xt7qnk361p0s_281 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 110-148 text Houses 110-148 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_102/Folder_23/0745.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_281 xt7qnk361p0s f)
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HOUSE-Apmt. No. Rooms Bath FURNACE - Type ‘ , Modernized Kitchens
Date Installed - :/
, »_- V A. w
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Reference No.

 H O U S E R E C O R D
HOUSE-Apmt. No. Rooms Bath Storage Room FURNACE - Type Modernized Kitchens
V \, Date Installed
No. I 3 ’ Toilet Serial No.
.. . . . , 0 00
Reference No.

Name Date
D E S C B I P '1‘ I O N Rate Hours Amount Acct. No.
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 fiarah 1%, 2958
My. Delfiert Bavia “
E5 Na. 132 Index $92
Vbeelwright, Ky. fih-lefik
Dear fix. Eavia: ‘
Year request,f9r a roam aaditien, kitchen cabinets,
clcthea alcset, marlite in tha bath anfi fioor furnace,
waa apprevad by Er. Zimmerman.
wfi can begin wark an fihis praject within & ffiw dfiys
if you are willinfi to accept a manthly rent increase
at $9.00, makiag year tatal manthly rent $h8.30.
25 yum still want thia work done an& will accept the
. rent increase, pleaae see the rent clerk, Mr. Gore,
at the Main Offfice ana mign a coyy a? the new hauae
leaae incarporating the rant increase. The rent inn
creaaa will act bficeme effective.until the wart as
£0 work of any Rina can begin until the new lease is
signaa‘ Therefore, I euggeet that you aign, if Etill
infieraatefi, the new lease withtn a weak frem tha date
of thin lattar. If yau have nah aignaé by this flame,
- the maney new allofitea t0 make your improvements will
%e assigned ta anether tauanfi.
Yourg vary truly,
, R. I. McKinney, $upt‘
Builfliugs & Graunds Dept. ‘ .
RIM/mca >
cc: Hfizimmarman ‘

Proiect Cost Sheet
Proiect No. ___— Am. Nah—2L Sheet No. _1_____..__ .
BMW IWJI‘M ___—_____._
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 c. M. Acct. no ’
‘ Project Cost Sheet
Project No. 42"~ ” . - ' ’ Amt. Nor» r" « Sheet No. v A
DescriptiOn—______L______jaf 5 ' ‘ " ' ' Date Started _x " - .7 e ___—___..— — ’ .
/ ;Da.te Materials Used M005“; v $135231. ‘7 Total Remarks
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 C. M. Acct. 80
_ . Project Cost Sheet
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Project No. .._1 - _, - , . Amt. No.l._L_;;.—'_._ Sheet No.____/_l______
(”l,.") «”1 I." ’ .“fo ‘7 o
Description—.:A—u__§w1_____——_—Date Started—__fl.__‘v‘_~__r____—________
. Cost Cost '
Date Materials Used Mtls. \7 Labor J Total Remarks
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. 1 .1 1. . . 7 . “1' 4 1 a v, '7 ~: I,- ‘.- “a . r
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HUUNTAIN PRINTIII $0., ALLEN, K'.. I000 - [~56 I65]

 C. M. Acct. 80
Project Cost Sheet
Project No. 7 I — - _... , Amt. No. I‘ , ' Sheet. No.
chrirption ' ' Date Started I A
. Cost Cost
Date Materlals Used Mtls. \7 Labor \7 Total Remarks
I, ~ ' H I ~ " , "4 / f - I " D . :n i: '2‘ 'E "I, 1”" l/
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 C. M. Acct. 80
Project Cost Sheet ‘ '
Project No.______._ Acct. Nob; 1 Sheet No_._____.__ .
Dmflptlon ' « 4 ' Date Started . ‘ V
Date Materials Used 13%;}; V 53%]. 9' Total Remarks
. _ ' 44_4 ,44- -, 0.3} 'i} X / '7 .4 r A» ‘ J v”
' .W _w,,_2__;‘_‘_‘_fl " ~’ " V vw ___. MW
__.-__ _,_,__#_,____w_‘_“_ 5’1 b _ w # “MW
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 C. M. Acct. 80
Project Cost Sheet
Project No. £32193“ / ‘5 2" Acct. IMM Sheet; No. 345:9;
Description f2} m MJQZZW Date Started 7‘ " 3" ”*595/
I; ‘I»,Vpatg/ Materials Used 1912?; v 133% a Total Remarks
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 C. M. Acct. 80 t
Project Cost Sheet
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Project No. @ 4 3 2» Acct. New Sheet. No. ~25ng

