xt7qnk361p0s_41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Statements text Statements 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_90/Folder_8/2413.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_41 xt7qnk361p0s Emma; 01.: mama:
muffle-.33“gm:Ts. 2:33:23:ch
Jmmnry in. mm
W. €41. 313.. Prion. manor-:42}. 3'312-r2-m'i22tenimt
‘- meek»: imzt . Fz‘amu-s? ry
.’émlmr flaunt? mm “:anu 91. 12:1: Him; Tammi. 229:? math of December 3914?:
Eta-um; Fiat-fat zm-zi fig-7M3 193'.7€‘93.GO
$3 3.1? f 2} cat ‘1 (1231 l; {'39. CBC}
23:19. a Eimat 5,595.60 V
“sitar 89$.OO
fiiccalkmvnm hr? CG
’1‘??? Ii}? . {£954. C36?
. 5‘53}???
. My 2911 3.9.er misffigfiéo
Sunni 13:: 2;, 755.0%}
Eammame €216.09
warm: .2521. km ’3 .2915? . 00
”saint iiWsmrvw ficcmmt gimme
*‘éfnxfmfi A}??? . Chi
(PM; Emmimmzi 2.3170,,39
float m“ murmm‘. (39%."
“W? 23.83; ,00
Swim Ewisznce " “'H‘
Credit Zialnnse Year 1:0 mm '.‘7§'F~"i,,~"s": _
:41;me 53m :‘famtemmug
. Labor 9.530.053
n . ‘2 ~ . 5%.“?
.L 0 t‘fia Jr“ 1 J’,‘ a 0‘;
. Mme fimfitor '
» ac: JELA‘fiSay-m V '
ixfichr v

. Incorporated
aarch 11., 1949
Mr. E. R. Price, General fiuperiniéndent
whaalwright, Kentucky
Below please note Rent and Utilitias Report for month of February,1949=
House Rent and Lights - 14,729.00
Sanitation 488.00
Gas and Heat 4,679.00
fiiscellaneous 122.09
TOT;L 20,908.00 Q
. 20.112 '
Pay 2:011 Labor 8,295.00e‘7
xapplies \ 57,700.99? _ ‘
Insurance 616.00 ,
Deprecigtian 3,718.00 .
Paint Reserve socOAnt 1,100.00
Taxes 556.00
' Gas Purchased 1.632.000
00$t of Current 200,90
TOTAL 222§77-°° »”
Credit Balance 1,069.00
Credit halance Year to Date 2.203.fi0
Labor 8,205.00 ‘
. Material MM
TOTEL 14,055.00
; fiine Auditor
cc: EBCayia /
F i 1 e .

Incorporated '
. afl‘rmmucma‘l', KENTUCEY
épril 11, 1949
Mr. E. a. Price, Ganeral buperintandent
aheelwright, Kentucky
Balow please note Rent and Utilities Report for month of March, 1949:
' House Rent and Lights 14,852.00
Sanitation 488.00
0118 and Heat 5,548.00
water 891.00
Miscellaneoxa n_%g§g,gg
TOTAL 22,039.00
. Pay Roll Labor 7,438.00
Supplies 3,400.00
Inauranoe 616.00
Depreciation 3,501.00
Paint Reserve account 1,100.00
Taxes 359.00 ,
Gas Purchased 1,508.00
Cost of Current 200,00
TOTAL ;§,§gg.gg
Credit Balance 3,217.00
Cradit %a1anoe - Yaar to Date 1,807.00
fiegairs and fiaintengnce
Labor 7,438.00
Material 2.500302
TOTAL 10,838.00
‘ . cc: i-JDCayia
LSEecker~ _
F 1 1 o fiine Auditor

