xt7qnk361p0s_39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Statements text Statements 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_90/Folder_6/2388.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_39 xt7qnk361p0s IELOED fifEEL COH?§NI
January 14, 1947
. Hr. E. R. Price, General Superintendent-
Wheelwright, Kentucky
Below please note Tenementa Report for month of December, 1946:
Rouse Rent and Lights 12,452.00 A
Sanitation 482.00
flea and Heat 3,981.00
Eater 15.00 ‘
Eiscellanecus ____ӣg4gg
Total 16,972.00
Fay Roll Labor 4,930.00
Supplies 1,065.00
0 . Insurance 828.00
Depreciaticn 3,197.00
Paint deserve ficeeunt L,QGG.GO
V . iaxes 561.00
Gaa Eurcheeed 3,127.00 -
_ Cost of Current 209,09
Total g;,§08.oo
Credit Balance I i,é36.00
Credit Balance Year to Date 13,733.66
Repairs and fiaintenanca
Labor 2,499.00
Eaterial fi‘éjfi4gg
Total fi.154.00 Chief Clerk
. cc: é‘figfiendricly“
LnBeckergx .
F 1 1 e

 “IEHJQT‘é‘E? ”"FF {it"7533fl13! ,
”ff-WT ‘3,..'§1-;',"§‘."?',, §1'l‘-1‘?'"'”5§li"?‘
febmary ’2", 1947
it“. ‘3‘". "9. “rice, Caviar-rel ’Eétijrzrini-enflamt
"tr-=31 "Wight, Irritant?
Sielcr {3113338 mag wt and 2335,? 313,33, viegmrt f‘nr rue-nth of January, 1947':
_ (33517: rye-V
., ,5 ,, .2 1
douse “tent and Lights ‘ 795333433
, "anitatina 532-“)
{Isa {aid Heat A,“33?.£‘rfi “
"$43593? 150m 2
» "Z ssilanecus 2.32% .g
“Total 3,75%}..{13
””1““ i ;
(3:35; "3917’. Later 3,351.90 _
E31 311 Kalli-'33:) 43?”. ’30
37:2“921527503’: 3, 177.50 .
hint fies-ow: 5:33th 7£%.('}G
' "as i‘flz‘chased x x x .
first 05’ ’Eurmat 9270,, are ‘ \
"7‘0 €331 1'3“, 94 3.90
airedit fair-ance seam
Gradi‘: itz‘rmce “err to “ate 5753.9???
Siam .. gang and ‘aigergangg
LTX’C‘QI‘ {1.9 £4.04. 530
Eateriai gamer; ' ‘
"'ine $39.1th , ‘r
. 7705211 ahead}
cc: "’.‘;Evienviriek '
Lif’7-eeker . 7
. 5‘ i. 3 e :

 3: 2 :1 “ :2 Wm?!
321—232." ::‘w. m. "’ 2.213
22222223422212.2322, wrung?! .
. 2.22m 10, 1947
221'. 2:7. :2. Prim, General :mmrintmdent
sfiealwfight, 2292.1qu
Below please note fleet and Utilities Report for 22mm of rebate”, 291.7:
53.32 “If”;
Fiance Rant and Lights 12,553.93
Sanitatitm 2333.2}?
Gas amt! Heat 5,626.00
1421562? 3.5.0:?
2.2132231191130113 99.23.
Total 13,775.00
E’ay 3011 Labor 5,292.53!)
. Supplies 2.233%!30
Bepmcintioa 3.1%.???
saint 2222mm 22302221111: 7%.!»
fixes 61.530
6225: harnessed 2.219.131
float of .:mm‘t __m
”fatal 16.389300
V Credit Balance 1,$=?S.m>
await Balance Year to mate
Labor 3,993.09
‘:fatarial hay-2,3
. 'Z‘oml 5,778.09
3251139 Auditor
vac: tieretzdriek,
mamker ‘f
25‘ S, I a

