xt7qnk361p0s_46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Monthly Reports text Monthly Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_90/Folder_13/2475.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_46 xt7qnk361p0s M U LcTI'A—RSLPEQEnPn'IéJL‘asv‘ :aTPATSEIEb%4R6§.‘LT‘ I.Elms'.’):53.32537533315393 ’ 95‘ "“' . ' INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . . ’ MONTH 8 lNCOME , O ATE AMOUNT % < ‘ % AMOUNT 233,718.2ufi 102 Income - General 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance ' 105 Telegrams 106 Television lnstallations 107 108 Cash Discounts , 109 2:3,7m.32 TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES .4} p figAVétai-‘é l'l'l Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams l'w7.§§‘j 120 Salaries and Wages 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used ‘ 132 Medical Supplies gig-3305‘} T33 Treating Supplies 51?.9; 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. H V 4 14] Rent 5,5270% 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts T44 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph ' _ T46 Extensions and Installations .~ “5; “£5.5'L” 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes £l#.3? lél Social Security Taxes gig’z"; 170 Insurance - Equitable ‘.gé’ l7] Insurance - General “a". r L lifib.i}? 180 Provision for Painting ?’j‘?k.l¢ 181 Repairs and Maintenance 35 4'95“ 12 . . . . t J. 182 SpeCIal BUIldIng Repairs £l%.§3 T98 Maior Expenses “.07 T99 Miscell. Operating Expenses ‘ L" 1,53%}.66 TOTAL EXPENSE (2,8ififidph} NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss January 1951.» ' J - “ "P , I I Muir}? 3.911; ' .= H ‘ a~ MONTH AND YEAR» ,,, , > ’ , _ Tomi-wig: an? utilities OPERATIONAUfMeiimh and Nannies ex .. ‘ , ' . a i . 5" ““' "i it“: 1" OPERATION NUMBER 5‘“ T9 5‘} Iac'i. M U '21}; .1553; TPIJIIJL‘ESI QTP‘A'isr‘nfib‘Wsfl'lil “35“}? 5.5 $3.33.: '.ITIMNETSI‘EQE ' 95‘ . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ' . . s. _r . MONTH . ’— . . ._ , ., , V 8 .NCOME __IQJL. AMOUNT % < % AMOUNT 2,“?1-‘lgw 102 Income - General 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 - 108 Cash Discounts 109 2.543.333; .033 TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES III Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams 2151.52 120 Salaries and Wages 121 Other Departmental Labor ' 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies BBQ-309$ 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. ' 141 Pm 1.?Iwbolfij 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations 1G6" ‘91} 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes 12'?“ 161 Social Security Taxes ‘ 3‘550‘33 170 Insurance — Equitable 1‘35"}.2230 171 Insurance - General affix) 180 Provision for Painting d??'32 181 Repairs and Maintenance 13:9.(iu 182 Special Building Repairs ' iii-{IOé} 198 Major Expenses £17'fi 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses 13.5é353-fi9 TOTAL EXPENSE I 39435-439} NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss I," *" in,“ I ' fit I 5:: .353?“ whii " 133m MONTH AND YEAR -‘ §.J* I" .33? 1‘3 aaM‘M'gk-ufiégh A" may; «woke/Any OPERATION “‘33 at“: maul; m 5);)». ~,-,,, ;. 3,9 w’ OPERATION NUMBER ' M U "Jr'fnstpzré TIPH—AEJL-ESVJ gaTeATTTEITTb%4n65'.‘3Js "3.59.5 5‘} ER.J’.;.‘-.f."$.“3:5a393 ' 95‘ . INLAND STEEL COMPANY J ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ’ b . MONTH 5' JINJCOME J Jr DJ J To DATEJ JJ AMOUNT % 3 % AMOUNT f1. £152.30 102 Income — General 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls - Local and L. Distance ' 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 108 Cash Discounts . J 109 31.63-22.5G TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cast of Telegrams 120 Salaries and Wages 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. ‘ _ 141 Rent 2'3??.W 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations 9F, £11337 fi?’:’:) 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes ‘3054‘ 161 Social Security Taxes , .:J? 170 Insurance — Equitable 315?. J 171 Insurance — General . c" n I’lfi}.:? 