. E‘I'ZiliaigLLTJiIGflT, hasfi’iifillfl!
fir. N. R. Price, General Superintendent
fibeelwrlght, Kentucky
flelow please note Rant and Stillties fieport for month of April, 1949:
Amuse Neat and Lighta 1L,487.00
Sanitation 485.00
fiaa and Aeat 3,A39.00
aatar 884.00
discellaneous 62,00
. TQTAL 19.36%.00
Pay $011 Labor 11,057.00
.‘éuppliea £9,515.00
Insurance 616.00
‘ flagreciatioa 3,649.00
taint fieaerve account 1,100.00
9379.393 ~ $38.00
Gas Furchased (Balance Dec. 152) 1,995.00
Coat of Current __wgggfigg
' ' ?0T3L g§,2zo.00
Credit Balance ‘. MWWW
3 ‘ _ 53 0‘3? 00 '
ggad§§slaéan%aiY%gg goquata I I
Labor 11,057.00
. material §,§;§,QO ‘
TGTAL 17,572.00
cc: fiDCayia .=
Lafiackarx Nine Auditor
E 1 1 e

 $15.42": = ” QT'IZ‘QJ‘,’EF'S"
zinc-m" m» ”and
‘ A3 ' E in . 4 .4 1);: “35
. a -, .
41mm 26. £34“
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‘ ‘imri. “3:" 5 r}: t , 02*: mm 141;
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an: {‘13,
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.<:(.,4~4 .sw ‘3.) £105 “,9;
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irredifit ;;;”;xume
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Irv. » v‘. . 5 “(F15 B" .105
m.;}.rg. :.r‘...‘ 4,.7Lz‘it‘.n...ce
v .‘ (", {5'4 f) .e"\{\ V
Labor . ,.. PM“.
tinkering; “5:4,???FIOC
._,. > \. 4 a.’ H ["5 ’t‘d'i’. fi.
. $3141.36“ :.‘Ifgfilér‘.m Q21 3. t ,1.
cc: nassrgrirw. /
avg-3461:3397? V
fi- 1 es

1,":HEZ" L‘:-F 103$ ’58 , iibfiTUC 3,; Y
fir. 3. fl. Price, General fiuperinfwndent
wheelwright, Kentucky
Below please note cht and Utilities Report for month of June, .
_..._..CK 03335;
House Rent and Lights 14,531.00
Sgnitatiwn 488.00
Gas and Heat 1,224.00
315% ::r 926 .00
fliscellanaous 1Q1;Qg
. gigagwa
Pay R911 Labor 7,167.00
_ suppliea 3,230.00
Insurance 837.00
Bepreciat on 3,789.00
Paint Rewarva gccount 1,100.00
‘ Taxes 353.00
Gas Purchaaed 635.00
Cost of Current _"_.2QQ‘QQ
TOTAL ..1ng29
Gradit Balance 735.6fi
gradit Bal. nee - Yaar to Data 9,998.09
gaggrg alga fairintggggflgg u
Labor 7,167.00
Material 3.g20,gg_
. 4 Mine Auditor
EDCayia I
F i 1 o

August 23, 1909
Mr. E. 3. ?rice, General Superintendent
_ Wheelwright, Kentucky
Below please note Rant and Utilities Report for manth of July. 1909;
House Rent and Lights 10,815.00
Sanitaticn l$88.00
Gas and Heat 872.00
Water 920.00
Miscellaneous ;5;.90
. TOTAL 17,206.00
Pay 3011 Labor 6,306.00
Supnliee 3,812.00
Insurance 837.00
Degreciation 3,789.00
Faint fieserve Account 1,100.00
Taxes 312.00
Gas Purchased 660.00
‘ Goat of Current ;,000,QQ
' TOTLL 12.8;6,QQ
Credit Balance 570.00
Credit Ealance - Year to data 10,568.00
. Egg-$3.433 anti, Mg, intssgangg
Labor 6,306.00 '
Material Jfifilgeflflfl
Tntal 10,118.00
06: EDGayis. "1‘” ““1””
F 1 1 o