”3333533, ”WWW?
I April 1, 191.7
7331'. 7;. R. i"r1ee, General :mmr'intmdent
Vflaeelm’mht, Hmweky
' " Belem please 3mm Rent and Ewilities Sigma for month of arch, 191:7:
Home Rent 32333? fights 12,543.30
Sanitafinn 1.85.00
Ga: and 7333314: 41,543.33
“Wake? 15.00 _
ifi seeilmmms {23$ (5;,
Total 3.3,533133353
TY?“ ' T‘- “1’71
Pay 333,113. Dfimr 7,936.01:
. $113319? 35,388.” '
Insurance $1323.00
Emmcimion 3,1?7.00
7532:3333, Fiesam‘e imam 780.00
Taxes ' 57.33.00
13:33 E‘Iumhaaed 2,673.?!)
5.33233: 0? 331mm m .“‘3 -
Credit 8311333136 1‘9 33.3..“
Credit Balance 333,333 to Date 3‘31‘33’5
Labm‘ A,’P’%§2.Dfl
33333233331 sew
Total 31,616.09
. 3.33m Auditor
33" 1 1 e

“1'”éi?fi¥¥‘f, “max? 358257 12’ 1%?
. m. 15:. R. Prime, General apartntendent
ifihwlwr‘ight, Kentucky
Walow pleaae new Rant and Utilities Resort for far-nth of Am‘il, E947:
. gamma
Reuse Rant and Lights 12,648.07?
Sanitation 5.84.736?
Gas: an?! Heat 2,623.00
35am:- 15.05
fisceuanamxs m
“Total 15,972.05
Pay gall Labor 6,7?2.0G
Sugfiies 5,446.00
. Inmzranccz 1.88.30
mpg-sciatica 3,1W.Gf3
V Paint Vitesem Account 7%.???
Taxes ’ 6579.00
(he, {trchased 2,336.00
Cost of Guwent ___m
Total 20. 547.00
Credit Balance i95r":-"?.71‘3i
firedit 8491181108 Thar to Bate ipz‘r’f'Té‘EoiiTér'V‘.
begin w mg mg, mfg-9g
_ Labor 3, [£7.00 '
?§'~".tf§‘£‘ia1 {3,334,531
Mal mmm
. 751m Amine}:
CC: 35%. 5.. Kenflrick
, L. a. Seeker /
F 3. 3. a

 E Lit-.7) 3‘? 3i 551M?!
Inger-Os mtefi
. June 15, 191;?
1351'. 1"3. R. Price, fiat-zzmml Sugar-II_"intendent
Wheelwright, Kentucky
Below 33163390 note Rent and Uttkitfaa ‘:."tenrwz't “For tins-Ith of View, 19.47:
tirruse rem my: frigate 12,‘3’35.00
Sanitniiixzx'; 485.00
Sax: 112115 '.’-sat: 7,753,753?
W-“mr 15.739
Miscellaneous _"‘ {$2.92
“(PT 15,241.33
Pay 3017'. I../11:32: 9,573.00
53sz ”5° 6,51%”?
. Insumnce [£3.00 '
. Deprecizastzim 3,197.00
9mm; I serve Meant 7%.05‘
Tame 51.00
Gee Purchased 781.00
Cost of {Emma‘s ...E-92
total W
Credit Balance 5,47‘1‘5571‘3‘2‘
Credit Balance Year 13c: Date 3." , 'r‘I'VZ‘IJPL'}
Egg 1. rg gm. I‘g imam. cg
Labor {39 3 33 . m
Pia-berm W
‘.‘ .
. 0C: ‘3. A. Kendrick/P Aline Auditor
L. 3. Becker
' F S. 1 a