180 Provision for Painting EI?F%:1% 181 Repairs and Maintenance " ' “ 182 Special Building Repairs 1250?; 198 Major Expenses 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENSE NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss ._JEJ’TJ. ’ “15533 J . 3:33;; lifiifii‘i ,-‘-in:';. a :t’surgu ' If MONT“ AND YEARIEiE. a ‘ ‘IJJ551';'-3;::«-6:5;7;‘-'.’_J:.:.r?{:?;z';iffii' 3:; OPERATION {J1 ' ..3 OPERATION NUMBER MULcTilInsrpz’EiPfiéi‘ssy‘cpéTéA’r‘grifib‘i‘izss‘Rl"5:555:15'33.;fl;§'.f.“$i.~3z§g393"95’ . INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . ' . MONTH 5' VINCOME I 7 I To DATE ’7 AMOUNT % g ‘73 AMOUNT 3;. 53352039 102 lncome - General 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance ' 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 l08 Cash Discounts ‘ g ‘ 109 9, $32.56 TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES il'l Electric Power and Gas Purchased H2 Long Distance Toll Charges H3 Cost of Telegrams 120 Salaries and Wages lZl Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies i T33 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. . . 14] Rent ‘T '7! xi, ??.w l42 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising T45 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations '75: 1'47 31?."I’ZJ léO Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes “5.5“; 161 Social Security Taxes 361.2% 170 lnsurance — Equitable Jj?’ 171 Insurance - General . C l.§g?'é‘:? l80 Provision for Painting 2. grfgzivz 181 Repairs and Maintenance I.” I. 182 Special Building Repairs 95 ?l l98 Maior Expenses . T99 Miscell. Operating Expenses 15.0fié..§"5 TOTAL EXPENSE (5.2% 3.:-73.?9} NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) lndicates Loss , J" ",1???“ , VV J“ 1553333 , r; a? .:.;- ' Isle; MONTH AND YEARLE. a: tit3:25»793:?IVT';T=.€?-.:7£‘i£2ffi' f); OPERATION 51 OPERATION NUMBER — MULTI—SPRED — UNS. PAT, NO. 2,0AG,I5I UNISPRED U.8. FAT, NO, 2.255.951 CNARLES R. HADLEY CO.. PATHFINDERS. LDK Auuu, “I Illllllll, Ill nu, Emilia _. . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ' ’ . T‘ I MONTH ' l" H H L I A ‘TO DATE A A ___— o I _..—..__ AMOUNT % g NCOME % AMOUNT , . t v I02 Income - General 1 .I.-O a . 5. b I03 Rentals - Wheelwright Exchange I04 Tolls — Local and L. Distance I05 Telegrams I06 Television Installations I07 I08 Cash Discounts I09 1 v - v TOTAL INCOME . 1.1%..65 OPERATING EXPENSES III Electric Power and Gas Purchased II2 Long Distance Toll Charges II3 Cost of Telegrams I20 Salaries and Wages I2I Other Departmental Labor I30 Operating Supplies I3I Food Supplies Used I32 Medical Supplies I33 Treating Supplies ' I40 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. I4I Rent 53?.w I42 Depreciation I43 Bad Debts I44 Advertising I45 Telephone and Telegraph . I46 Extensions and Installations I60 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes 3.33 I6I Social Security Taxes I70 Insurance — Equitable 5?.053 I7I Insurance - General 126.3353 I80 Provision for Painting 2gfl.':£§ I8I Repairs and Maintenance I82 Special Building Repairs I98 Maior Expenses I99 Miscell. Operating Expenses 1.339.5'3? TOTAL EXPENSE 1,935.31) NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss -« w. »x g 7? {ant Jug, zatéfi‘k MONT“ AND YEAR A T33“??- = I”??? 1;)? OPERATION W“ *3 22='-i»,;‘;:f * ms”; :_. OPERATION NUMBER )6 M U 554751? EnPulzlJL'ssy' (EOIITP'ATITEIRDTARGS'.13‘I "Frill-E f.§53..l’.e5'.ffls."3icfifi’ ‘ 95' . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . ' ' WMONTH '-' I E 7 I To DATE ' L) -___— __L_ __ AMOUNT % 3 INCOME % AMOUNT ?'-?3j_.€;3 102 Income — General ' 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance ’ 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 108 Cash Discounts 109 ‘23 ,?31.{2&3 TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES 2,5317%.W 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams ,.v '33035 120 Salaries and Wages 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies I 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. 6 141 Rent 195% 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations . 