 ) 97.08
as Bathhauoe (new: hot water lines tron hast exchange to ' rs)
\\ Labor O- -2612 'Mterial 0- $812 Con late
La or . tori . 0 352.75
Safe ‘ Burma re irin a. intin )
L3 01' Acct. ‘I - 118.26
Material Acct. 0-91-3851 18.93
Total Cont. 137.16
fitreets and. Roads (Io-202)
[[mdscsging a Gardenia (IO-20;)
. await ®V2.3 596.18

 _ v
Eng Quint issued to*§e§§§;s .
, - r 1 n 1 a ,, .
3 L7 gal us 31033 enamea 245.1» a 77.70
a an ans semi-31053 (zumel f§.3h h2.?2
9 " lions rubberizad wall gaint Jfik.03 36.?2
A; galfiwna satin apred wall paint '34315 %$.§&
‘ gal;.ua Pittsburgh wall paint fih.2h __Wgfifijfi
A‘ . , .11". A
a. 2 4!. f) a u“
fi%§,§§°¢k ifiifligflflflfiifiinEQEWJQRfi.Dflilflfimgfp?§§rl
005‘ of material anly an Acct. 51-181 435.54
‘ “ ‘ ‘ Ccmmercial Bléga., & othera 37.$0
;tfima séig {aarasc Gan. U32; Cr to 51-lOl 739??
_ 1. 1. ~ 3%?) - :0 change Lcrauue of weather canfiitions
,h:_~,w‘~§~_ . “’{53‘1_‘r:y‘:';f;z .
- ,., / /7
l . “
gupn. 5§g Department
A}. Evie {ginney cal.
cc: flfiomith
Efiwilkinson, Jr.

 } .
” J v .« Fees 1
._w/f 3 I - - , ‘3
.u , 7. y- «'17, ..:; .~ _, / ,, '
/" . L' // ‘__)/‘ k” a; (7! G/ //. Mel/L1 XL” 6
{A ..‘. ,,7 ‘ /"” I135. r011 12 I Q( 1}
-' z‘- .,n, ,,- "\4/. - *“—/9-~2
7¢y£922 V€%va(3)§1 Vgg/L/L7 a
To: “Hal-.12: e-Ié Lezley /,.-:.’? l/Jn/z 871/9
From:uG.RaHerris 1
Re: Monthlfl report of the B&G Department for the month of ?ebruery 196H
' Room figigtions in progressl§gSS2QlI
T19 r Egrngge Installationsggew)5l—1R2
HogNoLm§2O (complete)
1 Later 270.21 Naterin $l3n.92” 3205-03
Viggglleneogi Johs
Anti i—6(ne;ntinq ? rpomsLFI-IELficomnlete)

Inbov ¢1u1,9U Veteriel s32.b9/ s:7b.32
int: A—6(regeirin£ hickmgggghl53~191§cpmplete)

I..:vbnr swam: listerial $33.52?” $1012_5o
Houfio. 17*(new emtom tic water heater)§3~l?l(camnlete)
"-“‘“‘“”““7T““""““"mm‘—’—‘”_—“-“—’*‘“"fiT””‘““T”“”"”":“”‘“'“'"“' ,

1'1;er vhf”??? 7.8tel‘12]. $6,.99/ 5,115,.95

» iiQEEQL733LQQE_iiigflillq_fliiii_£21£2£LilzlilLQfllilaiE)

Labar $DR.B7 Veterisl 56H.Q .' V“- (5
15 gallons gloss enamel B $5.18 077,70
8 gallons semi—gloss eramel Q $5.3M b2.7? ‘
Q gallons rubberized wall paint F $h.08 36.72
11 gallons satin erred wail paint 1 3Q.18 h§.99
3 gallons Pittsbur:h wall paint 0 $h.2b . 12,72
. ~ /
,..? ., .1 , . , . 7 ..,;a‘ inv (4421;121:5142 2
A}! 5 &fcacQL-LA/és/ 411414 M» 414‘ L k4
Cavu/' f” /” 41'5"' 2 [3' fir -v ./ ‘ $"'* J)' ‘> (k/
L , 2, /l (I. (,4-/4.7.1 (_ )6 fr ‘1 z’< KL CC / / / r/.; 4 ’ " ’
, ”l . . 57. . . / ,-
‘I' /( u “f («#NWLMCHME ”9((67’7 .,V {/2442} ;;;/,7 LC;
I y , . 1 , , t" .4 :1 L _, ,2 v a . ,—
{Alamo .244 J LI)L(L.L,/&L.C‘ 11:1,”. xm ) {/1; . w ...; / /J 1’ 7 5 . / 7
735%“:“4'5 (J 5W7117e/ .:A (lac
. 'r ’ I . , < < ,"; . .
,4 — 1 > .__, ,. , ,7 _- V x , ~ , . 22,
W (Z ( a) 5’ >5? 6‘ ((2% (72 (’6 7c [/114 (I /’(2‘;pq.£‘ J/‘P /(2/‘tcc. Z/Hu, awed»; .4./c {110
(Z54 .f/CCI. / \fz’ff‘d" .7 , .w 0 .»"/ ' ,
j I 2 'fiécm/p‘prci‘:‘7 ,2 . /
, ‘ /‘ 27:22:22; 426er j A6470 .