 21:14:: 17!?“ " 'L 321’???“th
Incorporated /
WHEEL 23.16515 ?, K‘E‘FE'I‘IELEQ :
. Juli: <9, ‘51:?
237:. 3. ft. ’E’rica, {Tamera}. mnar€.ntenaent
'hmlwigzht , 2", entucky
Traitor: phase note 20% 3: Utilities: "Seaport for month 9:“ Jam, 3.95,?!
5h! _ 2“;qu
Kd~ '
House: Vent. and iiiéitsa 12,713.00
:'hnitat-ion 44:52.90 -
{‘2'-i=3 an? Ilse-.:‘: 1,%5.m
233331. 15.00
“2*; I
Aime. ;aneaus 1125,53
Total 14,455.07}
27:-.::; it?! 422301? ”,8?"{")
flaw—flies {2,133}..m
Inemrzmce 433.09
~m~w~t§m 3.1%.33
Paint Reserve mount 70775.03
Gas .::mhaaed 51%.00 ,
fest rt? Sum-ext 931?..03
Total 9‘1, 33511.0(";
{Jr-124% "fiance 93,931,233
{Smut éifszlxmce - "fear to Tate ‘,"ffffgsfli
1.122%“ “22323.;‘33izzimname
311503.“ 572333.530
liaiorml 521i; 1m.
. Total 211,353.90 531m manta?
cc: ‘ilfltKandrick
wanker /
F i 1 a

 Hafiz???” ;3‘???% ‘30” ‘53?! .
fikeel'migfifi, Kori“: may
august 5’», 17.1357
T51". 21. 1‘:. 9:61:39, ammo: :évaoE-‘Etni‘nndmt
“no: Tizfilfi, Kon'bezckry
Psalm ”Mime nous ..‘; ar- 2355135195 resort for ”70:15:32 0“ 371217, 191?:
fifouezo ":th Pam/’3 Eighty; 19,7“?fir3
' “r221 323th; 43:53. {“43 '
52513 my? '13“; 3“‘”§.m
‘a‘her 133.03
, "fissofi. igneous 29 2,124
"To “31 11%., 1.31.00
. P35}? 9201'! Lima" 57,991.59,
:“rnzmlios 13,1??fi’3
‘ Knswmnoo 52“.??3
Fepmoiatis' r: 3,1W.00
Pan‘s “warm Account Wflflf}
Nos ‘ 553?. 5’0 ,
W5 urohwar“ 7973.00
foot. (9? Gomezwt 32.1w
:"mwl 28. 3525.92
“3%?!“ 5’91 mans-9 1?,”‘3‘fot‘faf; .
{frodit “imam-Year to 7'2th ’33-.“9 ..:
I Nam-m. groggy:
Total 187759.00 9.33. no 21:55.50?
' o6: wmmmm /
mneckor /
' ”F 1 1 e

 ERRED 5- .11" F7?
1 A: Z‘i‘}{)?‘i? i~ '
373’ "‘.‘T": ‘ ', "' " ‘3’
. fivawfimr 4;, 101:?
‘35 7:“ 1. fifty», Tamara}, £311 :v-x'h; etzriic;::;i
hun‘; f,:'1.:.: (:73 i [‘3ng . ’?3."
salt-:27: 33:35:33 no w an?“ airy? Willing ‘30? ' r 573:3; '..:?“ '~w-‘i1:*‘;9 17447:
W: "”71”;
330212.": "'14'3'1‘33 5::: Lir’ézfi l?,{7’?€‘>,0}
""933. 121“; v V1 £33.07?
A 1 :'J - 93?“? m
as suit" WM.
'1'“ 1 '3 .61}
"5» 33:;1332’196233 753,00;
“f.” ‘.‘: 1g}, C, 37o 7”’
, . q C "I
. "r33? a—‘TULXQI' 2,1,“.00
flan-‘1". ‘?,-33 7 ' , 5313-11 .023
ram ‘
Tflf.‘ft:Z’-f:§fzf'9 4:)! .83
"‘-'i:::‘c.*ec€ "hr“ 7. , 1:17 , 5C5
33:35:11”.- ‘.»:3:7:crvvo “3:312:40 '?9".03
‘.’,"irz'fvi 6.3:: ’3 ”29.86
£11:th Paivzr‘trmev} mam
“TON. of “um/ant 1'13-19
“‘8‘“? E 18, 356.6“-
:TMTN ff. "blames! 3 ,819.00
Tris-2‘3 7*. 35".":nce-"rv‘éi‘ Tim '1" 36,411.00 .
Tji-shnn'firg L325 ‘hfigtengg ~53
. L ‘* 3’13! ‘6'”‘33.OCJ
'afxnriszl ‘2 131‘“ a. 00
'T‘srt'na}. 9197 . 00
~ cc: WAKendricIy,
F i 19

 I’?L£T€=f?3 ”:’” 12332; 0223' ’Ffljfl
WEE": ETD-W, 33:71": "W ‘
Ga {13236:- 10, 1047
. 3:32". ‘39 1‘1-2.. Price, fiemm‘l Masai-inimnfient

"“heel‘vright, Kari-51233:};
“elem amass mafia 3% am? '9’ mat-19:3 Fawmm ft)? math of Sepmzabar, 191:7:


I.‘ z. ”’1 .~..