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes ('OQE 161 Social Security Taxes ‘ 170 Insurance — Equitable 171 Insurance — General ~.-.- 180 Provision for Painting $3.33? 181 Repairs and Maintenance 182 Special Building Repairs . 1 r‘ r 198 Maior Expenses I’I’m 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses . ~ {- '1. 1- .3 :12’4053 TOTAL EXPENSE * r 99’. “’33-"4'11 NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss I rs 9; - r .5: =1.» . £513: .7 A)?" MONTH AND YEAR Fifi; 41% “5“th {ma fifi'l’uxtfida mid 53 OPERATION 53 ' OPERATION NUMBER MULTI—SPRED— U05, PAT. NO. 2 046,151 UNISPRED [1.5. PAT. No. 2,295,951 CHARLES R1 HADLEY CO.. PATHFINDERS. IdllllillJl~ III IIAIGIISI. III VOII, ("ulna _ . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . . . Tm Mom; 7 I-' T V I 7 N v 7 T i 7 ”To OATE 7 U _._—___ AMOUNT % g INCOME % AMOUNT . . h,21?.§£, 102 Income — General 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls —- Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 ‘ 108 Cash Discounts ‘3 r 109 &,2m‘?.o£¢ TOTAL INCOME ' ’ .r '3 g ,. OPERATING EXPENSES 235%”‘9‘1 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased ‘ 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams I20 Salaries and Wages 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. 1 “a ‘,‘ 14'] Rent 12'“! 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph I46 Extensions and lnstallations ‘ 4». , 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes I...» i. l . A 161 Social Security Taxes 170 Insurance - Equitable ' 171 Insurance - General 31;}.{58 180 Provision for Painting ~ 181 Repairs and Maintenance 182 Special Building Repairs 2.“; I98 Maior Expenses 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses TOTAL EXPENSE l ,}75}. 5‘? NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( I Indicates Loss .é‘l‘ii: , W54? ' . 433* lit-‘55 hi‘lflt : him were MONTH AND YEAR L1G??? we W333; 5k OPERATION 5‘. OPERATION NUMBER M U LcTn‘A—ELPE'; TIP“? Iliizsv' :éTIiA’r‘I‘IDr'IRb‘t‘nss'.'dl “KW-sf}: Eflngfizf'IfLFEfiIEE ' 95‘ . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ‘ ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . ’ . H. MONTH P 77 I 7 7 i 7' 7 V 7 [TO DATE U _. __ ._ 1 AMOUNT % g INCOME ‘% AMOUNT FILEJSU I02 Income - General I03 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange I04 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams I06 Television Installations IO7 I08 Cash Discounts ' 1 I09 airy-wt: TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES III Electric Power and Gas Purchased II? Long Distance Toll Charges II3 Cost of Telegrams 2?{}.33§ I20 Salaries and Wages I2I Other Departmental Labor I30 Operating Supplies I3I Food Supplies Used __ ’5' I32 Medical Supplies ' 201.8}; I33 Treating Supplies r - I 13%.66 I40 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. 1‘ I4] Rent 33":“1’fl I42 Depreciation I43 Bad Debts I44 Advertising I45 Telephone and Telegraph I46 Extensions and Installations . .. J 160 Real Estate and Pers. Pro . Taxes . ,4; P did. “:1 I6I Social Security Taxes 3,?.% I70 Insurance — Equitable I7I Insurance — General , i s, . I80 Provision for Painting ’...(n‘ 3 gkflm.al IBI Repairs and Maintenance l82 Special Building Repairs 2; {in} I98 Maior Expenses . I99 Miscell. Operating Expenses , .r {3' fig 1 ’33-. ‘ *‘ TOTAL EXPENSE » 23,11 {9‘ I ( I‘M“ “’5’ NET INCOME FROM OPERATION ‘ NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss J Sf 0‘- .‘z . r-r" Ahzgfiil’fi't‘ MONTH AND YEAR daiéTfi-.l}-m "“55 OPERATION ’° 1“ OPERATION NUMBER 53' - MULTl—SFRED - UAS. PAT. NOT 2 045.151 UNISPRED 0.5. FAT. NO. 2,235,95l ‘ CHARLES R, NADLEY COD. PATHFINbERS. Lnlllltllll. IAI IlllGll‘l, IIV VDII, "In" — A ‘ INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ’ ’ . 7 MONTH L *4 7 77 TO DATE U I c a AMOUNT % 3 N OME % AMOUNT ly;okr2 102 Income — General 103 Rentals - Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls - Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 108 Cash Discounts 109 Q’ZIORGL TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES lll Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges ”3 Cost of Telegrams 1,313e3’3 120 Salaries and Wages 12] Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies itgig‘fig 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. l4] Rent SSARC’QE 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph . 