xt7qnk361p0s_284 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 110-148 text Houses 110-148 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_102/Folder_26/0785.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_284 xt7qnk361p0s H O U S E R E C O R D
HOUSE-Apmt. No. Rooms Bath Storage Room FURNACE - Type Modernized Kitchens
Date Installed
No. I ‘ S :5,— Toilet Serial No.
c 0 s T JO 0
Reference No.

 0'“ “”" 7 my)“; stay; comm
01:. No. ___._ DAILY JOB CARD .. .3
Name . 5‘33 Date
nnsonlrrlox noun Bate I Amount Acct. No.
___—___“— .__—___...
/ :25
Dept. ___._—___._. Shift .——__ Foreman _._._, «___—
cuMPuBco. PIKEVILLE. KY. 5-53 10M 45133 Iz-a

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Request fofr‘ Paint or Paper >
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Month.“_#~_#;;__/; . ,-;;___w_.,__ Date__;._____ '
Name of Tenant~_.“_fl_4__;*;_eM_rw-_;;;;m_-;',;Efi__/I___... House No____:;:__:__._._
Work requested by Tenant (deta11)__#___._e____em____m,__,_#_’:_r__
Work will be performed by#___,/_.I_,_.I__4,__fi__r__4__fi.m_w________~__
Estimate of Cost (By B&G Department)
Urn“ ‘.r' “if
. Paper~$_"'__.__-____ Paint $31K;
Approvedé;#”_:______ Date—__fi.__
3.3" ,_,j /‘“\ , .-
Date work completed_;___~________ , :_#_____.___.___
Z gig: 14411,!”
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 1 Form W. E. Acct. 22 f: w“ -:'? ”:2
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y 5: ,/ 195%
‘ TO:
- ’ FROM: 7 . "
The following repairs are requested by_L/;L§i(‘2::‘___
—_.d__”;____—4___h___ House No. 41:21“
.» :.:/4 f1 V > »_ r ;V a) ”,.., ,
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I S‘ erintendent of Bilildjngs and Grounds
. Work Completed V / / . L 19___.
- Sign - ska/J

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 o '9 ‘ o
October 12, 195k 4
To: L. S. Becker .
From: E. O. Zimmerman
Stanley Logan, tenant in house No. 135, has asked
that his house he underpinned and that under the
house an extra room be included as a room for liv-
ing quarters.
According to Paul Curry‘s estimate the cost of
this work would be close to $2500 and consequently
the rent would be quite high.
Before giving approval of this work I Would like to
talk with you about it. .
AI 851%
Manage Coal Properties

 0 ~.- ‘ o
October 22, 195A
To: L. S. Becker
From: H. O. Zimmerman
Some time ago Stanley Logan, tenant in house No. 135,
requested that his house be underpinned.
After an estimate was prepared and Logan was notifiedL
of the amount of rent increase for the improvement,
he decided he Would defer having it done.
I am advising you of this so that the file can be
Manager Coal Properties

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 August 3. 1960
Mr. sunny Low ‘
ammo lb. 135
Wbmlwright, Kmtucky '
an: inn,
Your rm“: to have your kitchen enlarged has been ‘
approved. Also. we will install a not sink unit with
two ovarhud «blunts. . '
work on chi: can begin soon if you an willing to map:
a mathly rent lncnm of $8.30 in addition to the want
you mm ply.
If this is acceptable. plum see the ram; clerk at tin
Main Office and sign a «zapy cf the new houu lane incor-
youth; the increase. The lacuna will not become
effective until the work is completed.
It 1: sanctuary that in: ya: a the limit. in which you have
to 31311 cha m luau. If you hm nut. signed the lease on
or bafore August. 10. we- wlll «am that you do not wink
. tho work done at this than; and In will assign this money
now tllottcd to your house to Mk“ an mprcrvemnt for some
can: taunt.
Your: very truly,
. "’3
. ’,’/r O
- L. I. McKinney. fiuperlntemient
Buildings & Grounds Max-taunt
RIM/med ' , '
CC: ROM-urns!
Aludbury V

 a» 5..
Project Cost Shee’n‘
Proied No. M Acct. Mmfli/ZL— Sheef No. _’_/_._
0.2.,“ /' i M 4- '2 L n
Date ‘ Materials Used 531‘; V if): , \/ Total ‘ Remarks
// 32,112 .1 '2/ 17’" 2’12" 39",":“4/4 f‘f“? .- _____
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Proiect Cost Sheet
7’ i
Proiect No. M ~ .2" . Acct. Moi/ELL Sheet No. ___—L
Description __2—_77? ’7” ,. (F’n/ e/.;.2 .7 :n . _Date Started $A‘: (‘7 ;l" :7 7‘7/7’7"" )
Date 7 Materials Used 167713: \/ if): \/ Total Remarks
"7’3”" ‘x ‘2' '7" 7’ 7' I .r'Jr/i-V ‘7 '7 l/ / 7“ V7740 WIT}; ‘7 ’0
V l .231 /1‘_,_,<,.,,._,.:‘ ,777-5.32 2- 27:77 1‘ 7‘7 / 7 '72.!) (777 " - .-
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, Proiect Cost Sheet ’
Proiecf No. _‘_”..Q; Am. No___{.______ Shoe! No. ___‘2___._____
Description -/'j§/'"‘"I‘~~"I‘TT"I-" “_”7"_'7‘v_' " ‘ ._Dm SIarled . ’3 .5’; “7' :.1 _ _7 _‘_“___ __.__.__
Date I Materials Used 3:"; \I if): \/ Total Remarks
:4 , »2/ ~ m?- £33232! 5‘
..::J x” ”7;, 3.73353, . / I I '1 ° ° - n
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Proiect Cost Sheet

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