xt7qnk361p0s_491 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6.dao.xml Inland Steel Company 185 Cubic Feet archival material 88m6 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wheelwright Collection Coal miners -- Housing -- Kentucky. Coal mines and mining -- Appalachian Region -- History. Company towns -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Community development -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright. Coal mines and mining -- Kentucky -- Wheelwright Houses 400-429 text Houses 400-429 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk361p0s/data/88m6/Box_107/Folder_22/1148.pdf section false xt7qnk361p0s_491 xt7qnk361p0s H O U S E R E C O R D
HOUSE-Apmt. No. Rooms Bath (/ Storage Room FURNACE - Type Modernized Kitchens
Date Installed
No. 4/ / ’ _ Toilet Serial No.
C 0 s ’1‘ ~ . J/ a U
2 f- _._.-
Reference No.

’ ./
Name Date
D E s c R I P T I o N Rate Hours Amount ' Acct. No.
_ Ar
___._. “_‘_—'7 I
fl__ __ .1
' / L -
_____E________ _‘_? -' 2T "'1 t
___—#_fl—Ifl ‘ ,
'r 0 T A L s 77“ T I T
Dept. “___—__.__.— Shifi .._..EEEEE__._ Foreman ___—~—
CUMPUECO. FIKEVILLE. KY. 1-54 10h146367 12-8

 F‘” 1‘) . ‘ _»
. .. . 4 ‘
August 2%, 1956 ‘ '
“ire flame;- ~..2-3;h:;:;c:(-“Z’ 11:12.22: HQ. 159 M M ’ ‘ ,
fleuue £3. #18 $3 n h3g1 x= 52%99
?heelvr1ght, Kentucky ,
Esau fir, S§encert , .
we can adé a new rcom to your heuae if you
are willing ta accapt a monthly rent increaSe . ~
- of $11.§G, making year tutal monthly rent ' g"
.4., .. ;-~‘~ . . '
$33-U0- ' .
If thia is acceptable, please see the rent 2 '
clerk, fir. Scre, at the main affica and Sign _ ‘ »
a new heuse lease incorporating the rent 1n- .
' cvease. The new lease muse be signea before j.
, work can begin, but will not become effective ~
‘ until all work is completed. .
' Yours very truly, -: _
- ‘ Builfiixga anfi Creunds - M
_ . Eapartment M -
_ , RIficKinney-cfia v 1 M;
, cc: 3023mmerman' 0»
' ’ » Cfiore _-

 I I > v I V , I
‘ o , o v
‘ I 5 A « ‘ I
’2? Sap-mmer‘lggsé ' I
l l >
Mr. Homer Spencer ,  
‘ House Kg. hi6 - I ' ~ _
“‘ Wheelwrightg Zeztucky « / A
fiea¥I$irz I , .
I 0n August 2% I wrcte‘you in regard to an a§dition - =
, ‘ ‘ which yen wanteé on your housea You have not yet- ‘ \. g
. sigaci a new hause le&$e} 9? indicated that yau  I.
, want thia work flame. ‘ ‘ ‘ _I
> It is neceasary that we place & time limit in which ‘ ~ . ’
‘ to :igu ibfiInew 1e&se. Tharefore, if you have nwz ‘ ‘,/‘
.- Signfifi the lease on or befcre Weflnesaay, October 3; ,
I will asaume that you no langer want this work - - JG
agna, and will asaign the maney now allatteé to ' '  
' “ ycur house for an addition to some ather house, \ 3 .fl
, » Ycurs very truly,‘ ' . . r'_‘
‘ A ,_.".
‘ S p rintende‘ _ I jrg
‘ Buil ings and Grounds __ I; g
EIMcKinney-kf ' I‘ '.fii
cc: HOZimmerman , . ‘ _7 ff“
‘ .7 I . ., ‘ ‘;f5§33§

 . v '17 .‘ v
O x. v
August 5, 1958
fir. fiomar Spencer Infiex N0. 159
House No. #18 3.3. - 1059 \
Haeelvright, Kentucky I
' Dear Mr. Spencer: 2 '
> We can afid a new room to your house if you are ; ,
willing ta accent a monfihly rent increase of $11.50, '
making you; natal moxtnly rent ;;;.30.
If fihis is accepc&ble, please see the rent clerk,
Mr. Gore, at the main office and Sign a new house
lease incorporating the rent increase. The new
lease must be signed before work can begin, but
will not become effective until all work is
comyleted. _
Yours very truly,
R. ."cKinney, Supt. ' .
B&G Department
RIM/med . '
cc: fiOZimmerman
CGore ’
. 1

 0.,W‘Acct. 80 ‘
5. x
Project Cost Sheet
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Project N0-_T~: __ 1' ,» '- Acct. No._—__._ Sheet No. -5 _..
chrirption' "1 '- «« «".4‘ " ' " ‘ . ' Date Started— // 5’ r, / Q" //
Date Materials Used __. fig: 'v' 13:; \7 Total Remarks

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 C. A‘Acct. 80 ‘
Project Cost Sheet
Project Na@ 9045’ Acct. New Sheet No._2fl1111_1
chription 21;:23 4.42:; «.53; 3.5 Date Started 2 A ($1 Z :é A
Date Materials Used $15; v 1.31%. V Total Remarks
4:1.» I A. 12...... aft/e / M121 1&3 5'3 3 5
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 C..&.“ Acct. 80 ‘
1 Project Cost Sheet
Project No. éé “9‘7 6 Aioct. No. .S «‘9 “ “$2 I Sheet No. 2',/i444“
Description /z5 m aZQQLZJ—éw Date Started X /2—/ /J' 8
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