 1 ,
' 2 April 1964
To: 154. M. Paco
From: R. I. McKinney
Re: Monthly report of the B&G Department - Easrch 1961;
4 RoomgAddltion in orogres}; 33‘325flil
37¢. ”a. 1 bedroom ‘fldéflmfl
Labor 2343;.1'9 Material 4256.87 4 572.06
Flog; Furnacg-£nsta££z§£;ns LnflliL-lfla f
41 one urine; narch ‘ ,
taiecellsx’xeoue Job-
Ants“ 5L§mfinstall~§g§i§3§ldflg§oul one door uiframe a painting)
. r. ’ 1’° 353?.
‘4 Labor ""‘“EL'e‘E: .se 223442222131 (23.21 ' 157.77
Ho. Ng.£1:§_fi(nee auto. eater heats?) 2‘l~l:$l icon late) L2
. saber ‘“"2“'2"".‘9'3“""""‘““' tearing "oath/[156w 85.3w
He. no. 13:”: {moan-size kitchen!" 221-182 {complete}
Prev. iabor 432.33.? Prev. Material 93.96 "VIC/C/[f 16h.88
ifiarckzlabor W ream-ch Material. 252.? 0 ' V 9429. 8
. /’ .‘ * ‘ a . .
Z¢7lé 7 UQMPIQ ..ed; (27 595 23
KO. Re. “$3,433.00: furnace 31125329? exchange) “El-161 fcomgletez / 2”
"" <34 'ebor '23.94‘ ' Material 2.39 ”2../W“ 623.33
Ho. E0. floor furnace chamber exchan 3‘ '1-181 '80:: late) 15
“"””“ “Sign?" ' ""521 §3‘ ' " " " " '“ 2a'“..44224.14 "‘i?.-'§'.'13E9“"‘fl.2’0” 65.32
a" _ 2f
no. no. 96 4a1ntin§ 5 rooms a bath) Sl-lo‘l geomulete) ,24‘
"‘" 1% 12:05:"L ""1831 .12 " " " "kiss-(serial _"To,.fil 544%"; 2512.93
Outside repairs prior to outside painting 21-1331. {in progress)
frev./Labor 732.31? Prev. Material 39.99 1,372.83
41mm Labor 1,725.72 flex-ch Material 1,235.h9 2 4361.21
Total to date K,§35.0E
fetx Boards ire six-1n” 2". palette «labor 0- 1431‘ Matls. 0-91» :3 1
rev. Labor .1’1+5.§0 Prev. Material 13.95 Iiilé
March Labor y March Material None r.86
) g 1* 06 Completed coat “:L'B‘L‘4 3.0‘2'
. Stree '2. Roads 0-2022 1

 { .
O /
Lengécnglng & Gardening ire-20;)
gyz'man ehi to a; $ 2.93 $ 733.76
P1 * round Fence Re air auto collision} 70*29§,I£9§£}2393
» Labor 139 . oo Haterial 2?; .'51 Mo . 61
Free Painfiwenued to tenants
is gallons gloss enamel 6 $ 5.18 217.56
28 gallons rubberized yell paint @ k.03 ilk.2k
29 gallons rubberized wall paint a h-Zh 122'96
16 gallons semi-gloss enamel e 5.3h 8§.hh
March Total 5 0.20
gag fitoch Items used on small maintenance gobs curing Ragga
in or material only Acct. $1.181 511.32
" " ” ” Commercial Blage., a others 13.22
Items Sold (marked Gen. Use) Cr. to 51—161 80.1
Special figorqggigtion éded//
S. A. ZQEQ is about 10% complete. About $1,400 need during march on
. HON/$96 19 room addition.
Supt. B&G Department
cc: H. B. Smith
H. m. Wilkinson, Jr.
' E. Harris