146 Extensions and Installations _ 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes iii}. :1“; 161 Social Security Taxes 22’0353 T70 lnsurance — Equitable . “',‘ 159W l7l lnsurance — General h .. 180 Provision for Painting 3:243} c it; 18] Repairs and Maintenance 182 Special Building Repairs _ _‘ T98 Maior Expenses 91"Uu T99 Miscell. Operating Expenses ‘3 :WUti‘ifi» TOTAL EXPENSE ; ~,. R, . {B.Mieagb) NET INCOME FROM OPERATION ' NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss .-x: 7 ar - -\ 254,5» 43?“, *E‘flt MONTH AND YEAR JAFuR _‘ +3934: ”fi-‘txéfiiivm OPERATION tgi-al’fild'fé‘i «aft? 7‘ If: 5d OPERATIoN NUMBER 5‘»? I MULcTr‘I if}??? "1365' €65-rm??? r‘:§b%z§i‘fii ..EJSJF 53 53.41255va .'..Ngijéfi’ ' 95‘ INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ’ . ' MONTH *-' V TO DATE 0 _..._. _ _ AMOUNT % g INCOME % AMOUNT £§Lg1i§ligiw .;;-"5’: I02 Income — General Lg. ;~§;Ej {35‘ I03 Rentals - Wheelwright Exchange I04 Tolls - Local and L. Distance I05 Telegrams ‘ I06 Television Installations I07 I08 Cash Discounts ‘ . a .. ‘ I09 T; ,- T. -E- ~~. .. E L “up...” w TOTAL INCOME 3:1, {a} .3“; . a . ,.,E, .. -1 OPERATING EXPENSES Q’iGUn 2,» III Electric Power and Gas Purchased :2,.Lt ‘;= if; ()5; II2 Long Distance Toll Charges II3 Cost of Telegrams ‘5". 1V) "’3 120 Salaries and Wages } , j“;‘L;‘.'-;i£§ I2I Other Departmental Labor I30 Operating Supplies I3I Food Supplies Used g ..> # I32 Medical Supplies 1.31.43 I33 Treating Supplies 333.13 It," 5}; 2‘7 . I®JZ.L“ I40 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. jafi’céf r , .. I4I Rent ‘3 ‘,’ - ~.. . fi’ ’12 g .QG I42 Depreciation 11,934'OJ3U I43 Bad Debts I44 Advertising I45 Telephone and Telegraph I46 Extensions and Installations r F. * .rg ' zgi‘zg I60 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes g3(03:2 . I6I Social Security Taxes 53’8‘061 .'.-x ‘ ' ig’g} I70 lnsurance - Equitable _ 53.66 ‘. I7I lnsurance — General l’YBé‘fig l}’%?z.§$ I80 Provision for Painting 2,&’%t69 E'gju.3& I8I Repairs and Maintenance $fi,£?$.51 ’ j . I82 Special Building Repairs ?,37€3.UO r n \V‘ l ’r :4 li§§§.‘£§‘ I98 Major Expenses i,?i:}o0} ' a“ . I99 Miscell. Operating Expenses yé‘ft79 ' TOTAL EXPENSE 6b,4i.b.32 I a v» A mam . ' ’ NET INCOME FROM OPERATION (7'536’381 NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss FEEREAKY, 3.95%» ‘ ffiifii‘t‘kfl‘f 1933‘} m - r .. . ,. , MONTH AND Y - ’ a .umeienL and utilities opemmo WPAL~I§8I1$ amt utifities 5% To {'3 Ina'l N G To :1. Irxe'l 5 ' OPERATION NUMBER 5 3' . M u "cii'anLPE’; 55’“? xiJEEsy’ §$Téi¥3n§b°sifsilii "5:535:15 53.Ifl;5~.f.‘l;.“fizgfef°_‘ ' 95’ . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ’ ’ ' 77 ”MONTH" I P ._ W I H H I I 'T'O'OATE I u ___ ._ AMOUNT % 3 INCOME '% AMOUNT 2‘5519?§ 102 Income - General 5.635.?5 l03 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls - Local and L.. Distance l05 Telegrams l06 Television Installations l07 108 Cash Discounts 109 23§€;l_.7§ TOTAL INCOME 5,335.75 V OPERATING EXPENSES III Electric Power and Gas Purchased Il2 Long Distance Toll Charges II3 Cost of Telegrams M I20 Salaries and Wages 26082 l2] Other Departmental Labor I30 Operating Supplies l3l Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies I33 Treating Supplies . ;. f" e. - zgc'fl I40 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. éufi§h . I41 Rent 1O?£.‘6‘W T42 Depreciation 3,393.00 143 Bad Debts I44 Advertising I45 Telephone and Telegraph l46 Extensions and Installations 1&8.“§ 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes 296.?6‘ 23‘3"; l6'I Social Security Taxes 25.35 (Vt, { 2?.du) I70 Insurance — Equitable , .' E ' ’. n 1.570% I7I lnsurance — General BgE’m-i ‘.- w. , g .8409? l80 Provision for Painting 1680139 1,353‘3939 I81 Repairs and Maintenance 1,278.92 3“}; l82 Special Building Repairs 153.99 18?'0§ I98 Maior Expenses 321065 17$.