, Resume "2.632713 {mi} ”'fi‘thfiss 13,135.?0
fiérzj’zitfitfien «1773.99
{3523 21212.3 TTGQ'T} 1,646.5???
* {192‘ 49.320
"iacfllmgous w @300
m---,. n I:

'T‘h - 3:3} i£,?’?~;=.€30


'Pwy "3011 New 153,199.56
fiunmism 5,233.80 .,..—

. ”DWTMMD "J‘F‘T .77
Ezéegvmaiénfiicn ‘3,1."’?.03 3'
’S‘H‘; Ti'aszeive 32:30:33.5; ‘2’?"353."‘C: .
r. «f ,o‘
“Y'JS ';>>1.£3 ..
fies Mammal? E :2: 3:
113032; ef‘ 7:: P1692113 $02.3) @-
iiraci’sit 51913231859 9 3""
. th’fi; ““461 was “F5532" TIE? :‘rr: its 19 ‘35.“
"gaugirg 2mg ‘33? glen! 21mg
£3.56? ’79 i; 95 :‘””
‘ga‘t'T‘E‘i-i-‘El 13 {3:291 m ,
TO'Tzfil 113', 7311.08 Wine “IMHO?
. cs2: Tirefienfiriclz
{37"}:eclmr /
T? '1. .1 e

 .: gym, «iv-1v: v1. .11?
. :1 ,~ .1 1,3” .‘ - ,
"C' :3": ' r . '2 ‘3‘ , 3‘14?
': ' : ..: ‘- ,».“. . 3 - ., ,_ .. .3 - :7: ,~
.I'. . ,.,,. ~.‘ :.ce, ».ua a? 912;: rifle-- cm:
“F'.¢:’?1 :' his, :fh’; :31;
3.1-xv 7. mm Ta" :.’-3 Visit ‘Ti.'?,'i’~".-"La:~z 5"? mac-‘13}? a" ?'urztc‘r:‘~'e‘, 171:7",
‘." ,,,, 1 ,1 -. ,, :5 ‘ , 7,. » v, "
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3’12”": :ETE‘ [ti-Cl“???
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lefigz-uqunm ’13:“ $.13“,
M, Lb.) .r y‘. ..
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“C! 'vuwpfnh. (a. 3 "3‘1 3“"?
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3.2317351" " 3'") ‘1’?“
fire ?fiflfil [3"! If}?
V . «trail 12302.0(}
«1,, _ : ,
can: .,Kanfinic-k ”.3, fine 1:14.26?
T, ‘z-iracknr
T7 .

39 Incorporated
P December 9, 191.7
3 Mr. E. R. Price, General Superintendent
‘ f Wheelwright, Kentucky
3 Below please note Rent and Utilities Report for Month of“ November, 191.7. -
House Rent and Lights - 13118.00
Sanitation . 484. 00
Gas and Heat 3027.00
_ Water 215.00
Miscellaneous 329,00 '
TOTAL 17173.00
Pay Roll Labor ‘ 9866.00 " fee; 5"" s:
Supplies 7322. 00 1_i_:fw’ """“““"‘
Insurance 7 451.00 fix ire-f g g V
Depreciation ‘ .5 3197. 00
Paint Reserve Account 700.00
Taxes 502.00
Gas Purchased 1.88.00
Cost of Current 900,00 7
Credit Balance. _ 6253.00
Credit Balance year to date 56022.00
.~ Mrs and Maintenance
Labor 7400.00 Mine Audi tor
Material __ém
EEEal‘NAKendrick 14201'00
. _ ~LSBecker - File , D