 ‘t V 1
. .
P229 .1.
, 5. , /. .
p , ".»"T‘Cr’v 3C qufif’,
' - >- “w- I
‘ 1 3M
’10: --.. . 01*; / ,
From: W . 1...-.E. i’Skfi/fléocaga
We: T‘Tonthlv ‘r'ETTOT‘fz 0:" the B r”: {.1 Deennrtmanfi 57):" The manth of Farah "/’
T2 ,1 - ,1 - : - . E- ~ «1 r’
doom {261..11t13n 11.. :ro-svesshm—a291)
_._......_...___.___._......E .. .E.. ._.-__...h
:‘oflfo. “19(139": r0013 can-1.11911)
_ ,j, _,. . "‘ " . r . .r. [r (..I ,.., ,
Labor 51307.17 ?.f‘-,‘x‘,'~%1‘3.5‘l i)? ’6.f‘7/ ,JH?H3,O'T:
-« '9‘ ~ . '
£329.33? -:xlggbcea gist/7.119 flons(nea') Fl~]’-‘?
none rimmini 7'":r'ch
7.13091191130118- Jobs
A ___..___.me . _ n I. ' , _, . \
”fat. 3.—<“‘(1nstr'17 1" W11" T'T‘qrinv one 9mg“ w/y‘r‘mc '.’: -».;;7nig1m.~\,r11_|:-1(1-r. wrarrnmg)
_..—..-_”...E- - .----- ...:._. _..._ - ..__-.:..-.t—‘g -‘_1._:.;.__.‘__._—‘—W.L.‘--Z.;-L‘Zo-__-.—_LLLL;.._L:—&#.r -“;_E:‘.;..;:.:_‘_....*_T_.-.;.;._;.:..’-I
.',-3‘.ng- 3H’ .'Hi “f91‘iE1 fut-“.21 / “€157.77
,.. .:.. - rE _. ..
.;o..~ '1. 111(nm7 "LZfO. we: 1101' her ‘21")51—143H30rule he}
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 ( .
5 Kay 196k
To: E. H. Pncc
From: R. I. Hexinney
Re: Monthly report of the 3&0 Doptrt-nnt for the loath or
‘ April 1961.
‘ Room Addition in grogrcou SSA-52212
Kong ,
Boon Adan x‘éon letcd SA- 2 J.
Ho. Ho ho roon attion
Pro . or ‘ 30 .1 Prev. notoriul $ 266.81 $ 572.06
A??? -1ubor h68.97 April material £95.71 963.62
Supervision 2.1 '
. Completed cost 1 . $ 1,6;7.83
. if // - \ .
Floor Furnuct’instullttions (not) 21-132 /// ”":>
. Nona ring April W /
, ’ /
fliscellan 3 Jobs
A t. a a 1n 1 room a hall 1- 81 can 10%-
- Labor .2 ~ Hoterial 31.88 79.16
Agt. A-gjinatalling null window, one door vitraaelgl-lal (Complete;
Prov,w a or 9 . Prev. materia .21 7.77
ansfii labor None April motorial 1.52 1.22
' Completed cost 159.29
Ho. Ho. 9 wall furnace 1-182 con late
1, La. 2: 2 . ' terial 116.53 11.1.52
30. Ho. “” aintin 1 roan Con let. 1—181
'vg'Lo or 9.2 no orinl 22.30 71.58
30. Ho. 9” floorin 1 room 1-181 Con late
. %/ a-gr 9 . Matorinl 50.89 1&9.h5
Ho. 3 . jute sir: riot to rontin 1-181 Con late
33 ‘ 11‘-bar " ‘ - mt.r1a 386024'8 873nh5
no. no. 6 “" intin room: a both 1-181 con.lote
. l» or 19 o uteri“. 72.11 269.23