é‘“ I99 Miscell. Operating Expenses 39GOS$ 9?? ' 3’ ‘ ' "39 TOTAL EXPENSE 7'1E’3'19 1 155351 ~ , . ” ( ’ “‘55) NET INCOME FROM OPERATION (2’12?.“) NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss I i5“??? ' ' ; we, = . 91“” 1355+ ~ “..A., MONTH AND YEAR.A.I..,......;:3* ,.,..lfi‘l’me wadimwnfiinirAAir oil-.Xufimnfi OPERATION bUfiE’riEM-QEAL fi’iilmii‘iqfl 5f} 50 OPERATION NUMBER M U LcTu'Insfiré Tuié’n'zsy‘ fQTéii‘fiéiibc’z‘Iz‘st‘il ”5.1“me 53..l‘.;§'.f.‘$;.“3;.fif°3 ' 9"” . INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘ Wheelwright Service Operations ’ ’ ' V MONTH I-‘ V N 7 ‘ To DATE U M ' AMOUNT % g lNCOME % AMOUNT §’€;f£‘{:&§ I02 Income - General 19,35?.l5 103 Rentals - Wheelwright Exchange I04 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams I06 Television Installations 107 I08 Cash Discounts I09 fiiéygafi TOTAL INCOME 1§,357,15 OPERATING EXPENSES III Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges II3 Cost of Telegrams I20 Salaries and Wages I2] Other Departmental Labor I30 Operating Supplies I31 Food Supplies Used I32 Medical Supplies I33 Treating Supplies I40 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. fl .. I4] Rent 1 ' 233??“W I42 Depreciation 5375:.”(3‘3 I43 Bad Debts I44 Advertising I45 Telephone and Telegraph I46 Extensions and lnstaIIations , 2 ti”; ,- af‘f‘g‘g I60 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes 5:31.?5 ‘ IQQH‘JE" I6I Social Security Taxes 253-25 #3.? m ‘ 1:;TXEX) I70 Insurance — Equitable 537'U’h I7I Insurance — General 1,115.90 " '04“ A J' %’g§.g I80 Provision for Painting 2’3gq’w z’gfi?.7{. 181 Repairs and Maintenance 13,3?a.83 ' a 5‘ I82 Special Building Repairs ?I222'91 I98 Maior Expenses E" ' L . 12}.18 I99 Miscell. Operating Expenses 13$.ag . a .s. . . ‘ . M” ’63“? TOTAL EXPENSE 29:32:55? T? r???“ 3‘ g - I): “T“. ‘2’ NET INCOME FROM OPERATION ‘10,h?2’523 NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss 73?: “fi‘ ' " , “1,. . . . ._..... 1‘. “’3'“§“ .. , MONTH AND YE RC, S""39“! .. .. 19%... . . Aria. .1 nuuunswuiazzanfiliéfi6PERATION 3.113. 3; ducal ~'.i§ri.£.2:31;:€iil§§i? 5" nil OPERATION NUMBER 51 M u LC-TtlA—RSLPERS EREN—A S’L'zsv‘ 5'95 TPAT iii. Rboc‘izss' ‘3‘. I . 339.5 3.5 53.5}? nffiltrNfli‘ftfgf ' 9 5’ : INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ’ . . MONTH t-' A r I To DATE 7 U l __._—__— AMOUNT % :3 NCOME % AMOUNT lb£€LU£F§I T02 income - General 2.35:35‘5“) T03 Rentals - Wheelwright Exchange T04 Tolls — Local and L. Distance T05 Telegrams T06 Television Installations T07 T08 Cash Discounts T09 '.1: 2 I 1,.-1523“” TOTAL INCOME 2,365.55; OPERATING EXPENSES TTT Electric Power and Gas Purchased TT2 Long Distance Toll Charges TT3 Cost of Telegrams T20 Salaries and Wages T2T Other Departmental Labor T30 Operating Supplies T3T Food Supplies Used T32 Medical Supplies T33 Treating Supplies T40 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. I: .‘.; T4T Rent ‘ . 5d?.£33 T42 Depreciation 1,114.59 ' T43 Bad Debts T44 Advertising T45 Telephone and Telegraph T46 Extensions and Installations {‘1‘ ‘3 '2 , A; li°f‘i“ T60 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes 380w ““‘” T6T Social Security Taxes lgow w .. VII IL T70 lnsurance — Equitable . {ki' 12 . cf. ‘ .fi ’ ’VU T7T lnsurance - General lBC‘ac“ ' f: ,"t"; ,.. 2.. ngl‘gé T80 Provision for Painting Bgogfi ”5 TH 't- ' 4» .. " "' T T8T Repairs and Maintenance ltlzéj'g’? T82 Special Building Repairs . P T98 Major Expenses 3 t‘”“‘= '1 'fi 1':“: ‘ is.» T99 Miscell. Operating Expenses it‘d“) :’er mu, 2- at c" 10""3“ ‘ TOTAL EXPENSE 2'633‘ “'“ w ear-w -‘- ‘- 3 2 a, $22 i , ‘5 w? ( “1" ’ ' * 3 NET INCOME FROM OPERATION l 323:431} NOTE: ( ) lndicates Loss I .. I ., 2»: 19“ “any: {iii-'7‘? :, as ‘1‘:-T 3'23; We -, \«P.-‘ MONTH AND YEAR; Ex". :3! 42“ pirfigrf '?,-w yfitrvg} in?“ £31872. 4; iku‘UfickU ’ kale 2533.551 OPE 5‘“. .:P 2..; in 21.n- 5“.“ am.) “ ml been .2: RATlON 52 3 OPERATION NUMBER M U LC-IIIIA— 51.17353“? S’L'asv‘ QTM’T‘SF'iib‘E‘assfi‘il ...Eligififluliafffg.'