. Incorporated 7
September 14, 1949
fir. Li. R. Prica, General Superintandent
fihealwright, Kentucky
Ealow pleaae note Rent and Utilitim Report for month 9f 3,u3g:uat.,
Hausa Rent. and Lights 14,844.00
Sanitation 487.00
Gas mm 838% 983.00
k‘ia‘har 925000
Riacellaneoua ..._—31.24%
' Fay Roll Labor 9,660.00
Supplies 8,247.00
Insurance 837.00 >
Daprficiaticn 3,789.00
Paint Reaerva £34300th 1,100.00
Taxes 386.00 *
Gas Purchased 483.00
Coat of Current. 1,0302%
Total “W
Credit 233.32%“ 1: 31:31:00
Credit 8331333313” - 3:33.333: to Bate '
. Re a a an 153225.131: name
Lamars 9,530.00
Material QM
T0153]. 17,907.00 @1139 AUditOr
cc: EDCayia , '
LSBecker ' F i l 9

. aazmmomlon‘t, momma .
Uctober 20. 1909
Mr. E. R. Price. Genaral Superintendent
Wheelwright, Kentucky
Below oleaso noto Bent ano Utilities Report for month of September, 19b9: ‘
Rouse Rent and Lights 14,890.00
.' Sanitation 486.00
Gas and.Heat 1,559.00
Eater 897.00
fiiscellaneouo 21¢.00
Total 18,046.00
. Pay 3011 Labor 8.359.00- _
Sugplies 5,267.00
' Insurance 837.00 "~
Depreciation 3,789.00 .
Paint fiesorva Account 2,100.00 0
\ Taxes 3“6.00
Gas Purchased 515.00
Cost of Current 1,000.00
Total 22,213.00
Credit fialance 0,167.00 .
Credit balance - Year to date 22,926.00
Reggirs and Maintenance
abor 8.359-00
cc: EDCayio Nine Auditor
LSBeckor *
F 1 1 e

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%Ii>«1,.rssr‘I§I GET . KLEI‘I'I'IZI‘, 5va
, O
Iiovember 9. 1913/9
I31“. I 1;. Price, General Sumrintendent
thelwright. Kentucky
.I:-glow please mate: iiernt, and militias heport for month of Gctuber, 1959:
House Item. and Magma 119,899.03
:::animtmn 1:87.00
{km and Heat; 1,739.00
Enter 899.0?
Elliscellzmeoam 5.0%)
mm 17,939.00
. Pay £2011. amber 5,259.00
:‘Iupplms 35.3I11.93
insurance 1,12%.06
I ELOIp‘reciation 3,789.00
Paint reserve Accaunt ?,1@D.0{3
9:212:33 2Q: . {)0
(24733 Furcimaed 721.06
Cost of Current 1,000.00
‘,II‘QTM, 18,668.00
{firedit mlance 729.00 I
await finance - {ear to mate ’ 23,655.00
Banana and Maintenance
Labor 5,259.00
. Raterml manm
mm. 9,670.00 33.31319 Auditor
cc: EDCayia I,
. liafiecker
I“ 1 1 e 4

 1142;433:555 3:3. £31,..25-iéa’m‘i’
1"“; a: GHT, m : ?sz
. December 13. 19149
271m. 3. Ii. Erica. fiemral Swasnrmmndmt
131169.1er ,ght , Kentuciqr
balm: 'raleme note Eient and Utilities Ewart far month of icvezaber. 1949:
523'. i =1 T13
Samar! mm; “::63 Eigjwis 15,211.00
E'flnlt'itf «:2: 488.00
:If-‘S :3;";(5 {lint Iéfiéfififi')
I-Ir‘itm" 399.05
i'~’i$Ci)1112E1e::":~L15 . €22.03
~ 2%.855.‘GG
. my £1911 Lab-.1:»? 8.£}‘%2.s~;)
‘38ch 15:3 J5 , 86;; . {X3
Insufizme 809.00
Eagsrfici’: ti can 3 O 7359413
- mint 9"“?‘1'6‘ iccrvzmt 2,100.60
flames 3mm
was I’urchaaeui 893.00
Cost (if current 1,000.00
3‘45?st 20,4‘rfl‘i.00
Credit iesalance £450.00
Creflit ;::2.1::snce «- 'z'eaar t0 Effie 33,265.69  
;Iemirs mu: mints—mama I
Labor 8.6%.03
. Iii—Warm} 2,$6§.OQ
: 1‘31. 11,507.00 Mine $116.1th
cc: EIICayia /
Usfiec 3%? V
F 1 1 a