 Bo. Ragga; 5261-01: "F“I 21-1.81 gcouzlou
. a r 9. Rates-151 $ 31.1.0 $ 80.68
Ho. n°$¢§27 Igorch rogttrg 21-181 geogglotc)
4,0r . . ,Iltcrill 65.12 11h.h0
Ho. Ho. 2 ioorin 2 rooms a hall 1-181 can lots)
' \ or 2 o fittcri 107058 37ho62
no. 80. ”Iinstalled auto. water heater Com late 1-181
3 or o MtOX' ‘1 o Ila-82
no. no. 01 «ihcetrockin 1 room ceilin onl 1-181 con late
Ho. No. R ”I orch re 5&3) :1-181 Iconglote)
' \ ‘* bar 73 992 muri‘l 59018 133.10 I
,/-'I:'“\ , W” N )W
/7E?r o ” water hdfgggIegchanégustbor 0- -2611 Mat. 0- -h611 Con late
I j ' Labor 0 mteril 90 9 0 0
Outside r. I rior to outside tintin 1-181 1n ro roan
Prov. kpgor 2,:53.§5 Prev. nutcr1s§ 1,375.22 h,i3h.og
April that 1, 01. 0 April Interial 799. 2 01.2
[”1 ~* Cont to fist. 6,735.3§
. Re Mr nine road 1 :19 Labor 0- 0-1 pm. 0- - 99 Con late
P v. a or . 3 9 Prev. an erzt h . 69.69
pril lubcr 23.9 April untarial 5.12 3.05
4493/ Completed coat W/ 32 .
/I .{
Str ta a Road: 70-202 I ‘
2 9;:: a 1 to ea $23.93 h7.86
L E3: in & ardenln 0~2O
, laugh: to as - 3.93 1,076.85 .
Free int inaucd to tenants 7
on: ru bcrise vs paint @ 3 h.2h 199.28
6 gallons glos- ennuel @ $ 5.18 310.80
9 gallouo sari-gloss ennnzl @ $ 5.3h h8.06
2h gnllonu rubberized vall yaint @ é h.08 97.92
1 gallon flat ontncl @ $ h.h1 k.h1
1 gallon sealer-coater Q t b.57 h.§7
Total for south .
Prev. total §26.0h
/ Total to date 1, 21.0 ,
Ba Stock items used on small unintenance obs durin A r11
out of interial oaly Acct. 51—181 577.98
. " " " " Comrcinl 81:13:. a. cunt: £2.18

Item: sold. wiad Gen. Uae) Cr. to 51,-181. .2; 118.16
Sgecial Az‘gregriation ““‘“?” {7
7 J
S. A. 2029 is about. 75% complete 7) v
R Iflnney
Supt. B&G Department
cc: 1!. 23. Smith
R. M. Wilkinson, Jr.
E. Harris

 K .
Page 1
. ‘1 H ,,
. May ‘4‘ , 1’:) (71’4-
YT' ‘ ' h:: .. k!‘ Wflé—Q
_ O. ,_ . _ 1 x... fl
From: $:2:34£u:u;_. CfiE;?’CflK/f
Ye: Monthl" remort of the B&G Department for tke.month of April 196%
Room Addition in browress§SA-S2Ql)
ROOm Addition comnleted(53~§22l)
H0,No. lggbei room addition)
Prev. 1“bor $305.19 Prev. material 3?<6.87 $¢72.06
April labor $fi68.97 April materiel $494.71 963.68
_ supervision 32,1U
completed cost $ 1627.98
. Eloor Furnace installationsgnew] Gl—lFZ
none during April
Eiscellgggggs Jobs
Ant. A—Q(v9inting 1 room 9 hnll)€L:lGl(coleete)
labor 1&7.?8 reteriei $31.88 $71.16
int. A—qginstallinv mull winfiow,ono door w/frame}‘l—191Scomvlete)
K A.,‘ - .1 . , [4, ,.» é,
ITBV. labor $9*.56 frev. materlcl $91.21 4157.77
April l"b3r none épril materiél $1.52 l.€3
Cnmyleted cost $153.?9
H0.No. l9§wsll furnace)§l—183§conplete>
Labor fi2h.?d “eterial $116.58 31¢1.52
Ho.§o. 10(Daintin; l roomiil-lglgcomnleig)
Labor sup.2é Weteris1 327,30 $71.55
H0.No. lggfloorin? l room>€l—181(comvlete)
Labor $?9.§6 Iatfirinl $ §F.P$ $149.h5
‘ Ho.Eo. 60§r9b91r3 prior to renting)¢1—181§comnlafie)
Labor mn?6.97 raterisl $386.48 1873.%§
F0.Fo. 60(wflintiny 5 rooms & hath) ,
Labor $MP.87 Nateria1 $6:.os $114.8“
Ho.No. WOlgsheetroc‘io; l room;ceilinr onlv)§l—lal(comolete)
4s ... .. _
Labor $71.9? material $29.11 $10i.0?
Holfio,bbl {porch rewgir)51~181§complote)
Labor $73.92 Material $59.18 $133.10