..”3$393 ' ”5' . INLAND STEEL COMPANY ‘ ‘ ‘ Wheelwright Service Operations ’ ’ ' ' I MONTH ‘ I— ' ' i I I ' V i TO DATE 0 W AMOUNT % g INCOME ‘% AMOUNT ’33T}Au€i: 102 Income - General 13,725.89 103 Rentals -— Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 108 Cash Discounts * - M 109 ‘- 5},“fii‘iwéfi" TOTAL INCOME 1%,??fia3‘9 ’ 1 OPERATING EXPENSES . 2’w6.55 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased 5’5?3.95 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams l{~‘§33 120 Salaries and Wages V3¢38 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used ' 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. V . 141 Rem , , ’ a ‘ “.2" . - . L’JQ.LQ 142 Depreciation 23.20% 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations 7,.. f y 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes , _. Jen?) 161 Social Security Taxes 3.16 170 Insurance — Equitable 171 Insurance — General V 153.531 180 Provision for Painting l’?fi.98 181 Repairs and Maintenance 182 Special Building Repairs i &5.38 198 Ma'o Ex es “2'38 I t .. r ens ' 159. 5C} ' p :5:-$5 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses ”its“: 5:2 6’: {342.29 3’ ‘ " ‘ ' TOTAL EXPENSE ’ , "’. a ' 3,3e{+3+-2'2 ’3’, {33.530 NET INCOME FROM OPERATION . - NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss $355. 1953: MONTH AN 3533. 3.95%:- ‘ k\~“ :i?‘ ;‘a v: I“‘ ”Hwy: '37 gregariivu we”; D YEAR ;zs-‘uwmis {321:2 53 OPERATION 53 OPERATION NUMBER Mu "c'iIansLPa'EEnPII'IulJL‘ssy' férfia¥3é1§b%‘a6§.lil "5.53.? l7): EE.:l‘li§.‘-l’.l‘$;§=°~:§é3? ' 9‘" . INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘ Wheelwright Service Operations ’ . . 7 VMONTH *-' i 8 .NCOME 4L AMOUNT % < % AMOUNT I}, 18516 ,I:!. 102 Income — General §:,ig§1i7¢15 l03 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange ' 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams l06 Television lnstallations 107 l08 Cash Discounts l09 Aux; in :4 TOTAL INCOME g’zgggralg OPERATING EXPENSES 2.530.153 lll Electric Power and Gas Purchased 55%.50 H2 Long Distance Toll Charges ll3 Cost of Telegrams I l20 Salaries and Wages l2] Other Departmental Labor l30 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used l32 Medical Supplies l33 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. _ w «A 4" A l4l Rent idifkj'v" l42 Depreciation 2L.€Q 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising l45 Telephone and Telegraph _ 146 Extensions and lnstallations 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes 1‘ l6] Social Security Taxes it'ljé‘ l70 lnsurance - Equitable l7'l lnsurance — General 180 Provision for Painting ”a. ..- {,,, 181 Repairs and Maintenance ‘;«l .5 a 23".; l82 Special Building Repairs ’ K .r-m 198 Major Expenses ’ . _ A 12. “»., _ ‘3 a: l99 Miscell. Operating Expenses “:T’Jfi ' 2 £733; ’73: . » A: If.) ’ " ' * TOTAL EXPENSE §’3“"l°"“ l {it-{:1 ' a? * NET INCOME FROM OPERATION 3543.)}. NOTE: ( ) lndicates Loss 1. mug; \ .. .-.. 1 ngi, <3 I, » 1‘6“:an g, -,‘ff l' MONTH AND YEAR; ”*‘ 1'5? 31:... 2.1 5:. t in: a»: . ‘..".'- {..Iiin OPERATION as": '.;}:‘A i 4"“?- i».- ii" {.5 lll-43 335» Si; OPERATION NUMBER MULTl-SPRED - U..S. PAT. NO. 2 046.151 UNISFRED U.5. PAT. NO. 2,295,95' CHARLES R‘ HADLEY C°.. PATHFINbERS. lnllllllll, Ill 'I‘IBIIEI. IIV 'flll. CIICAID -— . INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations , . . M NTH L .I-' 7 V 7 - 7 0 8 INCOME Mm” AMOUNT % < % AMOUNT "1’: 1- g 102 Income — General lgéégia’ 5‘23 V _ 103 Rentals - Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls -— Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 108 Cash Discounts 109 IE) I“ -. ,1, t. a. It,“ TOTAL INCOME “:.“-£32“ 3L3 OPERATING EXPENSES » 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams ' 23391;}; 120 Salaries and Wages 53:00,?g 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133.02% 133 Treating Supplies 333.13 fiah'I‘fiJ 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. 39.“; «a; 141 Rent 33‘3“;‘;3‘z 142 Depreciation ?*33.&; 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph I 146 Extensions and Installations .. f, m 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes ‘5'" “‘.;-""1: 161 Social Security Taxes 3?.2’3 , 170 Insurance - Equitable ‘ r n .