M U LcTI'A—RSLPEQEnPn'IéJL‘asv‘ :aTPATSEIEb%4R6§.‘LT‘ I.Elms'.’):53.32537533315393 ’ 95‘ "“' . ' INLAND STEEL COMPANY . ‘ ‘Wheelwright Service Operations . . ’ MONTH 8 lNCOME , O ATE AMOUNT % < ‘ % AMOUNT 233,718.2ufi 102 Income - General 103 Rentals — Wheelwright Exchange 104 Tolls — Local and L. Distance ' 105 Telegrams 106 Television lnstallations 107 108 Cash Discounts , 109 2:3,7m.32 TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES .4} p figAVétai-‘é l'l'l Electric Power and Gas Purchased 112 Long Distance Toll Charges 113 Cost of Telegrams l'w7.§§‘j 120 Salaries and Wages 121 Other Departmental Labor 130 Operating Supplies 131 Food Supplies Used ‘ 132 Medical Supplies gig-3305‘} T33 Treating Supplies 51?.9; 140 Electricity, Gas, Water, Etc. H V 4 14] Rent 5,5270% 142 Depreciation 143 Bad Debts T44 Advertising 145 Telephone and Telegraph ' _ T46 Extensions and Installations .~ “5; “£5.5'L” 160 Real Estate and Pers. Prop. Taxes £l#.3? lél Social Security Taxes gig’z"; 170 Insurance - Equitable ‘.gé’ l7] Insurance - General “a". r L lifib.i}? 180 Provision for Painting ?’j‘?k.l¢ 181 Repairs and Maintenance 35 4'95“ 12 . . . . t J. 182 SpeCIal BUIldIng Repairs £l%.§3 T98 Maior Expenses “.07 T99 Miscell. Operating Expenses ‘ L" 1,53%}.66 TOTAL EXPENSE (2,8ififidph} NET INCOME FROM OPERATION NOTE: ( ) Indicates Loss January 1951.» ' J - “ "P , I I Muir}? 3.911; ' .= H ‘ a~ MONTH AND YEAR» ,,, , > ’ , _ Tomi-wig: an? utilities OPERATIONAUfMeiimh and Nannies ex .. ‘ , ' . a i . 5" ““' "i it“: 1" OPERATION NUMBER 5‘“ T9 5‘} Iac'i.