xt7qnk361p0s_277 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 110-148 text Houses 110-148 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_102/Folder_19/0690.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_277 xt7qnk361p0s H O U S E R E C O R D
HOUSE-Apmt. N0. Rooms Bath Storage Room FURNACE - Type Modernized Kitchens
8 Date Installed
No. I W Toilet Serial No.
, I ' 1‘
\ 5 t L I M
Reference No.

 C. M.'Acct. 30 '
Project Cost Sheet -
Project No. HOUSE: # 128 Amt. N0. SA 46(1 Sheet No. one
Description Room addi tion _Date Started ,7 $1 I 21 5‘2
. Cost Cost
Date Materxals Used Mtls. v' Labor J Total Remarks

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march 11, 1959
Mr. Roy Souleyretto
House No. 123 »
tholwright, Ky.
Dear Mr. Souleyrette: H
Recently I wrote you a letter in regard to building a new bedroom
on your houao. Since then you have requested that the new room be
built for use as a living room. Also, the addition of a clotheo
closet, removal of the concrete hearths in the front rooms of your
present house and an extension of the front porch. All this was
approved by Mr. 31mmorman, and work tan begin soon if you are will-
ing to accept a monthly rent increase of $12.30, making your total
monthly rent $52.50.
_ You also mentioned that an additional floor furnace may be needed
to hunt the new room. Should it be nooesaary to install another '
furnace, there will be an additional $3.00 per month added to your
rent during the month it is installed. This would be in addition
to the $52.50 mentioneé above.
If you want this work done, it will be necessary for you to sign ' ,
a new house loose incorporating the rent increase. Please see the ‘
rent clerk, Mr. Gore, at the Main Office
If you have not signed the new lease on or before Monday, March 16,
we will assume you do-not want the improvements made to your house,
in.which event, we will assign the money now allotted to your house
to make improvements for some other tenant. ‘
Yours very t: y. I
. ~1;.';'LL..—/“} ‘
(“254% ,. —
R. Ki ey, Superintendent
» Buildings & Grounds Department
CC: HOZimmerman

 r ,
c. M.’ Acct. so
. . Project Cost Sheet .
Project No. ETQUSE é ' 128 Acct. No. SA'finl'éz ] Sheet No. L119
Description Room Addi tion Date Started 51] 2150.
. Cost Cost
Date Matenals Used _ Mtls. V Labor v.7 Total Remarks
V—r .. « ' z ’ / 2 7 l? 53 41 22’ ’7
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HUMNTAIN VIIITINI In” ALLEN. KY.. ‘UUD ~ l-SS I6:A I——*__ _’v'"'_' g: 3“? g} ‘V‘

 c. M'. Acct. no
| Project Cost Sheet
Project No. HOUSE 14‘ 12:3 Amt. N0. SA —ét6§Zi Sheet No. 1323-«1:. e'e
Dweription Room Addition Date Started 3112159
- Cost Cost
Date Materials Used «Mids- 5 \7 Labor \7 Total Remarks
'/ ’ “'“W”"5 "3/ 7’, ’ J ‘5’ «’ .3? '44 '7‘ "
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Prolect Cos’r Sheet .

Proiecf No. WWW, Accl. No.WSA:‘WlL6_‘-LLW Sheet No. _.,fQLLI‘W_W

Descriplion meidj-WMWWDaIe Started W_W—_WW
7 Date I 7” Materials Used COS? — \/ COSt \/ Total Remarks
_. , . Is. Labor _i

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Prolect Cost Sheet
Proied No. ___—___. Acct. No.i11_8_l_____ Sheet No. ___—_...—
Descriplion W_Dam Siaried _______—_________________
Date I Materials Used EAT: \/ :2:: \/ Total I Remarks
2 _..-
--- I“: "”90

. . . , _ 4 , / r~ r If I. 3
This Certificate of Warranty IS issued tOJ/“f/T : 1.1 r [[1 .(T :";. .
and covers Floor (Furnace Model No.4}? .‘:V’: fiSerial No:~.'C?(’/<.3.Zslr
,; ;:- "7‘ " 1', ’ -, '
installed at. .,x’ffi/xiw. . . ./. .t‘-.~.:.\3. . . . . . .on (Date), ”'21/.I. .7/..'f;'./...
The combustion chamber on this furnace is under warranty'lor ten years from
original purchase against rust-out or burn-out, under normal domestic use not exceeding
standard pressures and/or fuel rating. A hole or other_openinq caused by rust or heat
shall be evidence of failure in this respect. It this combustion chamber is replaced,
the purchaser will be charged and agrees to pay 1/10 of the current retail price
for each year, or fraction thereot, which has elapsed since the date 0! purchase.
Further, all mechanical parts are under warranty against defects in material and work- '
manship for a period of one year from date of original purchase.
(Continued on reverse side.)
W. ——_____i_—__——_—___*”V'T""——“—¥’ ——w‘_—‘_ .
Part No. A—5319 '

 h.— Mi¥-—e' 7",, , ,,,, 7 ., V7 A”, 77‘, ,7_ , , 7,,"...—
Replacement will be made at the factory on any part returned prepaid through
the dealer and claimed Within the warranty period to be defective and found by
the Company upon examination to be so detective.

Replacement shall be t.o.b. factory and Temco, lnc. shall not be liable for drayage or

tabor cost.

This warranty shall not apply, nor can we assume any responsitility, fov conse~
‘ quential damages that might result from its use, mis-use or improper instailation,

where the product has been tampered with or altered in any way or which in our

judgment has been subjected to inis-use, negligence or accident, or which has

the serial number effaced, altered or removed

This warranty is in lieu oi all other warranties expressed or implied and all other

obligation or liabilities on our part, and we do not authorize any person or repre—

sentative to assume for us any other obligation or liability in connection with the

sale of this product.

In order for this furnace to be registered under the terms of this warranty, the at-

tached registration card must be completely tilled out and mailed to the factory

within two Weeks of the date of original installation. No postage is necessary.

Manufactured by
TEMCO, INC.. Nashville 9, Tennessee

 N“ n r ' v .
, , 2 O Q
January 26, 19§9
. If?" if: ’ fl

Mr. Roy Souloyretto
House No. 128
Wheelwright, Ky.
Dear Mr. Souloyrette:
Part of your request for alterations on your house boo been '
approved. Re are sorry that no cannot do more than to build
on an extra room at this time. It 13 our understanding the
new room is to be a bedroom. Therefore, money has been
allotted for a bedroom only.
Due to the high cost of construction, we must make an increase K
to your present rent of $7.80 per month, making your total
monthly rent $h8.00.

' If you aro willing to accept the monthly rent increase, please
see the rent clerk, Mr. Gore, at the Main Office and sign a
copy of the new house lease incorporating the rent increase.
The rent inoreooo will not become effective until the work to
completed. - j -v’ ‘
If you have not signed the oov lease by office closing time
Monday, February.2, we will assume you no longer want the 1m—
provomentu made to your house, in which event we will assign
the money now allotted to your houoe to make on improvement
for some other tenant.

‘ Youra very truly,
’ _ R. I. McKinney, Supt.
B&G Department
CC: Regimmermon . '

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Name Date

D E S C R I P T I 0 N Rate Hours Amount Acct. No.
4 444444 - _-
47944.4. . ___-
T 0 T A L 8
Dept. ___—._.___. _ Shift __ __ . _ Foreman _ . _.__ _ _

CUMPUBCO. PIKEVILLE. KY. 6-5410M 46838 12—8