 Page 2
Hiscellaneoué Jobsgcon’t)
Price #7 weter heeter exchante(1ebor O—QV—Yéll Materiel O—QO—M611)comfilete
. Mfr—WWW , ,a, n .‘
Labor bur.87 ‘aterlal $59.30 Q160.l6
Outside reneirs prior to outsifie figjntin? 51—181(in nrogress)
Prev. lebor $QUFQ.56 Prev. material 3197?.49 $433Q.OU
ITTT-ll law-Tor $1601.40 April material $799.68 :::/32,01,285
. - r!‘ .,T,
case to mate ;6735.3<
Renairin: mine road siznsflLabor U~90~lfi99 HeterielflD—QO—3999)Icomnlete)
Prev. labor $959.33 Prev. material $.36 $259.69
April lebor $73.93 April materiel 335%.1'2 139.0%
I completed mast $3?8.7U
Stre~ts 5:; Roadslvo—lov‘g
T . n T. .1”, A” —.
7 men shllts @ Q 3.03 ¢L7.56
Lenflscehinr 9 werdenine{ZO-V03)
‘ I \ ‘ ‘ I I ' ""'- .
bi man shifts C $93.93 $1076'85
Free paint lssnei to tenents
4? gallons rubberized wall paint u $O.7M $199.79
60 gfillons gloss enamel N $5.15 310.50
9 gallons semi-gloss enamel Q $5.3M @7.06
3% gallons rubberizefi wall yelnt t $M.OB 97.?7
1 351701 flat enamel C $4.@l fl.hl
l 5?llon seeler—coater C $4.77 Z".‘32
tfltel for monfih $565.0”
firev. total T¥6.04
total to éete 319421.08
. . ,. / l .. . > ‘
7777M777 , t
r I ’1 .
Q‘G/f 224/LA Tu,” W ' flea/,f/v/f/ J77: Z?
/ T T . ‘ , r,
’l 'r 'I .« W flfigaq V' aflw—r I/Z./J’
. 4 ‘1 , .
[£669 7 40%
flax T W 9% g, f

 h June 196%
To: B. H. Poo.
From: R. I. McKinney
Ra: Honthly report of the 3&0 Department for the month of
no: 1965
Room Additions 1n Erogrcoo {SA-22912
\_l o n 0
Floor Furaoco inotollotiono {nevi 21-182
not; during May ’
Miscellonooul Jobs 2%
Gorafiut 53 and a: {rerootz 21-181 ééfi grogroloz
. \ Labor 3. 23.62; O J ‘7 man «a $ 36.90 E 61.5h
533 no. lzgygroflooring 1 roonzfil-lal g1; figfiirooa) 3;:;axx§?giggfitfié;if
Labor 59.28 mum-n13 ‘$3.50 92.73
- gé. Ho. :20 gaginzing 2 rooms & both! 21-181 {congletaz
Lobot/ 1.97.12 Material 73 .05 270.17
. lo. 320 (modernize kitchen withgbsio’& gpll cayinpgh)
g1.182 scongletoz égW‘JV/i gffécyi(‘””"
Prev. Lghifij 118.20 Prev. Motoriolo 81.57 199.67
no: L "or f/g:;;§1,zv Mo: Kateriola 276.6 373.81
' .¢*« T / #‘ Completed cost , %' 573.53
'7' ' y; J ‘3 3") X
:6 _ Scout Pavilion re airs 0~20 con late
\E " J Labor at.“ mun-1:1: 51.18 75.82
<1§§' Outside rogoiro Erior to outside nointing 51-181 {in grofiroos)
Pr". :2,“ h,060.16 Prev. Materials 2675.16 6,735.32
any 1: ‘ 985.60 Roy Moteriolo 556.25 1,5h1.82
' . . , _ Cost to dote .2774?
’fiw'f Pool ro orin for o nin 61-181 can let.
. f/ Lunar 682.11 antenna 109.66 791.77