‘" q ~ : x (A; 3" "km 171 Insurance - General EQfigb’ £5sz ‘3'?) 180 Provision for Painting {35.} g ‘3 ‘ he V“ 181 RepaIrs and Maintenance fish-Le}; 182 Special Building Repairs or m“: ' “a” . fib?'tflw 198 Maior Expenses fWOIC‘EC‘ _ “’.‘“ 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses . 3"}; l 5;) L -‘ 9. :,,.” '.‘ £1 5.“ ,3“; s - - . . . TOTAL EXPENSE 3,.w;.»..u e121 r“ a“ a», A ~_ , a, .a - u- r: I " ' I NET INCOME FROM OPERATION {1’43“7‘“) NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss ogre—4‘. “a ‘ A :,1' r; 12‘ .Lfi ‘32:? , ” ’. " , T" I ' 1%" MONTH AND YEAR 3?“ “A 33:)“ 5:4“: ,r :.w‘vv .'z‘L 3 I31} 3 a OPERATION * 55 “f OPERATION NUMBER r MULTI'SPRED— U..S. FATT NO. 2,045,‘51 UNISFRED u.5. PAT. No. 2.295.951 CHARLES R. HADLEY CO.. PATHFINDERS, L01 AIEKLKL Ill 'I‘lttlti. Ill VUII,KKI:IEU — . ‘ INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . ’ . MVONTH‘ *4 1 TO DATE 7 U _.__—_.___..— AMOUNT % g INCOME % AMOUNT . A97.w 102 Income - General - (fiéow 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 V 108 Cash Diseounts 109 gig-7.“) TOTAL INCOME §g6.w OPERATING EXPENSES 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased ~ 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams ingiéi 120 Salaries and Wages 2.715.% 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies 166.56 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. 33£.5e 141 Rent 331.131} 142 Depreciation m.w 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and lnstallations ‘ 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes ‘ y 53033 161 Social Security Taxes 115.35 2:303? 170 lnsurance — Equitable fificm I .1va 171 lnsurance — General 320% 180 Provision for Painting . {@QOQB 181 Repairs and Maintenance 1,233358 182 Special Building Repairs 198 Moiar Expenses ' 23.17% 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses 117’“ .Ir ,u , ‘ fr- 2,';s£w.§2 TOTAL EXPENSE 53290075 {2,136.52} NET INCOME FROM OPERATION {5.365.783 NOTE: ( ) Indicates Lass J It , ' “mm. l * FM}. 19% MONTH AND YEAR §fi£10n (Shh mtafiiafl OPERATION JmSé 56 OPERATION NUMBER M U LCTII;IISLI’E§T?PR_A IIJL'ESV' :éFPATtTEIRb%‘RSS'.‘LTII "3115511553..He§'.§5.1;."=°u;.fi393 ' 95‘ ' INLAND STEEL COMPANY ' ‘ ‘ Wheelwright Service Operations ’ ’ . MONTH I; TO DATE U ___—.__...— AMOUNT % : INCOME ‘% AMOUNT 2&,;§,1.2& 102 Income — General 72133§§.l¢ 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 108 Cash Discounts a V 109 412.1,3 itélsih TOTAL INCOME 7?,I3tiifiali‘3 OPERATING EXPENSES . £3,?b§.§,3 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased 15,3%i&.?3 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams ,.. ..V K ' 53-5. r 21554.31" 120 Salaries and Wages 5’bji3offi‘j' 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 4 5’1 132 Medical Supplies A! (I ‘ ' gin-0L2 133 Treating Supplies gut-:33 1: “I“? e. ‘I- 1.2 .1 L “TL?" .3&; 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. L’31 3‘2 .. E. L. 141 Rent ., V ‘5 . V . i' )1.) 5‘1? T» S, ' I : I: 53 ”3” = T ”u 142 Depreciation 3.6!, Stl.{}£ 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations m ' . 1'" 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes . f , - c I If "f _ ’3‘ _ a}1§.2fi 161 Social Security Taxes 77' .9; 27. 5C. $2. 50 w: z u 170 I - E 't bl . ”a. ». ~ gikg.% nsurance qui a e 2.8533080 171 Insurance — General 2 I‘ ,3 , E. .. lé 39%,: 180 Provision for Painting ng‘fi’ifig 1 AbLEO . . 23%,isfiuyo,’ ‘5 [£1118 I“ 181 Repairs and Maintenance 13 85‘. 93.. P I .j 182 Special Building Repairs P ‘ I“ 9;} .1; {.1 u. u ,t u l'igé‘ig 198 Maior Expenses 3.58%.9273 In” ‘7" 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses ’1'. R. a . I 5: ‘9" A T- ”"3“" {31.3 3P’33J‘”& TOTAL EXPENSE 3;" f ' ’1‘ ”l" E" “at: 11?,hlfiofisz1 I ’3' ’ " "(MI NET INCOME FROM OPERATION ' NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss , .2 . -' .» . "(I ' r‘ 7 game, 33% Eflufi, 1*: $4 0, Tums-am and scnmmWT” AND YEAtutaz~szmt 3.23:3. gum-.1» ”H r5 : g i OPERATION 51.4 $10 5% mc'l. - 5L: so )u Inc 1.. t I OPERATION NUMBER I M U 5735:ng EnPu'ulJL‘ssv' E$TTA¥$rifib%1ass‘.fil "515555.? 