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Pate; Materials Used fig v 133;; v Total Remarks ,

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IDHIYAII '.'-TIN. CO., ALLEN, KY., Inna ‘ I'55 fi—‘T- “““—".— —-—T— Vi: _—

 C. M. Acct. 80
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Project Cost Sheet
Project No. é+£ A i L Amt. No. £77 ”I”? .2.» Sheet No.£&&«_____
Description Egiz/Q‘ é . «~«:~-7a:./«"C~‘Z_«o Date Started______________
Date Materials Used $15; \f 133:; \7 Total Remarks
ELM» M 2» zxzw/V’ 536W" 532/ _
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 C. M. Acct. 80
Project Cost Sheet .
Project No. @I '1 Q1 5 2" Acct. No. ~57 _../6? ,x’ Sheet Nam, _.__—

Description 4%, ..:-£33 Date Started
Date Materials Used 3218: V 13333;; v' Total Remarks

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 C. M. Acct. so .
Project Cost Sheet
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Project No. "‘~ -' » " Amt. No._~‘.“_r_:...'_fi Sheet No.___‘~__"_.;'__‘_-‘.._.__..__
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Dmrtption /\ 5'3"” ’ ' - Date Started ~____/___:_;_________
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FLOGR :4 U . HIE IE: gar Ah. Lin i ll
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This Certificate of \A/an'ant’y is issued '22:. , .. ..... ._ . , . . . . . . . I .. l
, ._ .,‘ 1 , . / T" ’
and covers Floor Furnace Model NO. r? .‘. I .' , . .I Serial NO. z I . , . .

I installed at on (Date)
The combustion chamber on this furnace is undo: warranty {or twenty years from
date of original purchase against rust-out or burnout, under Tmrrnal domestic use
not exceeding standard pressures and/or fuel rating. A hole or other opening caused
by rust or heat shall be evidence of failure in this rr‘speCl. If this (:QIuZ-Ixastiou chamber
is replaced, the purchaser will he charged and agiecs to 1":1! l/‘lf‘ at the current
retail price for each year, or traction there—oi, which has elapsed since the date of

Further, all mechanical parts are under warranty against defects is material and
workmanship for a period of cure year from date of original purchase.
(Continued on revursa side.)
__._,__._——.——-———___—I—_-—ww ——v.~-__—_—~—_.-a _-_—

 Replacement will be made at the factory on any part returned prepaid through
the dealer and claimed within the warranty period to be detective and found by
the Company upon examination to be so detective.
Replacement shall be lots. factory and Temco, Inc. shall not be liable tor drayage or
labor cost.
This warranty shall not apply, nor can we assume any responsibility, for conse-
quential damages that might result from its use, mis—use or improper installation,
where the product has been tampered with or altered in any way or which in our
judgment has been subjected to mis—use, negligence or accident, or which has
the serial number effaced, altered or removed.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and all other
obligation or liabilities on our part, and we do not authorize any person or repre-
sentative to assume for us any other obligation or liability in connection with the
sale of this product.
In order for this furnace to be registered under the terms of this warranty, the at-
tached registration card must be completely filled out and mailed to the factory
within two weeks of the date of original installation.
T E M CO, I N C.

 #56 fl/d 452%
flé// Zdjw/czce
W60é/ M/ 204
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fié ”’ 60¢ /~z.5’ré‘¢4y
I 23 W

 CM Acct. 59-A Social Security Account Number Index I

DaIe } Check No. 11 Date 1 Check No. 11 Date 1 Check No.

aunnme a. enounos DEPARTMENT
Proiect Cost Sheet
Proied No. ___—___— Acco. Nah—51L 'Sheet No. __I—__.___
Mg- ma M
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Sflfl (9‘ Labcfi C1) 5 I '

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Proiec’r Cost Sheet
Proiecf No. ___—_L— Acd. NoiL Sheet No. ___]J—__.
Descripfion WMJm Started W
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 CM Acct. 59-A Social Security Account Number Index \ ‘ .
DaIe Check No. H Date ‘ Check No. H Date | Check No.

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