 ( .
Monthly Report - B&G Deyt. my 1961. '
Page Two
. 8‘1 to a. Roads 70-202 _
f ;;;/’2 meringue- o $23.93 3,. H.536
V L "'scs in & Gardenia 0-20
‘. N7?
2.219 m shirts e g. 23.93 ”M67
Free Quint issued to tenant:
V _f
#6 gsllone ale ensuel e $5.18 238.28
26 gallons ru erized well point e $h.2h 110.2h
15 gsllon r4 berised well point e $h.08 61.20
8 gallon , nl-eloes enenel é $5.3h h2.72
2 gallons flat enamel e $k.hl 8.32
Totsl for south £31.23
Prev. total 1 21.0
Total to dots i,33§.3£
B&G Stock items used on small Isintenence Jobs during Hog. ‘
Cost or neterlsl only Acct. 51-181 3h9.9o
“ " " “ Connerclel Bldgs. end others 2hl.99
Items sold (marked gen. use) Cr 51~181 187.». »i//
. Bagels). Aggrogrletions 7 7 3.4
S. A. 2029 is about 75% complete. no work wee done on this account during
Work on 30. No. 108 was started June 3rd which should about equsl the
balance of this account.
Supt. B&G Department
cc: HI 811th
H. n. Wilkinson, Jr.
Russell Kerrie

 June 2,1764

((1 Wa/a

To: W ,.m. ,

From: M flew

Re: Monthly rebort of the B & G DEW?Tthnt for the month of Key 196@

Room Additions in UrozressISK—?"Vl}

Floor Furnace installationslnnw)§l—182
none daring Way

Viscellaneous Jobs

Geraees ?4 8 ”SiretgofIGl—191(in wrovress) .

Labor 53%.64 I’etarinls {sea'ro/ $61.53
“' n v ‘ II -

Ho.mo, l§?lrelioorln: l rwnmLil~1ml§1n DTOVTGSS)

Labor $49,29 Faberials $M?.COV/ $72.79

Ho.¥oz 370ibeintinz 5 rooms & bethISl—lflicomvleteI///

«.‘,, ,. , . t , .4 A.” .
Lahor $m97.li haterlals $7j.03 ;{?O.l?
ficlfio. 3Zg§moierggzeM;;§cheg_yith hese & wall CBthGIS)51~1€3L9132l3t9>
Prev. lahor 3119.20 Prev, veteriels £81.L7 $199.67
May labor § 97.14 Hey materinls $276.67// 332?.91
A» , 1,
completed cost $573.98

Girl Sgput Egggligglrebsiggg [Qg?0€(comnlefe) /

L9100-7“ $2h.6h Kateriais 351.18/1 875.99

Ouegide rehairs_0rig£_§ggqgtside finintin: gl—ZPlIin progress)

-*' -——”“v*"~*tr‘ A, "“‘-*—?_“‘*s““_a A, A»
Prev. 19b0r 04060.16 Prev. materials $9673.16 56735.j4
“BY 1350? 3 98‘.50 Va: m'fieriels $ 556.2Fr/ $15u1.9:

cost to date )b277,17

n -r, -. A. 'o . - _ ..': ., ._‘ .. ’ Q A 4.

gylwmkgkdhpglinreu Tine rev ovenlnv)b1~lmL§co%ple‘eI//

19730;:- ”€652.12 Iteterisls $3119.66“ $5M?“

Streets & Roads(?O—”O?)

"“““‘"“‘T7m““a'TCT“‘ A p
2 men Shlzts 9 m 3.93 gnf'gg

Lenfiggigiqg 3 Gerdqnin:(?fl—QO3)

19 men shifts v 3?}.03 $45b.67

Free Saint issued ED tenants

.___..____.___mu..wr....._____ A A in
46 gallons gloss enamel e a5.lc $339.25
, .. w . . .l A.» . .N
’6 geilons rubberlzed wall walnt t eu.2% 110. A
3; gallons rubberized w=11 weigh Q 3h.08 61.20

8 gallons semi—gloss enamel C $5.3b’ 47.72
¢ gallons flat enamel @ 3U.fll 9.8?
total for month $Q€l.26
prev. tofial £971.09
total to Eats 31857.3h


 , ( I
%4?./ w
,,_WWEWJEEW 56f - 4 , , ’ ‘— ‘ ~ '
_-W@¢WW¢LWWQ?WW@£J”L-zil ,, W ,-- ,-£2/-