53.;3;5‘.f£‘$n~3;§£5¥ ' 95‘ I ‘ INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations ’ ' . MONTH E 1 TO DATE 0 “___ AMOUNT % g INCOME % AMOUNT 2, 5mg?:j 102 Income — General ’;”5’i?.50 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 1 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations - 107 108 Cash Discounts 109 . , :2” y,‘ w .,...H. ,, . avg.“ : 5 TOTAL INCOME 7‘5; {‘5‘} OPERATING EXPENSES 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance ToII Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams 11.53:; 120 Salaries and Wages 3?.528 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used 132 Medical Supplies 133 Treating Supplies 232.3% 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. €393.92 .x 141 Rent li?hé'w 142 Depreciation 5,23égm 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph 146 Extensions and Installations l$§.€’f 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes “5.“ 3"), 161 Social Security Taxes 59.22 s _, . ,V. 170 Insurance — Equitable . {h I’., ,( ”(».. I l}j0% 171 Insurance — General $77.00 2?“.W 180 Provision for Painting 352.0{} 31*.2‘3 181 Repairs and Maintenance 13:63:30.13 .., 182 Special Building Repairs l§3¢€59 c“ .H. 3 t .V .. ,_, llgéle'a“ 198 Major Expenses i,3€pb.% 1‘)“ .35 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses £38.11 3 §-’C:.£’:} “ .:‘-4: rx 1 8 ' ’ TOTAL EXPENSE 1U, :ecwefi A» f ”3,, (1":‘3’ * ”J NET INCOME FROM OPERATION I3.3§iol§} NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss t:- *- r r 3;:.“ .1‘; 1&5}; ‘ ».A‘F‘i'étft 131410 .. ,. MONTH A , v .. ,-“W‘” ' .. ’t , , . petal Ax. ;;;; Imam “D YEAReus-zmacmt EMILllsE-aw 5i?) OPERATION SC: OPERATION NUMBER MULcli‘Instr'EEnPuié’fasv' :éTfia'ifir‘ifib'Jz‘nas' '3‘. ...$3.5555:3.:l’.£‘.l?$h"3;§£39_5' 95‘ ‘ INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘ Wheelwright Service Operations ’ . . ’ MONTH , i-"I 7 V 7 TO DATE 0 __h AMOUNT % g INCOME 2 % AMOUNT 5%,?QR9215 l02 lncome - General 23,11}.39 ‘ l03 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance _ l05 Telegrams l06 Television Installations 107 . l08 Cash Discounts 109 ’1‘,“ ”’»‘? , .r’ ~ e ~ 2 ar- j,(¥.,¥..££¢. TOTAL INCOME 2},.u.y.3’j OPERATING EXPENSES lll Electric Power and Gas Purchased t 112 Long Distance Toll Charges H3 Cost of Telegrams 120 Salaries and Wages l2l Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 13] Food Supplies Used T32 Medical Supplies T33 Treating Supplies 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. 14] Rent .11 >1 9"- ~ a 2’3 {7"th l42 Depreciation {.131.% 143 Bad Debts 144 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph l46 Extensions and Installations EEE’Egé l60 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes ?Sg’& “".'J’ lél Social Security Taxes 2‘2‘5'83 -2~ :,.. 170 Insurance - Equitable £73 . ,5. . )Ji‘w l7l lnsurance — General 1.6{1086 . a: __ » A, :’%§§.E§’ l80 Provision for Painting ., ?t SVSOW ¢ .“;S.91§ 18] Repairs and Maintenance £211W02£§ 0’ . l82 Special Building Repairs iBszrOgs .. J 198 Major Expenses fir} - t - ‘ Gig-£224. 199 Miscell. Operating Expenses &Sfé‘lB 2: rm: 1 r‘ e 13' W" “’2 TOTAL EXPENSE le.<,?sa.u§3 2F " T34"; : _ ya: “'3 a!“ (10’1“.37fi} NET INCOME FROM OPERATION ‘2‘)33‘ifi‘30) NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss eff-$5; a éqi .1 a .. . EMIR'A 1954 . . ..:: &F’i%‘$“e‘timeliness [MEEEELTii-ZIQMWITH AND YEARM‘S. E; xflfil’fih~'s£;::t;2sL;a’&Ih:~HT is; OPERATION )1". OPERATION NUMBER M U LJI'IELFE’E'iaPfiéJL'Esv' 55133»? in§b°z‘nasi15n'. ”3111555 ER.J’.;‘.’~.:‘AT.-..“S;5I593 ' 95‘ L INLAND STEEL COMPANY ‘ ‘ ‘ Wheelwright Service Operations . . ' . M T V F . . 7 ON H 8 INCOME ‘ TO DATE AMOUNT % < % AMOUNT 5,5hfig’fiz 102 Income - General _ 25,2?2.8l 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange _ 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance 105 Telegrams 106 Television Installations 107 ‘ 108 Cash Discounts 109 n" u... _.. ‘4‘) r 5:.” ' 5. 5&54‘3632 TOTAL INCOME Zu,g{g.§1 . ‘ OPERATING EXPENSES £,£i}§.i33 111 Electric Power and Gas Purchased ?37&9?3 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams 12